Drone War Crimes: "Will I Be Next?"

"Death from Above"


Predators and Hellfires and JDAMs, oh my...


Makes it sooooooo much easier to kill Radical Islamic Militants without all the boots on the ground...

Ain't technology wonderful?
Want to keep America quiet, GP? Keep jihad in the ME.
The first regular discussions of political economics that I remember hearing took place between my parents and grand-parents around the Sunday dinner table in the early to mid 1950s. Those generations of Americans fully expected the US economy to slip back into depression without the stimulus of massive defense spending.

There are cogent arguments in support of the belief that neither the US invasions and occupations of Korea and Vietnam in the last century nor the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq in this one had much to do with US national security and a great deal to do with maintaining an economic status quo that greatly benefits one percent of US citizens at the expense of 90% of their countrymen/women.

In some states (red and blue) there are congressional districts today in which 20% of the economy stems directly from large military bases or a huge defense contractor jobs base. Weaning the US economy off of war and onto massive infrastructure development projects is the only possible way I see to take the profits out of jihad, Jake.
You really don't keep up with things? Do you...



A lot of these never had to happen in the first place. In the future our nation will likely be at war with a major nation like china...Why not invest within a airforce that removes the pilot from the risk????

USAF Roundel August 16: A US Army Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter went down during a firefight in Shah Wali Kot District, Khandahar province. Seven American servicemen and four Afghan nationals died in the crash.[30] A Taliban spokesman claimed they shot down the helicopter with a rocket propelled grenade.[31]

USAF Roundel June 6: The shootdown of an US Bell OH-58 Kiowa killed both servicemen onboard: First Lt. Mathew (Mat) Fazzari of Walla Walla, Wa, and Captain Scott P. Pace of Brawley, California. The incident happened in Ghazni province.[35]

A few of many
None of those few would have died if they had not chosen to participate in illegal invasions and occupations, would they? Any war "with a major nation like china" implies the possibility of mushroom clouds over major cities of both belligerents, which is probably why such a conflict will prove less likely than US drones killing Americans in Mexico.
Democracy Now! provides a free look at some of the consequences of US drone strikes inside Pakistan and finds a New Jersey analogy:

" In a broadcast exclusive, we air a documentary that highlights the stories of civilians directly impacted by drone attacks in Pakistan: 'Wounds of Waziristan,' directed by Madiha Tahir.

"'Waziristan is only half the size of New Jersey. How would it feel if bombs rained over New Jersey for nine years?' asks Tahir in the film. 'Would you be frightened? If they killed your son, your cousin or your husband, and got away with it, would you be angry? You probably couldn’t forget about it if you tried. You’d be haunted.'"

BTW, if your son. cousin, or husband happened to be any male of military age he would qualify as a militant and not as a civilian living within a sovereign state that is not at war with the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on the Planet.

"Wounds of Waziristan": Exclusive Broadcast of New Film on Pakistanis Haunted by U.S. Drone War | Democracy Now!
These fucking terrorist attack most of the world and want to force people to bow for their fucked up beliefs.

Civilization is at war with these terrorist and you want us to throw up our hands. Idiocy.

You are referring to the US Government right?
Sometimes, when you've got a robot (drone) closing-in on a pre-selected Muslim Terrorist target that's too good to pass up, yer gonna have civilians close-by that might get hurt, too.

If the tribesmen of the area refuse to eject them from their midst, and if the Pakistani government cannot (or will not) clear out those nests of vipers (al-Qaeda and Taliban operational bases and leadership and operations cells), then...

Hitting at them in such a way is the only practical, effective alternative, and the deaths or injury of some nearby innocent bystanders is regrettable and acceptable and worthwhile in the larger scheme of things.

Better 100 of theirs than 1 of ours.

Conceding that we can always do better - with intelligence and target-selection and minimizing collateral casualties...

The United States (and, although it pains me to say it, the Obama Administration) are doing what they need to be doing, in pretty much the way they need to be doing it, in order to kill as many of these al-Qaeda and Taliban pukes as can be managed for as little cost or risk or loss to our own people, as can be managed...

Good on them.

The only good Radical Militant Muslim Terrorist is a dead Radical Militant Muslim Terrorist...

Pest-control operations continue apace...
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No basis for war crime charges are possible.

Drone technology is morally and legally acceptable.

Go to hell you statist pile of shit. Don't preach to us about morals coward.

R.C., struck close to home, huh, home boy?

Yup, drone hellfire can be used on American terrorists holed up on a mountain side and won't come down.

It's modern day technology for modern day bad guys.

R. C., don't be a bad guy.
Want to keep America quiet, GP? Keep jihad in the ME.
The first regular discussions of political economics that I remember hearing took place between my parents and grand-parents around the Sunday dinner table in the early to mid 1950s. Those generations of Americans fully expected the US economy to slip back into depression without the stimulus of massive defense spending.

There are cogent arguments in support of the belief that neither the US invasions and occupations of Korea and Vietnam in the last century nor the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq in this one had much to do with US national security and a great deal to do with maintaining an economic status quo that greatly benefits one percent of US citizens at the expense of 90% of their countrymen/women.

In some states (red and blue) there are congressional districts today in which 20% of the economy stems directly from large military bases or a huge defense contractor jobs base. Weaning the US economy off of war and onto massive infrastructure development projects is the only possible way I see to take the profits out of jihad, Jake.

None of which means a thing.

Keep jihad in the ME.
Sometimes, when you've got a robot (drone) closing-in on a pre-selected Muslim Terrorist target that's too good to pass up, yer gonna have civilians close-by that might get hurt, too.

If the tribesmen of the area refuse to eject them from their midst, and if the Pakistani government cannot (or will not) clear out those nests of vipers (al-Qaeda and Taliban operational bases and leadership and operations cells), then...

Hitting at them in such a way is the only practical, effective alternative, and the deaths or injury of some nearby innocent bystanders is regrettable and acceptable and worthwhile in the larger scheme of things.

Better 100 of theirs than 1 of ours.

Conceding that we can always do better - with intelligence and target-selection and minimizing collateral casualties...

The United States (and, although it pains me to say it, the Obama Administration) are doing what they need to be doing, in pretty much the way they need to be doing it, in order to kill as many of these al-Qaeda and Taliban pukes as can be managed for as little cost or risk or loss to our own people, as can be managed...

Good on them.

The only good Radical Militant Muslim Terrorist is a dead Radical Militant Muslim Terrorist...

Pest-control operations continue apace...
Unless it's your grandmother, right Toto?
On the off-chance you're not hopelessly wedded to your star-spangled jihad here's a learning opportunity for ya...sometimes there is no "pre-selected Muslim Terrorist target to good to pass up" at all, all that's really there is the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on the Planet doing more of what it's done for the last sixty-five years: killing, maiming, and displacing innocent civilians in pursuit of National Defen$e:

"One year ago, a 67-year-old Pakistani woman was killed by an alleged U.S. drone while picking vegetables in a field with her grandchildren on October 24, 2012. The United States has never acknowledged killing her or any other drone strike victims in Pakistan, always claiming that it is militants locked in the crosshairs.

"This week, her son and two of her grandchildren traveled to Washington, D.C., to become the first drone victims to testify before members of Congress — even though only five Democrats appeared at the hearing. Live in studio, we speak to Rafiq Rehman and his two children, nine-year-old Nabila and 13-year-old Zubair, both of whom were injured in the strike. 'I don’t understand why this happened to me. I have done nothing wrong,' Zubair says. 'What I would like to say to the American people is: Please tell your government to end these drones, because it is disrupting our lives.'"

Spare me your attempts to apologize on behalf of DC's vipers and see if you can find any practical, acceptable. and worthwhile collateral alternatives to dismembering grandmothers for god and country and Wall Street.

"Too Scared to Go Outside": Family of Pakistani Grandmother Killed in U.S. Drone Strike Speaks Out | Democracy Now!
"...Unless it's your grandmother, right Toto?..."
If we just get Waziri grandmothers, then, I'd say yes.

But if we get an al-Qaeda or Taliban big-wig and Granny gets it as a bystander, then it's worth losing the Waziri grandmother.

To us, anyway.

No different than collateral casualties inflicted during righteous shelling or carpet bombing.

If they don't want to lose more grandmothers, then the Waziris and their Pakistani overlords need to eject al-Qaeda and the Taliban from their midst.

Until then, they stand with The Enemy.

It's really no more complicated than that.

Which is the way it will remain, under this Administration or any other.

Which is exactly the way it needs to be.


Like hell.

We need more drone-strikes on Muslim terror-targets, not fewer.

It's the only way to fly.
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These fucking terrorist attack most of the world and want to force people to bow for their fucked up beliefs.

Civilization is at war with these terrorist and you want us to throw up our hands. Idiocy.

You are referring to the US Government right?
AKA, the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet responsible for the murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Afghans and Iraqis (stay tuned for Mexicans) since the end of WWII. If the US economy ever transforms from blowing things up to building things up, war will become its own worst enemy.
"...Unless it's your grandmother, right Toto?..."
If we just get Waziri grandmothers, then, I'd say yes.

But if we get an al-Qaeda or Taliban big-wig and Granny gets it as a bystander, then it's worth losing the Waziri grandmother.

To us, anyway.

No different than collateral casualties inflicted during righteous shelling or carpet bombing.

If they don't want to lose more grandmothers, then the Waziris and their Pakistani overlords need to eject al-Qaeda and the Taliban from their midst.

Until then, they stand with The Enemy.

It's really no more complicated than that.

Which is the way it will remain, under this Administration or any other.

Which is exactly the way it needs to be.

We need more drone-strikes on Muslim terror-targets and fewer manned sorties.

It's the only way to fly.
When's the last time the US did any "righteous shelling or carpet bombing?"
Any terrorist potential in al-Qa'ida or the Taliban pales in comparison to the Pentagon.
"...When's the last time the US did any 'righteous shelling or carpet bombing?..."
The last time it employed such tactics in pursuit of a legitimate military operation.

The opening phase of the assault on Afghanistan (2001) comes to mind.

"...Any terrorist potential in al-Qa'ida or the Taliban pales in comparison to the Pentagon."

Better 100 of theirs than 1 of ours.

Peace through superior firepower.

The ability to make things so much worse for them than they do for us is what keeps us on top when dealing with a dogmatic and Infidel-obsessed Enemy.

And, I assure you, we intend to stay on-top, regardless of how many Fifth Columnists come burrowing out of the woodwork.
Want to keep America quiet, GP? Keep jihad in the ME.
The first regular discussions of political economics that I remember hearing took place between my parents and grand-parents around the Sunday dinner table in the early to mid 1950s. Those generations of Americans fully expected the US economy to slip back into depression without the stimulus of massive defense spending.

There are cogent arguments in support of the belief that neither the US invasions and occupations of Korea and Vietnam in the last century nor the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq in this one had much to do with US national security and a great deal to do with maintaining an economic status quo that greatly benefits one percent of US citizens at the expense of 90% of their countrymen/women.

In some states (red and blue) there are congressional districts today in which 20% of the economy stems directly from large military bases or a huge defense contractor jobs base. Weaning the US economy off of war and onto massive infrastructure development projects is the only possible way I see to take the profits out of jihad, Jake.

None of which means a thing.

Keep jihad in the ME.
It means the US military/industrial/congressional complex has been fueling jihad in the Middle East since Reagan occupied the White House. If you're honestly concerned about the level of jihadi violence, keep its greatest purveyor out of the ME.
That's the question from eight year-old Nabeela that inspired the title of Amnesty International's recent report on the possibility of US officials responsible for carrying out drone strikes facing prosecution for war crimes.

"The report is based on the investigation of the nine out of 45 drone strikes reported between January 2012 and August 2013 in North Waziristan, the area where the US drone campaign is most intensive.

"The research is centered on one particular case – that of 68-year-old Mamana Bibi, who was killed by a US drone last October while she was picking vegetables with her grandchildren.

"The report is entitled ‘Will I be next?’ citing the woman’s eight-year-old granddaughter Nabeela, who was near when the attack occurred, but miraculously survived.

"'First it whistled then I heard a "dhummm". The first hit us and the second my cousin,' Nabeela recalls.

"The report also recounts an incident from July 2012, when 18 laborers, including a 14-year-old, were killed in the village of Zowi Sidgi. The men gathered after work in a tent to have a rest when the first missile hit. The second struck those who tried to help the injured."

US may be guilty of war crimes over drone use ? Amnesty Intl ? RT News

Human Rights Watch and the UN have issued separate reports on the same subject calling for greater transparency and reparations for innocent victims in the Long War.

I have no problem with greater transparency and reparations for innocent victims.

I also have a problem with targeting first responder too. Aside from that I don't have a problem with targeted drone strikes as long as there is a target an it's not just blind strikes at groups of men gathering together.
Are you saying Americans like Henry Kissinger and Bill Clinton should not face charges of murder because they are Americans or because they are rich Americans?

Sorry but civilization should stand up against the radical islamis. You're anti-civilization and people like bill Clinton that killed terrorist were right to do so....

Please go back into your cave. You think the terrorist that would enslave a entire society don't kill?:doubt: Blind fool.
On June 26, 1993, Clinton ordered the bombing of Baghdad in retaliation for an unproven Iraq assassination plot directed against Bush I; eight Iraqi civilians died in the raid and twelve were wounded. Skeptics suggest this raid was done to prove Bubba's toughness in spite of the way he dodged the fight in Vietnam. Should he face charges?

History News Network | How Do We Know that Iraq Tried to Assassinate President George H.W. Bush?

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