Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
Here is the issue, stop having OUR taxes pay for someone elses abortion. If they want one, then THEY can pay for it. Got it...... PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

No tax dollars are paying for abortions. They are paying for cancer screenings and pap smears and birth control... all of which are good ideas.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.

Guy, if it was a big enough fetus to be harvested, it was probably one with all sorts of genetic defects, so abortion was a mercy, really.
defective genetically, yes every liberal is a moron, so as I said, shame you got past the abortion executioners knife. Liberalism is a mental disorder. America needs mercy, liberals, go abort yourself.
And Jews aren't human until their eye color can be changed to blue right, Dr. Mengele?

You sound exactly like the PETA fascists. Nobody pays attention to them either.

PETA and prolife are essentially indistinguishable, which is why I refer to them as PETA-prolife, a single entity. Both of them rely on making up some whackaloon definitions of what a person is, and then threaten violence at anyone who won't march in lockstep with their kook cult beliefs.
Who cares about your bizarre categorizations. You're a pro abortion nut job. An extremist minority.
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
Planned Parenthood needs to increase its product output by 50 livers a week. That's over and above what they have now.

They are going to have to convince more women to kill their babies.
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
If the baby is breathing, it wasn't stillborn. It was a live birth.
Nice try.

Do you want to buy a ba
So the sleaze artist lied about PP, and a lot of the media backed the lie. Looks like proof that our crazy conservative mainstream media is indeed the crazy conservative mainstream media.

The scandal here is the big lie by the pro-lifers, and how so many politicians and media figures are pushing the big lie. What's not news is that Sassy and Bull push the big lie, as they'll push any big lie that backs their agenda. Hardcore pro-lifers are like that. They believe God has granted them a personal dispensation to lie big for TheCause, so you can't trust anything they say.

Do you want to buy a babies head? I hear Planned Parenthood is going to have a sale on them!
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
If the baby is breathing, it wasn't stillborn. It was a live birth.
What is stillbirth

A stillbirth is the death of a baby before or during delivery.

And more to the point -- it wasn't an abortion.
Planned Parenthood needs to increase its product output by 50 livers a week. That's over and above what they have now.

They are going to have to convince more women to kill their babies.
And to kill them closer to their due dates.
planned parenthood.png
i remember in the video of planned parenthood, that when a baby was born and on the executioners table, it was still called a fetus, and was dissected for its parts anyway. So what is it, a FETUS or baby, you cant have it both ways, as typical of liberals, for without double standards , liberals would have no standards at all.

That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
If the baby is breathing, it wasn't stillborn. It was a live birth.
What is stillbirth

A stillbirth is the death of a baby before or during delivery.

And more to the point -- it wasn't an abortion.
No it's not, babykiller. A stillbirth is a baby who never draws a breath.
That fetus wasn't viable...sorry guy.

Here's the standard I have. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Of course, with your personality, that's never going to be an issue, anyway.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
If the baby is breathing, it wasn't stillborn. It was a live birth.
What is stillbirth

A stillbirth is the death of a baby before or during delivery.

And more to the point -- it wasn't an abortion.
No it's not, babykiller. A stillbirth is a baby who never draws a breath.
There's no evidence that baby was still breathing. You can argue the point with the woman who delivered it and said it was a stillbirth.

And whether you want to call it a stillbirth or a neonatal death -- it still wasn't an abortion. The producers of that video lied when they inferred it was an abortion.
The living FETUS that is breathing on the table, was executed outside the womb, shame many more liberals were lucky enough to not be treated the same.
That was a stillbirth, not an abortion. Go bitch and moan to G-d for aborting that pregnancy. Tell Him He should stop doing that because it's murder and violates your morals.
If the baby is breathing, it wasn't stillborn. It was a live birth.
What is stillbirth

A stillbirth is the death of a baby before or during delivery.

And more to the point -- it wasn't an abortion.
No it's not, babykiller. A stillbirth is a baby who never draws a breath.
There's no evidence that baby was still breathing. You can argue the point with the woman who delivered it and said it was a stillbirth.

And whether you want to call it a stillbirth or a neonatal death -- it still wasn't an abortion. The producers of that video lied when they inferred it was an abortion.
Yeah, sure. We believe you, like we believe Obama. You know, you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor, or Obamacare will lower costs by $2,500. If you say it enough, then it must be true, but those with intelligence "KNOW" that babies are being born alive, then executed on the table, so the body parts can be sold for "PROFITS". Even the Nazi's of Germany didn't stoop this low, but you liberals cut the cake(or body parts).
How will planned parenthood increase their available product by 50 livers a week? That's 2,500 more livers a year.

Pp better start providing birth control guaranteed to fail.
So, does it bother you ODS kooks, the way the whole planet now just laughs at your cult babbling?

Let me rephrase that. Exactly how much does it bother you? Has your growing mental instability made you a danger to yourselves or others?

That's why we keep on eye on you, you know, same way we keep an eye on Islamic extremists.

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