Drone War Crimes: "Will I Be Next?"

Drones are horrible. Truly horrendous.

And, I will happily take them over the massive slaughter we saw in Iraq.

A few dead innocents or hundreds of thousands of innocents?

And, I don't mind that other countries are watching the skies.
Wouldn't it make even more sense to repudiate the drones and illegal invasions/occupations we've seen since 1945?? Why should eight year-olds living in countries which pose no threat to your skies need to watch theirs?

Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.

Obama is doing something about the terrorist and the right can't stand it. SO they attack him until they get their guy in so they can kill more terrorist themselves.

This is a power play.
Conventional invasion...


Cruise-missile strike...


They're all 'acts of war'...

They're all designed to kill our enemies and protect our interests and enforce our rights and impose our will...

Any method which lessens our own casualties while increasing those of our enemies and improving upon the accuracy of the strikes is OK in my book...

A couple of dozen collateral civilian casualties per anti-terrorist strike is better than a couple of hundred or a couple of thousand using different and older and more expensive methodologies...

There's no substitute for Boots On The Ground but for situations where that is not needed or in the run-up to such an event, Drone Strikes are a Grand Idea...

If Shrub and Bubba had had more of such, they would have used them more as well...

Drone Strikes are one of the few areas in which I unreservedly support Fearless Leader and the way he's handling something...
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"...'The US must explain why these people have been killed - people who are clearly civilians. It must provide justice to these people, compensation and it must investigate those responsible for those killings,' Mustafa Qadri, the Amnesty researcher who wrote the report, says.'..."
The US must do no such thing.

And Mustafa Qadra can suck donkey <bleep>.

Who gives a damn what he says?

Or Muslim-Arab apologists and fifth-columnists, for that matter...
Pathic, flag-flaps feel good all over when 68 year-old grandmothers are dismembered in front of their eight year-old grandaughters, yet seldom find the stones or syllables to justify the arbitrary nature of war crimes:

"The Amnesty International report is based on the investigation of the nine out of 45 drone strikes reported between January 2012 and August 2013 in North Waziristan, the area where the US drone campaign is most intensive. The research is centered on one particular case – that of 68-year-old Mamana Bibi, who was killed by a US drone last October while she was picking vegetables with her grandchildren."

US may be guilty of war crimes over drone use ? Amnesty Intl ? RT News

Whether or not US drone strikes occur in the context of an armed conflict the USA must abide
by Article 6(1) of the ICCPR, an international treaty binding on both the USA and Pakistan.
Article 6(1) states that 'every human being has the inherent right to life. No one shall be
arbitrarily deprived of his life.' This right is a peremptory norm of international law and can
never be suspended or otherwise derogated from, be it in times of peace or in times of war.104
The question of whether a killing in a conflict zone committed as part of an armed conflict
constitutes an arbitrary deprivation of life will be determined by the relevant rules of international
humanitarian law. Killing a civilian who has taken no direct part in hostilities is an arbitrary deprivation of life."

http://www.amnestyusa.org/sites/default/files/asa330132013en.pdf P.43
Drones are horrible. Truly horrendous.

And, I will happily take them over the massive slaughter we saw in Iraq.

A few dead innocents or hundreds of thousands of innocents?

And, I don't mind that other countries are watching the skies.
Wouldn't it make even more sense to repudiate the drones and illegal invasions/occupations we've seen since 1945?? Why should eight year-olds living in countries which pose no threat to your skies need to watch theirs?

Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.
Perhaps there will always be conflict, but there's no reason to economically subsidize warfare. For example, a 100% war crimes tax on all conflict-related profits after the first civilian death would provide a powerful incentive to investment bankers to look elsewhere for their seven figure lifestyles. The drones aren't scaring away as many terrorists as they are creating, and this is probably by design since the one thing you can not afford to run out of in a Long Was is enemies (and their grandmothers)
In theory Drone attacks create less collateral damage than standard bombing runs.

Of course if they were flying over our lands occasionally killing innocent people, I'm pretty sure we'd be outraged too.
"...'The US must explain why these people have been killed - people who are clearly civilians. It must provide justice to these people, compensation and it must investigate those responsible for those killings,' Mustafa Qadri, the Amnesty researcher who wrote the report, says.'..."
The US must do no such thing. And Mustafa Qadra can suck donkey <bleep>. Who gives a damn what he says? Or Muslim-Arab apologists and fifth-columnists, for that matter...
Pathic, flag-flaps feel good all over when 68 year-old grandmothers are dismembered in front of their eight year-old grandaughters, yet seldom find the stones or syllables to justify the arbitrary nature of war crimes:


However, pragmatic Americans feel VERY good when we make drone strikes on North Waziristan and we kill al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership and operatives.

We feel even better when we nail a whole bunch of 'em simultaneously.

We feel even better than that when we consider that we did not lose one soldier in such strikes.

It's unfortunate that the occasional 68-year-old grandmother gets clobbered.

None of that would have been necessary had the Pakistani government been able (or willing) to clear the province of al-Qaeda and Taliban.

But they did not clear them out.

And al-Qaeda and Taliban operations will continue to be interdicted and their personnel killed as often as may be practicable.

To make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs.

Civilian casualties alongside a missle-strike (drone-launched or not) are always possible.

We may take comfort from the fact that far fewer casualties result from smart missile strikes than formerly died from older techniques such as carpet bombing.

Far fewer.

Small consolation to those bystanders who die, and their families.

But, in the bigger picture, far preferable to either (a) allowing al-Qaeda and the Taliban to operate in an open and unrestricted manner or (b) carpet bombing and killing 10,000 68-year-old grandmothers.

War is a bitch.

But it's far more fun to be on the winning side.

Rather than propagandizing for and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
"...For example, a 100% war crimes tax on all conflict-related profits after the first civilian death would provide a powerful incentive to investment bankers to look elsewhere for their seven figure lifestyles..."
What planet are you living on?

It sure-as-hell isn't Earth.
Wouldn't it make even more sense to repudiate the drones and illegal invasions/occupations we've seen since 1945?? Why should eight year-olds living in countries which pose no threat to your skies need to watch theirs?

Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.
Perhaps there will always be conflict, but there's no reason to economically subsidize warfare. For example, a 100% war crimes tax on all conflict-related profits after the first civilian death would provide a powerful incentive to investment bankers to look elsewhere for their seven figure lifestyles. The drones aren't scaring away as many terrorists as they are creating, and this is probably by design since the one thing you can not afford to run out of in a Long Was is enemies (and their grandmothers)

After WWII, other countries invested in their own recovery. The US invested in more war machines and, even now, the Rs want more tanks even though we will never use the ones we already have.

The drones aren't scaring away as many terrorists as they are creating ...

My question is to those who are against drones - WHAT is your alternative?

It is utter stupidity to let your people starve or go without housing or medical care in favor of piling up more guns.
Wouldn't it make even more sense to repudiate the drones and illegal invasions/occupations we've seen since 1945?? Why should eight year-olds living in countries which pose no threat to your skies need to watch theirs?

Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.

Obama is doing something about the terrorist and the right can't stand it. SO they attack him until they get their guy in so they can kill more terrorist themselves.

This is a power play.

I think they are fighting an ideology. They have been at this too long and there seems to be no shortage of terrorists so I am not so sure either side is being truthful. They are at war and terms like terror are just an excuse for what either side is doing.
The US must do no such thing. And Mustafa Qadra can suck donkey <bleep>. Who gives a damn what he says? Or Muslim-Arab apologists and fifth-columnists, for that matter...
Pathic, flag-flaps feel good all over when 68 year-old grandmothers are dismembered in front of their eight year-old grandaughters, yet seldom find the stones or syllables to justify the arbitrary nature of war crimes:


However, pragmatic Americans feel VERY good when we make drone strikes on North Waziristan and we kill al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership and operatives.

We feel even better when we nail a whole bunch of 'em simultaneously.

We feel even better than that when we consider that we did not lose one soldier in such strikes.

It's unfortunate that the occasional 68-year-old grandmother gets clobbered.

None of that would have been necessary had the Pakistani government been able (or willing) to clear the province of al-Qaeda and Taliban.

But they did not clear them out.

And al-Qaeda and Taliban operations will continue to be interdicted and their personnel killed as often as may be practicable.

To make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs.

Civilian casualties alongside a missle-strike (drone-launched or not) are always possible.

We may take comfort from the fact that far fewer casualties result from smart missile strikes than formerly died from older techniques such as carpet bombing.

Far fewer.

Small consolation to those bystanders who die, and their families.

But, in the bigger picture, far preferable to either (a) allowing al-Qaeda and the Taliban to operate in an open and unrestricted manner or (b) carpet bombing and killing 10,000 68-year-old grandmothers.

War is a bitch.

But it's far more fun to be on the winning side.

Rather than propagandizing for and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Rather than swallowing every pig-shit laced load Wall Street and the Pentagon cascade over your tonsils...
Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up.
Oh wait, IT just did.
Your big war bitch endorsement of the terror inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World would be much funnier if you were pounding out your pathic keystrokes from Pakistan.
Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.

Obama is doing something about the terrorist and the right can't stand it. SO they attack him until they get their guy in so they can kill more terrorist themselves.

This is a power play.

I think they are fighting an ideology. They have been at this too long and there seems to be no shortage of terrorists so I am not so sure either side is being truthful. They are at war and terms like terror are just an excuse for what either side is doing.
Only one side is killing, maiming, and displacing millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland for PROFIT$. I would suggest the ideology responsible for the lion's share of global terror is American Exceptionalism.
"...For example, a 100% war crimes tax on all conflict-related profits after the first civilian death would provide a powerful incentive to investment bankers to look elsewhere for their seven figure lifestyles..."
What planet are you living on?

It sure-as-hell isn't Earth.
It ain't Planet Halliburton, what about you?

"The accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decade-long Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels.

"Private or publicly listed firms received at least $138 billion of U.S. taxpayer money for government contracts for services that included providing private security, building infrastructure and feeding the troops.

"Ten contractors received 52 percent of the funds, according to an analysis by the Financial Times that was published Tuesday.

"The No. 1 recipient?

"Houston-based energy-focused engineering and construction firm KBR, Inc. (NYSE:KBR), which was spun off from its parent, oilfield services provider Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL), in 2007.

"The company was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade..."

FOCUS | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War
Why don't we just end all wars?

I agree with you but there will always be conflict. Isn't it better to mitigate the damage all we can? And, as I hinted at, drones are scaring the crap out of our enemies.

President Obama is no where near as lib-rule as some would like but he has turned out to be a bit of a hawk. Him taking out terrorists with drones has got to be terrifying to other terrorists.
Perhaps there will always be conflict, but there's no reason to economically subsidize warfare. For example, a 100% war crimes tax on all conflict-related profits after the first civilian death would provide a powerful incentive to investment bankers to look elsewhere for their seven figure lifestyles. The drones aren't scaring away as many terrorists as they are creating, and this is probably by design since the one thing you can not afford to run out of in a Long Was is enemies (and their grandmothers)

After WWII, other countries invested in their own recovery. The US invested in more war machines and, even now, the Rs want more tanks even though we will never use the ones we already have.

The drones aren't scaring away as many terrorists as they are creating ...

My question is to those who are against drones - WHAT is your alternative?

It is utter stupidity to let your people starve or go without housing or medical care in favor of piling up more guns.
Here are some results of US drone strikes in Yemen which have helped al-Qa'ida recruitment in the Arabian peninsula like nothing else:

"A former State Department official in Yemen says every U.S. drone killing there of an al Qaeda operative creates 40 to 60 new enemies of America.

"In an article for the Cairo Review posted Wednesday, Nabeel Khoury, the deputy chief of mission in Yemen from 2004 to 2007, writes, 'Drone strikes take out a few bad guys to be sure, but they also kill a large number of innocent civilians. Given Yemen’s tribal structure, the U.S. generates roughly forty to sixty new enemies for every AQAP [al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] operative killed by drones.'"

Every Yemen Drone Strike Creates 40 To 60 New Enemies, Former U.S. Official Says

I think the alternative to drones in particular and for-profit wars in general is to tax the profits from war into extinction before war exterminates humanity.
Pathic, flag-flaps feel good all over when 68 year-old grandmothers are dismembered in front of their eight year-old grandaughters, yet seldom find the stones or syllables to justify the arbitrary nature of war crimes:


However, pragmatic Americans feel VERY good when we make drone strikes on North Waziristan and we kill al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership and operatives.

We feel even better when we nail a whole bunch of 'em simultaneously.

We feel even better than that when we consider that we did not lose one soldier in such strikes.

It's unfortunate that the occasional 68-year-old grandmother gets clobbered.

None of that would have been necessary had the Pakistani government been able (or willing) to clear the province of al-Qaeda and Taliban.

But they did not clear them out.

And al-Qaeda and Taliban operations will continue to be interdicted and their personnel killed as often as may be practicable.

To make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs.

Civilian casualties alongside a missle-strike (drone-launched or not) are always possible.

We may take comfort from the fact that far fewer casualties result from smart missile strikes than formerly died from older techniques such as carpet bombing.

Far fewer.

Small consolation to those bystanders who die, and their families.

But, in the bigger picture, far preferable to either (a) allowing al-Qaeda and the Taliban to operate in an open and unrestricted manner or (b) carpet bombing and killing 10,000 68-year-old grandmothers.

War is a bitch.

But it's far more fun to be on the winning side.

Rather than propagandizing for and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Rather than swallowing every pig-shit laced load Wall Street and the Pentagon cascade over your tonsils...
Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up.
Oh wait, IT just did.
Your big war bitch endorsement of the terror inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World would be much funnier if you were pounding out your pathic keystrokes from Pakistan.

Are you on LSD, boy?
Reported for over-the-top filthy language and over-reaction to what was written.

If you have a problem with me, set something up in the flame zone, and then bring it, you nasty little creature.

Oh, and, by the way, none of what you wrote does anything whatsoever, to negate the accuracy of what I'd written, in order to trigger such a juvenile outburst on your part.

Reported for over-the-top filthy language and over-reaction to what was written.

If you have a problem with me, set something up in the flame zone, and then bring it, you nasty little creature.

Oh, and, by the way, none of what you wrote does anything whatsoever, to negate the accuracy of what I'd written, in order to trigger such a juvenile outburst on your part.

(report that you miserable little snitch)

However, pragmatic Americans feel VERY good when we make drone strikes on North Waziristan and we kill al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership and operatives.

We feel even better when we nail a whole bunch of 'em simultaneously.

We feel even better than that when we consider that we did not lose one soldier in such strikes.

It's unfortunate that the occasional 68-year-old grandmother gets clobbered.

None of that would have been necessary had the Pakistani government been able (or willing) to clear the province of al-Qaeda and Taliban.

But they did not clear them out.

And al-Qaeda and Taliban operations will continue to be interdicted and their personnel killed as often as may be practicable.

To make omelettes, ya gotta break a few eggs.

Civilian casualties alongside a missle-strike (drone-launched or not) are always possible.

We may take comfort from the fact that far fewer casualties result from smart missile strikes than formerly died from older techniques such as carpet bombing.

Far fewer.

Small consolation to those bystanders who die, and their families.

But, in the bigger picture, far preferable to either (a) allowing al-Qaeda and the Taliban to operate in an open and unrestricted manner or (b) carpet bombing and killing 10,000 68-year-old grandmothers.

War is a bitch.

But it's far more fun to be on the winning side.

Rather than propagandizing for and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Rather than swallowing every pig-shit laced load Wall Street and the Pentagon cascade over your tonsils...
Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up.
Oh wait, IT just did.
Your big war bitch endorsement of the terror inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World would be much funnier if you were pounding out your pathic keystrokes from Pakistan.

Are you on LSD, boy?
Not lately.
Are you (still) drinking the kool-aid?
Reported for over-the-top filthy language and over-reaction to what was written.

If you have a problem with me, set something up in the flame zone, and then bring it, you nasty little creature.

Oh, and, by the way, none of what you wrote does anything whatsoever, to negate the accuracy of what I'd written, in order to trigger such a juvenile outburst on your part.

(report that you miserable little snitch)
If I was a miserable little snitch, I would have simply reported your post behind-the-scenes, with you never the wiser...

However, in publicly mentioning it, and getting in your face about it...

I was serving up a public "Go screw yourself", in the full light of day, and in plain sight for all to see...

That is not being a 'miserable little snitch'...

That is calling a Punk a Punk.
"MUSTAFA QADRI: Yes, so we’re not saying that the entire program constitutes war crimes. What we’re saying is that particularly rescuer attacks may constitute war crimes. We’re talking here, for example, some laborers in a very impoverished village near the Afghanistan border, they get targeted, eight die instantly in a tent; those who come to rescue or to look for survivors are themselves targeted.

"In great detail, eyewitnesses, victims who survive tell us about, you know, the terror, the panic, as drones hovered overhead.

"There are other cases, as well, in the report where we talk about people who have been targeted for coming to be—to rescue people also killed. Those cases may constitute war crimes.

"Now, that’s a very big claim. There’s a very high threshold for proving that. With the secrecy surrounding the program, the remoteness of this area, we can only get the truth once the U.S., as a start, comes clean and explains what is the justification for these killings."

"How Do You Justify Killing a Grandmother?" Amnesty Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Be War Crimes | Democracy Now!

What do we know for sure about arrogant, self-absorbed punks who murder and maim innocent civilians and then compound their cowardice by murdering those who come to the aid of survivors?
You want American pilots to die. They don't need to die but what you're saying is we shouldn't use drones to fight our wars. Wars that are going to happen as terrorist are dead set on taking over large parts of our world because of "control" and idiocy". Daily these terrorist blow up their own countries and you honestly want them to spread??? Not a good option.

If we were smart half of our airforce functions would be done by drones. Why should we risk our men in the next major war? People like you would of been against every advancement of the past 3,000 years saying what you're saying and you're just as much of a dupe for believing that America doesn't need to be defended. This is where I think you're off base and just wrong.

If America could defend its self without putting our children's blood on the line. Why not? It isn't like war is going away.

I'll admit that we shouldn't be nation building and it is idiocy.
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