Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

What do you call a Republican who leans more to the middle? A maverick John McCain RINO.
What do you call a Democrat who leans more to the middle? An independent Joe Liberman, Al Gores 2000 running mate.
What do you call a Moderate who sits on the fence and sways which ever way the wind blows? A liberal too ashamed of himself and wont call himself what he truly is.

What do you call someone who demands that everyone fit into some pre-defined cubbyhole? An idiot.

Shall we stick to the actual topic or will you be continuing your lies and false accusations?
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Once again you lie.

They did not sell body parts. The women who had the abortion signed papers to donate the remains. There are costs involved in these donations. The $30 to $100 is reasonable.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."

And not one of those videos shows parts being sold for profit. So you are still lying.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Lets look at your claim that PP is selling body parts for profit.

from the same link as my last post:

"We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit.Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.”

And another expert in the field:

"Jim Vaught, president of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories and formerly the deputy director of the National Cancer Institute’s Office ofBiorepositories and Biospecimen Research, told us in an email that “$30 to $100 per sample is a reasonable charge for clinical operations to recover their costs for providing tissue.” In fact, he said, the costs to a clinic are often much higher, but most operations that provide this kind of tissue have “no intention of fully recovering [their] costs, much less making a profit.”"

And yet another expert:

"Carolyn Compton, the chief medical and science officer of Arizona State University’s National Biomarkers Development Alliance and a former director of biorepositories and biospecimen research at the National Cancer Institute, agreed that this was “a modest price tag for cost recovery.” Compton told us in an email: ” ‘Profit’ is out of the question, in my mind. I would say that whoever opined about ‘profit’ knows very little about the effort and expense involved in providing human biospecimens for research purposes."

So there you have 3 independent experts explaining that it was not priced for profit but to prevent them from losing money.
So you are okay with Nuclear bomb material being sold to Russia and then it given to Iran?

You don't think the russians don't already have more than enough bomb grade material if they really wanted to sell it? Did you miss the whole "Cold War" thing? Our biggest problem is Russia has hundreds of nuclear reactors on rusting naval ships.

So the rapist president William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) could have donations to his foundation of $150,000,000 which only 1/5 of that went to charity?

Clinton didn't rape anyone. ANd that 1/5 to charity has been proven to be lie.

Ah yes, as long as a liberal is screwing US over, no big deal but if a Republican even gets accused of doing what Clinton does, you guys want blood.

Not true. I had no real problem when Ronnie Reagan sold missiles to Iran to get hostages out.

So you go out and execute unborn babies, for your bloodlust. I am starting to get where you guys are coming from.

Fetuses aren't babies.
My question was specifically for JoeB. And it relates to an ongoing argument he and I have had regarding his desire to have gun dealers sent to prison if a gun they sold is used in a murder.

Yes, I have argued in numerous threads about guns. And I have argued the pro-gun side. So much for your claims about my being a liberal. lol

Oh, is that what you are doing?

I thought I made myself clear. The gun dealers are gulty. everything else is a formality I simply can't be bothered with because I'm making an example out of an asshole.
So you are okay with Nuclear bomb material being sold to Russia and then it given to Iran?

You don't think the russians don't already have more than enough bomb grade material if they really wanted to sell it? Did you miss the whole "Cold War" thing? Our biggest problem is Russia has hundreds of nuclear reactors on rusting naval ships.

So the rapist president William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) could have donations to his foundation of $150,000,000 which only 1/5 of that went to charity?

Clinton didn't rape anyone. ANd that 1/5 to charity has been proven to be lie.

Ah yes, as long as a liberal is screwing US over, no big deal but if a Republican even gets accused of doing what Clinton does, you guys want blood.

Not true. I had no real problem when Ronnie Reagan sold missiles to Iran to get hostages out.

So you go out and execute unborn babies, for your bloodlust. I am starting to get where you guys are coming from.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Why do Bill and Hillary Clinton still get a pass
This raises a question: Why does Bill Clinton continue to get a pass? Clinton was, after all, accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick. Broaddrick, on “Dateline NBC,” claimed that Clinton, then-Arkansas attorney general and gubernatorial candidate, raped her: “I first pushed him away. I just told him ‘no.’ ... He tries to kiss me again. He starts biting on my lip. ... And then he forced me down on the bed. I just was very frightened. I tried to get away from him. I told him ‘no.’ ... He wouldn’t listen to me.”
You are a dipshit.
My question was specifically for JoeB. And it relates to an ongoing argument he and I have had regarding his desire to have gun dealers sent to prison if a gun they sold is used in a murder.

Yes, I have argued in numerous threads about guns. And I have argued the pro-gun side. So much for your claims about my being a liberal. lol

Oh, is that what you are doing?

I thought I made myself clear. The gun dealers are gulty. everything else is a formality I simply can't be bothered with because I'm making an example out of an asshole.
Fetus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In human development, a fetus (/ˈfiːtəs/; plural "fetuses"), also spelled foetus, is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth.
So a mother isn't a mother until that baby is born, is that what you are saying. So how can a mother sign the hearts, kidneys, liver, away when she isn't the mother? EVIL, has come to America, and it votes LIBERAL.
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
I guess our mainstream media is full of sociopaths.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Once again you lie.

They did not sell body parts. The women who had the abortion signed papers to donate the remains. There are costs involved in these donations. The $30 to $100 is reasonable.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."

And not one of those videos shows parts being sold for profit. So you are still lying.

They didn't show it.......just discussed doing it. Even set prices for specific livers.

Nope....totally innocent.

Pretty soon you libs will be claiming this is all Bush's fault.
My question was specifically for JoeB. And it relates to an ongoing argument he and I have had regarding his desire to have gun dealers sent to prison if a gun they sold is used in a murder.

Yes, I have argued in numerous threads about guns. And I have argued the pro-gun side. So much for your claims about my being a liberal. lol

Oh, is that what you are doing?

I thought I made myself clear. The gun dealers are gulty. everything else is a formality I simply can't be bothered with because I'm making an example out of an asshole.
Fetus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In human development, a fetus (/ˈfiːtəs/; plural "fetuses"), also spelled foetus, is a prenatal human between its embryonic state and its birth.
So a mother isn't a mother until that baby is born, is that what you are saying. So how can a mother sign the hearts, kidneys, liver, away when she isn't the mother? EVIL, has come to America, and it votes LIBERAL.

I never said she wasn't a mother. She certainly is the only one who can make the determination to donate the parts.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Once again you lie.

They did not sell body parts. The women who had the abortion signed papers to donate the remains. There are costs involved in these donations. The $30 to $100 is reasonable.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."

And not one of those videos shows parts being sold for profit. So you are still lying.

They didn't show it.......just discussed doing it. Even set prices for specific livers.

Nope....totally innocent.

Pretty soon you libs will be claiming this is all Bush's fault.

No, they did NOT, as a matter of fact, show that. They did show them discussing pricing. But the pricing, as I have shown several times, is barely enough to cover the costs. PP is recouping their costs, not making a profit.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Once again you lie.

They did not sell body parts. The women who had the abortion signed papers to donate the remains. There are costs involved in these donations. The $30 to $100 is reasonable.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."

And not one of those videos shows parts being sold for profit. So you are still lying.

They didn't show it.......just discussed doing it. Even set prices for specific livers.

Nope....totally innocent.

Pretty soon you libs will be claiming this is all Bush's fault.

No, they did NOT, as a matter of fact, show that. They did show them discussing pricing. But the pricing, as I have shown several times, is barely enough to cover the costs. PP is recouping their costs, not making a profit.
Sorry, but I saw it with my own eyes. I don't care if you don't believe it.

You're just so wrapped up in the cause you refuse to face reality.
Yeah sure, only ones that lie, are those that are in the Obama Administration and those who are trying to prop him up, or say that PP isn't selling body parts. Every video that was legally obtained, has shown agents of PP talking about the selling of those parts for profit. Maybe instead of keeping your head up your ass, take a look at the video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but then again with shit in your eyes, it is hard to see anything.

Once again you lie.

They did not sell body parts. The women who had the abortion signed papers to donate the remains. There are costs involved in these donations. The $30 to $100 is reasonable.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee."

And not one of those videos shows parts being sold for profit. So you are still lying.

They didn't show it.......just discussed doing it. Even set prices for specific livers.

Nope....totally innocent.

Pretty soon you libs will be claiming this is all Bush's fault.

No, they did NOT, as a matter of fact, show that. They did show them discussing pricing. But the pricing, as I have shown several times, is barely enough to cover the costs. PP is recouping their costs, not making a profit.
Sorry, but I saw it with my own eyes. I don't care if you don't believe it.

You're just so wrapped up in the cause you refuse to face reality.

Did they show the costs associated with handling the tissue and organ donations? No. Without the costs, you have no way of determining whether profits were made. I have posted statements from 3 experts saying it was not a profit making endeavor.
If there is no baby in the womb, then she isn't a mother. It is ONLY a fetus, and she is expecting, not a mother, until the baby is born, not fetus is born.
If there is no baby in the womb, then she isn't a mother. It is ONLY a fetus, and she is expecting, not a mother, until the baby is born, not fetus is born.

Ok, from now on I will try and remember to call the mother "a flesh vessel for embryonic development". How is that?

You are arguing semantics to avoid the topic. It is kinda sad.
You libtards love using terms that make an unborn baby not sound like someone who wants a chance at life, you know i.e. couple of cells, or a mass of tissue, which is why it is so easy for you to execute unborn children in our out of the womb and not shed a tear. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Then why I use your own Rules for Radicals against you, you show FAUX indignation. You don't pull livers, hearts, lungs, or other body parts, out of a couple of cells, or a mass of tissue. You pull body parts out of babies. EVIL, has run amok and it is called LIBERALISM.
You libtards love using terms that make an unborn baby not sound like someone who wants a chance at life, you know i.e. couple of cells, or a mass of tissue, which is why it is so easy for you to execute unborn children in our out of the womb and not shed a tear. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Then why I use your own Rules for Radicals against you, you show FAUX indignation. You don't pull livers, hearts, lungs, or other body parts, out of a couple of cells, or a mass of tissue. You pull body parts out of babies. EVIL, has run amok and it is called LIBERALISM.

The "debacle" described in the OP is not the abortions but the donating of tissues and organs from the remains of the abortion.

That is the issue. If you want to debate the ethics of abortion, start a thread. I have not discussed my opinion or beliefs on abortion in any of these threads and do not intend to start here.
You libtards love using terms that make an unborn baby not sound like someone who wants a chance at life, you know i.e. couple of cells, or a mass of tissue, which is why it is so easy for you to execute unborn children in our out of the womb and not shed a tear. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Then why I use your own Rules for Radicals against you, you show FAUX indignation. You don't pull livers, hearts, lungs, or other body parts, out of a couple of cells, or a mass of tissue. You pull body parts out of babies. EVIL, has run amok and it is called LIBERALISM.

The "debacle" described in the OP is not the abortions but the donating of tissues and organs from the remains of the abortion.

That is the issue. If you want to debate the ethics of abortion, start a thread. I have not discussed my opinion or beliefs on abortion in any of these threads and do not intend to start here.
You are a squirrel, who keeps running away, when someone gets close to exposing your flaws. You aren't worth the time or effort to debate anymore.
You libtards love using terms that make an unborn baby not sound like someone who wants a chance at life, you know i.e. couple of cells, or a mass of tissue, which is why it is so easy for you to execute unborn children in our out of the womb and not shed a tear. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Then why I use your own Rules for Radicals against you, you show FAUX indignation. You don't pull livers, hearts, lungs, or other body parts, out of a couple of cells, or a mass of tissue. You pull body parts out of babies. EVIL, has run amok and it is called LIBERALISM.

The "debacle" described in the OP is not the abortions but the donating of tissues and organs from the remains of the abortion.

That is the issue. If you want to debate the ethics of abortion, start a thread. I have not discussed my opinion or beliefs on abortion in any of these threads and do not intend to start here.
You are a squirrel, who keeps running away, when someone gets close to exposing your flaws. You aren't worth the time or effort to debate anymore.

You haven't been debating the issue in most of your posts.

I have posted facts, found statements from experts, and shown the reality behind PP's charging minor amounts for tissue and organs.

You have stayed focused on the ethics of abortion. Nothing wrong with that, if it were the topic of this thread. It isn't.

But if it makes you feel better to claim I am not discussing the issue, take a hike and pretend.

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