Drip! Drip! Drip! The Great Trump-Leak Conspiracy

I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

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Criminal leaks? How about criminal CONTENT of the leaks that make them a patriotic duty to disclose.

If you are a patriotic American, learning that the admin and Flynn in particular is lying about Russians, learning that it is totally fine by Turmp, then how can you in good conscience NOT go public with that? This is the EXACT situation whistle-blower protections are for.
and that is what exactly?
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

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Criminal leaks? How about criminal CONTENT of the leaks that make them a patriotic duty to disclose.

If you are a patriotic American, learning that the admin and Flynn in particular is lying about Russians, learning that it is totally fine by Turmp, then how can you in good conscience NOT go public with that? This is the EXACT situation whistle-blower protections are for.

Just doing their patriotic duty, eh? Flynn was already fired, and when you find wrongdoing, don't you normally report that to your superiors? It was their patriotic duty to leak classified info to a freaking liberal newspaper that harmed their country in doing so? Then where were all the patriots during Obama's run to leak about 15,000 things he did that should have been whistle-blown???
well stupid fk, how could they look at 33,000 of them? where are those? You can't be that naive can you? And friend, it ain't even close to be concluded.

Actually, it is a long time ago. You guys have much bigger problems as the drip-drip-drip of Russian collusion comes tolight.

The Russian shit isn't going away.
well stupid fk, how could they look at 33,000 of them? where are those? You can't be that naive can you? And friend, it ain't even close to be concluded.

Actually, it is a long time ago. You guys have much bigger problems as the drip-drip-drip of Russian collusion comes tolight.

The Russian shit isn't going away.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.
You continue to repeat the same lies over and over about Benghazi. Go back and re-read all that came out.

You snowflakes equate Benghazi to Hillary's server/e-mail scandal - no convictions to you means nothing wrong was ever done...at the same time, after being unable to present any evidence, you claim Trump is guilty of collusion.

Again, guy, you spent millions of dollars investigating Benghazi and the emails and came up with nothing more than "Well, that could have gone better".

But with Trump, we have a shitload of evidence he's tied in with the Russians and the Russians tried to influence the election. And Trump isn't smart enough to ride the storm out like Reagan and Iran Contra (the last time a Republican conspired with our enemies for political gain.)

You can't re-write history, snowflake. 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY in Benghazi because of Hillary's and Obama's complete incompetence, political motivations, and failures.

No, four Americans died in Benghazi because the middle east is really fucking dangerous. No one is to blame for Ambassador Stevens being there except for Ambassador Stevens, who thought the Libyans loved him.

Keep your knees up, arms tightly wrapped around them, rocking back and forth, while telling yourself differently, snowflake.

Dude, you are the ones losing your shit over bad jokes and accusations that your Orange Shitgibbon conspired with the Russians.


Poll: Support for Trump impeachment rises

Forty-three percent of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, up from 38 percent last week.

"If President Trump was hoping his foreign trip would shift the conversation away from scandals, he may be out of luck," said Morning Consult Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "Over the last week, support for beginning impeachment proceedings among voters rose from 38 percent to 43 percent."
Knowing thete was a terrorist attack coming on 9/11/12

Knowing terrorist presence and violence was growing,

Knowing the compound had been attacked twice already,

Knowing every other counyry had already pulled their people out,

Would YOU pull Americans out?

Would YOU refuse to provide exta security members after the Ambassador there in theground asked for them over 50 times?
You continue to repeat the same lies over and over about Benghazi. Go back and re-read all that came out.

You snowflakes equate Benghazi to Hillary's server/e-mail scandal - no convictions to you means nothing wrong was ever done...at the same time, after being unable to present any evidence, you claim Trump is guilty of collusion.

Again, guy, you spent millions of dollars investigating Benghazi and the emails and came up with nothing more than "Well, that could have gone better".

But with Trump, we have a shitload of evidence he's tied in with the Russians and the Russians tried to influence the election. And Trump isn't smart enough to ride the storm out like Reagan and Iran Contra (the last time a Republican conspired with our enemies for political gain.)

You can't re-write history, snowflake. 4 Americans died NEEDLESSLY in Benghazi because of Hillary's and Obama's complete incompetence, political motivations, and failures.

No, four Americans died in Benghazi because the middle east is really fucking dangerous. No one is to blame for Ambassador Stevens being there except for Ambassador Stevens, who thought the Libyans loved him.

Keep your knees up, arms tightly wrapped around them, rocking back and forth, while telling yourself differently, snowflake.

Dude, you are the ones losing your shit over bad jokes and accusations that your Orange Shitgibbon conspired with the Russians.


Poll: Support for Trump impeachment rises

Forty-three percent of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, up from 38 percent last week.

"If President Trump was hoping his foreign trip would shift the conversation away from scandals, he may be out of luck," said Morning Consult Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "Over the last week, support for beginning impeachment proceedings among voters rose from 38 percent to 43 percent."
Knowing thete was a terrorist attack coming on 9/11/12

Knowing terrorist presence and violence was growing,

Knowing the compound had been attacked twice already,

Knowing every other counyry had already pulled their people out,

Would YOU pull Americans out?

Would YOU refuse to provide exta security members after the Ambassador there in theground asked for them over 50 times?
BTW, obummer can still be impeached.
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

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Criminal leaks? How about criminal CONTENT of the leaks that make them a patriotic duty to disclose.

If you are a patriotic American, learning that the admin and Flynn in particular is lying about Russians, learning that it is totally fine by Turmp, then how can you in good conscience NOT go public with that? This is the EXACT situation whistle-blower protections are for.

Just doing their patriotic duty, eh? Flynn was already fired, and when you find wrongdoing, don't you normally report that to your superiors? It was their patriotic duty to leak classified info to a freaking liberal newspaper that harmed their country in doing so? Then where were all the patriots during Obama's run to leak about 15,000 things he did that should have been whistle-blown???

Flynn was NOT fired for weeks, until Washington Post finally made the matter public. And even after that Turmp was talking about what good man Flynn is, was talking about how he should not have fired him, was completely inappropriately pressuring Comey to drop investigation of Flynn, firing Comey when he refused - actions that look awfully a lot like obstruction of justice.

Trumps first and foremost problems are not leaks, his problem is his conspicuous, stupid, unethical, amoral ways.
Just doing their patriotic duty, eh? Flynn was already fired, and when you find wrongdoing, don't you normally report that to your superiors? It was their patriotic duty to leak classified info to a freaking liberal newspaper that harmed their country in doing so? Then where were all the patriots during Obama's run to leak about 15,000 things he did that should have been whistle-blown???

Guy, you need to get over your Obama obsession. The scary black man isn't in the White House anymore.

Frankly, I think the fact that Flynn was colluding with the Russians is a bigger deal than someone letting us know Flynn was colluding with the Russians.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

I think you are a little confused. Impeachment is a political act. You don't have to prove Trump and his cronies committed a crime, only that they abused their power.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

I think you are a little confused. Impeachment is a political act. You don't have to prove Trump and his cronies committed a crime, only that they abused their power.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

I think you are a little confused. Impeachment is a political act. You don't have to prove Trump and his cronies committed a crime, only that they abused their power.
and? where did they do that? why can't you post it up? you too chicken to walk the walk bubba?
I apologize for some of the poor readability of this, I intended last night to capture these images off my big screen television but first accidentally erased the program out of habit then was lucky enough to catch the re-airing under less ideal conditions, then took the photos off of a much smaller 27-inch CRT. But rather than write it all out, for anyone interested, here is a list of all of the criminal government leaks from Inauguration Day up to the present:

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Criminal leaks? How about criminal CONTENT of the leaks that make them a patriotic duty to disclose.

If you are a patriotic American, learning that the admin and Flynn in particular is lying about Russians, learning that it is totally fine by Turmp, then how can you in good conscience NOT go public with that? This is the EXACT situation whistle-blower protections are for.

Just doing their patriotic duty, eh? Flynn was already fired, and when you find wrongdoing, don't you normally report that to your superiors? It was their patriotic duty to leak classified info to a freaking liberal newspaper that harmed their country in doing so? Then where were all the patriots during Obama's run to leak about 15,000 things he did that should have been whistle-blown???

Flynn was NOT fired for weeks, until Washington Post finally made the matter public. And even after that Turmp was talking about what good man Flynn is, was talking about how he should not have fired him, was completely inappropriately pressuring Comey to drop investigation of Flynn, firing Comey when he refused - actions that look awfully a lot like obstruction of justice.

Trumps first and foremost problems are not leaks, his problem is his conspicuous, stupid, unethical, amoral ways.
well they made it public because of a leak you stupid fk.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

I think you are a little confused. Impeachment is a political act. You don't have to prove Trump and his cronies committed a crime, only that they abused their power.

Knowing thete was a terrorist attack coming on 9/11/12

Knowing terrorist presence and violence was growing,

Knowing the compound had been attacked twice already,

Knowing every other counyry had already pulled their people out,

Would YOU pull Americans out?

Except that no one knew that there was an attack coming.

Here's what you guys keep forgetting. Stevens was nice and safe in his embassy in Tripoli. HE made the decision to travel to Benghazi that day, knowing all the issues you listed. He's the one who decided to stay overnight instead of heading right back after his meeting with a Turkish official was concluded. He's the one who turned down a military escort to go with him.

Nobody wants to pick on the dead guy, and frankly, most of Stevens service to our country was laudible. But at the end of the day, he made the bad calls, not Hillary and not Obama.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

I think you are a little confused. Impeachment is a political act. You don't have to prove Trump and his cronies committed a crime, only that they abused their power.

Knowing thete was a terrorist attack coming on 9/11/12

Knowing terrorist presence and violence was growing,

Knowing the compound had been attacked twice already,

Knowing every other counyry had already pulled their people out,

Would YOU pull Americans out?

Except that no one knew that there was an attack coming.

Here's what you guys keep forgetting. Stevens was nice and safe in his embassy in Tripoli. HE made the decision to travel to Benghazi that day, knowing all the issues you listed. He's the one who decided to stay overnight instead of heading right back after his meeting with a Turkish official was concluded. He's the one who turned down a military escort to go with him.

Nobody wants to pick on the dead guy, and frankly, most of Stevens service to our country was laudible. But at the end of the day, he made the bad calls, not Hillary and not Obama.
well sure they did you fool. Why do you supposed all other countries pulled their people out? how fking stupid kind of Monday morning qb are you. You don't see the facts that were discussed. wow. bright light bulbs you are not, nor sharp as a knife.
Maybe if Trump stopped running a disorganized shit-show, this wouldn't be a problem for him.
Just saying.

I won't deny some things could be better, but every president has some leaks. But I think the real problem here was:

A). Obama changed the intelligence sharing laws just days before the inauguration from info being limited to just the vetting agency to it going out to something like 17 agencies all at once now being impossible to trace. I think this was a deliberate preamble for all of this.

B). Schumer and the democrats have totally dragged their feet on appointments leaving hundreds of Obama appointees in office to work this crap in the background.

All Obama appointees need expunged. Lines of communication need set up so that we know who had what and any leaked info can be traced to the source. Leakers need to be gravely punished to the full extent possible.

Last I heard, Trump had now given several world leaders his personal cell phone number to call him directly. The ultimate front-back channel! There is bound to be some fracas over this, plus next I'll expect his cellphone calls to be picked up and recorded.

Who's dragged their feet? Trump still has not hired 2000 some that needs no senate confirmation?

well stupid fk, how could they look at 33,000 of them? where are those? You can't be that naive can you? And friend, it ain't even close to be concluded.

Actually, it is a long time ago. You guys have much bigger problems as the drip-drip-drip of Russian collusion comes tolight.

The Russian shit isn't going away.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and obstruction of justice would be the pursuable crimes.
well stupid fk, how could they look at 33,000 of them? where are those? You can't be that naive can you? And friend, it ain't even close to be concluded.

Actually, it is a long time ago. You guys have much bigger problems as the drip-drip-drip of Russian collusion comes tolight.

The Russian shit isn't going away.
collusion isn't a crime. you need something else stupid fk. It's already been pointed out.

Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and obstruction of justice would be the pursuable crimes.
sure, you just post up the evidence little guy. I mean our fking intelligence agencies must be really fking stupid that after 13 months they can't find one fking thing. wow.
well sure they did you fool. Why do you supposed all other countries pulled their people out? how fking stupid kind of Monday morning qb are you. You don't see the facts that were discussed. wow. bright light bulbs you are not, nor sharp as a knife.

Again, not seeing how Hillary was responsible for Steven's poor decisions...

Aren't you the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?
well sure they did you fool. Why do you supposed all other countries pulled their people out? how fking stupid kind of Monday morning qb are you. You don't see the facts that were discussed. wow. bright light bulbs you are not, nor sharp as a knife.

Again, not seeing how Hillary was responsible for Steven's poor decisions...

Aren't you the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?
well I'll tell you what, you show us the 33,000 emails and I'll bet you I find the evidence you so desire.

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