Driven By Profit

So in other words you want PBS, NPR, and C-SPAN?

No. C-SPAN dies not utilize their air time well. They show hours of an empty room.

PBS gives out air time to some of the most ridiculous programs that are so incredibly inane and pointless it hurts.

NPR is radio, and they don't point out facts they interpret situations just like the rest of the media.

A 24 hour television station that was meant purely to inform the populace. Ask three people you work with three questions.

1. How many branches of government are there?

2. What are they?

3. What branch of government does the Federal Reserve work for?

I guarantee you that you will see how little people really know. I ask people why they voted for Obama, and they say cause they like his policies. I ask which ones. They say "I'll get back to you."

People need to learn more than who wore what expensive dress or said what on Saturday N

Night Live
So in other words you want PBS, NPR, and C-SPAN?

No. C-SPAN dies not utilize their air time well. They show hours of an empty room.

PBS gives out air time to some of the most ridiculous programs that are so incredibly inane and pointless it hurts.

NPR is radio, and they don't point out facts they interpret situations just like the rest of the media.

A 24 hour television station that was meant purely to inform the populace. Ask three people you work with three questions.

1. How many branches of government are there?

2. What are they?

3. What branch of government does the Federal Reserve work for?

I guarantee you that you will see how little people really know. I ask people why they voted for Obama, and they say cause they like his policies. I ask which ones. They say "I'll get back to you."

People need to learn more than who wore what expensive dress or said what on Saturday N

Night Live

I'm going to disagree with you on C-SPAN. C-SPAN is probably as informative and non-partisan as any network, in any country, will ever be and the last thing I want them to do is try to fill the dead time because then they'd have a motive to start making shit up in order to fill the time.

PBS and NPR are supposed to be what you're asking for but you're not happy with them. I don't think we'll ever see what you want to see because people are biased...all people are biased whether or not their employer is for-profit or non-profit.

I hear what you're saying but I think the answer is to have as many different sources of information as possible and then let the people who are interested make up their minds based on the different positions they've been exposed to and the critical thinking process, and their own preferences of course.

As for most people...most people don't care about politics, never have, never will.
When did profit become a bad thing? Media outlets can't possibly show all the news so they have to pick and choose priorities. The ironic thing is that media outlets which claim to be non-profit (and tax exempt) like Media Matters tend to be the most biased.
C-SPAN is a good tool to see what's happening. Dead zones could be used to go over the basics of government for those who need to catch up.

PBS and NPR should be used to lay out what's going in without the rhetoric they imply. The main reason people are tired of politics is because it's so political. No one wants to constantly fight and argue over the same points that never change.

I believe in profit. Profit is great. Making profit off of sensational stories and misinforming the public shouldn't be encouraged though.

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