Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

As long as a liberal breaks the law(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, lying under oath) it is okay, but when they are caught breaking the law , even when it takes breaking the law by the right, then all bets are off, from those liberals. Without "DOUBLE STANDARDS", liberals would have no standards at all. EVIL, just look at your local liberal. When the Rules are used against liberals, they get very upset, run off, and call you names.

Saul Alinsky's Zombie is hiding in your closet. It's going to be really disappointed when he finds out you don't have any brains to eat.

Again, PP didn't break any laws. The transport and transfer of biological samples are strictly regulated.

CMP filed a fraudelant tax filing saying they were a charity, and filmed people without their consent. Those ARE violations of laws.
Fraudulent like the Clinton Crime Foundation that raked in $150,000,000 selling nuclear material to Russia, who gave it to Iran? Does Planned Unparenthood get funding from the government? That makes those who work their public officials.
Recording Phone Calls and Conversations Digital Media Law Project
Special considerations apply when recording police officers or other public officials. You may have a constitutional right to openly record the activities of police and other officials in public, so long as you do not interfere with those activities or violate generally applicable laws.
Just show everyone again, how little you libtards know, but rely on the talking points given out by your Fuhrer. Heil Obama. Right?
I wonder how Obama would feel knowing that 2/3rds of those executed for parts, are of the African-American blood. And to think that black lives matter. Oh really?


Bullshit! Not one single fetus was executed for parts. Quit trying to make it sound as though the reason for the abortions was to get body parts.
I wonder how Obama would feel knowing that 2/3rds of those executed for parts, are of the African-American blood. And to think that black lives matter. Oh really?


Bullshit! Not one single fetus was executed for parts. Quit trying to make it sound as though the reason for the abortions was to get body parts.

really, do you work as an abortionist? do you work for PP? IF not you can't be making claims you don't know about. all we get is what PP FEEDS us
Most people would be uncomfortable listening to the way this Dr Mengele woman casually discussed this issue.
Liberals ? No, not liberals, but most people would.
Liberals think it's business as usual.

And not one of them has said a word about how the procedure as this doctor describes it puts the women at increased risk.

Or the ethical considerations of encouraging women to wait until later to abort in order to obtain a more profitable harvest.

Who encouraged women to wait until later?
I wonder how Obama would feel knowing that 2/3rds of those executed for parts, are of the African-American blood. And to think that black lives matter. Oh really?


Bullshit! Not one single fetus was executed for parts. Quit trying to make it sound as though the reason for the abortions was to get body parts.

really, do you work as an abortionist? do you work for PP? IF not you can't be making claims you don't know about. all we get is what PP FEEDS us

So you are claiming that PP recruited pregnant women, then convinced them to abort their babies???

The women went to PP seeking an abortion. PP provided a legal abortions. Those are the facts.

Now, what is left after an abortion can be handled in 2 ways. It can be thrown in an incinerator as medical waste or it can be used to save lives. Which of those two would you prefer?
Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

"...coming civil war"? You just keep dreaming.
I wonder how Obama would feel knowing that 2/3rds of those executed for parts, are of the African-American blood. And to think that black lives matter. Oh really?


Bullshit! Not one single fetus was executed for parts. Quit trying to make it sound as though the reason for the abortions was to get body parts.

really, do you work as an abortionist? do you work for PP? IF not you can't be making claims you don't know about. all we get is what PP FEEDS us

So you are claiming that PP recruited pregnant women, then convinced them to abort their babies???

The women went to PP seeking an abortion. PP provided a legal abortions. Those are the facts.

Now, what is left after an abortion can be handled in 2 ways. It can be thrown in an incinerator as medical waste or it can be used to save lives. Which of those two would you prefer?

my personal experience with them
Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts
I wonder how Obama would feel knowing that 2/3rds of those executed for parts, are of the African-American blood. And to think that black lives matter. Oh really?


Bullshit! Not one single fetus was executed for parts. Quit trying to make it sound as though the reason for the abortions was to get body parts.

really, do you work as an abortionist? do you work for PP? IF not you can't be making claims you don't know about. all we get is what PP FEEDS us

So you are claiming that PP recruited pregnant women, then convinced them to abort their babies???

The women went to PP seeking an abortion. PP provided a legal abortions. Those are the facts.

Now, what is left after an abortion can be handled in 2 ways. It can be thrown in an incinerator as medical waste or it can be used to save lives. Which of those two would you prefer?

my personal experience with them
Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Well thanks for that nice little non-fact.

No, PP did not recruit pregnant women so they could abort their babies and then sell the bodies for $30 to $100.

The abortions happened because the mother went seeking the procedure. What PP did was provide valuable, life-saving resources that would have ordinarily been thrown in an incinerator.

Oh, and the mothers signed the paperwork for the fetuses to be donated.
Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

"...coming civil war"? You just keep dreaming.
Better hope I am wrong, but what "IF" I am right. It will be too late by then.
Maybe when the coming civil war starts, We the People can start parsing out your liberal parts? Nah, we don't want contaminated meat with EVIL in it. It would be better to just burn every liberal so the disease would eventually be eradicated. Is my tone a little harsh for you libs, good, We the People feel the same about you , as you do to the innocent babies that you HATE.

"...coming civil war"? You just keep dreaming.
Better hope I am wrong, but what "IF" I am right. It will be too late by then.

Why would I hope you are wrong? Just because you are hoping to destroy so many lives and kill people who have different political beliefs? How could anyone hope against that? lol

No junior, I am not afraid of some wannabe threatening a civil war.
Hitler had different beliefs, similar to those like you. He was destroyed along with those who believed in him. The only way to get rid of EVIL, is to completely eradicate it from the world. I am not threatening civil war, I am letting you know that your homey in the rainbow house, is pushing US closer and closer. And I am glad you're not afraid, but you will be, you will be.
Hitler had different beliefs, similar to those like you. He was destroyed along with those who believed in him. The only way to get rid of EVIL, is to completely eradicate it from the world. I am not threatening civil war, I am letting you know that your homey in the rainbow house, is pushing US closer and closer. And I am glad you're not afraid, but you will be, you will be.


Typical. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically classified with Hitler.

And as for my "homey in the rainbow house", you haven't a clue who I voted for, so don't pretend that you do.
In fact, you haven't a clue about my views on abortion. All you know is what I have said here, which is that the abortions were performed at the request of the mother, that she signed permission for the remains to be donated, and that PP had a choice of either incinerating the remains or having them be used to save lives. That is it. But you want to pretend you know so much more.

And no, I am not afraid. And I doubt I will be. If you had the opportunity to start your "civil war" with me, I believe you would be quite surprised. lol

Now go practice your mall-ninja moves while the grownup discuss the issue.
I do know who you voted for, not once but twice fooled, in the manner that you are defending PP. By the way, what are the remains, once the "BODY" of the child is out of the woman? PP told us it was just a few cells, that was being aborted, and people shouldn't use an ultra-sound to show the baby to the aborting mother. But then PP uses an ultra-sound to KILL the baby, so those body parts aren't damaged upon removal. I guess you were one of those lucky ones, that your mother decided not to abort. Margaret Sanger would be pissed that your mom, didn't do what Margaret wanted. The Truth About Margaret Sanger
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.
I do know who you voted for, not once but twice fooled, in the manner that you are defending PP. By the way, what are the remains, once the "BODY" of the child is out of the woman? PP told us it was just a few cells, that was being aborted, and people shouldn't use an ultra-sound to show the baby to the aborting mother. But then PP uses an ultra-sound to KILL the baby, so those body parts aren't damaged upon removal. I guess you were one of those lucky ones, that your mother decided not to abort. Margaret Sanger would be pissed that your mom, didn't do what Margaret wanted. The Truth About Margaret Sanger
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Oh please. Spare me your lies.

You know who I voted for because I don't buy into the bullshit? That is hilarious. No, I did not vote for Obama. But feel free to keep trying.

The remains is the body. Or carcass. Or whatever term you want to use for the dead body. Semantics doesn't change the facts.

No, they don't use ultra-sound to kill the baby. They use ultra-sound to be able to see the position of the baby inside the uterus and to make sure, since they are aborting it anyway, that they can salvage parts that will help save lives. Learn a little something before you go spouting nonsense.

Oh, and now you are insisting that I am black?? My pic is there for you to see.

Yes, I am aware of the origins of PP. But the topic is the specific events captured on video taped and then edited before being released to rile up the ignorant.

The facts are still the same. Women came in seeking an abortion. They signed paperwork to donate the body of their unborn infant (better?). PP then made sure the body of their unborn infant went to help others, and did not get tossed in an incinerator.
At least there is one sure thing about planned unparent hood. That when those women(mostly liberals) went into the abortion clinics, and executed their babies, it has keep the liberal population down, otherwise America would be swamped with all those Dumbocrat voters. But you guys did all of US a favor by keeping you illicit behavior in check and kept those punishing babies from coming into the world. First Obama called babies punishment. Now he s calling pregnancy a disease. Will he next call motherhood a crime
First Obama called babies "punishment." Now he's calling pregnancy a "disease." Will he next call motherhood a "crime?"
I do know who you voted for, not once but twice fooled, in the manner that you are defending PP. By the way, what are the remains, once the "BODY" of the child is out of the woman? PP told us it was just a few cells, that was being aborted, and people shouldn't use an ultra-sound to show the baby to the aborting mother. But then PP uses an ultra-sound to KILL the baby, so those body parts aren't damaged upon removal. I guess you were one of those lucky ones, that your mother decided not to abort. Margaret Sanger would be pissed that your mom, didn't do what Margaret wanted. The Truth About Margaret Sanger
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Oh please. Spare me your lies.

You know who I voted for because I don't buy into the bullshit? That is hilarious. No, I did not vote for Obama. But feel free to keep trying.

The remains is the body. Or carcass. Or whatever term you want to use for the dead body. Semantics doesn't change the facts.

No, they don't use ultra-sound to kill the baby. They use ultra-sound to be able to see the position of the baby inside the uterus and to make sure, since they are aborting it anyway, that they can salvage parts that will help save lives. Learn a little something before you go spouting nonsense.

Oh, and now you are insisting that I am black?? My pic is there for you to see.

Yes, I am aware of the origins of PP. But the topic is the specific events captured on video taped and then edited before being released to rile up the ignorant.

The facts are still the same. Women came in seeking an abortion. They signed paperwork to donate the body of their unborn infant (better?). PP then made sure the body of their unborn infant went to help others, and did not get tossed in an incinerator.
Once again, how do you know a liberal is lying? His mouth is open and is too ashamed to admit he was wrong not once but twice. I know you are a flaming liberal, because of your signature. I have tried to defend many liberals who have been misguided into the belief that DUMBOCRATS are for the people, but you , there is NO HOPE for. Your grey matter that was able to get past the abortionists knife , has been washed with liberal kool aid to the point that what ever is said in the liberal talking points, you just goose step right along with them.
At least there is one sure thing about planned unparent hood. That when those women(mostly liberals) went into the abortion clinics, and executed their babies, it has keep the liberal population down, otherwise America would be swamped with all those Dumbocrat voters. But you guys did all of US a favor by keeping you illicit behavior in check and kept those punishing babies from coming into the world. First Obama called babies punishment. Now he s calling pregnancy a disease. Will he next call motherhood a crime
First Obama called babies "punishment." Now he's calling pregnancy a "disease." Will he next call motherhood a "crime?"

Keep backtracking. I have never been a party to an abortion. So your attempts to describe me have failed miserably. And you are the type of person I should be afraid of in this mythical civil war you were talking about? Sorry junior, but your skills are severely lacking.

I have not even talked about my opinions on abortion. Not one bit. What I have talked about was whether PP should have incinerated the remains (bodies of unborn infants) or made them available to medical facilities to save lives. I agree they should do the latter. You, apparently, think that the remains of the aborted fetus (body of the unborn infant) should be thrown out as medical waste.
I do know who you voted for, not once but twice fooled, in the manner that you are defending PP. By the way, what are the remains, once the "BODY" of the child is out of the woman? PP told us it was just a few cells, that was being aborted, and people shouldn't use an ultra-sound to show the baby to the aborting mother. But then PP uses an ultra-sound to KILL the baby, so those body parts aren't damaged upon removal. I guess you were one of those lucky ones, that your mother decided not to abort. Margaret Sanger would be pissed that your mom, didn't do what Margaret wanted. The Truth About Margaret Sanger
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Oh please. Spare me your lies.

You know who I voted for because I don't buy into the bullshit? That is hilarious. No, I did not vote for Obama. But feel free to keep trying.

The remains is the body. Or carcass. Or whatever term you want to use for the dead body. Semantics doesn't change the facts.

No, they don't use ultra-sound to kill the baby. They use ultra-sound to be able to see the position of the baby inside the uterus and to make sure, since they are aborting it anyway, that they can salvage parts that will help save lives. Learn a little something before you go spouting nonsense.

Oh, and now you are insisting that I am black?? My pic is there for you to see.

Yes, I am aware of the origins of PP. But the topic is the specific events captured on video taped and then edited before being released to rile up the ignorant.

The facts are still the same. Women came in seeking an abortion. They signed paperwork to donate the body of their unborn infant (better?). PP then made sure the body of their unborn infant went to help others, and did not get tossed in an incinerator.
Once again, how do you know a liberal is lying? His mouth is open and is too ashamed to admit he was wrong not once but twice. I know you are a flaming liberal, because of your signature. I have tried to defend many liberals who have been misguided into the belief that DUMBOCRATS are for the people, but you , there is NO HOPE for. Your grey matter that was able to get past the abortionists knife , has been washed with liberal kool aid to the point that what ever is said in the liberal talking points, you just goose step right along with them.

My signature?? LMAO!! My signature talks about how religious people should live the life not preach at others while doing whatever they want.

As for my being a liberal, you are laughably blind. I am quite happy to admit when I am wrong. I have done on these forums when it happens. But you have not shown me to be wrong at all. (other than in your imagination)

Also, if you look at my posts, they do not contain "talking points". They contain actual facts and my thoughts. You, on the other hand, feel quite comfortable spouting ignorance, lies, and veiled threats of violence. Feel free to stay ignorant. I can only provide the information. What you do with it is up to you. Feel free to keep lying. I will call you on it when I see it. And as for your veiled threats, I am happy to return violence for violence. If you think I am some shrinking-violet you can bully, you picked the wrong guy. But I understand that you won't START any war. You haven't the balls for that. You will just make threats and hope some other crazy will step up so you can follow them at a safe distance.
At least there is one sure thing about planned unparent hood. That when those women(mostly liberals) went into the abortion clinics, and executed their babies, it has keep the liberal population down, otherwise America would be swamped with all those Dumbocrat voters. But you guys did all of US a favor by keeping you illicit behavior in check and kept those punishing babies from coming into the world. First Obama called babies punishment. Now he s calling pregnancy a disease. Will he next call motherhood a crime
First Obama called babies "punishment." Now he's calling pregnancy a "disease." Will he next call motherhood a "crime?"

Keep backtracking. I have never been a party to an abortion. So your attempts to describe me have failed miserably. And you are the type of person I should be afraid of in this mythical civil war you were talking about? Sorry junior, but your skills are severely lacking.

I have not even talked about my opinions on abortion. Not one bit. What I have talked about was whether PP should have incinerated the remains (bodies of unborn infants) or made them available to medical facilities to save lives. I agree they should do the latter. You, apparently, think that the remains of the aborted fetus (body of the unborn infant) should be thrown out as medical waste.
No I don't think the bodies of the DEAD BABIES should be burned, you libtard, those bodies should be brought into the world, like yours did, and given a chance to prove themselves instead of keeping those who have proved their failures in society who get chance after chance with a rap sheet a mile long. It would be a lot cheaper for the American taxpayer and maybe one of those babies could grow up and find the cure for cancer. But we will never know. When there is no sanctity for life, and the innocent unborn are treated as spare parts, then there will be more violence in the streets as the new normal. We are seeing it in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities, where "ALL LIVES MATTER" unless you are poor , pregnant and must destroy your baby , all in the name of science.
You see what they call all you who are PRO-LIFE?
That thing called Richards is one evil and nasty human being. if he's even that
Video of that piece of trash and that Seffie ass sniffer at the site. YOU WON'T get the truth from these LAMESTREAM medias folks.

Planned Parenthood President: People Behind Harvesting Videos Are Bombers and Murderers (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Jul 30th, 2015 8:10 am

Planned Parenthood President Cecille Richards appeared on This Week ABC Sunday morning and defended the organization against the baby organ harvesting videos released by Center of Medical Progress.

all of it here
Planned Parenthood President People Behind Harvesting Videos Are Bombers and Murderers VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit

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