Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

If you want to donate your body parts, go ahead, but I don't remember anyone asking the unborn child if IT wanted to donate its body part. EVIL has come to this country , it shows its ugly face and that face is LIBERALISM. View attachment 46068
Like many decisions made for anyone under 18, the mother gets to decide.
But she isn't a mother until that LIVING body comes out of the womb.
Hitler had different beliefs, similar to those like you. He was destroyed along with those who believed in him. The only way to get rid of EVIL, is to completely eradicate it from the world. I am not threatening civil war, I am letting you know that your homey in the rainbow house, is pushing US closer and closer. And I am glad you're not afraid, but you will be, you will be.
So you believe it is the right who will start a revolution. Why were you blaming an NBC correspondent then?? And how far do you think the U.S. military will let your revolution get?
No dumbocrat, it will be Obama and his cronies that will start the revolution, maybe you need to start using that Jelly Fish protein, for your mental abilities are suffering.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
You intimated there is going to be a revolution. Riots are not revolutions and NBC is not starting one nor is Van Jones. So where is this revolution of yours? :dunno:
You guys on the left always use the word "IF" when it comes to Global Warming. So here is some information about a REVOLUTION, that could possibly happen. What "IF" it does come true, there wont be an America there to come to our rescue, because it will be the DICTATOR that will be killing US. Is revolution brewing in America
Many predict that there will be rioting in the streets of America too and that may be the reason the U.S. government is building detention camps all over the states and more are expected.

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
Maybe it wont happen, but what "IF" it does. Some people are saying that millions will die, and if you think you liberals will be immune, that just shows how ignorant you really are.
That article is 6 years old and written during the height of Bush's Great Recession. The economy has improved since then and the revolution never happened. What the fuck is wrong with you people??
Oh really? More homeowners are drowning in debt
More homeowners are drowning in debt
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
You keep saying it over and over , in the hope someone will believe you, but FACTS prove against the recovery time and again. You are stupid, and it is people like you that are the reason the inner cities are turning into war zones, police are backing off, and god forbid the military has to get involved. But lets get back on the SELLING OF BODY PARTS that is ILLEGAL in America.
The economy is better than it was in February, 2009. Pure fact. -8% GDP then, +2.4% GDP now. -700K jobs that month, +300K jobs last month. You really do live in a world of delusions. No wonder you're a psychopath.
If you want to donate your body parts, go ahead, but I don't remember anyone asking the unborn child if IT wanted to donate its body part. EVIL has come to this country , it shows its ugly face and that face is LIBERALISM. View attachment 46068
Like many decisions made for anyone under 18, the mother gets to decide.
But she isn't a mother until that LIVING body comes out of the womb.
Huh? You called it a baby; what is it, an orphan?
Hitler had different beliefs, similar to those like you. He was destroyed along with those who believed in him. The only way to get rid of EVIL, is to completely eradicate it from the world. I am not threatening civil war, I am letting you know that your homey in the rainbow house, is pushing US closer and closer. And I am glad you're not afraid, but you will be, you will be.
So you believe it is the right who will start a revolution. Why were you blaming an NBC correspondent then?? And how far do you think the U.S. military will let your revolution get?
No dumbocrat, it will be Obama and his cronies that will start the revolution, maybe you need to start using that Jelly Fish protein, for your mental abilities are suffering.
You just said Obama is pushing "US" closer and closer to revolution. Since I'm not included in your conception of "us," that means you. Why are you so afraid to admit you want to start a revolution? That's what you want, isn't it?
Now make sure Bambi that you stamp your foot. America has hemorrhaged 96 million jobs, that just went into thin air. That means there are less jobs that people can apply to, so they have stopped working. So many are now working fulltime/29hour days(thanks Unaffordable healthcare act) and require more foodstamps to just survive, or kill their unborn children(so they aren't punished with a baby, like B.O. called them) at the cost of the tax payer. Gas was $1.87 when O. took over and still it is 90 cents more or higher leaving less money for the people to use for their kids. You are completely moronic(I apologize to morons for comparing your intelligence with a liberal) in thinking this economy is better, and if it was so, are more households in debt? Because you Bambi are stupid. and all the rest of you liberals who voted for Obama, thinking he was going to make the world better. Yeah better for him and his liberal elites, but not you. Dumbasses.
Now make sure Bambi that you stamp your foot. America has hemorrhaged 96 million jobs, that just went into thin air. That means there are less jobs that people can apply to, so they have stopped working. So many are now working fulltime/29hour days(thanks Unaffordable healthcare act) and require more foodstamps to just survive, or kill their unborn children(so they aren't punished with a baby, like B.O. called them) at the cost of the tax payer. Gas was $1.87 when O. took over and still it is 90 cents more or higher leaving less money for the people to use for their kids. You are completely moronic(I apologize to morons for comparing your intelligence with a liberal) in thinking this economy is better, and if it was so, are more households in debt? Because you Bambi are stupid. and all the rest of you liberals who voted for Obama, thinking he was going to make the world better. Yeah better for him and his liberal elites, but not you. Dumbasses.
Oh? When did we "hemorrhage" 96 million jobs? I must have missed that. Is that Obama's fault too?
Lets see, Apple(Steve Jobs liberal) took their plant to China so the Ipad and Iphone could be build their cheaper and could not have to deal with the EPA. G.E.(Jeffery Imelt, Obama jobs czar) took the plant to China to he to could bypass the EPA to make CFL's and cheaper wages. G.M Government motors has plants now in China and Mexico so the parts can be produced there cheaply and then assembled in America by union workers , that will have the car recalled. Those jobs have left, because of the Obama admins push for FAIRNESS and EQUALITY. yeah the only problem with liberal equality, is that everyone is eventually equal, but equally poor and equally miserable, if you get past the abortion knife.
Lets see, Apple(Steve Jobs liberal) took their plant to China so the Ipad and Iphone could be build their cheaper and could not have to deal with the EPA. G.E.(Jeffery Imelt, Obama jobs czar) took the plant to China to he to could bypass the EPA to make CFL's and cheaper wages. G.M Government motors has plants now in China and Mexico so the parts can be produced there cheaply and then assembled in America by union workers , that will have the car recalled. Those jobs have left, because of the Obama admins push for FAIRNESS and EQUALITY. yeah the only problem with liberal equality, is that everyone is eventually equal, but equally poor and equally miserable, if you get past the abortion knife.
Apple and GM employees 96 million jobs?? C'mon, be a man of your word and show where we "hemorrhaged" 96 million jobs. ... or expose to the forum how retarded you are...your choice...
Why is it so bad that someone wants to give a "BABY" a chance in the world? How come you guys are hell bent on making sure someone else's baby gets aborted and the baby is torn apart for the heart, lungs, liver or other parts that had been formed in the "BABY"? Sorry, but I don't want to chase you liberals around any more, I am tired of debating with EVIL people.
Lets see, Apple(Steve Jobs liberal) took their plant to China so the Ipad and Iphone could be build their cheaper and could not have to deal with the EPA. G.E.(Jeffery Imelt, Obama jobs czar) took the plant to China to he to could bypass the EPA to make CFL's and cheaper wages. G.M Government motors has plants now in China and Mexico so the parts can be produced there cheaply and then assembled in America by union workers , that will have the car recalled. Those jobs have left, because of the Obama admins push for FAIRNESS and EQUALITY. yeah the only problem with liberal equality, is that everyone is eventually equal, but equally poor and equally miserable, if you get past the abortion knife.

Private companies relocated their manufacturing plants overseas and you blame Obama??

Don't conservatives believe in a free market?
Why is it so bad that someone wants to give a "BABY" a chance in the world? How come you guys are hell bent on making sure someone else's baby gets aborted and the baby is torn apart for the heart, lungs, liver or other parts that had been formed in the "BABY"? Sorry, but I don't want to chase you liberals around any more, I am tired of debating with EVIL people.

You are just nuts. Who is saying it is bad to have a baby? Who is "making sure" someone aborts their baby?

No one is. Just more lies from your looney ass.
Why is it so bad that someone wants to give a "BABY" a chance in the world? How come you guys are hell bent on making sure someone else's baby gets aborted and the baby is torn apart for the heart, lungs, liver or other parts that had been formed in the "BABY"? Sorry, but I don't want to chase you liberals around any more, I am tired of debating with EVIL people.
I'm not making sure of any such thing. What I am making sure of is that idiots like you don't get to tell others what they can or cannot do with their body.
This is the problem with andaronjim and his ilk. Truth is largely irrelevant. He and others on these forums rants about Planned Parenthood making women get abortions or doing abortions for the explicit reason of gaining the body parts to sell or other bits of nonsense. It makes an actual discussion of the issue impossible.
Fraudulent like the Clinton Crime Foundation that raked in $150,000,000 selling nuclear material to Russia, who gave it to Iran? .

Uh, guy, the deal with Russia required the approval of six government departments, not just the State department. so unless Hillary was using her insideous mind control powers, you are really just delusional.

Does Planned Unparenthood get funding from the government? That makes those who work their public officials

Special considerations apply when recording police officers or other public officials. You may have a constitutional right to openly record the activities of police and other officials in public, so long as you do not interfere with those activities or violate generally applicable laws.
Just show everyone again, how little you libtards know, but rely on the talking points given out by your Fuhrer. Heil Obama. Right?

Guy, this was not a case of recording a police officer while making an arrest.

This was a case where they secretly recorded people after misrepresenting themselves, then steered the conversation in a direction to get things said they could take out of context.

Which is why a court ruled they can't release any more tapes.
Fraudulent like the Clinton Crime Foundation that raked in $150,000,000 selling nuclear material to Russia, who gave it to Iran? .

Uh, guy, the deal with Russia required the approval of six government departments, not just the State department. so unless Hillary was using her insideous mind control powers, you are really just delusional.

Does Planned Unparenthood get funding from the government? That makes those who work their public officials

Special considerations apply when recording police officers or other public officials. You may have a constitutional right to openly record the activities of police and other officials in public, so long as you do not interfere with those activities or violate generally applicable laws.
Just show everyone again, how little you libtards know, but rely on the talking points given out by your Fuhrer. Heil Obama. Right?

Guy, this was not a case of recording a police officer while making an arrest.

This was a case where they secretly recorded people after misrepresenting themselves, then steered the conversation in a direction to get things said they could take out of context.

Which is why a court ruled they can't release any more tapes.

So having government approval means they didn't break the law?
Fraudulent like the Clinton Crime Foundation that raked in $150,000,000 selling nuclear material to Russia, who gave it to Iran? .

Uh, guy, the deal with Russia required the approval of six government departments, not just the State department. so unless Hillary was using her insideous mind control powers, you are really just delusional.

Does Planned Unparenthood get funding from the government? That makes those who work their public officials

Special considerations apply when recording police officers or other public officials. You may have a constitutional right to openly record the activities of police and other officials in public, so long as you do not interfere with those activities or violate generally applicable laws.
Just show everyone again, how little you libtards know, but rely on the talking points given out by your Fuhrer. Heil Obama. Right?

Guy, this was not a case of recording a police officer while making an arrest.

This was a case where they secretly recorded people after misrepresenting themselves, then steered the conversation in a direction to get things said they could take out of context.

Which is why a court ruled they can't release any more tapes.

So having government approval means they didn't break the law?
So you are okay with Nuclear bomb material being sold to Russia and then it given to Iran? So the rapist president William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) could have donations to his foundation of $150,000,000 which only 1/5 of that went to charity? Ah yes, as long as a liberal is screwing US over, no big deal but if a Republican even gets accused of doing what Clinton does, you guys want blood. So you go out and execute unborn babies, for your bloodlust. I am starting to get where you guys are coming from.
View attachment 46125
Fraudulent like the Clinton Crime Foundation that raked in $150,000,000 selling nuclear material to Russia, who gave it to Iran? .

Uh, guy, the deal with Russia required the approval of six government departments, not just the State department. so unless Hillary was using her insideous mind control powers, you are really just delusional.

Does Planned Unparenthood get funding from the government? That makes those who work their public officials

Special considerations apply when recording police officers or other public officials. You may have a constitutional right to openly record the activities of police and other officials in public, so long as you do not interfere with those activities or violate generally applicable laws.
Just show everyone again, how little you libtards know, but rely on the talking points given out by your Fuhrer. Heil Obama. Right?

Guy, this was not a case of recording a police officer while making an arrest.

This was a case where they secretly recorded people after misrepresenting themselves, then steered the conversation in a direction to get things said they could take out of context.

Which is why a court ruled they can't release any more tapes.

So having government approval means they didn't break the law?
So you are okay with Nuclear bomb material being sold to Russia and then it given to Iran? So the rapist president William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) could have donations to his foundation of $150,000,000 which only 1/5 of that went to charity? Ah yes, as long as a liberal is screwing US over, no big deal but if a Republican even gets accused of doing what Clinton does, you guys want blood. So you go out and execute unborn babies, for your bloodlust. I am starting to get where you guys are coming from.

My question was specifically for JoeB. And it relates to an ongoing argument he and I have had regarding his desire to have gun dealers sent to prison if a gun they sold is used in a murder.

Yes, I have argued in numerous threads about guns. And I have argued the pro-gun side. So much for your claims about my being a liberal. lol
What do you call a Republican who leans more to the middle? A maverick John McCain RINO.
What do you call a Democrat who leans more to the middle? An independent Joe Liberman, Al Gores 2000 running mate.
What do you call a Moderate who sits on the fence and sways which ever way the wind blows? A liberal too ashamed of himself and wont call himself what he truly is.

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