Dreams Do Come True

Lol, and you cheer bears who get to the hunter as well? Why not demand guns for hunting targets too?


Actually, if a feller's gonna hunt a bear, he should do it naked and with only a stick, if you ask me.

At least that way it's commendable.
I'm okay with fishing, though. At least you have to mentally trick the fish, so it's kind of fair play.
Lol, and you cheer bears who get to the hunter as well? Why not demand guns for hunting targets too?


Actually, if a feller's gonna hunt a bear, he should do it naked and with only a stick, if you ask me.

At least that way it's commendable.
Guys that I know who hunt bears do it with single shot pistols.

That's pretty darned naked in my opinion.\

An example

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Whats so funny, Jim?
You guys telling people of a different culture to give up traditional games because you think that they are unethical.

Who the bloody fuck asked you? I am sure that there is not a single bull fighting fan in all of Spain that gives a flying fart what you think about his sport.

Why dont you preach to Americans to give up football to avoid head injuries? We have enough Dimocrats already!
Some cultures have more value than others. This is a practice the civilized will work to abolish.
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this tortured bull takes his revenge! You go bull. Gory graphic!

Famous one-eyed matador scalped by bull in gory video

A famous one-eyed Spanish matador -- who was previously gored at least twice -- suffered another horrific injury over the weekend when a bull mauled and scalped him in front of a stunned crowd.

Juan Jose Padilla, 45, was in the bullfighting ring in the Spanish city of Arevalo when the bull came charging toward him. Padilla, known to fans as “The Pirate,” fell during his escape, leading to the bull trampling and mauling him.
You fuck with the bull...
You just have to out think the fish, huih?

Well, your'e not forcing the trout to engage or defend himself. Know what I mean? A fish has a choice in the matter at least. He don't have to bite your bobber, he can tell you to hump yourelf and find another fish to mess with.

Now, a bear, some dolt's gonna say hey, Ima go shoot me a baaaaare. Then he goes out, finds a bear, the bear's just minding his business rolling around being a bear, doing what bears do, fishing with hiws paws, mind you, next thing you know he's got a punkin ball in his noggin and he's laying there kicking around. WTF?

Go out there naked, get a stick, a big one if you want, and then go screw with the bear on an even playing field.

Matter of fact, Jim, have you heard the one about the hunter and the bear? Heh heh.

A hunter goes into the woods to hunt a bear. He carries his trusty 22-gauge rifle with him. After a while, he spots a very large bear, takes aim, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later, the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “No one shoots at me and gets away with it. You have two choices: I can rip your throat out and eat you, or you can drop your trousers, bend over, and I’ll [insert appropriate colloquialism for sodomy here].” The hunter decides that anything is better than death, so he drops his trousers and bends over; and the bear does what he said he would do. After the bear has left, the hunter pulls up his trousers and staggers back into town. He’s pretty mad.

He buys a much larger gun and returns to the forest. He sees the same bear, aims, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “You know what to do.” Afterward, the hunter pulls up his trousers, crawls back into town, and buys a bazooka. Now he’s really mad.

He returns to the forest, sees the bear, aims, and fires. The force of the bazooka blast knocks him flat on his back. When the smoke clears, the bear is standing over him and says, “You’re not doing this for the hunting, are you?”
You just have to out think the fish, huih?

Well, your'e not forcing the trout to engage or defend himself. Know what I mean? A fish has a choice in the matter at least. He don't have to bite your bobber, he can tell you to hump yourelf and find another fish to mess with.

Now, a bear, some dolt's gonna say hey, Ima go shoot me a baaaaare. Then he goes out, finds a bear, the bear's just minding his business rolling around being a bear, doing what bears do, fishing with hiws paws, mind you, next thing you know he's got a punkin ball in his noggin and he's laying there kicking around. WTF?

Go out there naked, get a stick, a big one if you want, and then go screw with the bear on an even playing field.

Matter of fact, Jim, have you heard the one about the hunter and the bear? Heh heh.

A hunter goes into the woods to hunt a bear. He carries his trusty 22-gauge rifle with him. After a while, he spots a very large bear, takes aim, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later, the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “No one shoots at me and gets away with it. You have two choices: I can rip your throat out and eat you, or you can drop your trousers, bend over, and I’ll [insert appropriate colloquialism for sodomy here].” The hunter decides that anything is better than death, so he drops his trousers and bends over; and the bear does what he said he would do. After the bear has left, the hunter pulls up his trousers and staggers back into town. He’s pretty mad.

He buys a much larger gun and returns to the forest. He sees the same bear, aims, and fires. When the smoke clears, the bear is gone. A moment later the bear taps the hunter on the shoulder and says, “You know what to do.” Afterward, the hunter pulls up his trousers, crawls back into town, and buys a bazooka. Now he’s really mad.

He returns to the forest, sees the bear, aims, and fires. The force of the bazooka blast knocks him flat on his back. When the smoke clears, the bear is standing over him and says, “You’re not doing this for the hunting, are you?”

The really funny part is that the stupid ass hunter never leans how to hunt bears, lol.

Some dudes have killed grizzlies with just plain ole knives.

You just gotta know what your doing.
I remember when I was like 3 years old a bear chased my mom up the holler. She was down at the spring by the river that ran thrugh our property getting water. I don't think her feet hit the ground more than five times moving up that hill. lolol.
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Whats so funny, Jim?
You guys telling people of a different culture to give up traditional games because you think that they are unethical.

Who the bloody fuck asked you? I am sure that there is not a single bull fighting fan in all of Spain that gives a flying fart what you think about his sport.

Why dont you preach to Americans to give up football to avoid head injuries? We have enough Dimocrats already!
Last time I checked other countries don’t hesitate to tell us what they think about our culture. And, I bash on Canadians too for bashing baby seals in the head!
I remember whe nI was like 3 years old a bear chased my mom up the holler. She was down at the spring by the riverthat ran thrugh our property getting water. I don't think her feet hit the ground more than five times moving up that hill. lolol.


Guys that I know who hunt bears do it with single shot pistols. That's pretty darned naked in my opinion.

No. I mean bear assed, dick swinging, kind of naked with just a stick. Au naturel. That's how the bear is fighting. And it's even steven, man.

You can put some warpaint on with the better half's lipstick or something if you want, too, for like cinematics and stuff. Ahh woo woo woo woo woo woo woo.

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