Dreams & Visions From God

Powerful prophetic Dream Michael Boldea Jr. was given in 2007
April 6, 2007

Dear Brethren

Jeremiah 50:22, “A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction.”

James 5:8, “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

One of the most important lessons I learned as a young man traveling with my grandfather, as being his interpreter, is that one must always prepare for battle, before he is faced with it. Just as a soldier must know the weapons of his warfare, train with them, and be comfortable with them, so must a servant of God know his weapons, and prepare himself before he ventures out into enemy territory. It was so ingrained in me, that a servant of God must be prayed up, and fasted up before he goes out to minister, that before every tour I begin, I take a couple weeks to simply fast and pray, and draw close to God, and see what He would have me share at the upcoming meetings.

I was still in Romania the first few days of February, about halfway through a two week fast, when after having spent some time in prayer, I went to bed, and fell into a restful sleep. Sometime during the night, I began to dream. I dreamt I was hearing what were at first faint hoof beats, but the closer they got, the louder they grew, until it was a thundering roar of not one or two horses but what seemed like hundreds. I felt as though the ground beneath me was shaking from the onrushing horses, and the sound of them became so loud, that I suddenly awoke in my bed. As I blinked a few times, adjusting to the darkness in my room, I noticed a shadow at the foot of my bed. I blinked again, and there stood the same man I have seen on previous occasions, dressed in battle armor, his hands resting atop each other before him, on the hilt of his sword.

“What is the meaning of what I just dreamt?” I asked, somehow knowing he had come to give me the interpretation.

“What you heard,” he began, “were the chariots of war, and they are swiftly approaching. A new war is coming, but it will be unlike this present one. Speak as you have spoken, pray as you have prayed, and walk as you have walked for dark days will soon come upon the land to which you are returning. Even now their enemies plot, even now their enemies unite under one banner, and soon they will make their intentions known to the world. There is no refuge but in the Father, and He will guide and protect those who know His voice.”

I blinked again, and the man was gone, and I was left to ponder the words I had heard. I struggled with whether I should make this dream public, for I know the reaction that some will have to it, and the last thing I desire is to stir fear in the heart of any man. After much prayer I felt I was supposed to publish the dream, and though some may receive it as a reason to fear, the true children of God will receive it for what it was, the forewarning of a loving Father, preparing His children for what is to come. God’s desire for us is not ignorance, but rather knowledge, that we may prepare our hearts, in prayer and fasting, that we may draw closer to Him, that we make Him our place of refuge long before hardship forces us to seek one. The wise man prepares, while the foolhardy is caught unaware.

As always my prayers continue to be with you and yours, and with a grateful heart I thank you for all that you do on behalf of those less fortunate.

Jeremiah 19:15, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear My words.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr
This is a series on Dreams and Visions from God - which Dumitru Duduman was given by God. Then we're going to follow those up with the Dreams and Visions given to his grandson, Michael Boldea. ( God willing! ) Dumitru Duduman was a very humble servant of the Lord who was tortured in a Communist Romanian jail for a season - they wanted to force him to give up the names of those Christians who had been involved in smuggling bibles into Communist countries. Dumitru was faithful not to ever give up a single name. God was faithful to deliver him and later sent him to America with the following warnings through Dreams and Visions...

God does speak to us in dreams and visions to speak to his people and to warn them about times to come in the future.

Throughout the bible you will see that God does use Dreams and Visions in this way.

You may find all of the dreams and visions posted in this thread on this link.

Hand of Help Ministries

I have had some pretty strange dreams throughout the years. Mostly...I am way up in the air....earth is far below me...and I am falling. At first, I am scared...but then I just fall towards earth seeing that blue marble getting closer and closer and all is darkness around me except twinkling stars...and I am not afraid. In my dream, I know God will catch me.

I don't know what it means. I just know I feel safe even though I am falling.
This is a series on Dreams and Visions from God - which Dumitru Duduman was given by God. Then we're going to follow those up with the Dreams and Visions given to his grandson, Michael Boldea. ( God willing! ) Dumitru Duduman was a very humble servant of the Lord who was tortured in a Communist Romanian jail for a season - they wanted to force him to give up the names of those Christians who had been involved in smuggling bibles into Communist countries. Dumitru was faithful not to ever give up a single name. God was faithful to deliver him and later sent him to America with the following warnings through Dreams and Visions...

God does speak to us in dreams and visions to speak to his people and to warn them about times to come in the future.

Throughout the bible you will see that God does use Dreams and Visions in this way.

You may find all of the dreams and visions posted in this thread on this link.

Hand of Help Ministries

I have had some pretty strange dreams throughout the years. Mostly...I am way up in the air....earth is far below me...and I am falling. At first, I am scared...but then I just fall towards earth seeing that blue marble getting closer and closer and all is darkness around me except twinkling stars...and I am not afraid. In my dream, I know God will catch me.

I don't know what it means. I just know I feel safe even though I am falling.

The fact that you felt safe even though you are falling would seem to indicate that, Gracie. I believe God has his hand on your life. You are very precious woman, I do find it interesting that so many people are having dreams as it fulfills the scripture in Joel 2 about the young men and handmaidens having dreams and the old men having visions...... also you can ask God to give you the interpretation of the dream as I know Michael Boldea Jr. said he has done that. People don't always get the interpretation right away. They will get it later.
I had a dream over a decade ago that is still very vivid, Gracie. I was on a ladder in a room of a high rise building in NYC. It was night time. I was standing on a ladder hanging wallpaper on the wall and the paper was flying out of the window like a scroll which was 33 feet long except for the 3 feet or so on the wall - I guess it was 30 feet of it flying in air - it was night outside but inside there was a light I was working by... my face was to the wall working on the paper - but I could see the streets outside below me full of chaos... army tanks rolling down the street fires on the streets in various places - people running in chaos - utter chaos - I woke up and immediately the Lord said to me Work while it is still day for the night cometh when no man can work. I have had a few others I have never shared. I don't believe I will share those.
Angel On A Red Horse

February 19 1989

I was asleep this afternoon, when I was awakened by the whiny of a horse, and a crack of a whip! As I opened my eyes, I saw a man on a red horse. "Get up, Dumitru!" the man said. As I stood up, I was immediately knocked down by his power. "Get up!" he repeated. I stood up, but I was knocked down again. I got up, and was knocked down a third time. I asked him why he did that to me. "To show you my power," he said.

The man was ready for war. He wore a helmet, had guns and knives around his waist, a machine gun hung around his neck, and a sword in one hand. He said, "I am an angel, and have been sent down by Gabriel. Why is your heart sad because many people don't accept the message? People are happy because there is peace here, but in a short while it will change into war! I am sent to take peace off the earth."(Revelation 6:3-4)

The angel went on, "In some places, wars will start. People will raise their swords against one another." He continued, "Don't be worried, but be happy! Why are you worried about the money? The cries, prayers, and fastings of the ones in your country (Romania) have reached God. Don't be worried! Gold, silver, and wealth belong to God. He will not let you down. You see, some people," said the angel, "don't want to believe the truth or the things that will happen. ONLY THE ONES WHO'S NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WILL LISTEN AND REPENT! Fight hard, because the fight will be harder as you continue. It will be harder than it has ever been until now," he said. "The days are numbered, and what I have told you will happen." With a noise like thunder and a flash of bright light, he knocked me down a final time and disappeared.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God - Dumitru Duduman

Hand of Help Ministries

This prophecy coincides with Michaels prophetic dream of the four horses this year I believe.
This is a thread put together last year on the dreams and visions given Dumitru Duduman. The fulfillment of much of what he was given appears to be at hand now...
I speak as a Muslim.

First, these accounts may not be true. Second, an experience you have in a dream does not mean it's a dream from God. A simple proof is that special experiences happen with people of all religions. Christians are very quick to see something abnormal as coming from God. They need more rigour in their reasonings.
If it were anyone else other than Dumitru Duduman and Michael Boldea Jr.? I might agree with you. But when it comes to these two men? Not One Word has fallen to the ground yet. They are 100% accurate because they are 100% servants of the Lord. Thanks for reading.
Many people on earth can predict the future without any help from any religion. There are knowledges to that effect and intake taken from beings other the the human ones.

As Muslims, we work hard and we strive ceaselessly to be able to become a servant of God Almighty. It is such an honor to be a servant of God and as such, extremely difficult to achieve that position. Christians tend to take very lightly some important issues of faith. In Islam, dream interpretation is an incredibly vast field of knowledge.
I'd like to give an example from dream interpretation in Islam. Milk means Knowledge. Not only in dreams, but in life because life is but a dream, while death is waking up. So when one sees milk while asleep or awake, it means knowledge. (Acquiring "Knowledge" is one of the first things asked of a Muslim, Islamic Knowledge of course).
Deuteronomy 13:1-6 comes to mind. If these supposed dreams involve Jesus, instead of God, get your rocks ready.

Wrong. Jesus is God, Delta. In the case of Mike Boldea Jr., he asked the LORD to confirm the dream he had and he would have that same dream again - also an angel of the LORD told him the meaning so there was no question as to what it meant. As I recall in every prophecy Dumitru Duduman was given, the angel of the LORD gave him the interpretation or told him what vision he was seeing and what it meant.
I'd like to give an example from dream interpretation in Islam. Milk means Knowledge. Not only in dreams, but in life because life is but a dream, while death is waking up. So when one sees milk while asleep or awake, it means knowledge. (Acquiring "Knowledge" is one of the first things asked of a Muslim, Islamic Knowledge of course).

Interesting, Muslim75. I believe the Bible / the Word of God is the Knowledge of God. Thank you for reading.
This is a series on Dreams and Visions from God - which Dumitru Duduman was given by God. Then we're going to follow those up with the Dreams and Visions given to his grandson, Michael Boldea. ( God willing! ) Dumitru Duduman was a very humble servant of the Lord who was tortured in a Communist Romanian jail for a season - they wanted to force him to give up the names of those Christians who had been involved in smuggling bibles into Communist countries. Dumitru was faithful not to ever give up a single name. God was faithful to deliver him and later sent him to America with the following warnings through Dreams and Visions...

God does speak to us in dreams and visions to speak to his people and to warn them about times to come in the future.

Throughout the bible you will see that God does use Dreams and Visions in this way.

You may find all of the dreams and visions posted in this thread on this link.

http://www.handofhelp.com/blogview.php?id=26 July 2013, 12:00 pm

God used many visions and dreams along with written and spoken testimonies in my English language to learn everything He wanted me to know about the past, present delusion we're in, the future New Heaven and Earth and exactly how He created us.

He used visions to teach me how He formed the earth and destroys the crust of it with hot molten lava at the end of this age.
God's Toaster

In George Orwell's classic novel about dystopia management, "Animal Farm" (1945) we read of multiple factions of super-intelligent rebellious farm animals (supposed to represent the differing factions of an evolving Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution) engaged in debates about resource management.

Orwell seemed to suggest that politics can impact our deep way of thinking and therefore affect lifestyle and attitude.

Certainly, that is the case in the modern world which is governed by mercantilism-catalyzed globalization (i.e., eTrade) which creates its own unique substrate: multi-cultural capitalism. It is this culture of consumerism that effectively lands ethnicity-based business districts in the USA such as Chinatown, San Francisco as new age social symbols of profit-driven networking.

In this climate, it seems then that the venture capitalist or the daredevil investor (i.e., Wall Street) is the new age warlock, perhaps altering our view of altruism and friendship and profiteerism itself.

Why does Amsterdam, Holland welcome tourists to their legalized hashish bars? Why is Russia selling Pepsi since the collapse of the anti-capitalist Soviet Union? Why does Hollywood (USA) make movies such as "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013)?

These questions I think hint at the purpose of the modern age Devil, the adversary to our daydream-rich visions of a paternal and empathetic God who comforts us as we guzzle down cheeseburgers and fantasize about Wall Street.

Could the Devil be a tycoon?


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