Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Yeah, john McCain hadn't talked about his FAITH, but Obama slipped up with MUSLIM. And Stepho, corrected him with Christian, Bambi, you can try all you want to LIE about what Obama said, but it is HIS own words, not mine, now go play in the middle of the street and see who skids and who doesn't.
Barack and his freudian 'my muslim faith Christian faith' slip

Thanks for proving he didn't claim to have a Muslim faith. He was pointing out McCain had not attacked him as having a Muslim faith as others had done. And when the host interrupted with, "Christian faith," Obama clarified to the host, "what I'm saying is that he [McCain] hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim."

Just how desperate and delusional are you rightards?

You really are an airhead aren't you. John McCain once again questioned Obama's faith, and Obama said "Yes he questioned my Muslim Faith" and the midget had to correct Obama about his "CHRISTIAN" faith. You can change the appearance of an individual but you sure cant fix stupid, and they voted for Obama , not once but twice. HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUR FOR YOU?

The words you quoted were never uttered. That you have to make up quotes further reveals your desperation.
Liberals, the GOP Leadership, Obama, the Media, McConnell all support Planned seems about the only ones who are against murdering babies, chopping them up, and selling their body parts for cash at tax payer expense are the majority of American citizens...and we don't count because we are not being listened to...
Eric Cantor No. 2 House Republican loses primary in big upset -
In what's being described as a political "earthquake," a tea party neophyte booted the No. 2 House Republican, Eric Cantor, from office.
Well Eric heard from the little people, and got his ass handed to him for not doing what the people wanted. Shame there are some states who have sheeple in it who keep on voting for the same people who keep screwing them over. Liberals (R) and (D) are only for themselves and are the career politicians , but if more people would vote the lifetime political hacks out and put fresh new Americans in, these lowlife government rulers, would then see that We the People are in charge. I know it is a pipe dream as too many on the left are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots that would have to use what little grey matter they have to vote for the RIGHT CHOICE.
Liberals, the GOP Leadership, Obama, the Media, McConnell all support Planned seems about the only ones who are against murdering babies, chopping them up, and selling their body parts for cash at tax payer expense are the majority of American citizens...and we don't count because we are not being listened to...
I don't see anyone supporting selling baby parts, so who knows what you're talking about? :dunno: Doubt you even do.
When you get free body parts to use towards your Lamborghini, when you are a non profit, and there are 33,000 abortions a month, eventually you would have enough to buy said car. Maybe we should start doing the same for crimminals and that would stop the overcrowding of jails, and repeat offenders.

Okay, I think you are a little confused on the math thing here.

First, no one doctor is performing 33,000 abortions a month.

Second, while Planned Parenthood as an organization is performing that many across hundreds of clinics, probably very few of them actually produce usable tissue samples, and fewer of them still get the patient's consent.

Third- and I know that you are having a hard time grasping this- That $30.00 fee covers preservation, packaging and shipping of the sample, there's no actual "profit" being made here.

Fourth- A lot of valuable medical research is done with these tissues. Research that saves lives. remember, you guys are supposedly "Pro-Life"?
PP reported more than $127 million in excess revenue for fiscal year 2013-2014. Other companies call that a profit. PP's non-abortion services are down. Something's a little fishy with your assertions.

You do understand that a not for profit business is a tax status and doesn't actually mean that the business can't make a profit, right?
At least we don't wish death upon the innocent unborn, like some people here do. We at least know who the EVIL ones are, and we don't make deals with EVIL, who wish to use nukes on US or Isreal.

Abortion is legal in Israel and Iran. Just who are you fighting for? Are you the Devil in disguise?
Abortion is mostly illegal in Iran, as it is in all Islamic nations. Iran only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or in case of fetal deformities.

All the islamic nations severely restrict abortion. Pro-lifers want us to join that club. They tend to think like the Islamicists on most issues.
Abortion is mostly illegal in Iran, as it is in all Islamic nations. Iran only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or in case of fetal deformities.

All the islamic nations severely restrict abortion. Pro-lifers want us to join that club. They tend to think like the Islamicists on most issues.
At least the Right isn't working side by side, to destroy the Western Way of civilization. You think socialism is going to work? Hasn't ever worked, and many people have died in the attempt to make it work(it is called a PURGE). The problem with you libtards, is that every time a new socialist comes forward, HE thinks he can do it better. Yeah, purge better and ruin a nation better. Just look at California, Illinois, Puerto Rico, and Greece, all socialist and all failing. So lets just kill all the UNWANTED babies, and let babies from Hillary Rotten Clinton's daughter have a baby, because they are smarter, better , richer than you. Bunch of dumbasses who vote Dumbocrat.
California is running budget surpluses. That happened when the Democrats got a supermajority. It's not a coincidence.

Now, is there any other way you'd like to deflect from the fact that pro-lifers are like Islamicists in most ways?
Supervisors to Vote on Restructuring Oversight of Internal Auditor Voice of OC
A major reform stemming from Orange County’s bankruptcy appears to be on the verge of reversal, with county supervisors set to vote Tuesday on whether to relinquish their oversight of the county’s internal audit office and hand that authority over to the elected auditor-controller.
I guess if you say it enough, you might believe what you say. As for those who have intelligence and watch what is going on in the country,......Yes a supermajority of Democrats will result in the death of a city, county, or country. You can bet your sweet bippie on it.
Woman among 8 killed had texted mom for help Official
Woman among 8 killed had texted mom for help: Official

A woman who previously dated the man accused of fatally shooting her, her husband and six children texted her mother before her death that she was being held at gunpoint, a Texas district attorney said Monday.
So this man, in the goodness of his heart decided to have these post birth abortions , now those body parts can be used for "SCIENCE". I mean what is the difference between a child in the womb or a child out of the womb, since "SCIENCE" matters most of all. Of course "ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER" except when a black man kills other blacks, or black unborn children are executed on the abortion tables. I will say liberal are like Islamic fascists because it doesn't matter who the liberal kills, if it "FEELS" good just kill , whether you burn them, drown them, stab them in the back of the neck and suck their brains out so you can collapse the skull. When there is no sanctity of LIFE, which liberals and Islamic fundamentalist believe, then people kill people, and it doesn't matter what color you are. Shame you use a cat as your avatar, cats are much nicer than liberals are, and don't abort their young, but people do.
Abortion is mostly illegal in Iran, as it is in all Islamic nations. Iran only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or in case of fetal deformities.

All the islamic nations severely restrict abortion. Pro-lifers want us to join that club. They tend to think like the Islamicists on most issues.

In Iran, where laws are based on the Islamic Sharia, there is a slight difference regarding this issue. Based on the Islamic law, formation of the fetus's life is divided into two stages: before the fetus is infused with life and after it. Before the fetus has a soul, abortion is legal if pregnancy endangers the mother's life. -

Based on science and the sayings of Imams, the fetus is infused with life after the 4th or 4.5 month (16 to 18 weeks) of pregnancy and because killing any live human being is a crime, abortion after this time is a great sin and crime.

See more at: Iran Chamber Society Iranian Society Abortion in Iranian Law

Maybe they are wong, I don't live there so....
Abortion is mostly illegal in Iran, as it is in all Islamic nations. Iran only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or in case of fetal deformities.

All the islamic nations severely restrict abortion. Pro-lifers want us to join that club. They tend to think like the Islamicists on most issues.

In Iran, where laws are based on the Islamic Sharia, there is a slight difference regarding this issue. Based on the Islamic law, formation of the fetus's life is divided into two stages: before the fetus is infused with life and after it. Before the fetus has a soul, abortion is legal if pregnancy endangers the mother's life. -

Based on science and the sayings of Imams, the fetus is infused with life after the 4th or 4.5 month (16 to 18 weeks) of pregnancy and because killing any live human being is a crime, abortion after this time is a great sin and crime.

See more at: Iran Chamber Society Iranian Society Abortion in Iranian Law

Maybe they are wong, I don't live there so....
Of course killing any human being that isn't a pig, or liberal or American, or Jew, shouldn't be killed, but that is such a small portion of the human race, right? Mohammad and Liberals have many things in common, like having under age sex with little girls, then if those girls get pregnant they can have the girls get an abortion. We know why you libs believe in abortion, that is so you wont get tied down and punished with a baby. obama calls babies punishment - Bing Videos
Obama: Babies are a "punishment"
Did you know that Obama punished Michelle with 2 of them?
Abortion is mostly illegal in Iran, as it is in all Islamic nations. Iran only allows abortion if the mother's life is in danger, or in case of fetal deformities.

All the islamic nations severely restrict abortion. Pro-lifers want us to join that club. They tend to think like the Islamicists on most issues.

In Iran, where laws are based on the Islamic Sharia, there is a slight difference regarding this issue. Based on the Islamic law, formation of the fetus's life is divided into two stages: before the fetus is infused with life and after it. Before the fetus has a soul, abortion is legal if pregnancy endangers the mother's life. -

Based on science and the sayings of Imams, the fetus is infused with life after the 4th or 4.5 month (16 to 18 weeks) of pregnancy and because killing any live human being is a crime, abortion after this time is a great sin and crime.

See more at: Iran Chamber Society Iranian Society Abortion in Iranian Law

Maybe they are wong, I don't live there so....
Of course killing any human being that isn't a pig, or liberal or American, or Jew, shouldn't be killed, but that is such a small portion of the human race, right? Mohammad and Liberals have many things in common, like having under age sex with little girls, then if those girls get pregnant they can have the girls get an abortion. We know why you libs believe in abortion, that is so you wont get tied down and punished with a baby. obama calls babies punishment - Bing Videos
Obama: Babies are a "punishment"
Did you know that Obama punished Michelle with 2 of them?

So when you hear these angry, disembodied voices inside your head who does it sound like mostly?
Latest video claims Planned Parenthood received up to $75 per 'body part'
While the new video includes fewer controversial statements and none of the graphic footage that has fueled outrage against Planned Parenthood, it claims the provider received $50 to $75 per fetal "part," citing a former employee for the company.

The Center for Medical Progress also shows flyers in which the company touts its profitability and its partnerships with a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Funny how the liberals are attacking Trump and Bush for calling out Illegal Aliens who drop a baby here in America as Anchor babies. Maybe we need to call them Anchor Fetus, and it will be better. Start using liberals words against them, and the liberals end up with the DEER in the headlights look.


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Funny how the liberals are attacking Trump and Bush for calling out Illegal Aliens who drop a baby here in America as Anchor babies. Maybe we need to call them Anchor Fetus, and it will be better. Start using liberals words against them, and the liberals end up with the DEER in the headlights look.

Not an issue at all. When a fetus completes its gestation, it's a baby. When it doesn't, it's a fetus. This isn't complicated.

If you deport a pregnant woman before she gives birth, no anchor baby.
Funny how the liberals are attacking Trump and Bush for calling out Illegal Aliens who drop a baby here in America as Anchor babies. Maybe we need to call them Anchor Fetus, and it will be better. Start using liberals words against them, and the liberals end up with the DEER in the headlights look.

Not an issue at all. When a fetus completes its gestation, it's a baby. When it doesn't, it's a fetus. This isn't complicated.

If you deport a pregnant woman before she gives birth, no anchor baby.
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
Here is the issue, stop having OUR taxes pay for someone elses abortion. If they want one, then THEY can pay for it. Got it...... PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

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