Drivers could see gas below $3 a gallon soon. Thanks Barack

it was $1.89 when he came in:cuckoo:

Yup. Don't suppose you remember why. :cuckoo:

This should be hilarious .......

It’s true that by the end of the Bush presidency, prices had fallen back to $1.69, as oil prices plummeted with the rest of the global economy. But I think we can all agree that a global financial crisis is too high a price to pay for cheap gasoline.
Great news for Americans, bad news for Republicans.

Drivers could see gas below $3 a gallon soon - NBC

Good news for consumers: gasoline prices are falling fast as oil prices plummet.

RBOB gasoline futures — which are traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange — plunged to $2.57 a gallon Wednesday morning, the lowest price since November 2012. Gasoline futures, which have slid 5 percent in the past week alone, have an even greater impact on prices at the pump than crude oil prices.

"It's fourth-quarter demand. There's always less demand for gasoline at the end of the year and that's what you're seeing. Plus there's plenty of supply of gasoline — and oil," said trader Anthony Grisanti of GRZ Energy and a CNBC contributor.

The national average for retail gasoline is $3.34 a gallon, down 4 percent, or 13 cents, from a month ago, according to AAA. In 10 states, prices are below $3.25 a gallon on average — and many drivers in Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas are paying less than $3 a gallon, according to

"Drivers in nearly half the country could soon find gasoline prices at the pump below $3 a gallon," says Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at "This is the other shoe dropping. Since September, we saw gasoline prices lose ground even though oil prices were congesting. Now that crude oil prices are dropping, we could soon see retail gasoline prices at the lowest prices since the Arab spring in February 2011— below $3.20 a gallon for the national average."


"He lowered our gas prices!!! Praise be his holy name!
Great news for Americans, bad news for Republicans.

Drivers could see gas below $3 a gallon soon - NBC

Good news for consumers: gasoline prices are falling fast as oil prices plummet.

RBOB gasoline futures — which are traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange — plunged to $2.57 a gallon Wednesday morning, the lowest price since November 2012. Gasoline futures, which have slid 5 percent in the past week alone, have an even greater impact on prices at the pump than crude oil prices.

"It's fourth-quarter demand. There's always less demand for gasoline at the end of the year and that's what you're seeing. Plus there's plenty of supply of gasoline — and oil," said trader Anthony Grisanti of GRZ Energy and a CNBC contributor.

The national average for retail gasoline is $3.34 a gallon, down 4 percent, or 13 cents, from a month ago, according to AAA. In 10 states, prices are below $3.25 a gallon on average — and many drivers in Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas are paying less than $3 a gallon, according to

"Drivers in nearly half the country could soon find gasoline prices at the pump below $3 a gallon," says Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at "This is the other shoe dropping. Since September, we saw gasoline prices lose ground even though oil prices were congesting. Now that crude oil prices are dropping, we could soon see retail gasoline prices at the lowest prices since the Arab spring in February 2011— below $3.20 a gallon for the national average."


"He lowered our gas prices!!! Praise be his holy name!

"He's sending us Obamaphones!!! Praise be his holy name!"
Yeah, $3 in what, confederate dollars?

How about the price in grossly inflated Obamabucks?

Actually, inflation has been very slow under Obama.

As to the op - President Obama had nothing to do with gas prices going up and I doubt he had anything to do with them coming down.

That's just not within the power of the president of US.

OTOH, he has granted many more drilling permits than any previous presidents so that might contribute to lowering prices.
Dumbasses don't realize gas was 1.89$ when Odumbass came into office...Nothing to get excited about...its 3.29$ here probably in the 3.10$ range in Ga...
Because he got blamed when they went up, and he had nothing to do with it.

Quid pro quo and etc.

Not this time, though I'm sure the administration will try to spin it that way regardless. Obama obstructed and continues to obstruct oil production in the Gulf, the Keystone Pipeline and on government land, but he wasn't able to obstruct the N. Dakota/Montana oil shale energy mother lode in oil and natural gas on private land. That's what's bringing gas prices down. We're actually becoming an oil exporter. In fact, it's helped keep the economy balanced on the government money printing press high wire as long as it has. But it's only delaying the inevitable as the trillion$ pile up, making the eventual crash even worse.
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Yup. Don't suppose you remember why. :cuckoo:

This should be hilarious .......

It’s true that by the end of the Bush presidency, prices had fallen back to $1.69, as oil prices plummeted with the rest of the global economy. But I think we can all agree that a global financial crisis is too high a price to pay for cheap gasoline.

And i was correct..... :lol:
Yeah, $3 in what, confederate dollars?

How about the price in grossly inflated Obamabucks?

Actually, inflation has been very slow under Obama.

As to the op - President Obama had nothing to do with gas prices going up and I doubt he had anything to do with them coming down.

That's just not within the power of the president of US.

OTOH, he has granted many more drilling permits than any previous presidents so that might contribute to lowering prices.

Obama has NOT granted more drilling permits than any previous President. That's an outright misrepresentation of the facts by you.
Yeah, $3 in what, confederate dollars?

How about the price in grossly inflated Obamabucks?

Actually, inflation has been very slow under Obama.

As to the op - President Obama had nothing to do with gas prices going up and I doubt he had anything to do with them coming down.

That's just not within the power of the president of US.

OTOH, he has granted many more drilling permits than any previous presidents so that might contribute to lowering prices.
PICKET: Flashback - Oil drilling permits down 36 percent under Obama - Washington Times
The truth is...everywhere that Obama had control of drilling permits were down substantially. His Administration used the Gulf oil spill as an excuse to shut down drilling in the Gulf even by shallow water drillers with impeccable safety records.
If gasoline drops belong $3 a gallon in my area, Obama will become very very popular.

That's because people like you and kidCrocks are too stupid to realize he has little influence on the price of it unless he's rattling his sabers.
so when gas prices were high, we can thank obama....right?

Mertex said:
Oh, yeah, but Republican/conservatives were giving him credit for when it went up!
Well yeah, because of his obstruction, and the oil shale in N. Dakota hadn't kicked in yet....which he couldn't stop.....much as he'd have liked to.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."
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