Dreams & Visions From God

December 12th, 1992

In my dream it seemed I was in front of the apartment building where I live. As I was standing and looking at the overhead clouds, a black bird, of a gigantic size, suddenly appeared. It was coming toward the ground with great speed. As it approached, it spread its wings. When I looked, I saw that something was written on the wings. It said, "Power has been given to me to be able to come against the Christians in a short time."

On the beak of the bird was written, "I want to make war against the true Christians - those that serve God with their hearts, their lives, and their actions not only in name. We'll see if they will be able to stand up against me... We'll see... I am a warrior. I fight against Christ."

This bird, of undescribable size, was never calm. It soared up and down. As I watched, I was able to see how terrifying and mean it looked. Suddenly, it dropped a ribbon which said, "It will not be long before I will declare war against the Christians. I myself will fight with all my strength." Again it began to soar upwards. Then, suddenly, a cloud of rain, thunder, and lightning appeared! A lightning bolt hit the bird and it fell to the earth. To me it seemed dead. Feeling great joy that it was dead, I went to study it more closely. As I was looking at it, it raised its head and said, "Do you really think I'm dead? I just played dead because I did not want Christ to be mad at me. In a short time, though, I will be allowed to fight against the Christians in this country." Then it shot up like an arrow, and circled over me once. It dropped a letter, that was written in English. I gave the letter to my daughter to read. It said, "I was given power on earth to fight against all those that serve and do the work of God. I have succeeded in destroying some, and others I have taken prisoner. In a short time I will be allowed to fight against you, and others like you. -Lucifer."

Terrified and troubled by my dream, I woke up and told my family. Now I am also telling it to you.

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January 1993

While in a motel room in Florida, I had the most awesome dream I have ever had. I dreamed that I woke up and I was looking toward a far wall. While looking at this wall I saw Jesus Christ appear with many crowns. Legions of angels were surrounding Him. In the dream I must have thought it was the returning of our Lord, because I began to cry out, "Lord, I thank you for coming for me! Lord, I thank you for coming to take me home!" I was yelling so loudly that I woke up from my own screams. I then realized that when that moment comes, I will have no time to think about anyone else. I will just be caught up in the great joy that Christ has come to take me home.

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March 5th, 1993

In my dream, it was as if my family and I were in a garden and we wanted to pick flowers. We were all looking around trying to see which flowers were the most beautiful. I looked toward the sky. As I looked at the sky, I saw the head and hand of a man. As I continued to look I saw the hand beginning to write: "Tell the people not to believe that the things I have said are fairy tales and untruths. The day of terror is fast approaching: it is close. I will not let one word that I have said go undone."

As I was reading what the hand had written, two men dressed in white suddenly appeared. They positioned themselves on each side of the head and hand. One of the men began to speak. "Tell the people to prepare, for the day of terror will soon be upon them. I will have mercy on those who today obey me: those that depart from sin and draw closer to me. I will give victory to those that will obey today." The second man spoke, saying the same words. Then everything disappeared, and again I was aware of my surroundings. I was in the garden looking at the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. Their beauty was beyond words or description. Everything began to fade and I woke up.


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Dreams and Visions From God
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May 7th, 1993

One night, while in Oregon, I dreamed the sky was getting dark. Then suddenly it turned pitch black! It was as if the whole world had gone dark at that moment! All the people were in a frenzy! They became disoriented, and some were even screaming. After some time, we heard the sound of an army approaching. Soon, we saw them coming out of the black mist. All were dressed in black, except one. That one seemed to be their leader. He was dressed in a red robe with a thick black belt over his waist. On his head, he had a sign. As I looked, I saw that in his hand he held the same kind of sharp spear as everyone else in his army.

"I am Lucifer!" he exclaimed. "I am the king of this world! I have come to make war against the Christians!"

It looked as though all the Christians were huddled together in one big group. Some began to cry when they heard this. Others began to tremble, while some just stood without saying anything. Lucifer continued to speak. "All of those that want to fight against my army and think they can be victorious; go to the right. Those that fear me; go to the left."

Only about a quarter of the group stepped to the right. All the others went to the left. Then Lucifer ordered his army, "Destroy those on the right!"

The army began to advance and quickly surrounded the Christians on the right. As they began to close in on us, a powerful light appeared and encircled us. Then, an angel of the Lord spoke. "Take out your swords and fight. Defend yourselves and be victorious over the enemy."

"What swords?" A man in the group asked.

"The Word of the Lord is your sword," the angel answered. When we understood what the angel meant, we began to quote verses from the Bible. Then suddenly, as if we were one voice, we began to sing a song. Our voices thundered so loudly, that the Dark army began to retreat in fear. They did not have the courage to come against us anymore.

Lucifer, then filled with rage, turned to those on the left. "You, who all of your life have been trying to please two masters, because you could not stand against me; I have the power to destroy you."

He then ordered his army to attack. It was a total massacre. The ones on the left could not defend themselves. One by one they all fell. This killing seemed to go on for a long time. After a while we could actually smell the stench of the dead.

"Why could they not be protected also?" someone asked.

The angel answered: "Because all their life they have been lukewarm. Because of their hypocrisy, the true church has been blasphemed. They have brought disrespect to the word of God. They were not clean."

As we continued to look, we saw the sun coming over the horizon. The black clouds began to break up. Then they disappeared. Only one was left - on which Lucifer and his army stood. Lucifer looked at me shaking his fists and said, "I will destroy you even if I have to throw my spear at you from here!" Then that cloud disappeared too.

As I looked around I began to see faces that I recognized among our group. I saw a pastor from Bellflower - another from Indiana - one from Michigan - as well as many of my American friends. This strengthened me greatly. Then I awoke. The first thought that came to my mind as I awoke was that this had been the last fight of the devil against the church. If we remain faithful, we will be victorious.

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The Morning Sun

June 19th, 1993

I dreamed I was in a field with some baskets of cherries, and strawberries. I was supposed to go somewhere with them. Suddenly a huge sun appeared in the heavens. It was about three times larger than a normal sun. It became so hot I could barely breathe. A very great number of angels were singing around the sun. There was a very narrow strand of light coming from the sun, all the way down to earth.

All of the angels began to sing with their trumpets. When they began to sing by mouth, the words to the song were:

"My people, wake up! Do not tarry! Do not wait!
The time is very short! Until now many
have traveled on the wide path, but now you
must travel on the narrow path that you may be
saved. This is the final battle of the devil.
Wake up! Wake up! Now the enemy is making war
against all the children of God! It is the
final battle! Many have been taken prisoner,
but you must be strong."

Again the trumpets began to sound. The angels of God, began traveling up and down the narrow strand of light while blowing their trumpets. One of the angels looked toward me and said, "Why are you discouraged and sad? Do not lose your faith. I will repay all your work and suffering. The eyes of many are looking toward your wife to see if she will be healed. In a short time she will be."

"Where is the rest of my family?" I asked.

"Look. They are coming," the angel responded.

As I looked behind me, I saw not only my family, but many other people. All were dressed in white robes, and were walking toward the narrow strand of light. "This is the way toward salvation," the angel said. "The sun that you see is Christ, The Morning Sun that will shine so brightly, all the world will see him. Then I woke up.

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( prophecy - A Call to War )

September 1993

(A prophecy) "Cease heading the way you have been going and turn to me," says the Lord. "Lucifer, who is armed for war on his horse, is coming with a powerful army behind him to take vengeance against the children of God. The day is close: a day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life! A day of pain and terror is near."

"If you could see what is being prepared and what will happen, you would surely quit doing everything you know in your heart to be wrong, and would seek peace more than ever. Be prepared, be holy, and don't give in to the temptations and impulses of the enemy. Seek the Lord your God with all your heart. Those who will be clean, those who will be holy, I will not forget. I will save them," says the Lord. "The armies of the devil are coming with great fury against those who worship Me, and truly seek Me. Pray that I may give you strength, so that before the storm comes I may save you and give you the joy."

"Those that live in defilement, that meditate upon evil things, will have no escape. They will not have My protection. I will destroy Babylon," says the Lord, "because of the wickedness and blasphemy of this country. Not only here, but wherever there is sin, I will punish it harshly. Only the righteous will I save; some even out of the midst of the fire."

"Again I tell you, a dark cloud is gathered. Lucifer, standing on his black horse, is ready for war. The trumpets of the devil are sounding day and night, to all the demons of the deep to be prepared to make war against those who truly live their lives for God. There will be such great turmoil that only few will escape. Those that today only carry the name of "believer" will fight with fury against those who worship Me with a clean heart. This is why I have revealed this to you. Because the days are numbered."

"I reveal to you, I speak to you, I show to you," says the Lord, "but many do not want to remember, saying to themselves, 'Is it truly the Lord speaking this?' Others become scared for the moment, but then they forget and never become pure. Many of those who carry the name of 'Christian' are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit for great wealth. There is no time to lose. The day of destruction and terror is coming soon. The devil is agitated, and a great deception is being prepared. But I tell you, do not fear. I have the power to protect those who obey me. You must remember the word of God, for if you will not obey, the day of terror will come and you will suffer together with the wicked and defiled. I will punish all the wickedness of this world, and all the sin of this place. Be awake and waiting, because if you will not, you will be punished as the wicked, and also lose your salvation for your disobedience. Disobedience is punished more than anything," says the Holy Spirit. "Pray for your children, and stop them from doing worldly things. Tell them that the wrath of God is coming, and that they must be prepared for that day. Tell them to read the Bible and pray, that I may also save them."

"The great day, the day of terror, the day of affliction, of pain; the day of the punishment of Babylon, prophesied in the Bible, is soon coming, and I will only spare the righteous," says the Lord. "I forgive who I want, I make holy who I want, and I prepare who I want. Judge no one, for Mine is the judgment," says the Lord. "Each of you judge yourself. Pray and draw close to me, and if you will obey I will come to your aid. I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time.

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Book Of The Gentiles

November 7, 1993

On the 6th of November I had a dream, and the as usual I prayed and said, "If this dream is of You Lord, let me dream it one more time." Then, on the night of the 7th, God gave me the dream once again.

In my dream I heard a great commotion, and as I looked, I saw a black cloud coming. From this great darkness a man was riding on the back of a dragon. The man was Lucifer. He was yelling as loud as He could, "We are coming to make war against the holy! We come to be victorious over the holy. We will beat the holy! Victory is ours!"

Then, I saw men, women and children - yelling - terrified - and running! I saw others whom I knew were Christians getting on their knees, praying, "Lord, save us! Lord give us victory! Send your glory! Save our lives Lord! Don't let us down! This is our last battle, when the devil wants to defeat us!"

As everyone was kneeling, and praying, suddenly I heard the devil yelling, "Grab him!" I then realized that he was referring to me. I tried to run, but I could not because my feet hurt. So I just started walking. But from behind, I heard the voice which continued to yell, "Grab him! Grab him, and let us tie him in chains because he has caused me much destruction!"

When I thought that they would grab me, all the people of God, although scared, began to cry out, "Jesus! Jesus!"

Suddenly I saw the black cloud disappear. Then two men dressed in shinning clothes, appeared. They were of gigantic size, because I remember I could not see their heads too well. They both spoke with thundering voices; "Do not fear. Christ is the Victor." Each of them had a book in his hands. The books, each the size of a table, were covered with gold thread. Then the two men put the books down on a great table and spoke to me saying, "Open, and read!"

I opened the first book and was told, "This is the Book of Life." The man on my left said, "Whoever finds his name in this book will be saved!" Then He said, "Open the second book!" The words "Book of the Gentiles" was scrawled on it. I opened it and began to turn page after page, upon which I saw all kinds of different names written. When I reached the end of the book, I found that there were one, and three quarter pages left blank - unwritten. Then one of the two men said to me, "when the total number of the gentiles is completed, the writing in this book will be finished. At that time, what I have shown you will happen: it is then that the beast will try to do battle against the Holy. Remember what I tell you - be prepared, live a holy life, and do not think that you have much time to live on this earth! Jesus is soon returning!"

Then I began to hear a choir singing, "Jesus is returning! Jesus is returning! Be prepared, and be holy. Be ready, for the victory shall be His!" When I looked, there was a choir of angels. Their voice echoed stronger, and stronger, "Jesus is returning!"

While they were singing, the table with the books was lifted up and the two men spoke: "One of us is the angel of the Gentiles, and one of us is the angel of the people of Israel. Do not be afraid. Seek the Lord now. Time is very short and, as you saw the armies of Satan advancing, this is how it will happen." Then the two men were lifted up. I looked around to see what was happening. Everyone was crying. But they were tears of joy. Victory was ours. Then, another choir of angels appeared which began to sing, "Jesus the Savior, wants to save the people, but not those who have blasphemed, and cursed Him. Only those that have lived a clean life, and have fought for Jesus, without holding on to this life, but giving it all to Christ."

The angels once again began to sing with all sorts of instruments. They sang so beautifully! While the choir of angels sang, a garden of indescribable beauty appeared. It was very big, and in it were all kinds of flowers which gave off a lovely fragrance. The smell of the flowers was so strong it almost made me dizzy. At every corner of the garden there was an angel with a fiery sword which he swung around. I tried to go in and see what was in the garden. When I got there I was stopped and told, "No one, no foot of earthly man is allowed to enter here. Only the holy will enter. It is not your time to enter now. When you are called, that is when you will enter. Now, go back." The angel spun the sword before me, and this frightened me.

Then another choir of angels the size of children, appeared. While holding hands they began to sing "Jesus is returning! Wake up, people; be holy, for your salvation is Jesus. He is victorious!"

Their voices - their song - echoed in glorious splendor, and while they continued to sing I heard a loud noise. Everything disappeared, and I awoke.

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Examine Your Heart

December 9th. 1993

(A prophecy) "Many are those who sit neglectful loving the world and the things of the world. Many seek the life of the earth, but they do not prepare themselves to meet the Holy One. Jesus is coming! Do not be lazy! Terror and great pain is coming upon the earth. The devil will take upon himself power, and he will attempt to make war with the holy. But Christ the victorious one will come and will save His people. Proud men; all those who pretend to be teachers, yet never living the life; all those who say they worship Me, yet their hearts are far from Me," says the Lord, "I will make them part of the suffering, torment, and terror so they will call upon Me. But I will not answer. Those that today humble themselves and seek Me with a clean heart, in that day, the hard day, will be glad and will rejoice. The power of the devil will increase greatly in this country, and many Christians will fall in it's chains, because they have dishonored Me with their lives - in their pride, their arrogance and their vanity; thinking they are holy and worshiping me, yet NEVER REALLY worshiping Me."

"The winds and the storms that will begin against the Christians in this country will take many. Those who remain standing will be very few. Humble yourselves. Be holy. Seek Me more than ever, kneeling before Me often, that in the hard days I may save you," says the Lord.

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I will speak to them

January 1994

One night, during a visit to Texas, I was unable to sleep because I was not feeling well. In my frustration I began to tearfully pray to God, "Lord, if you want me to continue this work, and travel where you send me, give me health, I pray. Give me strength because I feel like I can't do it anymore."

I continued praying fervently with all my heart. Suddenly, a white-haired man with a meek appearance appeared beside my bed. I became tense, but he looked at me with mercy. He put his hand on my head and began to stroke my forehead saying to me, "It is hard for you. I know you are suffering! But it won't be much longer before you will leave these places, because only in this way can I protect you!"

Surprised by what I had just heard, I asked, "Lord! But there are so many in this country who love you - who have devoted their lives to worshiping you - what will you do with them?"

"At the appointed time," he said, "I will speak to them, like I speak to you, as to what they must do."

Without really thinking about it, I raised my hand, and placed it on my forehead over his hand. I felt him withdraw his hand from under mine. Then everything disappeared.

Hand of Help Ministries
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January 3, 1994

It was past midnight. Unable to sleep, I got on my knees and began to pray. I do not know how long I prayed, but suddenly I began to see a great fire in the heavens. It was so powerful that to me it seemed like the sky was burning. Then a man dressed in shiny clothes stepped out of the fire. On his head He had a helmet. In His right hand He had a sword out of which flames of fire kept erupting. In His left hand He had a trumpet into which He began to blow. The sounds that the trumpet made were actually words which were uttered in many different languages. I did not understand what they were saying, but I caught some Hebrew words and also some English words. When I was straining to understand and troubling myself over what the voice had said, I heard it speak in Romanian. "This is the last warning," the trumpet blew, "The day of God's vengeance is coming upon the earth and upon this place! Be prepared and be holy, My people, that I may save you!"

After these words, arrows of fire began to dance on the sky. They were so powerful that I became scared. Beginning to pray again, I saw the same thing all over. Then, while still praying, the same thing was shown to me a third time.

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January 24, 1994

It was seven o'clock in the morning when I woke up. I still felt a little tired, so I stayed in bed longer to rest. Then I fell asleep and dreamed that I was in an American church service, when the building began to move violently. Because they did not know what was happening, the people inside panicked and quickly began to run out. I succeeded in walking out also, but with every step I tried to take, it seemed like I was sinking into the ground. I began to look around to find something to support myself with so I could walk. I heard a voice that said, "Look up, and see the heavens!"

I looked up. As far as the eye could see, all the sky was blood red. I said, "Lord! What does this mean? Why is the sky red?" Then I remembered my father telling me that before the great war the sky turned blood red.

As I stood looking toward the sky a cloud suddenly appeared. Three men came out of the cloud. The middle one was dressed in shiny clothes and was of very great stature. He shined so brightly that I could not look at him. The other two, one on his right, and one on his left, were prepared for war. They had weapons in their hands that were pointed toward the inhabitants of the earth. Trembling, I asked, "Lord, what am I seeing? What does all this mean?"

When the one in the middle spoke in a thunderous voice, all those around me were able to see him: "I am Jesus Christ who gave my life for you. Many of those whom I gave my life for, today dishonor me, living in sin and things that are wrong. The honor and glory I deserve is not given to Me. For this I have no more mercy, but will soon return in glory and honor as judge to judge all the inhabitants of earth. But first, I will judge those that carry the name of Christians, yet have tried to deceive Me. Because of them My name was, and is, dishonored and blasphemed before those that do not know Me".

"And about you", He said to me, "be awake! Be on guard more than ever, for you will go through many trials. Now the battle will begin to get harder. The devil is ready to begin war against the Christians, and I have allowed this."

Then the two men beside him began to fire their weapons. A salvo of fire came out, lighting the sky, and it began to burn. The one who shone brightly stood in the midst of the flames, crying out with a loud voice, "Do not fear! All those who worshiped Me and have lived a clean life - those that suffered here on earth - will have joy. For I am the one who will judge all of the nationalities of the earth. I will spare no one, and will not have mercy or grace for anyone. The day when I will punish and condemn is coming. I tell these things for everyone to hear. Hard days of suffering are coming to this place and over the whole earth. The hardships will be so great that the minds of man will not be able to understand it. It will be so hard that men will kill themselves. I will judge through torment, pain and suffering, and will take revenge with great harshness for all sin. The Father has allowed me to avenge my spilled blood."

The other two began to fire their weapons again, but this time a blue flame came out. I fell with my face to the ground. The one in the middle yelled, "Get up! I want to show you the judgment of the people and the wicked. But the hardest judgment will be received by the church because they knew My word and My power, but many of them dishonored Me, giving into defilement, adulteries, wickedness, and dishonored My name before men who did not know Me. For this, I am filled with rage, and I have been given the authority to take revenge against the inhabitants of the earth - those who have dishonored Me."

The two that stood at either side of Him began to fire again. A heavenly choir appeared and began to sing a song in the most beautiful splendor: "Jesus is alive. Jesus lives. Jesus is alive. Jesus reigns. Jesus is coming in glory. Jesus is no longer Savior, but returns as Judge." I began to cry. I cried with tears of joy. I was in an atmosphere of incredible beauty.

The choir continued to sing as the two men with the weapons introduced themselves. The one on the right said, "I am the head of the Lord's armies, Gabriel". The one on the left said, "I am Michael, the leader of the Lord's armies. We are at the Lamb's command, and wherever the Lamb goes, we accompany Him." The choir continued to sing and everything began to fade. I woke up with the words, "Jesus is no longer coming as a Savior, but as a judge.

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March 1994

I had gone to bed early - about 8:00 p.m. I woke up between midnight and 1:00 a.m. I got up and prayed, then went back to bed. I dreamed there was a lot of turmoil outside, and I kept hearing everyone yell, "Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!" I looked out, and saw a very large red cloud. When I looked at it, it's outer edges could not be seen. As I continued to look, I saw a tall man come out of the cloud. He was so tall that, although his feet touched the ground, I could not see his head. Rays of light began to explode out of the man. When one would pass by me, I would fall to the ground. I could not look at him with my eyes because he was too bright. He then began to hand me letters. They were addressed to certain churches. I knew that these must be American churches because I did not recognize the names as being Romanian. The first letter said, "My people who are discouraged and beaten by the storms, many who have let themselves be beaten by the enemy, stand up! Cry out before God, that He may save you!"

The man kept coming and giving me more letters with names of churches of different denominations, and also independent churches. He gave me very many papers. Then he said to me, "When you finish taking these papers where you are supposed to, you will see something that you have never seen before."

There was a thunder and the voice spoke again: "Tell all my people to pray and to repent. The days have been shortened because of all the iniquities. My people, repent, because the days are numbered."

I began to see the days passing by, but whenever the ray of light would pass by me, I would fall. The days were passing so quickly that I could not count them.

The voice spoke again, "Tell my people that I tried to wake them up through powerful storms, fires, floods and earthquakes, but even then they would not wake up. This is why I will pour out my wrath when they least expect it."

The angel gave me a scripture: Joel 2:12-13, "Now therefore says the Lord, Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm."

After these things, the cloud, and the angel began to fade away.

When I awoke, I was wet with sweat..

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The 3 Scrolls

July l, 1994

It was past midnight. I could not sleep because I felt inside that God was going to speak to me, so I began to pray. After I prayed, I went to bed and fell asleep. I dreamed that I began to hear thunder and see lightning. The earth began to move and shake violently. I yelled to my family, "Wake up, because something is happening outside!" When I got outside there was such a darkness that I could not see anything. Yet, in that great darkness, I could hear the voices of children, women and men screaming. I told my family to be careful of how they walked.

From the clouds that released this darkness on the earth, I heard a powerful voice say, "I am taking revenge against the sin. I am taking revenge that they may see my power! With as much as I've blessed them, that is how much I will send destruction! I will send storms, heavy rains, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, because I want them to see my power, and know that without Me they can do nothing. They trusted in themselves and in their own strengths. This is why I will punish this place."

The earth moved as if it were on water. The people lived in a complete terror; each one yelling louder then the other - not being able to understand anything. The earth shook so violently that I was unable to walk. Suddenly, in the midst of all the tumult, a light appeared - more powerful than any I've ever seen! In the shining light there were two men. One of them said to me, "I came to talk with you. I will send great plagues over America and I want you to be aware. I am the one who talked with you in the past and I am talking with you now. I told you what will happen in this place. Be cautious, for the time is drawing near!"

After saying these words, he took out a scroll which began to unroll very quickly. It was so long that I could not see it's end. On this first scroll of paper were written all kinds of names. Beside each name was listed either "punish," a type of disease, (all kinds were listed), "trial," or "torment." Those named will have to go through what is listed by their name, in order to be cleansed and be able to stand.

That scroll was then rolled up and sealed, and a second one was brought out. On it was written, "Peace, joy in the Holy Spirit, salvation or victory for those that loved Me and worked for Me and kept their life clean - not for the hypocrites, the proud, the boastful, the hateful..." (...nor others which I cannot recall.) The scroll continued to pass by slowly before my eyes until it finished passing.

Then a third scroll was opened which had names written on it, also. Yet there was something written only beside the names on the top half. From the halfway mark down by each name there were flashing stars. I asked what this meant. One of the men said to me, "These are those with whom the number will be completed. The seed of God has reached their hearts, and is even now working toward repentance. When the total number will be complete, all of the devastation will begin. Until then, I will send great plagues over America that they may wake up from the sleep with which they are sleeping, and from their self reliance; that they may see their pride and boastfulness."

It then began to rain ice and hail. The people were scattering all over not knowing which way to go. From the terror of the screams I woke up.

This dream was so real to me, that I went directly outside to see it if were not happening at the moment.

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November 21, 1994

(A prophecy) "Awaken my people", says the voice of the Lord. "Be passive no longer. Draw closer today more than ever, for the day of my vengeance is ready to begin. I will shake the earth from it's foundation, and I will require punishment of all those that say they do my will, yet through what they do they blaspheme my name. I will punish prophets, preachers, singers, and all those that do a work, yet they do it for their own glory. I will judge, and punish the entire world. Only those that today sit at my feet in meekness, weeping, and worshiping me, asking for my help, will rejoice in the protection of the arm of the Lord on that day."

"Forsake every evil thought, all the empty words, all covetousness, pride and hypocrisy, because in whatever you are used, it is not you doing it but I the Lord. Where are my clean gifts that I have poured among you; speaking in tongues, prophecy, and other gifts that were given unto you? Where is my power?" says the Lord.

"Change your hearts today, my people, for the days are numbered until I will begin to avenge. My eye sees in the light, as well as in the darkness, my people. There is no where you can hide from the eye of God. Liars, impostors, those that are covetous, and all those that have only a form of Godliness, but deny the power of God, I will judge them, and then I will judge the whole world. I will shake it from it's foundations. In many places there will be massacres. Those that today worship me with faithfulness will be the only ones protected on that day. The horn is ready to sound for the start of the battle. The days are numbered until you will hear the sound, when the armies of heaven will begin the battle against the inhabitants of earth. No army in the world will be able to stand against the armies of heaven, and the army of hell will not be able to raise it's head against the Lord's army. Yet, those that worshiped me in spirit and in truth, I will protect, for I am God. Everything you see around you will be no more. Everything will be destroyed and burn in fire. Do not be passive. Draw close to me, for I come to avenge, and fulfill all that was said in the past," says the Lord.

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January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.


* Note to you all - I have many Roman Catholic family members as do some of you here - we must pray fervently for our family members and friends still trapped inside the RCC by tradition and by the pressures of family tradition and public opinion ----> that they will depart out of this anti christ system as it is the very vessel in which satanic forces will rise up amd come forth to make war against the true believers in Jesus Christ, called of God.The History of the RCC is about to repeat itself in a most diabolical and savage form! When any man teaches that one can go to heaven without believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior - that man is a liar and a mouthpiece of the anti - christ. We must not be in any unholy alliances in this hour. We must depart from iniquity and all who teach it. Pray for your loved ones, your friends still inside! Warn them to depart and to seek the Lord with all of their hearts, all of their minds, all of their strength! Many are being deceived in this hour and we must pray fervently for these ones that the Holy Spirit will reveal to them the truth and that they will heed the voice of Jesus and not listen to the voice of a Stranger! May God protect these people as the Lord answers our prayers. Amen.
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November 22, 1995

It was as if, I was in Israel. A tall man came, took me by the hand, and said, "Come, let me show you the Holy City." When we reached the Holy City, all of it was covered in a black netting, from top to bottom. On top, at it's peak, the city had a black flag.

After seeing these things, I asked the man that was with me, "What does this mean?"

"Look up, and you will see the meaning," he said. When I looked up, I saw a black emblem, on which there was gold writing. It said, "Israel! You dishonor Me and you mock Me. You trust in the powers of men. Because you will not return unto Me, I have this against you, and I will punish you with great fury. This is also to purify some who want to call upon me with a clean heart. The shame and blasphemy that they have caused has reached heaven."

After I read these things, the man standing beside me said, "Let us leave this place, or we will be caught in the wrath." It seemed I was suddenly on an American plane, which was about to land with me in California. When I was about to disembark, I heard sirens which howled loudly, and a great sound of many plane engines was heard. The man with me said, "The punishment draws closer. Look closely and read."

When I looked up, I saw a written scroll appear before my eyes. The writing was in Romanian. It said, "American people; those of you who have dishonored and mocked me; you who have brought hatred and blasphemy against My name throughout the world; for these things My vengeance draws closer. As for My children, those who have worshiped Me with all their hearts, I will fight before them and I will give them victory and safety. I will separate those who have worshiped Me from those who have not, as I separated Goshen and Egypt." I tried to read it one more time, but I could not. The writing had gathered into the scroll.

The noise of the engines grew even louder. The man beside me turned to me and said, "These are planes loaded with atom bombs, and no one, and nothing will be able to stop them." Then, suddenly, a great number of black planes lifted off the ground like a flock of birds. I knew the planes were American, but I had no knowledge of what their purpose was or what they were supposed to do. Then the written scroll was thrown before me. I stepped closer to pick it up, but when I drew near, I saw that it burned with a blue flame. The flame began to climb into the sky. As I was looking at the flame, I heard a voice coming from it saying, "My Word is righteous. I am the Christ who has brought this news to you. Do not be quiet. Tell the American people all that I have told you, and all that I have revealed to you ahead of time; for the destruction which is coming over them I did not allow to come unannounced. The punishment is even at the door."

The man beside me spoke again, "Look up." When I looked I could not see the sky because there were so many planes. Then the man said to me. "Thank the Lord for what He has shown you." Then, I began to pray and thank God.

While I was praying I heard a prophecy for myself. "Get ready, and sanctify yourself, you and yours, that you and yours may not take part in the trials that are ahead. This is why I have shown. you these things. I have shown you what is to come in a short while. All that you have seen is at the door, because the sin and wickedness have reached the throne of God's mercy." Then there was great lightening and thunder. I fell to the ground and was awakened from my sleep.

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January 1996

As I was riding in the car from Kansas toward Nebraska, I saw a large star appear before me. This star appeared, and disappeared before my eyes 4 times. I told my grandson what I had seen, and he said, "pray, and see what God shows you.

The next evening as I was praying, I saw the star again. It shone with such intensity, that it took my eyesight away. Two men walked out of this star, dressed in shining garments. One spoke to me: "Dumitru, listen and remember. Your returning to America was my plan, and my decision. I still have names to add to the number before all the things that I have shown you will happen."

They opened a great book and said, "do you remember how many pages were left to fill when I showed you last time? Now, there is but one page left. When this is completed, what I have told you will happen to America." The man proceeded to tell me that the time it would take for this page to be filled, would not be longer, but shorter. He closed the book, and sounds of thunder reverberated.

Frightened of what I had seen, I continued to pray.

Comment* It was only perhaps a week ago a brother in the Lord who lives a holy life unto the Lord and goes out as the Lord leads him to win the lost, he asked me: Sister, do you believe the time of the Gentiles is over? I told him I believe it is right at the door of being over. I do believe there is still time! Still time but the door is about to close! On that note, I plead with anyone reading today, please do not wait, return unto the Lord now with all your heart, do not wait! Once saved, always saved is a lie - it is not true - the Angel of the Lord told Dumitru they were erasing names out of the Book of Life and adding other names. Do not neglect so great a salvation! For those who are Gentiles - do not wait any longer if you have not received Christ as your Savior - God does not wish that any would perish but that all would turned from their wicked ways and live! If the Holy Spirit is dealing with your hearts today? Do not resist Him any longer. Please!
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A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!"

In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come." He said. "Come with me."

I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "stop here!"

A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.

"Stand there, don't move, and look," he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America."

As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.

The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.

Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."

The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!"

The man standing beside me asked, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against American. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken."

Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people."

As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.

"Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident."

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A dream received by Brother Dumitru Duduman June 17th and 18th, 1996 in Tiberias, Israel. The dream was first received on the 17th and then again on the 18th. For two days afterwards Dumitru was physically sick every time he tried to recount this dream so it could be recorded.

After eight days of traveling through Israel, I asked myself: "Why did I come here? All I see is land and a people that are wicked. Why did I come here? After I thought about this, I prayed and fell asleep.

In this dream the five of us; myself, my two grandsons and the couple we were staying with in Israel, were on the Sea of Galilee in Israel and we were looking around. We noticed how nice and warm it was. A good place for a vacation. At once, I heard a voice from my left side. It said: "You didn't come just for this. Look at me." I looked and saw a man in white, shining clothing. He was crying with tears running down his cheeks.

"Who are you, and why do you cry?" I asked.

"I am Jesus Christ, and I am looking over my blood relatives and my people for whom I gave my life. Their sins have put a wall between God and themselves. God has decided to bring back all of the scattered people from the nations. Instead of thanking God for watching over them, giving them safe passage, they have become even more wicked than they were in the nations they left. I am crying because of the tribulation that is to overcome them. They say they keep the Sabbath, but they don't. They say they keep my laws, but they do not.

All the nations of the world have their eyes on this place, thinking that this place is holy. They come to seek holiness, and see an example in this place. This place is not holy, but has become defiled. Because of this, God has decided to take peace from this country. They do not trust in the peace God provides, but seek to make their own peace. God can no longer stand their sins. Because of their wickedness, look and see how punishment will come upon Israel."

I then saw a cloud of airplanes, in formation from the left (Golan Heights*) and a large army coming from a corner (Yarmouk River valley*) with every kind of weapon. They had horses, carriages, cars, tanks, and soldiers on foot. I began to hear screaming from my right, and asked: "Can you stop this?"

"Until they pass through hard times, they will not recognize me as God, and will not call upon me for help." He answered. "You will be sad, and sorrowful when you leave this place," Jesus said, "but after a time your heart will be full of joy. Tell those who love me, that I first loved them. They will be saved. I am the eternal One. I do not change. Everything that I have told you will come to pass."

"You will go in peace" Jesus said. Then there was a loud roar of thunder, and we were looking for a place to hide because we thought that the war had started. A lightning bolt came down in front of us, but Jesus said: "Do not be afraid, you will leave this place in peace. Tell the people what you have seen."

*We were visiting the Galilee and I pointed in the direction where the airplanes and army came from, and the people I was staying with identified these places.


Note* We must all be praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for Israel. If we do not pray for what concerns the Lord why should he be concerned about our concerns? Pray for Israel! The Lord gave me this very word yesterday. He told me this about the Jews - he said ask them, will they steal, kill, commit adultery, and then come into my sanctuary? If any man sin that is the man that shall die! The Lord told me to warn the wicked to turn from their wickedness and if I did not their blood would be required at my hands! I do warn the wicked today! Turn from your wickedness and live! I won't have your blood on my hands! I will not do it!
Again, yesterday the Lord also said, Warn the righteous man who has turned from his righteousness to return to it or he shall die in his sin! If I didn't do it I'd be held accountable and if I did their blood will not be on my hands.. so I warn the righteous men and women reading this and who read this board who have fallen off into sin ---> to repent and come back to obedience in the Lord so that you might live and not die in your sin! It is a very dangerous thing to presume upon the grace of God people! Not in this hour! Not in this hour! We all must repent and live holy unto the Lord because that is what the Lord requires of us all! Of us all! Not some of us! There are no "exemptions" here! Jew, Christian, Gentile, Mormon, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, Buddha worshiper, satan worshiper, wicca witches, all Catholics, all means ALL!!!!! All must repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ now! It is time to return to the Lord with our Whole Hearts! Now is the time! Today is the day of Salvation! TODAY.
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After three and a half weeks of traveling throughout America, I finally made it back home. Nothing out of the ordinary, other than being a bit tired. To my suprise, as well as my family's on Halloween day, while shopping at a nearby supermarket, I couldn't breathe anymore. The children were alarmed and took me to the emergency room. In a short time I was in a hospital bed. According to what the doctors said, I was almost dead, having one diagnosis after another confirm their suspicions. I now realize that if it wasn't for God's intervention, I would not be alive today. The reason I am still among you, is that God still needs me. Satan's plan was to end my life. This was shown to me numerous times while I was in the hospital. No matter how bad I felt in my body, I was always aware of everything happening around me. As I was speaking to one of my grandchildren, who was staying with me, I suddenly saw a great beast appear in the doorway of my room. It leaped at me, with it's jaws open, ready to tear me apart. It looked like a bear, covered in leopard skin. It was large enough, that I could stand fully erect inside it's jaws. Then from my right, a man appeared dressed in white, with a sword in his hand. He thrust his sword at the beast, saying: "Enough. You are not allowed to harm him." This was shown to me 3 times, and it terrified me. Nevertheless, I knew that someone was there to protect me.


* note - it is signficant that Brother Duduman was attacked on Halloween day. This is the high holy day of Satan and his children and as the day draws near ( October 31st ) those who belong to Christ must fast and pray now to destroy the plans of the enemy. The target of Satan is the church and those who live holy lives and preach the Gospel. This is why Brother Dumitru Duduman was attacked on that specific day! We must take the offense position and take Satans ground by force. The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. This spiritual warfare is intense but it is also glorious as it glorifies our Father in heaven when we destroy the works of the wicked one through prayer and fastings. To God be the Glory! Let us pray the Kingdom of Heaven and the Will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven! EVERY DAY! THIS is the Will of the Father and it shall be accomplished! In the name of Jesus. Amen.
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