Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

The outrage being displayed over these videos is really quite ridiculous. OMG they're cutting up babies....oh the horror.

How did you all imagine fetal tissue was harvested before the videos? It is tissue and not a baby or body parts because it's deceased. The procedures aren't all that different than an adult donor or an autopsy.
The abortions aren't conducted for the purpose of harvesting tissue but rather the opposite. The tissue is available and harvested with consent as a result of the abortion. The abortion would happen anyway. I personally think it's great that women have the good sense to allow that tissue to be used for the greater good rather than simply discarded.
Conflict of interest. The reason it's illegal is that if the butchers get paid for dead babies, then they have a motive to kill them..which means the patients take a back seat.

The reason what's illegal?

Women voluntarily seek out abortion services. There aren't PP vans driving the streets kidnapping pregnant women to force abortions on.
So what you see here folks are baby killers arguing that it's okay to break the law if you're harvesting babies, lying to vulnerable women and putting them at risk. Note they have stopped denying that they are, in fact, breaking the law. Now the argument is that it's okay for abortionists to do that.
The outrage being displayed over these videos is really quite ridiculous. OMG they're cutting up babies....oh the horror.

How did you all imagine fetal tissue was harvested before the videos? It is tissue and not a baby or body parts because it's deceased. The procedures aren't all that different than an adult donor or an autopsy.
The abortions aren't conducted for the purpose of harvesting tissue but rather the opposite. The tissue is available and harvested with consent as a result of the abortion. The abortion would happen anyway. I personally think it's great that women have the good sense to allow that tissue to be used for the greater good rather than simply discarded.
Conflict of interest. The reason it's illegal is that if the butchers get paid for dead babies, then they have a motive to kill them..which means the patients take a back seat.

The reason what's illegal?

Women voluntarily seek out abortion services. There aren't PP vans driving the streets kidnapping pregnant women to force abortions on.
So what you see here folks are baby killers arguing that it's okay to break the law if you're harvesting babies, lying to vulnerable women and putting them at risk. Note they have stopped denying that they are, in fact, breaking the law. Now the argument is that it's okay for abortionists to do that.

I haven't seen any evidence of anyone breaking the law. I see 13 states launching investigations and one by one PP is cleared of wrongdoing. It seems your argument is going through multiple iterations. Mine has been the same from the beginning.

State inquiries into Planned Parenthood turn up no evidence of wrongdoing
The outrage being displayed over these videos is really quite ridiculous. OMG they're cutting up babies....oh the horror.

How did you all imagine fetal tissue was harvested before the videos? It is tissue and not a baby or body parts because it's deceased. The procedures aren't all that different than an adult donor or an autopsy.
The abortions aren't conducted for the purpose of harvesting tissue but rather the opposite. The tissue is available and harvested with consent as a result of the abortion. The abortion would happen anyway. I personally think it's great that women have the good sense to allow that tissue to be used for the greater good rather than simply discarded.
Conflict of interest. The reason it's illegal is that if the butchers get paid for dead babies, then they have a motive to kill them..which means the patients take a back seat.

The reason what's illegal?

Women voluntarily seek out abortion services. There aren't PP vans driving the streets kidnapping pregnant women to force abortions on.
Not yet. What they do is work with human traffickers and pimps to hide abuse and force girls to get abortions. What they do I Li to women about the developmental stage of their babies (hence the refusal to use sonagrams) in order to harvest older babies. What they do is use illegal and risky procedures specifically to maximize profit. That is conflict if interest...and it is illegal because people who get money for dead babies are going to do whatever they need to to bring in that income. How delightful that there is no oversight. We'll just have to take the butchers' word for it that although they're breaking the law, it's still peachy.
I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.
The outrage being displayed over these videos is really quite ridiculous. OMG they're cutting up babies....oh the horror.

How did you all imagine fetal tissue was harvested before the videos? It is tissue and not a baby or body parts because it's deceased. The procedures aren't all that different than an adult donor or an autopsy.
The abortions aren't conducted for the purpose of harvesting tissue but rather the opposite. The tissue is available and harvested with consent as a result of the abortion. The abortion would happen anyway. I personally think it's great that women have the good sense to allow that tissue to be used for the greater good rather than simply discarded.
Conflict of interest. The reason it's illegal is that if the butchers get paid for dead babies, then they have a motive to kill them..which means the patients take a back seat.

The reason what's illegal?

Women voluntarily seek out abortion services. There aren't PP vans driving the streets kidnapping pregnant women to force abortions on.
Not yet. What they do is work with human traffickers and pimps to hide abuse and force girls to get abortions. What they do I Li to women about the developmental stage of their babies (hence the refusal to use sonagrams) in order to harvest older babies. What they do is use illegal and risky procedures specifically to maximize profit. That is conflict if interest...and it is illegal because people who get money for dead babies are going to do whatever they need to to bring in that income. How delightful that there is no oversight. We'll just have to take the butchers' word for it that although they're breaking the law, it's still peachy.

Yep, you're a loon.
There is no evidence to show any of that is true. If anything it's shows just the opposite.
There is oversight from every state that PP operates in. That's why the states are able to investigate as well as attempt to cripple them with rule changes. Clearly you have no idea as to what is reality. You've been had. Again.
The outrage being displayed over these videos is really quite ridiculous. OMG they're cutting up babies....oh the horror.

How did you all imagine fetal tissue was harvested before the videos? It is tissue and not a baby or body parts because it's deceased. The procedures aren't all that different than an adult donor or an autopsy.
The abortions aren't conducted for the purpose of harvesting tissue but rather the opposite. The tissue is available and harvested with consent as a result of the abortion. The abortion would happen anyway. I personally think it's great that women have the good sense to allow that tissue to be used for the greater good rather than simply discarded.
Conflict of interest. The reason it's illegal is that if the butchers get paid for dead babies, then they have a motive to kill them..which means the patients take a back seat.

The reason what's illegal?

Women voluntarily seek out abortion services. There aren't PP vans driving the streets kidnapping pregnant women to force abortions on.
Not yet. What they do is work with human traffickers and pimps to hide abuse and force girls to get abortions. What they do I Li to women about the developmental stage of their babies (hence the refusal to use sonagrams) in order to harvest older babies. What they do is use illegal and risky procedures specifically to maximize profit. That is conflict if interest...and it is illegal because people who get money for dead babies are going to do whatever they need to to bring in that income. How delightful that there is no oversight. We'll just have to take the butchers' word for it that although they're breaking the law, it's still peachy.

Yep, you're a loon.
There is no evidence to show any of that is true. If anything it's shows just the opposite.
There is oversight from every state that PP operates in. That's why the states are able to investigate as well as attempt to cripple them with rule changes. Clearly you have no idea as to what is reality. You've been had. Again.
No, there is no oversight. The loons are the ones who put women at risk so they can kill and sell their offspring. You are a lying, criminal, extremist minority. Thank goodness. And there is a way to prove investigative journalism. By infiltrating, filming, and using their own words and disgusting practices against them.
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Wrong again. But keep on believing what you want, someday it may come true, as typical of a sociopath, but to the rest of US, it will still be wrong. You sir have a bad case of FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE.

I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.

I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Wrong again. But keep on believing what you want, someday it may come true, as typical of a sociopath, but to the rest of US, it will still be wrong. You sir have a bad case of FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE.

View attachment 48978
Give me a break. Nice way to lie. " admits selling body parts", but then goes on to say,

"The letter has Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitting that the California affiliate of Planned Parenthood receives a “reimbursement of $60 per tissue specimen” and Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners will adjust how they do abortions to “ facilitate fetal tissue donations.” Richards claims the $60 per “tissue specimen” is a “modest reimbursement” and “these amounts were intended to recover only their costs.”

You fools are shameless.
I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.

I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Wrong again. But keep on believing what you want, someday it may come true, as typical of a sociopath, but to the rest of US, it will still be wrong. You sir have a bad case of FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE.

View attachment 48978
Give me a break. Nice way to lie. " admits selling body parts", but then goes on to say,

"The letter has Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitting that the California affiliate of Planned Parenthood receives a “reimbursement of $60 per tissue specimen” and Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners will adjust how they do abortions to “ facilitate fetal tissue donations.” Richards claims the $60 per “tissue specimen” is a “modest reimbursement” and “these amounts were intended to recover only their costs.”

You fools are shameless.
Says the anti-Semitic baby killer who approves the criminal butchery of vulnerable women, and the murder and sale of their babies. Shameless indeed.
I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.

I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.

I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Planned Parenthood Letter to Congress Admits Selling Aborted Baby Parts for $60 Each
Wrong again. But keep on believing what you want, someday it may come true, as typical of a sociopath, but to the rest of US, it will still be wrong. You sir have a bad case of FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE.

View attachment 48978
Give me a break. Nice way to lie. " admits selling body parts", but then goes on to say,

"The letter has Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitting that the California affiliate of Planned Parenthood receives a “reimbursement of $60 per tissue specimen” and Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners will adjust how they do abortions to “ facilitate fetal tissue donations.” Richards claims the $60 per “tissue specimen” is a “modest reimbursement” and “these amounts were intended to recover only their costs.”

You fools are shameless.
Says the anti-Semitic baby killer who approves the criminal butchery of vulnerable women, and the murder and sale of their babies. Shameless indeed.

Anti- semetic?
I see your source is the uber progressive, anti semitic Guardian. Friend to negative eugenetecists everywhere.

I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.

How many "poor black girls" receive contraceptive care from PP?
I've noticed that conservative outlets don't like to report on such things. I suppose because it screws up their narrative. There's a few out there though.

Pennsylvania becomes fifth state to find no Planned Parenthood wrongdoing

Planned Parenthood Gains Some Traction in Fight Over Antiabortion Group’s Videos
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.

How many "poor black girls" receive contraceptive care from PP?

They can get their free contraceptives just as easily from organizations that don't kill them and sell their dead babies.

You do realize it's the feds and not PP that pay for those, right? And that that money can be channeled through anybody for the same purpose..right?

Of course you don't. You're a baby killing, Planned Parenthood worshiping acolyte.
Would that be the same Pennsylvania where Gosnell murdered, abused and doped women for decades after being reported over and over again??? The same Gosnell that PP referred women to, despite their knowledge of his disgusting, illegal and murderous practices....for a finders fee?

Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.

How many "poor black girls" receive contraceptive care from PP?

They can get their free contraceptives just as easily from organizations that don't kill them and sell their dead babies.

You do realize it's the feds and not PP that pay for those, right? And that that money can be channeled through anybody for the same purpose..right?

Of course you don't. You're a baby killing, Planned Parenthood worshiping acolyte.

PP doesn't sell dead babies loon!
Yes the state of Pennsylvania is lying to cover for PP. Don't you see the conspiracy?
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.

How many "poor black girls" receive contraceptive care from PP?

They can get their free contraceptives just as easily from organizations that don't kill them and sell their dead babies.

You do realize it's the feds and not PP that pay for those, right? And that that money can be channeled through anybody for the same purpose..right?

Of course you don't. You're a baby killing, Planned Parenthood worshiping acolyte.

PP doesn't sell dead babies loon!

Of course they do, baby killing acolyte. And they've been busted.

"Three Planned Parenthood Federation of America clinics in Florida were ordered to stop performing second-trimester abortions after an investigation found they didn’t have the proper licenses, the state Agency for Health Care Administration said Wednesday.
"The investigation also found one clinic that wasn't keeping proper logs relating to fetal remains, according to the agency."

Hmmm...they're performing late term abortions that they aren't authorized to perform..and what's happening to the dead babies? Nobody knows!

Florida Investigation of Planned Parenthood Clinics Finds Deficiencies
No, the state of Pennsylvania does a piss poor job of monitoring abortion clinics and in fact was chastised mightily for just that thing in the Gosnell judgement. You should read more, instead of just cheering for baby killing monsters and back alley abortionists.
They are really racists and don't mind that poor black girls who are getting pregnant , abort their babies. Why else was Dr. Death Gosnell, allowed to work for so long, that it took a undercover group to expose him as the butcher he was. Liberals hate everyone, but people of color the most, been that way before the civil war, same after the war, and still today.

How many "poor black girls" receive contraceptive care from PP?

They can get their free contraceptives just as easily from organizations that don't kill them and sell their dead babies.

You do realize it's the feds and not PP that pay for those, right? And that that money can be channeled through anybody for the same purpose..right?

Of course you don't. You're a baby killing, Planned Parenthood worshiping acolyte.

PP doesn't sell dead babies loon!

Of course they do, baby killing acolyte. And they've been busted.

"Three Planned Parenthood Federation of America clinics in Florida were ordered to stop performing second-trimester abortions after an investigation found they didn’t have the proper licenses, the state Agency for Health Care Administration said Wednesday.
"The investigation also found one clinic that wasn't keeping proper logs relating to fetal remains, according to the agency."

Hmmm...they're performing late term abortions that they aren't authorized to perform..and what's happening to the dead babies? Nobody knows!

Florida Investigation of Planned Parenthood Clinics Finds Deficiencies

Deficiencies not crimes. Keep trying.

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