Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Bullying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.[1] Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.[2][3] If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
The reason why I have put up this definition is to explain WHY liberals call US names, force their agenda on us, or even kill unborn children then try to LIE to US that it is just some random mass of cells. Liberals are bullies, (SOCIOPATHS) who must win at all costs. If ever the misguided liberals find out the TRUTH about how EVIL liberals are, then there will be HELL to pay, as those low information voters will probably go after the liberals like they did in the FRENCH REVOLUION(off with their heads). So they must continue to bully US, hope we back down, but more and more are stepping up and not letting the bullies win.
There is not such thing as unborn children. Children don't become children until they are born. The only way you anti freedom religious zealots can operate is by misusing words and terms and telling lies. People shouldn't have to give up constitutional rights to please you and your religious beliefs. If you want to be that way go join the Taliban. We don't want sharia law here in the USA.
Notice how this person just used an insult in a bullying way. There was never a constitutional right to have an abortion, and you need to check your homosexual, muslim, president who is moving America more and more to Islam.
Obama: "My Muslim Faith"
If you think ISIS sleeper cells, when they start showing up, are going to be nice to you liberals, you got it wrong, as your immoral behavior is the reason why Muslims hate US.

So Obama is a muslim who is gay? lol Okey dokey.
Bullying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.[1] Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.[2][3] If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
The reason why I have put up this definition is to explain WHY liberals call US names, force their agenda on us, or even kill unborn children then try to LIE to US that it is just some random mass of cells. Liberals are bullies, (SOCIOPATHS) who must win at all costs. If ever the misguided liberals find out the TRUTH about how EVIL liberals are, then there will be HELL to pay, as those low information voters will probably go after the liberals like they did in the FRENCH REVOLUION(off with their heads). So they must continue to bully US, hope we back down, but more and more are stepping up and not letting the bullies win.
There is not such thing as unborn children. Children don't become children until they are born. The only way you anti freedom religious zealots can operate is by misusing words and terms and telling lies. People shouldn't have to give up constitutional rights to please you and your religious beliefs. If you want to be that way go join the Taliban. We don't want sharia law here in the USA.
Notice how this person just used an insult in a bullying way. There was never a constitutional right to have an abortion, and you need to check your homosexual, muslim, president who is moving America more and more to Islam.
Obama: "My Muslim Faith"
If you think ISIS sleeper cells, when they start showing up, are going to be nice to you liberals, you got it wrong, as your immoral behavior is the reason why Muslims hate US.

And just as an FYI, the hatred expressed for the US from the Middle East is not about immoral behavior. At least not the kind you are talking about. They have hated us since the 1940s and 1950s. Read a little history and see how many times we have replaced their leaders or helped replace their leaders. Look at how many times we have meddled in their national affairs. THAT is why they hate us.
This is the problem with andaronjim and his ilk. Truth is largely irrelevant. He and others on these forums rants about Planned Parenthood making women get abortions or doing abortions for the explicit reason of gaining the body parts to sell or other bits of nonsense. It makes an actual discussion of the issue impossible.

The ridiculous thing about all of this is that most abortions happen before there's any "body parts."

Those abortions that do have some body parts can't be used for anything but research.

The organs are way too small which means they can't be put into an already living human being.

This whole thing stinks but the fact that the right wing can't stop for one second and think logically is the worst part. Anyone who knows what abortion is knows that there's no body parts that any existing human being can use.

But they don't let that stop their lies
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Tell us who PP is selling those body parts to. Why would someone want to buy body parts that can't be used in an existing human being?
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Tell us who PP is selling those body parts to. Why would someone want to buy body parts that can't be used in an existing human being?

You cant possibly be this uniformed and commenting. They are selling them to StemCell
Notice how this person just used an insult in a bullying way.

Put your big boy pants on, will ya? Boo hoo, someone was mean to you. Everyone else here just deals with it, without the crying.

If you think ISIS sleeper cells, when they start showing up,

Thanks to your crying act, they probably think all Americans are cowards. So buck up and stop encouraging the terrorists.
And Jews aren't human until their eye color can be changed to blue right, Dr. Mengele?

You sound exactly like the PETA fascists. Nobody pays attention to them either.

PETA and prolife are essentially indistinguishable, which is why I refer to them as PETA-prolife, a single entity. Both of them rely on making up some whackaloon definitions of what a person is, and then threaten violence at anyone who won't march in lockstep with their kook cult beliefs.
I'd like to file a complaint that this thread is going whacko, which is a shame as I was actually finding it a good discussion.

I don't have time to filter through /this/ much bullshit guys...

is someone forcing you to be in it?

No, but like I said I was finding it a good discussion on the issue of abortion, until we went into a tirade about every other area of politics is all. I suppose I wasn't especially clear on that - I was tired heh
Bullying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.[1] Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.[2][3] If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
The reason why I have put up this definition is to explain WHY liberals call US names, force their agenda on us, or even kill unborn children then try to LIE to US that it is just some random mass of cells. Liberals are bullies, (SOCIOPATHS) who must win at all costs. If ever the misguided liberals find out the TRUTH about how EVIL liberals are, then there will be HELL to pay, as those low information voters will probably go after the liberals like they did in the FRENCH REVOLUION(off with their heads). So they must continue to bully US, hope we back down, but more and more are stepping up and not letting the bullies win.
There is not such thing as unborn children. Children don't become children until they are born. The only way you anti freedom religious zealots can operate is by misusing words and terms and telling lies. People shouldn't have to give up constitutional rights to please you and your religious beliefs. If you want to be that way go join the Taliban. We don't want sharia law here in the USA.
Notice how this person just used an insult in a bullying way. There was never a constitutional right to have an abortion, and you need to check your homosexual, muslim, president who is moving America more and more to Islam.
Obama: "My Muslim Faith"
If you think ISIS sleeper cells, when they start showing up, are going to be nice to you liberals, you got it wrong, as your immoral behavior is the reason why Muslims hate US.

So Obama is a muslim who is gay? lol Okey dokey.

He did say in an interview with the midget that he did have a Muslim Faith, which the midget than reminded him of his Christian Faith. As for HIM being a homosexual, I will let this youtube video explain why I am just repeating this(don't forget that the queer was against homosexual marriage before he was for it).
Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny
By the way, Joan Rivers died from a routine operation by a doctor that she wasn't supposed to see. Funny how people die when they speak out against liberal elites
And Jews aren't human until their eye color can be changed to blue right, Dr. Mengele?

You sound exactly like the PETA fascists. Nobody pays attention to them either.

PETA and prolife are essentially indistinguishable, which is why I refer to them as PETA-prolife, a single entity. Both of them rely on making up some whackaloon definitions of what a person is, and then threaten violence at anyone who won't march in lockstep with their kook cult beliefs.
Only cowards are the sorry ass liberals who hide behind the government while they FORCE their agenda on US and if there is any opposition the IRS is put on the attack or the FBI for trumped upped charges. What is the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead liberal in the road? Skid marks in front of the skunk.
Pro-lifers certainly are a violent bunch, always wishing death on their political enemies.

Fanatical religious cults are like that. It's why they need to be watched so closely, to nip their terrorist plans in the bud.
At least we don't wish death upon the innocent unborn, like some people here do. We at least know who the EVIL ones are, and we don't make deals with EVIL, who wish to use nukes on US or Isreal. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Tell us who PP is selling those body parts to. Why would someone want to buy body parts that can't be used in an existing human being?

Tell us who is saying that?
No one that I see on this forum has ever said that.
It is for research not replacing body parts.
At least we don't wish death upon the innocent unborn, like some people here do. We at least know who the EVIL ones are, and we don't make deals with EVIL, who wish to use nukes on US or Isreal. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice.

Still pretending that you know who voted for whom?
Bullying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.[1] Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.[2][3] If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.
The reason why I have put up this definition is to explain WHY liberals call US names, force their agenda on us, or even kill unborn children then try to LIE to US that it is just some random mass of cells. Liberals are bullies, (SOCIOPATHS) who must win at all costs. If ever the misguided liberals find out the TRUTH about how EVIL liberals are, then there will be HELL to pay, as those low information voters will probably go after the liberals like they did in the FRENCH REVOLUION(off with their heads). So they must continue to bully US, hope we back down, but more and more are stepping up and not letting the bullies win.
There is not such thing as unborn children. Children don't become children until they are born. The only way you anti freedom religious zealots can operate is by misusing words and terms and telling lies. People shouldn't have to give up constitutional rights to please you and your religious beliefs. If you want to be that way go join the Taliban. We don't want sharia law here in the USA.
Notice how this person just used an insult in a bullying way. There was never a constitutional right to have an abortion, and you need to check your homosexual, muslim, president who is moving America more and more to Islam.
Obama: "My Muslim Faith"
If you think ISIS sleeper cells, when they start showing up, are going to be nice to you liberals, you got it wrong, as your immoral behavior is the reason why Muslims hate US.

So Obama is a muslim who is gay? lol Okey dokey.

He did say in an interview with the midget that he did have a Muslim Faith, which the midget than reminded him of his Christian Faith. As for HIM being a homosexual, I will let this youtube video explain why I am just repeating this(don't forget that the queer was against homosexual marriage before he was for it).
Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny
By the way, Joan Rivers died from a routine operation by a doctor that she wasn't supposed to see. Funny how people die when they speak out against liberal elites

He didn't say "he had a Muslim faith." What the fuck is wrong with you? He said McCain, unlike some others at the time he was running for president, didn't attack him as being a Muslim.
Yeah, john McCain hadn't talked about his FAITH, but Obama slipped up with MUSLIM. And Stepho, corrected him with Christian, Bambi, you can try all you want to LIE about what Obama said, but it is HIS own words, not mine, now go play in the middle of the street and see who skids and who doesn't.
Barack and his freudian 'my muslim faith Christian faith' slip
Yeah, john McCain hadn't talked about his FAITH, but Obama slipped up with MUSLIM. And Stepho, corrected him with Christian, Bambi, you can try all you want to LIE about what Obama said, but it is HIS own words, not mine, now go play in the middle of the street and see who skids and who doesn't.
Barack and his freudian 'my muslim faith Christian faith' slip

Thanks for proving he didn't claim to have a Muslim faith. He was pointing out McCain had not attacked him as having a Muslim faith as others had done. And when the host interrupted with, "Christian faith," Obama clarified to the host, "what I'm saying is that he [McCain] hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim."

Just how desperate and delusional are you rightards?
Yeah, john McCain hadn't talked about his FAITH, but Obama slipped up with MUSLIM. And Stepho, corrected him with Christian, Bambi, you can try all you want to LIE about what Obama said, but it is HIS own words, not mine, now go play in the middle of the street and see who skids and who doesn't.
Barack and his freudian 'my muslim faith Christian faith' slip

Thanks for proving he didn't claim to have a Muslim faith. He was pointing out McCain had not attacked him as having a Muslim faith as others had done. And when the host interrupted with, "Christian faith," Obama clarified to the host, "what I'm saying is that he [McCain] hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim."

Just how desperate and delusional are you rightards?

You really are an airhead aren't you. John McCain once again questioned Obama's faith, and Obama said "Yes he questioned my Muslim Faith" and the midget had to correct Obama about his "CHRISTIAN" faith. You can change the appearance of an individual but you sure cant fix stupid, and they voted for Obama , not once but twice. HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUR FOR YOU?





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