Dreams & Visions From God

November 29, 1996

As I was laying in my hospital bed, looking over the faces of my family, three men appeared beside me. One had a globe in his hand, and he began to rotate it and point out certain countries saying: "This is where the destruction will come from." I don't remember all the places he pointed to, but I remember I saw Mexico, Cuba, and the Alaskan border. Then one of the men spoke to me; "we fought against dearth for you. It was a hard fight. Do not fear you will not leave. You still have work to do."

Suddenly, 3 stars appeared behind them. One of them asked; "Do you know what that means?"

"No" I answered.

"We won't say exactly, but it probably means that in another 3 years a great massacre will occur." Then the stars turned into blood, and everything disappeared.

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March 29, 1997

I was fishing with Sergiu and Daniel, my two grandsons. We were in a place called Hot Springs. Suddenly, a moon appeared, which shined exceedingly bright. Six smaller moons came out of the large one. As every moon appeared it would cause winds, storms and tornadoes to start. The people seemed very agitated; they would run from place to place. I then told my grandson, "We have nowhere to run. There are mountains all around us and the storms are getting worse." Trees were flying around, homes were being demolished and although the wind was blowing with such intensity, we did not feel it. Daniel was very scared. A man appeared at the edge of the moon holding a smaller moon in his hand. "These will be just some of the punishments this country will endure" he said. "Through wind, storms, tornadoes and disasters I will weaken their strength. Then I awoke.

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Two days before taking my father to the hospital, I heard his voice in the early morning hours. " I saw something." As usual I got my recorder and went to his bedside. He would not let me record it. I don't remember everything he said, but I would like to share with you that which I do remember. My father stated, "The Lord showed me a very large bear. It was as big as a building, and it began to do battle with an unarmed man." "Do you see what I have shown you" a voice said, "This is how it will be when the hardships come over America. No one will be able to defend her. Only those that trust in Me will be spared. Everything will start as a heavy rain on a sunny day. At a time you least expect it." There was more, but I do not remember the rest.

Virginia Boldea


The Holy Spirit showed me from the very first time I ever heard Brother Dumitru Duduman - read his words - read his books - that he was a true servant of the Lord and a prophet of God. He was a holy, humble servant of God who served the Lord with all of his heart. He was never a man who sought after money, riches, fame, position, his message was mostly ignored by the church in preference of television evangelists who wrongly interpreted who Revelation 18 was about. ( America ) Instead they tell the people there is nothing to fear that Babylon in Revelation 18 is Iraq. Not America. Really? America is the one sitting on many waters, not Iraq! How did Brother Dumitru Duduman know that Russia was the one planning this attack on America? The Lord showed him. I do not "guess" Brother Dumtiru was right. I do not "think" Brother Dumitru was right. I "know" Brother Dumitru was right and is still right today! How? The Lord told me! And! The Lord told him! God is not a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent! What God has spoken to Dumitru Duduman is surely coming to pass and is even at the door right now. That is the truth. My prayer is the Lord reveals this is not the warning of some man but rather the warning from Almighty God to America. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.
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The first of 3 final messages given to Dumitru in 1997.

I have spoken to you as a father speaks to his own children. I have shown you what will be that you may prepare your hearts and strengthen your spirits for the day of battle. Dark days are soon coming upon the earth. Days of mourning and great sadness. I tarry for those that seek me with a pure heart. I give strength to those who seek me continually. The lawless one has been prepared and he is ready to reveal himself. He awaits his release. He will come with a lying tongue and deceiving words. I will protect My own and I will deliver them even out of the clutches of the enemy. Those that will be strong until the end, those that will be called to be living testimonies for my name’s sake will receive the crown of life. Let righteousness be your banner and My word be your guide. Be rooted in the truth. As the dawn comes to chase away the night, so will the darkness rule only for its allotted time. Be strong in the knowledge that I protect and watch over all who are Mine. Amen.

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Fight The Good Fight

The 2nd of 3 final messages given to Dumitru in April of 1997.

I was on a large plain; it seemed to go on forever. I couldn't see the edges, but I know I was somewhere very high. The clouds seemed so close to where I stood that if I reached out, I could see this plain covered with beautiful grass that was all the same height. The sky was calm and beautiful and there was a feeling of peace in this place.

There were no buildings, no trees, no flowers, just the earth and the sky. As I continued to look around me, I saw a change in the sky. The clouds began to roll to the sides, and I saw a city come down from the clouds. It continued to descend until it reached the ground where I stood. I was amazed by what I saw, and I began to study it intently. I have traveled the world a lot, but I have never seen anything like what I was seeing.

The entire structure was so beautiful that it took your breath away. It was all white and it shone so brightly that one could barely look at it. It was so large that if I stood at one corner and looked to see the other end, I could not. As I was trying to find an entrance to this place, I studied the walls and couldn't make out what they were built from. It seemed that it was built as a whole, all from one giant mass. There were no bricks, there were no cracks in the walls, there was no mortar.

As I stood, to my left there was a building that was very tall, and smaller buildings continued along the wall. It seemed like the entire city was under one roof. Although the buildings were different, they were connected between themselves.

As I continued to look, I saw the stairs that led to an entrance, and they shone brighter than anything I've ever seen. They were gigantic, as was the wall that surrounded the city. No one would be able to force their way into this place. I don't know what sort of material it was built from, but I got the impression that those inside, could see out. Wanting to find out what waited inside, I began to climb the stairs. I didn't get very far, because I heard a powerful voice which drowned out everything else. “Stop!” Even if I had wanted to continue walking I could not. It was as if I was paralyzed. “Tell my people, that their worship toward Me must be not out of fear, but out of love. Of what use will it be to them if I would tell them when the final hour will strike? What they must do is worship wholeheartedly. I have already sent them a guide. They have My Word. In My Word it has already been revealed that I will come as a thief in the night. Tell them that concern over tomorrow should not be found in them. They must be faithful and fight the good fight. Love me as I have loved them, living in love. Behold destruction is fast approaching, but I will not hesitate to be protector for my chosen. Those that sow mercy shall receive mercy from Me. Tell my people not to worry about the seasons, but meditate on how they will stand before Me. Urge them to prepare for the day when I will show my power. Look!”

When I turned, I saw a small child that was trying to climb the stairs. He tried, but because he was too small he could never make it to the next step. His laughter however echoed throughout like a bell. Even though he kept falling, he showed no sign of sadness, but just kept trying. “Did I not leave you this parable as an example?” Then everything disappeared.

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The last of 3 final messages given to Dumitru in April of 1997.

I knelt beside my bed to pray, as I do every night before I go to sleep. After finishing my prayer, I opened my eyes but I was no longer in my room. Instead, I found myself in a forest. I looked around and to my right I saw a man, dressed in white, who pointed his finger and said, “See and remember.” It took me a while to find out what he was pointing at. It was a small bear who seemed half dead lying on the ground. As I continued to watch this bear, it began to breathe deeper. With every passing minute it seemed to revive itself, and as I watched, it also became angrier. It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than the forest floor and as it grew larger it continued to become angrier. It then began to paw the ground, so that when its paw would hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear continued to devastate all that stood in its path until it came upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. By this time, the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued to rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?” “At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find safety.” Suddenly, I was once again by myself in my room, on my knees, with sweat covering.

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This is certainly true.

a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life

Notice it doesn't say "Christians" or even God. All those that live a clean life.

That is exactly what's happening.
This is certainly true.

a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life

Notice it doesn't say "Christians" or even God. All those that live a clean life.

That is exactly what's happening.
Prepare yourselves for Warfare


( prophecy - A Call to War )

September 1993

(A prophecy) "Cease heading the way you have been going and turn to me," says the Lord. "Lucifer, who is armed for war on his horse, is coming with a powerful army behind him to take vengeance against the children of God. The day is close: a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life!

A day of pain and terror is near."

"If you could see what is being prepared and what will happen, you would surely quit doing everything you know in your heart to be wrong, and would seek peace more than ever. Be prepared, be holy, and don't give in to the temptations and impulses of the enemy. Seek the Lord your God with all your heart. Those who will be clean, those who will be holy, I will not forget. I will save them," says the Lord. "The armies of the devil are coming with great fury against those who worship Me, and truly seek Me. Pray that I may give you strength, so that before the storm comes I may save you and give you the joy."

"Those that live in defilement, that meditate upon evil things, will have no escape. They will not have My protection. I will destroy Babylon," says the Lord, "because of the wickedness and blasphemy of this country. Not only here, but wherever there is sin, I will punish it harshly. Only the righteous will I save; some even out of the midst of the fire."

"Again I tell you, a dark cloud is gathered. Lucifer, standing on his black horse, is ready for war. The trumpets of the devil are sounding day and night, to all the demons of the deep to be prepared to make war against those who truly live their lives for God. There will be such great turmoil that only few will escape. Those that today only carry the name of "believer" will fight with fury against those who worship Me with a clean heart. This is why I have revealed this to you. Because the days are numbered."

"I reveal to you, I speak to you, I show to you," says the Lord, "but many do not want to remember, saying to themselves, 'Is it truly the Lord speaking this?' Others become scared for the moment, but then they forget and never become pure. Many of those who carry the name of 'Christian' are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit for great wealth. There is no time to lose. The day of destruction and terror is coming soon. The devil is agitated, and a great deception is being prepared. But I tell you, do not fear. I have the power to protect those who obey me. You must remember the word of God, for if you will not obey, the day of terror will come and you will suffer together with the wicked and defiled. I will punish all the wickedness of this world, and all the sin of this place. Be awake and waiting, because if you will not, you will be punished as the wicked, and also lose your salvation for your disobedience. Disobedience is punished more than anything," says the Holy Spirit. "Pray for your children, and stop them from doing worldly things. Tell them that the wrath of God is coming, and that they must be prepared for that day. Tell them to read the Bible and pray, that I may also save them."

"The great day, the day of terror, the day of affliction, of pain; the day of the punishment of Babylon, prophesied in the Bible, is soon coming, and I will only spare the righteous," says the Lord. "I forgive who I want, I make holy who I want, and I prepare who I want. Judge no one, for Mine is the judgment," says the Lord. "Each of you judge yourself. Pray and draw close to me, and if you will obey I will come to your aid. I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time.

September, 1984

Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know."

I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.

He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.

He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."

Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible.

Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."

I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?"

He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!"

"What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them."

The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country. Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris.

Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel. When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought."

When I heard all of this I said, "if you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible." He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will be no sickness, no tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator! ... And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely." "How will I know that this is for real -that it will really happen?" I asked. "As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent." The next day someone brought Dumitru a bed, and at noon a car arrived with the bucket of honey. His rent was also paid, as God had promised him. (See chapter 10, "THROUGH THE FIRE WITHOUT BURNING.") Then the angel left.

Exerpts from Dreams and Visions 1984. - Dumitru Duduman

Hand of Help Ministries

The only part of this dream that comes from the invisible knowledge of God is that God planned to destroy this world with His fire. The magma inside the earth is about to explode through the crust and melt everything, including the crust into a "lake of fire", which you can read about in Revelation.

Revelation 21
1: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
8: But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death."

Zephaniah 1
18: Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the LORD. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yea, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Only the flesh of man will perish during this fire of God's. Our created spirit will remain in the mind of our Creator until a new Heaven and Earth are established. Then we'll get new flesh that will never be used to deceive man again. Man will not know death of his flesh in the next age or any kind of decay or destruction. We won't remember the first age as sinful people who couldn't obey His commandments.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
18: But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
19: I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.
Brad, the destruction spoken of in Rev. 18 is not about the end of the world but the end of a nation. Two completely different things. No one knows the day or the hour of the end of the world, Brad, except the Father. Only he knows. Rev. 18 prophecy is not about the end of the world. To be clear.
These are going to be posted from most recent and I will include the dates of the dreams and visions given to Michael by the LORD. This one is the most recent. You will notice that the Lord does not give Michael dreams and visions every day such as we hear the pillow prophets claim - but rather many of these visions and dreams are a year apart or more. This one is dated June 1st, 2013.


Written By Michael Boldea.

The following is a dream I had three times over Memorial Day weekend. It is as it will appear in the next issue of the Hand of Help newsletter. It was a sobering dream in many ways.

Dear Brethren,

Over Memorial Day weekend I was scheduled to speak in Lake Havasu Arizona. Since Las Vegas was the closest major airport and by far the cheapest ticket, Gene and I flew there having planned to spend the first night upon our arrival somewhere in the area, then make the drive to the meeting the next day.

After a four hour flight, some misunderstandings with the car rental agent, and a couple hours to get acclimated to the heat, we checked into our room without further incident.

That night I had a dream.

I dreamt I was standing beside a path leading into a forest, and although snow blanketed the ground, the path was still visible, clear, and well defined. Although I wasn’t cold in my dream, I could seem my breath and as I looked around trying to understand what I was seeing and why I was seeing it a beautiful buck made its way up the path toward me.

Although I can’t say I’ve seen many bucks up close this seemed like a fine specimen, regal in its bearing, almost prancing up the path with its head held high.

I stood beside the path unmoving, not wanting to spook the animal in any way. If it saw me it did not let it show as it passed by and continued trotting down the path.

I continued to watch it follow the path toward the forest until suddenly it veered off and began to make its way through the packed snow. Although its pace slowed and it was having a difficult time making headway once it veered off the path, the buck seemed stubborn in its insistence, and though progress was slow, it continued its march.

I started to look around for something else, not really understanding what I was seeing or why I was seeing it when a sharp crack drew my attention back to the buck. Although the animal was a good distance from me, I could see what had happened with great clarity.

The buck had stepped into a hole which had been masked by the snow, and had snapped its front left leg.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I just stood and watched as it forced itself up, and though evidently in great pain, it began to continue on its journey away from the path.

Its progress was slow, and I could hear the echoes of its bleating, but wounded as it was the animal was insistent in its purpose.

After some time the buck stopped suddenly and began to sniff at the air. An instant later the mournful sound of howling wolves reached my ears, and I understood what the buck had smelled.

With renewed vigor the buck tried to run, but hampered by its wound, its progress was slow.

I was so focused on the buck that at first I did not acknowledge the movement in my peripheral vision, but as they drew closer I shifted my focus and I could see the source of the howls approaching swiftly. At first it was one wolf, then two, then five, then an entire pack, all in a semi-circle chasing down the wounded buck as it tried to flee.

I was anxious to see what would happen, I strained to see every detail, but as the wolf pack drew closer and closer to the buck, I woke up.

Troubled by the dream I’d had, I prayed a prayer and tried to go back to sleep but no sleep would come.

The next morning we made our way to Lake Havasu, and after having our evening meeting, and a late night dinner, I went to sleep only to dream the exact same dream again. Everything was the same, from the path and the snow, to the buck and its broken leg, to the howls and the wolves, and to waking up fully alert just as the wolves were closing in on the buck.

Once again I prayed and tried to go back to sleep, and once again sleep would not come.

The next morning we had church, then drove a couple hours to a place called Aguila Arizona where we had some wonderful fellowship, then drove back to Las Vegas where we would catch our flight home the next morning.

It was already past midnight when we got in, and having preached twice and driven for about seven hours that day, I was as exhausted as a man can get.

I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and once again the same dream began to play out. Just as the wolves were ready to attack and take down the buck I was awoken by a loud noise coming from the pullout sofa in the room. It was Gene. He was snoring.

I was halfway to throwing a pillow at Gene and telling him to roll over, when I saw the man standing at the foot of the bed, arms crossed over his chest, and a half smile on his face.

‘Ask your question,’ he said.

‘Why can’t I see what happens? Why can’t I see the end of the dream?’ I asked.

‘Because it is inconsequential,’ he answered.

‘The instant the animal wandered off the path and wounded itself, its end was a certain and foregone conclusion. It matters not which wolf fells it. Once it is felled, they will all feast. The same can be said of this nation with one exception. The animal had no one to help it, this nation rejected the help offered it believing it could heal its own self of the wounds it had inflicted upon itself. The wolves have gathered. They sense the weakness, they smell the blood, and they are confident in the outcome of their endeavor.’

In an instant the man was gone, and I found myself standing halfway out of bed with a pillow in my hand pondering what I had just heard.

We reject repentance at our own peril. We reject righteousness, sanctification and the pursuit of holiness to our own detriment. Though there is safety on the narrow path we’ve taken it upon ourselves to blaze our own trail, indifferent to the untold perils and dangers awaiting those who stray.

I wish with all my heart I could write happy things in my letter to you today, I wish I could tell you the sun will come out tomorrow and the storm clouds will pass, but our refusal to accept God’s help, our refusal to submit and humble ourselves before Him only hastens judgment.

The wolves have gathered, the hunt begins, and this weakened nation is the prey.

I will now repeat what I preached on during one of the aforementioned meetings because I believe it is relevant, timely, and apropos. The level of your relationship with Christ today, will determine whether you stand or fall by the wayside tomorrow. Know that you are resting in Him, know that you draw your strength from Him, and know that you have placed your hope and trust in Him.

On Christ the solid rock we stand, for truly, all other ground is sinking sand.

Psalm 124:6-8, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

With love in Christ
Michael Boldea Jr.

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Written by Michael Boldea Jr. Grandson of Dimitru Duduman

The House That Stood
Posted June 2012

Since I heard through the grapevine that a friend’s church was taking a few days of fasting, (and since all of the Hand of Help staff go to this church, and I knew there would be very little risk of them calling and asking if I wanted to go to lunch if they were all fasting), I decided I would join in, and fast along with everyone else.

Maybe it’s just me, but I always feel odd trying to explain the fact that I’m fasting to someone who calls and invites me to lunch or dinner. On the one hand, I feel like I’m bragging about something we ought not to publicly declare we are doing, and on the other hand I feel like I’m making the individual feel bad about not fasting themselves.

I have always found fasting to be a great bringer of clarity, and given the times and the seasons that are upon us, who among us couldn’t use a little more clarity?

The first day of the fast, I had picked my brother Sergiu up from the airport in Chicago, brought him home, and gone to bed, when I had a dream.

I dreamt I was walking down a street, but to the left and the right of me everything was utterly destroyed. If not for the foundations sticking out of the earth, one would not have known anything had once stood there.

I have seen the aftermath of earthquakes while living in California in the eighties, I have likewise seen the aftermath of tornadoes live and in person, and this looked like neither of the two. The best way I can describe it, is that the entire street seemed to have been razed. From trees, to homes, to fences, everything had been flattened and annihilated.

The street curved to the left, and as I followed it turning the corner, I was surprised to see a house standing a couple hundred yards ahead of me on the right. There was nothing special about the house. A single story home, with a porch and a porch swing, once painted white by what I could gather, but having taken on a charred look.

I quickened my pace, as even in my dream this seemed odd and surreal, and as I approached the house I heard what could only have been prayer coming from inside.

This was no typical prayer. It was passionate, and fervent, and the only time I remember having heard prayer like this, is when we would have prayer nights in our home in Romania during the Communist occupation.

This was anything but a restrained prayer gathering, and the voices coming from inside the house were praising God, and giving glory to Him.

I stood just short of the front step, and listened to the prayers coming from within the house, until in my dream, I woke up.

As I awoke from my dream within a dream, the man I have grown accustomed to seeing was standing at the foot of my mattress.

‘Do you understand what you’ve just seen?’ he asked without prelude.

‘I believe I do’ I answered somewhat confidently. The man gave me a look one might give to a slowwitted individual and said, ‘perhaps in part’, then reached out and touched my shoulder.

Suddenly I was back on the same street, and I realized this only because of the house with the porch swing, now a pristine white. It was the only thing that was the same as in my previous dream, because now there were trees, and homes, up and down the block. It looked and sounded like a typical neighborhood, but above the din of chirping birds and barking dogs, I could hear prayer coming from inside the home with the porch swing. It was the same kind of fervent, passionate prayer I had heard on the previous occasion. I strained to hear what they were praying for, but I could only hear snippets from time to time. As I made to climb the first of three steps, I was back in my bed, with the man standing patiently by my mattress.

‘Now you understand’, he said, ‘tell them not to fear, but to draw close to the Father in whom is shelter from the storm, and protection from destruction.’ I then woke up, disoriented, wondering for a while if this was yet another dream within a dream. Realizing that it was not, I knelt beside my mattress and started to pray.

I have not released a dream or a vision in two years, and if not for the specific instruction ‘tell them’ I would have been hesitant in releasing this dream as well. As I explained in a recent radio interview, the reason why I have not released any visions or dreams is because many within the household of faith have become, for lack of a better term, prophecy junkies. At every gathering, at every meetings, there is always the inevitable ‘what’s the Lord been showing you lately’, as though He hasn’t shown us enough, or as though His word is not clear enough.

I specifically asked permission of God to withhold what He was showing me for a season, and have single-mindedly focused on preaching Christ, and Him crucified wherever I was asked to preach, because our safety, our shelter, and our protection is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior and King.

Our refuge, our shelter, our place of safety is not a geographical location; it is in the arms of Jesus, in the will of God, in fellowship and intimacy with Him. If we are walking in the will of the Father, then we have nothing to fear. If we are being obedient to His word, His guidance, and His leading, then wherever He will guide us will be a safe place, and wherever He will lead us will be a place of shelter. Our safety is found in obedience. If God has told you to go to a certain place, then do as He has commanded. If however God has not spoken, then be at peace where you are, for God is able to protect you in the midst of the storm.

It is time to draw closer to God than ever before, to come before Him in prayer, and fasting, in righteousness, and purity of heart. The day draws near when we will behold the miracle working power of our God firsthand, when we will see what our God can do, and glory in His omnipotence.

Psalm 18:25-30, “With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless; with the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show yourself shrewd. For You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks. For You will light my lamp; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”

Psalm 25:4-5, “Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.”

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr

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Worth reading again.. the admonition of Michael Boldea Jr. to the church:

We reject repentance at our own peril. We reject righteousness, sanctification and the pursuit of holiness to our own detriment. Though there is safety on the narrow path we’ve taken it upon ourselves to blaze our own trail, indifferent to the untold perils and dangers awaiting those who stray.

I wish with all my heart I could write happy things in my letter to you today, I wish I could tell you the sun will come out tomorrow and the storm clouds will pass, but our refusal to accept God’s help, our refusal to submit and humble ourselves before Him only hastens judgment.

The wolves have gathered, the hunt begins, and this weakened nation is the prey.

I will now repeat what I preached on during one of the aforementioned meetings because I believe it is relevant, timely, and apropos. The level of your relationship with Christ today, will determine whether you stand or fall by the wayside tomorrow. Know that you are resting in Him, know that you draw your strength from Him, and know that you have placed your hope and trust in Him.

On Christ the solid rock we stand, for truly, all other ground is sinking sand.

Psalm 124:6-8, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

With love in Christ
Michael Boldea Jr.

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And this too, is worth reading again. The words of Michael Boldea Jr, admonition to the Church:

I specifically asked permission of God to withhold what He was showing me for a season, and have single-mindedly focused on preaching Christ, and Him crucified wherever I was asked to preach, because our safety, our shelter, and our protection is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior and King.

Our refuge, our shelter, our place of safety is not a geographical location; it is in the arms of Jesus, in the will of God, in fellowship and intimacy with Him.

If we are walking in the will of the Father, then we have nothing to fear. <------ ( you must walk in the will of the Father, Church! - Jeri )

If we are being obedient to His word, His guidance, and His leading, then wherever He will guide us will be a safe place, and wherever He will lead us will be a place of shelter. <--------------( you must be obedient His Word, His Guidance, His leading by his Spirit, Church! - Jeri )

Our safety is found in obedience. <--------------( Please make a note of that church! - Jeri )

If God has told you to go to a certain place, then do as He has commanded. If however God has not spoken, then be at peace where you are, for God is able to protect you in the midst of the storm. <---------( disobedience quenches that still small voice of the Spirit! Obey Jesus, Church! -Jeri)

It is time to draw closer to God than ever before, to come before Him in prayer, and fasting, in righteousness, and purity of heart. <-------( without holiness no one will see the Lord, Church! - Jeri)

The day draws near when we will behold the miracle working power of our God firsthand, when we will see what our God can do, and glory in His omnipotence.<---( the hour is at hand, Church! - Jeri )

Psalm 18:25-30, &#8220;With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless; with the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show yourself shrewd. For You will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks. For You will light my lamp; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.&#8221;

Psalm 25:4-5, &#8220;Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day.&#8221;

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr

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Written by Michael Boldea Jr.
Posted March 2010

Shortly after returning to the United States I began having a recurring dream. I have prayed many nights as to whether or not I should share this dream, and I finally received confirmation that I should. There are some dreams or visions that I receive wherein I know instantly that it was either meant for me personally, or that it was intended to be shared. This was not such a dream. After seeking the Lord on the matter however, I know I was supposed to make this dream public.

I dreamt I stood in front of a large wheat field. By the golden hew the wheat stalks had taken on, in my dream, I knew that it was close to harvest time, either late summer or early autumn. It was beautiful and peaceful watching the wheat sway gently in the breeze under a picture perfect blue sky.

As I grew familiar with the scene before me, I began looking around and saw three men, evenly spaced at the edge of the field. One man stood on the left corner of the rectangular field, the second man stood in the middle, and the third man stood on the far right edge.

All three men were dressed in white, and since I was seeing them from behind I could not make out their faces. Each of the three men held something in their right hand. The man on the left held a burning torch, the man in the middle held something that looked like a wineskin, and the man in the far right corner held an old fashioned sickle, and a basket lay on the ground next to him. I recognized the sickle, because I used to play with one in my adolescence while living in Romania.

As I stood and watched this strange scene before me, the man on the far left tipped his torch slightly, and touched one of the wheat stalks with the lit torch. Suddenly about one third of the entire wheat field burst into flame. The fire went out as quickly as it began a sudden burst of flame, followed by the scorched remnants of a once beautiful wheat field.

As I continued watching, the second man uncorked the wineskin, raised it about shoulder level, and tipped it slightly. One solitary drop of water poured out of the wineskin, but as it made contact with the wheat another third of the field was leveled as though a great wave had just swept through it.

I did not understand what I was seeing but I continued to watch the scene unfold. I was expecting the third man to do something as dramatic as the first two, but instead he simply bent from the waist, grabbed a handful of wheat stalk with his left hand, and with a practiced swing of the sickle cut through it. He then laid the wheat he had cut in the basket. Although there was a solemnity in the actions of all three men, the gentleness and care with which the third man laid the wheat in the basket stood out for some reason. The man continued the process of cutting wheat and putting it in the basket until it was full, then with practiced ease, tied the wheat into a small bushel with a piece of twine he removed from his waist. He laid the bushel aside, and returned to swinging the sickle and filling the basket. This went on for some time as the man methodically and quickly made bushel after bushel of wheat.

For the first two nights, this is where my dream ended, and as I knew this could not be the end of it, I began to pray that I might either see the conclusion of the dream, or receive the interpretation.

On the third night, the dream began as the previous two nights, with the first man setting fire to one third of the field, the second man flooding one third, and the third man meticulously harvesting the last third, I thought it would be the same dream yet again, until the man with the sickle turned, looked at me and said, &#8216;the world will know hunger, the faithful will know the power of their God.&#8217; I recognized him; I had seen him in both my dreams and my visions before.

I woke up, and went about my day thinking that I would have the dream again that night, but the dream did not return. I received no further insight or interpretation, but this is what I believe in regards to its meaning:

I believe that a worldwide food shortage is imminent. Whether due to too much sun and not enough rain, or too much rain and unprecedented weather patterns, global agriculture will suffer a severe blow very shortly. I also believe that God has already prepared provision for His children, that He will provide for them, and miraculously so. I do not believe God reveals coming events to His children that they might grow fearful or panic, but rather that they might learn to trust Him, knowing that He who is already into tomorrow, has already made provision for it.

Matthew 6:25-26, Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:31-33, Therefore do not worry, saying, &#8216;What shall we eat?&#8217; or &#8216;What shall we drink?&#8217; or &#8216;What shall we wear?&#8217; For after all these things the gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek firs the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr

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This is certainly true.

a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life

Notice it doesn't say "Christians" or even God. All those that live a clean life.

That is exactly what's happening.

Reading this again I am reminded of a story I heard from someone years ago. I cannot recall the exact words but it went something like this..... A child went to a sheep farm during the springtime to see a relative with her parents and saw the sheep grazing on the green hillside.. she said oh! Look how white the sheep are!

Come Christmas time they went to see the relative again only this time the sheep on the hillside were standing in the snow! The child exclaimed, Oh! Look at how dirty those sheep are!

It is written:

Come now, let us reason
together, Says the LORD.

Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow,
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.

If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best of the land,
but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword,

For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
- Isaiah 1: 18 - 20

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Written by Michael Boldea Jr.

The Deserter?

December, 2008

Dear Brethren

2 Timothy 2:3-4, &#8220;You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

Shortly before I was scheduled to leave for a weeklong missions trip, a trip that had been planned months in advance with the pastors of many churches bringing their congregations together under one roof to hear the word of God, one of the staff members here in Wisconsin reminded me offhandedly that we would soon be celebrating twenty five years since Hand of Help&#8217;s inception.

A quarter of a century is a long time no matter how you slice it, or what angle it is viewed from. To be honest, I was not in what one might call a celebratory frame of mind. In these twenty five years I have laid to their final rest a grandmother, a grandfather, and a mother, I have known betrayal at the hands of men I considered brothers in Christ and friends fueled by something as unoriginal and despicable as greed, I have preached messages few wanted to hear, and have been despised for my stubborn unwillingness to compromise the word of God.

Throughout the entirety of the mission trip, one question kept nagging at me, always somewhere in the back of my mind. Even though the trip turned out to be an encouraging and reenergizing blessing, and I saw hunger in the hearts of the people for the truth of God&#8217;s word, feeling the presence of God in a deep and powerful way, I took no pleasure in the thousand plus crowds or their hearty applause. This one question kept echoing in my ears, and as yet I had received no answer. The question was simple: Is there still a need for a prophetic warning ministry once a nation has entered the season of fulfillment?

To me, a warning is a counsel or admonition to desist from a specified undesirable course of action. When someone is warned, that which they are warned against is avoidable. Take for instance the &#8216;reduce speed, winding road ahead&#8217; signs. One is warned to reduce their speed, due to the fact that tight curves are just ahead, but if they refuse to heed the warning, then they will suffer the consequences of their actions. I believe God has stopped warning for some time now, due to this nation&#8217;s unwillingness to heed His warnings. His judgments are no longer avoidable, and the fulfillment of what has been spoken is visible even to those with no prophetic background.

I arrived back home after the weeklong tour, and still the initial thought would not leave. As I began to further ponder this question, I began thinking to myself that maybe this was God&#8217;s way of telling me I in fact could go back to my homeland, that I had done my duty, I had fulfilled my mission, I had preached, I had warned, I had shared the dreams and visions, and now I was free to have a normal life, to spend time with my wife, have some children, maybe even buy a dog.

One thing that those who know me have grown to understand is that I am not in ministry to get rich or famous, to build a kingdom on earth or have my own face staring back at me from a bookstore shelf. I am in ministry out of obedience to God, and will not be in it one day longer than God desires me to be. Obedience keeps me; it&#8217;s just that simple.

Two days after arriving home I had pretty much talked myself into believing that I had received my release to move back home. Since I was flying back for Christmas, to be with the family, I began thinking &#8216;why not just stay? Twenty five years is a long time, no one could blame you if you stayed.&#8217;

That same night I had a dream. I dreamt I was standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a valley that stretched out below me. Although it was night, the valley was not dark due to the dozens of fires that were burning all around the valley. Large white tents peppered the valley floor, and men dressed in white were hurriedly preparing. Some were sharpening swords, others were polishing shields, but the selfsame look of purpose and determination was evident in the countenance of every one.

As I continued watching I was startled when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and stood face to face with the same man I had seen in my dreams on previous occasions.

&#8220;What do you think they are doing down there? he asked pointing toward the valley and the men.

&#8220;It looks like they&#8217;re preparing for a war, I said gazing back at the valley.

&#8220;And what do you call a soldier that flees the battlefield on the eve of battle?

&#8220;A deserter, I said.

&#8220;A deserter he echoed. &#8220;Why would the Father train and equip you for the coming battle only to release you as the battle is about to begin? You think this is the end but it is not. The need for light is multiplied as the darkness grows, not diminished; the need for truth becomes more necessary as deception consumes the innocent, not less relevant. In these dark hours the children of light must shine, in these evil days the truth must be proclaimed with boldness. You can choose to flee, but it is not the Father&#8217;s will. You can stay and fight, and thus receive your just reward. The world has tainted many who ought to have stayed pure, and many have defiled themselves who ought to have remained undefiled. They have gorged themselves on Nebuchadnezzar&#8217;s delicacies, thereby disqualifying themselves from being used in these days. The hosts of heaven stand ready even now to do battle on behalf of the righteous. Do not fear the coming days for they have been foretold. Walk in the authority that has been given you, and do your duty as a faithful soldier ought to.

As the man finished speaking, I opened my eyes and was surprised to discover I was in my bed.

Some may wonder why I share this dream, because well, it is not very flattering. In fact I got taken to the proverbial woodshed as the saying goes, but lest we forget the Lord chastens those He loves, and I am ever thankful that He loves me, and suffers my frailty.

I do not know how, but I know that God will make a way. The need for truth is evident. Not my truth, but God&#8217;s truth, not the truth of any particular denomination, but the truth of God&#8217;s Holy Word.

As human beings, men and women made of flesh and bone, we make plans, we have hopes and we envision a certain kind of future, but all our hopes and dreams, all our plans must be surrendered, in perfect harmony with the will of God for only in His will are peace, joy and comfort abundant and ever present.

We are on the precipice of volatile and troubling times, witnessing a rapidly changing world. There is a great upheaval coming in the spiritual, just as in the physical, and God will sift those who call themselves His children first and foremost, separating that which is righteous from that which is defiled. We must stand in the righteousness of God, having His Word as our standard and our foundation that we might not be swayed by the winds, or uprooted by the storms. In order to overcome one must face conflict and not flinch from battle, but an unprepared soldier whose armor is not on, and whose weapons are unknown to him, is easily overtaken by an enemy whose bloodlust knows no bounds. Our faith and obedience will carry us through the darkest of nights, because when faith and obedience are present the light of God shines brighter than the sun, dispelling the darkness.

Romans 16:19-20 &#8220;For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr
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If this one doesn't wake some out of their slumber I do not know what will. It is fully backed by scripture and is a dream God gave Michael Boldea Jr. about the 4 horsemen of the Apocalyse. I am astounded at this dream he had. Powerful..


Written by Michael Boldea Jr.

The Dream

October 30, 2007

Dear Brethren

1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, &#8220;But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.&#8221;

1 Thessalonians 5:8, &#8220;But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.&#8221;

I had a dream last night, and if not for the specific instruction to share what I saw, I would have preferred to keep it to myself. I had gone to bed late, having waited for my wife to get home from work. After seeing that she had arrived home safely, and saying my prayers, I fell into a restful sleep.

I dreamt that I was sleeping, when a hand touched my shoulder, and a voice I recognized said, &#8216;wake up.&#8217;

In my dream I opened my eyes, and my breath caught in my throat as I saw who had awakened me. It was the same messenger, the angel I had seen on previous occasions, dressed in full battle armor, standing by the side of my bed.

&#8220;Take my hand&#8221; he said, &#8220;I have been sent to show you something.&#8221;

I barely touched the hand that was extended toward me, when my bed and my bedroom evaporated, and I found myself standing before a white oblong building, that looked allot like a barn or a horse stable. Two large doors made up the front of the structure, and as I looked they began to swing open.

I knew wherever I was it was not of this earth, because everything shone, everything was white, pristine, immaculate.

I also knew that whatever the reason was for being shown this, was about to be revealed, so I stood in silence, holding the messenger&#8217;s hand.

As soon as the doors were fully open, I saw an angel that looked very much like the one standing beside me, except without the armor, leading a white horse by its reins. The horse was large and muscular, but he followed the angel obediently, with its head bent low. The angel&#8217;s countenance was somber as he led the horse away, and for some reason this registered with great clarity.

I looked up to the messenger whose hand I was still holding, but he merely nodded toward the white building and the open doors, and said, &#8216;witness.&#8217;

Another angel soon appeared in the doorway, holding the reins of a red horse, following after the first. I began to realize what I was seeing, and in silence watched as two more angels appeared, each holding the reins of a horse, one black, one of no discernable color, just pale. All four angels were dressed alike, and had the same somber, sorrowful countenance.

I stood and watched as all four horses were led out of my sight, and finally when they had disappeared from view, the messenger turned to me and said: &#8216;Go an tell what you have seen. The riders prepare, the horses are ready, and soon they will descend, soon they will be loosed. Remember what you have witnessed, and do not hold back a single word. Soon they descend on wings of fury; soon turmoil will shake earth&#8217;s very foundation. Prepare yourself, for many will fall and few will stand. Fulfillment is at hand, go and speak what you have seen, and what you have heard. The Kingdom awaits the righteous, the holy will soon see the Lord.&#8221;

I only realized I was still holding his hand when he let go of mine, and suddenly I was back in my bed, sitting up, fully awake. I am still unsure whether or not it was a dream, or if &#8216;dream&#8217; is the right word for it, but for simplicity&#8217;s sake I will call it a dream.

I tried to go back to sleep but could not, vividly remembering the sorrowful look on the faces of the angels who were leading the horses out of the stables.

It seems the world is seeing, what the church is refusing to acknowledge, the fact that we are on the cusp of great upheaval not only in this nation, but also throughout the world. These are the days of which the prophets spoke, the days of which Christ warned, the time of distress, of sifting and of separation.

My prayer is that we remember always, our hope is in the Lord, and He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. If one word stands out from this entire dream, it is the word &#8216;prepare&#8217; and we must do so with diligence. The children of God must steel themselves for what is coming, prepare their hearts and settle within their souls that the day in which we will have to stand for truth is soon approaching.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, &#8220;Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.&#8221;

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr
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