Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash). View attachment 45953
Yet you're relying on delusions of a revolution. Too funny. Obviously, if there were signs of a looming revolution from the left, you'd be able to clearly articulate them. That you can't only serves to prove how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:
At least there is one sure thing about planned unparent hood. That when those women(mostly liberals) went into the abortion clinics, and executed their babies, it has keep the liberal population down, otherwise America would be swamped with all those Dumbocrat voters. But you guys did all of US a favor by keeping you illicit behavior in check and kept those punishing babies from coming into the world. First Obama called babies punishment. Now he s calling pregnancy a disease. Will he next call motherhood a crime
First Obama called babies "punishment." Now he's calling pregnancy a "disease." Will he next call motherhood a "crime?"

Keep backtracking. I have never been a party to an abortion. So your attempts to describe me have failed miserably. And you are the type of person I should be afraid of in this mythical civil war you were talking about? Sorry junior, but your skills are severely lacking.

I have not even talked about my opinions on abortion. Not one bit. What I have talked about was whether PP should have incinerated the remains (bodies of unborn infants) or made them available to medical facilities to save lives. I agree they should do the latter. You, apparently, think that the remains of the aborted fetus (body of the unborn infant) should be thrown out as medical waste.
No I don't think the bodies of the DEAD BABIES should be burned, you libtard, those bodies should be brought into the world, like yours did, and given a chance to prove themselves instead of keeping those who have proved their failures in society who get chance after chance with a rap sheet a mile long. It would be a lot cheaper for the American taxpayer and maybe one of those babies could grow up and find the cure for cancer. But we will never know. When there is no sanctity for life, and the innocent unborn are treated as spare parts, then there will be more violence in the streets as the new normal. We are seeing it in Chicago, NYC and other inner cities, where "ALL LIVES MATTER" unless you are poor , pregnant and must destroy your baby , all in the name of science.

If you can make abortion illegal, then do it. Right now it is legal. So the fact that abortions happen is not news. The topic is about the debacle from the heavily edited video tape. So spare me the lectures and the name-calling.

But it is a very simple question. The abortion happened. Now what do you do with the remains? Burn them in an incinerator or use them to save lives?
I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash). View attachment 45953
Yet you're relying on delusions of a revolution. Too funny. Obviously, if there were signs of a looming revolution from the left, you'd be able to clearly articulate them. That you can't only serves to prove how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:
Only delusional ones were those who voted for HOPE AND CHANGE, and the redistribution of wealth, which if you noticed after 6 2/3rd years, the RICH definitely got RICHER and there are more poor people than before the war on poverty ever started. Who is the president of the USA? Oh yeah, Barack Hussein Obama, hmm, hmm, hmm, he who was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet, boy did you guys get suckered into that one. He never said that the wealth was going to be redistributed down to you guys, which is why Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary), Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, Barack Hussein Obama has made their millions and billions, while many are poor and have to collect welfare and abort their babies, all in the name of science. Faun, you are a lickspittle liberal lapdog. Your real name isn't Bambi, is it?
Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
You intimated there is going to be a revolution. Riots are not revolutions and NBC is not starting one nor is Van Jones. So where is this revolution of yours? :dunno:
You guys on the left always use the word "IF" when it comes to Global Warming. So here is some information about a REVOLUTION, that could possibly happen. What "IF" it does come true, there wont be an America there to come to our rescue, because it will be the DICTATOR that will be killing US. Is revolution brewing in America
Many predict that there will be rioting in the streets of America too and that may be the reason the U.S. government is building detention camps all over the states and more are expected.

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
Maybe it wont happen, but what "IF" it does. Some people are saying that millions will die, and if you think you liberals will be immune, that just shows how ignorant you really are.
That article is 6 years old and written during the height of Bush's Great Recession. The economy has improved since then and the revolution never happened. What the fuck is wrong with you people??
I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash). View attachment 45953
Yet you're relying on delusions of a revolution. Too funny. Obviously, if there were signs of a looming revolution from the left, you'd be able to clearly articulate them. That you can't only serves to prove how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:
Only delusional ones were those who voted for HOPE AND CHANGE, and the redistribution of wealth, which if you noticed after 6 2/3rd years, the RICH definitely got RICHER and there are more poor people than before the war on poverty ever started. Who is the president of the USA? Oh yeah, Barack Hussein Obama, hmm, hmm, hmm, he who was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet, boy did you guys get suckered into that one. He never said that the wealth was going to be redistributed down to you guys, which is why Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary), Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, Barack Hussein Obama has made their millions and billions, while many are poor and have to collect welfare and abort their babies, all in the name of science. Faun, you are a lickspittle liberal lapdog. Your real name isn't Bambi, is it?

You have some real issues. I suggest professional help before you lose it completely.
The selling of "BODY PARTS" whether for science or any other event is ILLEGAL, yet you libs keep saying it is the abortion is legal. I keep saying that unborn innocent children shouldn't be executed, but dumb liberal girls who spread their legs at a whim, are then victimized again, by having their womb ripped up so you libs don't have to take care of your transgression. Once again, PP was saying that the abortions were only affecting a few cells, but laying on the table is a BABY, that has a heart, brain, and feels PAIN, when it is being torn out. You are disgusting as typical of any liberal.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
When a liberal only uses the term "FETUS" -(meaning an unborn child) this allows them to destroy life and not feel any emotions about doing it, even to the point of allowing them to sell those body parts for "SCIENCE". Just makes me sick.
The selling of "BODY PARTS" whether for science or any other event is ILLEGAL, yet you libs keep saying it is the abortion is legal. I keep saying that unborn innocent children shouldn't be executed, but dumb liberal girls who spread their legs at a whim, are then victimized again, by having their womb ripped up so you libs don't have to take care of your transgression. Once again, PP was saying that the abortions were only affecting a few cells, but laying on the table is a BABY, that has a heart, brain, and feels PAIN, when it is being torn out. You are disgusting as typical of any liberal.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
When a liberal only uses the term "FETUS" -(meaning an unborn child) this allows them to destroy life and not feel any emotions about doing it, even to the point of allowing them to sell those body parts for "SCIENCE". Just makes me sick.

Did they SELL body parts or did they facilitate the mother's wish to donate the remains? I'm donating my body after I die. I have already paid the $250 for the transport and other costs.

YOu have a real thing for trying to tell people who they are and what they think, don't you? Considering the lies you have posted in this thread and the ignorance you have displayed, you would do well to work on who you are and learning to think.
Considering the whole PP fantasy story has been debunked and the only ones who still believe the BS are the very, very easily manipulated, it should be ignored.
Oh and by the way, I'm basically pro-life.

wow, the postings of a snob. You liberals are insufferable you just believe you have all the answers. and everyone concerned over this is beneath you. what do you care about dead babies
How do you know a LIBERAL is LYING? His/her/it's mouth is open. Let me give you concerned citizens something to think about how far the left is willing to go. HB 1274 - Death penalty guillotine provisions
to provide for death by guillotine;

1- 8 The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to
1- 9 death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for
1-10 transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that
1-11 electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for
1-12 transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting
1-13 this legislation is to provide for a method of execution
1-14 which is compatible with the donation of organs by a
1-15 condemned prisoner.
We see liberals selling body parts of unborn/born infants for profit. You can bet that liberals would sell body parts of adults also, if they can get away with it. Bill Clinton was president when this bill went through in Georgia, and it seems that not much was heard about it. Better make sure on your drivers license it isn't checked "DONOR".
Why are you against people donating parts of their body after they're dead, to help others?
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
You intimated there is going to be a revolution. Riots are not revolutions and NBC is not starting one nor is Van Jones. So where is this revolution of yours? :dunno:
You guys on the left always use the word "IF" when it comes to Global Warming. So here is some information about a REVOLUTION, that could possibly happen. What "IF" it does come true, there wont be an America there to come to our rescue, because it will be the DICTATOR that will be killing US. Is revolution brewing in America
Many predict that there will be rioting in the streets of America too and that may be the reason the U.S. government is building detention camps all over the states and more are expected.

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
Maybe it wont happen, but what "IF" it does. Some people are saying that millions will die, and if you think you liberals will be immune, that just shows how ignorant you really are.
That article is 6 years old and written during the height of Bush's Great Recession. The economy has improved since then and the revolution never happened. What the fuck is wrong with you people??
Oh really? More homeowners are drowning in debt
More homeowners are drowning in debt
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
You keep saying it over and over , in the hope someone will believe you, but FACTS prove against the recovery time and again. You are stupid, and it is people like you that are the reason the inner cities are turning into war zones, police are backing off, and god forbid the military has to get involved. But lets get back on the SELLING OF BODY PARTS that is ILLEGAL in America.
Most people would be uncomfortable listening to the way this Dr Mengele woman casually discussed this issue.
Liberals ? No, not liberals, but most people would.
Liberals think it's business as usual.

And not one of them has said a word about how the procedure as this doctor describes it puts the women at increased risk.

Or the ethical considerations of encouraging women to wait until later to abort in order to obtain a more profitable harvest.

Exactly...the procedure she's describing turns the fetus into the breach position to protect it's head for sale.....this is not only illegal, it's apt to tear the woman's uterus and leave her sterile.....which BTW is often the intended outcome of abortion doctors....once bitten twice shy.
Partially birth abortion sucks the brains out of the head of a live fetus that has half their bodies outside of the womb.

Did you hear the Doc say that????

The funny thing about their lies is that the bush boy made it illegal for that procedure to happen in 2003.

President Bush Signs Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003
The selling of "BODY PARTS" whether for science or any other event is ILLEGAL, yet you libs keep saying it is the abortion is legal. I keep saying that unborn innocent children shouldn't be executed, but dumb liberal girls who spread their legs at a whim, are then victimized again, by having their womb ripped up so you libs don't have to take care of your transgression. Once again, PP was saying that the abortions were only affecting a few cells, but laying on the table is a BABY, that has a heart, brain, and feels PAIN, when it is being torn out. You are disgusting as typical of any liberal.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
When a liberal only uses the term "FETUS" -(meaning an unborn child) this allows them to destroy life and not feel any emotions about doing it, even to the point of allowing them to sell those body parts for "SCIENCE". Just makes me sick.

Hmmm......interesting article about the sociopaths. Let's see ho wmany fit you?

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Yeah, these fit you pretty well.

I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash). View attachment 45953
Yet you're relying on delusions of a revolution. Too funny. Obviously, if there were signs of a looming revolution from the left, you'd be able to clearly articulate them. That you can't only serves to prove how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:
Only delusional ones were those who voted for HOPE AND CHANGE, and the redistribution of wealth, which if you noticed after 6 2/3rd years, the RICH definitely got RICHER and there are more poor people than before the war on poverty ever started. Who is the president of the USA? Oh yeah, Barack Hussein Obama, hmm, hmm, hmm, he who was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet, boy did you guys get suckered into that one. He never said that the wealth was going to be redistributed down to you guys, which is why Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary), Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, Barack Hussein Obama has made their millions and billions, while many are poor and have to collect welfare and abort their babies, all in the name of science. Faun, you are a lickspittle liberal lapdog. Your real name isn't Bambi, is it?
The rich typically get richer regardless who's president.And my reason for voting for Obama has already come to fruition -- Two Liberal justices on the Supreme Court. So I have no complaints.
If you want to donate your body parts, go ahead, but I don't remember anyone asking the unborn child if IT wanted to donate its body part. EVIL has come to this country , it shows its ugly face and that face is LIBERALISM. OBAMA-SATAN.jpg
As long as a liberal breaks the law(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, lying under oath) it is okay, but when they are caught breaking the law , even when it takes breaking the law by the right, then all bets are off, from those liberals. Without "DOUBLE STANDARDS", liberals would have no standards at all. EVIL, just look at your local liberal. When the Rules are used against liberals, they get very upset, run off, and call you names.

Saul Alinsky's Zombie is hiding in your closet. It's going to be really disappointed when he finds out you don't have any brains to eat.

Again, PP didn't break any laws. The transport and transfer of biological samples are strictly regulated.

CMP filed a fraudelant tax filing saying they were a charity, and filmed people without their consent. Those ARE violations of laws.
Again the selling of body parts, by "LAW", that you liberal break all the time, will have those who committed the crimes put in jail. It is just a matter of time. You can bet on that.
From the videos, it appears PP is not selling body parts. Now what??
Last edited:
If you want to donate your body parts, go ahead, but I don't remember anyone asking the unborn child if IT wanted to donate its body part. EVIL has come to this country , it shows its ugly face and that face is LIBERALISM. View attachment 46068

The mother signed the paperwork.

One again, and I'll type very slowly so maybe you will understand, this thread is not actually about abortion. It is about the claims that PP was selling body parts. I know your wet-dreams about a civil war have you distracted, but do try to stay with the topic.
If you want to donate your body parts, go ahead, but I don't remember anyone asking the unborn child if IT wanted to donate its body part. EVIL has come to this country , it shows its ugly face and that face is LIBERALISM. View attachment 46068
Like many decisions made for anyone under 18, the mother gets to decide.
Hitler had different beliefs, similar to those like you. He was destroyed along with those who believed in him. The only way to get rid of EVIL, is to completely eradicate it from the world. I am not threatening civil war, I am letting you know that your homey in the rainbow house, is pushing US closer and closer. And I am glad you're not afraid, but you will be, you will be.
So you believe it is the right who will start a revolution. Why were you blaming an NBC correspondent then?? And how far do you think the U.S. military will let your revolution get?

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