Drip! Drip! Drip! The Great Trump-Leak Conspiracy


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

Trump Leaks.jpg
The Trump administration needs to aggressively pursue the sources of these leak, find them, and publicly crucify them - sending them to jail for as long as they legally can to end the criminal lawlessness that has now severed the sharing of Intel between the US and UK.

Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI have declared in testimony the illegal leaks of protected classified Trump team info deemed to have no Intel value constitutes Felony Espionage.

To completely ignore those crimes now, to NOT aggressively pursue those crimes and their perpetrators is completely WRONG.

The DOJ should start with the Obama administration, specifically with Susan Rice. The Director of the FBI has also stated that her release of Protected Classified Personal Info to the 16 Intel agencies AFTER it was deemed by the NSA ands FBI that the information had NO Foreign Intel Value - meaning the only reason to have done so in their opinion was for POLITICAL reasons / benefit, which they confirmed would be illegal.

Once the leaks damaged critical information sharing between the US and UK the problem became impossible to ignore and reached the criminal status that can no longer be ignored.

I don't care where / who they have to investigate, I don't care what party is responsible, and I don't care who ends up being the leakers - find them, indict them, charge them, and prosecute them publicly - quickly - to the full extent of the law!

As far as the leaks regarding the information shared with us by UK law enforcement that has now caused the UK to sever info sharing ties with the US until we can get our leaked problem go away, I would hunt down that MFer, go to wherever he was at the time, put him in handcuffs, Perp-Walk him out the door, place him on a flight straight to GITMO for interrogation there where under threat of prosecution for potential charges dealing with terrorism they would have no layers.
- 'Terrorism Charges'? YOU BET! Whoever leaked this information causing the UK to stop sharing terrorist-related law enforcement information just damaged the US's relationship with the UK and its ability to fight terrorists like ISIS, to the benefit of those terrorists. YEAH, THIS IS THAT SERIOUS...AND THAT CRIMINAL!
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

Maybe if Trump stopped running a disorganized shit-show, this wouldn't be a problem for him.

Just saying.
The Trump administration needs to aggressively pursue the sources of these leak, find them, and publicly crucify them - sending them to jail for as long as they legally can to end the criminal lawlessness that has now severed the sharing of Intel between the US and UK.

Trump is going to fire himself and put himself in jail? He's the reason our allies don't want to work with us. It's like telling Putin directly.

Again, what Trump needs to do is get his act together, and not be a reality TV clown.
Trump is going to fire himself and put himself in jail? He's the reason our allies don't want to work with us.
Why is it that snowflakes have to LIE about Trump? Trump was not the leaker who released entrusted classified information given to us by the UK, forcing them to sever info-sharing ties with the US. That is undisputable. When snowflakes make posts like this it just destroys their credibility and makes them look foolish.
Maybe if Trump stopped running a disorganized shit-show, this wouldn't be a problem for him.
Just saying.

I won't deny some things could be better, but every president has some leaks. But I think the real problem here was:

A). Obama changed the intelligence sharing laws just days before the inauguration from info being limited to just the vetting agency to it going out to something like 17 agencies all at once now being impossible to trace. I think this was a deliberate preamble for all of this.

B). Schumer and the democrats have totally dragged their feet on appointments leaving hundreds of Obama appointees in office to work this crap in the background.

All Obama appointees need expunged. Lines of communication need set up so that we know who had what and any leaked info can be traced to the source. Leakers need to be gravely punished to the full extent possible.

Last I heard, Trump had now given several world leaders his personal cell phone number to call him directly. The ultimate front-back channel! There is bound to be some fracas over this, plus next I'll expect his cellphone calls to be picked up and recorded.
Obama changed the intelligence sharing laws just days before the inauguration from info being limited to just the vetting agency to it going out to something like 17 agencies all at once now being impossible to trace. I think this was a deliberate preamble for all of this.

Gee, that allowed his administration to provide the information they collected on Trump and his team to his loyalists in the 16 Intel agencies that eventually perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' by illegally releasing information both the NSA and FBI testified showed no criminal activity, showed no 'collusion', and had information deemed to have had NO Intel value.

Both the NSA and FBI testified, however, that even though Obama had changed the laws regarding who could receive information that had Intel Value, the information his administration shared with the 16 Intel agencies had already been deemed 'Protected Classified Personal Information' because IT HAD NO INTEL VALUE. They testified that, not having any Intel value, the only reason to release that information to the Intel agencies would be for POLITICAL BENEFIT, an act that would constitute a violation of law!
I won't deny some things could be better, but every president has some leaks. But I think the real problem here was:

A). Obama changed the intelligence sharing laws just days before the inauguration from info being limited to just the vetting agency to it going out to something like 17 agencies all at once now being impossible to trace. I think this was a deliberate preamble for all of this.

B). Schumer and the democrats have totally dragged their feet on appointments leaving hundreds of Obama appointees in office to work this crap in the background.

All Obama appointees need expunged. Lines of communication need set up so that we know who had what and any leaked info can be traced to the source. Leakers need to be gravely punished to the full extent possible.

Last I heard, Trump had now given several world leaders his personal cell phone number to call him directly. The ultimate front-back channel! There is bound to be some fracas over this, plus next I'll expect his cellphone calls to be picked up and recorded.

yeah, that's pretty dumb, actually. But it's the kind of shitshow I expect from the Reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Gee, that allowed his administration to provide the information they collected on Trump and his team to his loyalists in the 16 Intel agencies that eventually perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' by illegally releasing information both the NSA and FBI testified showed no criminal activity, showed no 'collusion', and had information deemed to have had NO Intel value.

You keep telling yourself that... But, man, if you think Flynn is going to the big house and won't take down Trump with him, you are whistling in the graveyard.
Gee, that allowed his administration to provide the information they collected on Trump and his team to his loyalists in the 16 Intel agencies that eventually perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' by illegally releasing information both the NSA and FBI testified showed no criminal activity, showed no 'collusion', and had information deemed to have had NO Intel value.

You keep telling yourself that... But, man, if you think Flynn is going to the big house and won't take down Trump with him, you are whistling in the graveyard.
So we are going from what is highly probable to more liberal fantasy? Since Flynn has been investigated already and nothing criminal has been found yet, what exactly makes you so sure the liberals will EVER actually provide any evidence of actual criminal activity by any of Trump's initial team members? 10+ months so far and they still have no evidence to show for it.
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

Maybe if Trump stopped running a disorganized shit-show, this wouldn't be a problem for him.

Just saying.
or it isn't a problem. Just highlighting the left over leftist values.
So we are going from what is highly probable to more liberal fantasy? Since Flynn has been investigated already and nothing criminal has been found yet, what exactly makes you so sure the liberals will EVER actually provide any evidence of actual criminal activity by any of Trump's initial team members? 10+ months so far and they still have no evidence to show for it.

You guys investigated Benghazi and the Emails for years and didn't find shit. You don't get to say when this investigation is done.

Flynn wouldn't be asking for immunity if he wasn't guilty of something.
So we are going from what is highly probable to more liberal fantasy? Since Flynn has been investigated already and nothing criminal has been found yet, what exactly makes you so sure the liberals will EVER actually provide any evidence of actual criminal activity by any of Trump's initial team members? 10+ months so far and they still have no evidence to show for it.

You guys investigated Benghazi and the Emails for years and didn't find shit. You don't get to say when this investigation is done.

Flynn wouldn't be asking for immunity if he wasn't guilty of something.
You continue to repeat the same lies over and over about Benghazi. Go back and re-read all that came out.

You snowflakes equate Benghazi to Hillary's server/e-mail scandal - no convictions to you means nothing wrong was ever done...at the same time, after being unable to present any evidence, you claim Trump is guilty of collusion.

Bwuhahahahaha! Stupid snowflakes.

You can't re-write history, snowflake. 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY in Benghazi because of Hillary's and Obama's complete incompetence, political motivations, and failures.

Keep your knees up, arms tightly wrapped around them, rocking back and forth, while telling yourself differently, snowflake.
You guys investigated Benghazi and the Emails for years and didn't find shit. You don't get to say when this investigation is done.

How poignant that, yes, the emails were just last year------ on July 5, Comey gave a damning list of crimes Hillary had committed. Felonies that any other person would do hard time for. Then he usurped the AG's authority to conclude no one would prosecute the case. That's why Comey is gone. All of the US Codes she violated have already been listed. Benghazi went on for 4.5 years with three investigations I believe-------- mainly because it was dragged on that long and delayed by constant obfuscation by the government and Hillary.

* Again, several people died there, in

* An embassy that should have been long-closed like all the others around there with personnel removed,

* Hundreds of requests for back-up over and above the locals being supplied were ignored.

* During the attack, the rescuers testified they were all ready to go help defend and pull personnel out but were told to stand down and not allowed to leave!

* After the deaths, Susan Rice and Obama spread the lie that it was a spontaneous riot (on 9/11?) sparked by some video when it is clearly known now they knew at the time it was a highly organized well-funded professional attack.

* The whole affair was crafted so as to be delayed in the news until AFTER Obama's reelection to help give him the edge. Between that and the IRS / Lois Lerner dealings where they were blocking organizations from getting pro-Romney information out to the public, those alone probably accounted for the votes enough to put Obama over the top to get reelected, thus thwarting/changing a presidential election! Now why isn't THAT being investigated instead of this Russian crap???? As is always the case, it was looked into, Lois took the 5th, she resigned and the REAL SCOPE of the matter between the IRS as a political weapon and Obama's reelection WAS DROPPED.

There is a HUGE difference between not being able to get a conviction vs. "not finding shit." Part of the reason why that swamp needs draining.

And as to your comment about "you guys," there is a list of crimes long enough to fill a book between those two---- where were the democrats in investigating them? Why was it all left up to "us guys?" Time to drain that swamp. Glug! Glug! Glug! Yes, how poignant that you ignore/deny investigations with pages of crimes clearly spelled out while calling for impeachment against a situation where even the first hard piece of evidence is yet to be found!!! Glug!

And Comey said last October the investigation into Hillary's emails had been reopened------- where is that investigation now??????? Glug!
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You continue to repeat the same lies over and over about Benghazi. Go back and re-read all that came out.

You snowflakes equate Benghazi to Hillary's server/e-mail scandal - no convictions to you means nothing wrong was ever done...at the same time, after being unable to present any evidence, you claim Trump is guilty of collusion.

Again, guy, you spent millions of dollars investigating Benghazi and the emails and came up with nothing more than "Well, that could have gone better".

But with Trump, we have a shitload of evidence he's tied in with the Russians and the Russians tried to influence the election. And Trump isn't smart enough to ride the storm out like Reagan and Iran Contra (the last time a Republican conspired with our enemies for political gain.)

You can't re-write history, snowflake. 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY in Benghazi because of Hillary's and Obama's complete incompetence, political motivations, and failures.

No, four Americans died in Benghazi because the middle east is really fucking dangerous. No one is to blame for Ambassador Stevens being there except for Ambassador Stevens, who thought the Libyans loved him.

Keep your knees up, arms tightly wrapped around them, rocking back and forth, while telling yourself differently, snowflake.

Dude, you are the ones losing your shit over bad jokes and accusations that your Orange Shitgibbon conspired with the Russians.


Poll: Support for Trump impeachment rises

Forty-three percent of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, up from 38 percent last week.

"If President Trump was hoping his foreign trip would shift the conversation away from scandals, he may be out of luck," said Morning Consult Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "Over the last week, support for beginning impeachment proceedings among voters rose from 38 percent to 43 percent."
How poignant that, yes, the emails were just last year------ on July 5, Comey gave a damning list of crimes Hillary had committed. Felonies that any other person would do hard time for.

Except nobody ever has. In fact, you guys couldn't cite one case of a person going to jail because they received classified information that someone else forwarded.

Benghazi went on for 4.5 years with three investigations I believe-------- mainly because it was dragged on that long and delayed by constant obfuscation by the government and Hillary.

* Again, several people died there, in

* An embassy that should have been long-closed like all the others around there with personnel removed,

YOu see, this is where you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. It wasn't an "Embassy", it was a "consulate". In short, a branch office of the state department. And the people who were there were mostly assigned to a CIA operation that Hillary had no control over.

* Hundreds of requests for back-up over and above the locals being supplied were ignored.

* During the attack, the rescuers testified they were all ready to go help defend and pull personnel out but were told to stand down and not allowed to leave!

Because they wouldn't have gotten there in time and they didn't have coordination from the host government.

Again, if you read any of the EIGHT reports on this subject, you'd know what you were talking about instead of talking out of your ass. .
* After the deaths, Susan Rice and Obama spread the lie that it was a spontaneous riot (on 9/11?) sparked by some video when it is clearly known now they knew at the time it was a highly organized well-funded professional attack.

Again, why are those two explanations mutually exclusive? You realize it doesn't actually take a long time to plan an attack, right? Particularly not when the people you are attacking have spent the last year arming you, which is exactly what the CIA in Benghazi went ahead and did.
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

View attachment 129899
Has anyone thought of the possibility that much of this is faked by a corrupt media?
What is the crime for making up leaks from imaginary sources...or sources that nolonger work inside government?
If any of this stuff that is being leaked was true, heads would roll. What if it's just totally fake???
So we are going from what is highly probable to more liberal fantasy? Since Flynn has been investigated already and nothing criminal has been found yet, what exactly makes you so sure the liberals will EVER actually provide any evidence of actual criminal activity by any of Trump's initial team members? 10+ months so far and they still have no evidence to show for it.

You guys investigated Benghazi and the Emails for years and didn't find shit. You don't get to say when this investigation is done.

Flynn wouldn't be asking for immunity if he wasn't guilty of something.
well stupid fk, how could they look at 33,000 of them? where are those? You can't be that naive can you? And friend, it ain't even close to be concluded.
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

View attachment 129899

Criminal leaks? How about criminal CONTENT of the leaks that make them a patriotic duty to disclose.

If you are a patriotic American, learning that the admin and Flynn in particular is lying about Russians, learning that it is totally fine by Turmp, then how can you in good conscience NOT go public with that? This is the EXACT situation whistle-blower protections are for.
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