Driverless Car to Deliver Pizza in My Hometown

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This is pretty cool. I'm not a pizza eater, but this could convert me. Do we tip the car in gasoline?

Domino’s and Ford will test self-driving pizza delivery cars in Michigan

Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
' My Father lost his job to automation. They made a machine that could do everything my Father did, only better. The worst part was, my Mother went out and bought one.'

-- Woody Allen
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
Bring back the buggy whip!
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
OMG! Have you hired a speech writer? ;)
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all

Let us all just go amish bro?
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
OMG! Have you hired a speech writer? ;)
No. she uses "Grammarly" ( Free Grammar Checker | Grammarly ) Which makes her ghetto speak somewhat comprhendable. It was virtually impossible to understand her when she first started here.
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
They don't want to starve. They want to earn a living while making a living wage. You are saying they can't and shouldn't therefore what is your answer? Let them starve?
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
They don't want to starve. They want to earn a living while making a living wage. You are saying they can't and shouldn't therefore what is your answer? Let them starve?
Let them learn to live within their means, or keep their mouths shut lest they should bite the hand that feeds them. People who insist on getting more money for the same menial work; rather than finding a better paying job... Have little value to society to begin with. As such, they probably shouldn't go about making things harder on themselves.
Ya know, every single time we get stuff like this, a job is lost. The ATM's, the self serving lines in grocery stores, the internet shopping, all are job loss'es for us. Until a driverless car can pay taxes, bad idea. I would also like to add, and until the cost of not having people do this, of their products decrease, what the hell is the point? Just more money for the big guys, that's all
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
They don't want to starve. They want to earn a living while making a living wage. You are saying they can't and shouldn't therefore what is your answer? Let them starve?
Let them learn to live within their means, or keep their mouths shut lest they should bite the hand that feeds them. People who insist on getting more money for the same menial work; rather than finding a better paying job... Have little value to society to begin with. As such, they probably shouldn't go about making things harder on themselves.
If they can't live within their means, without welfare, because their job doesn't pay them enough to live on how the fuck do you think they are going to improve themselves and get better jobs?
It is more realistic that they turn to crime or they starve.
Horse shit
You're damn right! More money for the big guys. Keep crying about a 15 dollar/hr minimum wage, and you'll see more automation than you can handle. You'll be doing self checkout at every lane in WalMart, ordering your fast food by pushing a button, while a robot fills your order. Did you really think businesses were going to cave to the petulant demands, of underskilled, and frankly disposable employees? Shiiii... A whole lot of these clowns have let their mouths start writing checks that their ass can't cash. But you know who really wins in all this? The consumer! That's us!
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
They don't want to starve. They want to earn a living while making a living wage. You are saying they can't and shouldn't therefore what is your answer? Let them starve?
Let them learn to live within their means, or keep their mouths shut lest they should bite the hand that feeds them. People who insist on getting more money for the same menial work; rather than finding a better paying job... Have little value to society to begin with. As such, they probably shouldn't go about making things harder on themselves.
If they can't live within their means, without welfare, because their job doesn't pay them enough to live on how the fuck do you think they are going to improve themselves and get better jobs?
It is more realistic that they turn to crime or they starve.
Horseshit. Virtually no one starves in the US. But it sure does sound like your greasing the skids for their future criminal behavior...
Horse shit
While I think $15 an hour is too much, I myself make $10 an hour, what are we going to do with all these people whose jobs were replaced with machines. Let them starve?
If that's what they want to do... then sure...
They don't want to starve. They want to earn a living while making a living wage. You are saying they can't and shouldn't therefore what is your answer? Let them starve?
Let them learn to live within their means, or keep their mouths shut lest they should bite the hand that feeds them. People who insist on getting more money for the same menial work; rather than finding a better paying job... Have little value to society to begin with. As such, they probably shouldn't go about making things harder on themselves.
If they can't live within their means, without welfare, because their job doesn't pay them enough to live on how the fuck do you think they are going to improve themselves and get better jobs?
It is more realistic that they turn to crime or they starve.
Horseshit. Virtually no one starves in the US. But it sure does sound like your greasing the skids for their future criminal behavior...
Short sighted. Look into the future. Where will we end up once we automate all low level jobs.
You'll not only have to tip the pizza guy who comes to your door but then check whether the guy behind the steering wheel (tester they have in place just in case intervention is necessary) stole any pieces of your pizza.

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