Drones - its a method - who cares?

Gibbs is right. The parent made a bad choice, placed the child with enemies of America, and the child paid a horrible price for the parent's bad choices.

Oh, any further talk about lack of due process, etc., merely witnesses that the person talking such has not a clue how the law works or how military operations work.
"...Drones - we will never again fight a ground war..."
Just out of curiousity... have you ever served in the military, either as an Infantryman or in a capacity closely connected to the Infantry or other ground-focused Combat Arms element of the armed forces?

After the advent of airplanes in combat, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry - the ultimate sort of ground warfare.

After the advent of tanks in combat, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.

After the advent of heavy load-carrying long-range strategic bombers, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.

After the advent of the atomic bomb, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.

After the advent of I(nter)-C(ontinental) B(allistic) M(issiles), it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.

After the advent of massed helicopter gunships in combat, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.

After the advent of Drone Aircraft in combat, it was said that we would never fight another war involving infantry.


And 1000 years in the future, I suspect that after the advent of the 10,000th latest and newest thing, they'll be saying that we will never fight another war involving infantry.

I'll believe it when I see it.
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Whitehall, who is the left? Anyone to the right of Barry Goldwater?

I doubt you have perspective.

The president authorizes the execution of certain American citizens who end up on a hit list created by unknown bureaucrats and you bring up Barry Goldwater? The last time American citizens were legitimate military targets was during the Civil War when Lincoln suspended the Constitutional right to "Habeas Corpus".
Drones - its a method - who cares?

If its illegal and/or morally wrong to kill someone - then its illegal and/or morally wrong to kil them. It doesn't matter how they were killed, does it?

On the other hand - if its legal and/or morally right to kill someone - such as legitimate military targets - then why is it wrong to use a method which places U.S. servicemen at a minimal risk?

Seems to me that the same folks who were fine with us setting Baghdad on fire using smart bombs and - at the same time - placing U.S. pilots at risk - are against using unmanned aircraft to conduct more surgical strikes of military targets. Do you guys want U.S. servicemen to die, or do you just hate Obama?

The only objection I have is the government using drones to spy on people here in the states.
Whitehall, who is the left? Anyone to the right of Barry Goldwater?

I doubt you have perspective.

The president authorizes the execution of certain American citizens who end up on a hit list created by unknown bureaucrats and you bring up Barry Goldwater? The last time American citizens were legitimate military targets was during the Civil War when Lincoln suspended the Constitutional right to "Habeas Corpus".

The confederates were not US citizens they gave up that right. They started a war and were handed their ass. Lucky for them the North was very forgiving.
Drones - its a method - who cares?

If its illegal and/or morally wrong to kill someone - then its illegal and/or morally wrong to kil them. It doesn't matter how they were killed, does it?

On the other hand - if its legal and/or morally right to kill someone - such as legitimate military targets - then why is it wrong to use a method which places U.S. servicemen at a minimal risk?

Seems to me that the same folks who were fine with us setting Baghdad on fire using smart bombs and - at the same time - placing U.S. pilots at risk - are against using unmanned aircraft to conduct more surgical strikes of military targets. Do you guys want U.S. servicemen to die, or do you just hate Obama?

The only objection I have is the government using drones to spy on people here in the states.

You trust the CIA that much to have them tell us who is guilty and what American is not? And what happens when they are very wrong? Just an oopsie?
When exactly did America go to war with children in Pakistan?

Or, for that matter, Iraqi kids, Afghani kids ...

How many hundreds of thousands did Bush kill?

Why don't you tell us how man were killed. It wasn't even close to the liberal lie you keep repeating.

Kids get killed in military operations. It's estimated that about 80 Million civilians died during the 2nd War-to-end-all-wars. Thousand of innocent French farmers near Normandy were killed because the Normandy invasion was too secret to warn them. Shit happens in war but Americans have never been targets of American military since Lincoln suspended the right to "Habeus Corpus" during the Civil War.
Gibbs is right. The parent made a bad choice, placed the child with enemies of America, and the child paid a horrible price for the parent's bad choices.

Oh, any further talk about lack of due process, etc., merely witnesses that the person talking such has not a clue how the law works or how military operations work.

Only problem with you democrat liberals, the government has admitted that his targeting a mistake. They admit to exactly the opposite of your cavalier uncaring opinion.
Funny to read rw's saying they care about kids.

LIARS. They want American kids' food stamps and school lunch programs stopped but want us to believe they care about foreign kids? Yeah, right.

Hell, rw's don't even really care about fetuses. If it didn't give them the opportunity to force sharia law on the rest of us while forcing women to give birth unwanted babies, they'd ignore fetuses too.

As for going after bin Laden and al Qaeda, the teepubs couldn't be bothered. They were too busy giving money to the 1% so President Obama did it for them. They wanted to take credit for it but even the gullible rw's know better.

Drones - we will never again fight a ground war. Even gullible rw's know that the tanks the teepubs want are useless and will just be parked next to the hundreds we already have. Even the dumbest rw knows the GObP/teepubs only want to line the pockets of war profiteers with their tax money.

(rw's caring about children. DAMN, that really is very funny.)

Nice to know partisan nut jobs like Lud know how to continue and lie and misrepresent the truth.

Nice to see partisan assholes justify the killing of innocents, instead of denouncing it. Takes a real cold hearted mother fucker. People like Lud, are disgusting excuse of humans.
Americans have never been intentional targets of the American military since the Civil War. The government admits nothing.
Bush drones = bad, only making more terrorists, can't fight an ideology with bullets and bombs!! War Criminal

Obama Drones = Lord, Messiah, Savior Daddy! Daddy, kill the bad men, Daddy!
Gibbs is right. The parent made a bad choice, placed the child with enemies of America, and the child paid a horrible price for the parent's bad choices.

Oh, any further talk about lack of due process, etc., merely witnesses that the person talking such has not a clue how the law works or how military operations work.

Only problem with you democrat liberals, the government has admitted that his targeting a mistake. They admit to exactly the opposite of your cavalier uncaring opinion.

Everyone to Goldwater's left is a liberal to you, so step off, silly Freewill. The targeting may have been a mistake but not illegal. There is no admission whatsoever other than yours that you have a picture of Osama on your wall.
Bush drones = bad, only making more terrorists, can't fight an ideology with bullets and bombs!! War Criminal

Obama Drones = Lord, Messiah, Savior Daddy! Daddy, kill the bad men, Daddy!

Silly CrusaderFrank. The issue is not war crimes but technology. Bush and Obama were both correct to use the drones. Bush was wrong to invade Iraq.
You reactionaries and you lefties have no idea about what you are discussing when it comes to drones.
And what is your particular claim-to-fame and superior-knowledge, concerning Drones, so that we should listen to you on this topic, more than we would any other colleague?

Fakey is the ultimate snake oil salesman. Claims to be a Republican so his denouncement of Republicans sounds more objective. I have yet to see one bad word about a democrat posted from Fakey.
You reactionaries and you lefties have no idea about what you are discussing when it comes to drones.
And what is your particular claim-to-fame and superior-knowledge, concerning Drones, so that we should listen to you on this topic, more than we would any other colleague?

I have yet to see one bad word about a democrat posted from Fakey.

Then you read very little. :lol: The issue is not technology, wannabee heroes, you AINOs (Americans In Name Only).

If you want to bitch about the CIC's warmaking power go for it, but go reading Article II very carefully.
Gibbs is right. The parent made a bad choice, placed the child with enemies of America, and the child paid a horrible price for the parent's bad choices.

Oh, any further talk about lack of due process, etc., merely witnesses that the person talking such has not a clue how the law works or how military operations work.

Obama called US Veterans "right-wing extremists" and has the IRS turned loose on the Tea Party, Jake. Is being an American right winger a "bad choice" too Jake?
Gibbs is right. The parent made a bad choice, placed the child with enemies of America, and the child paid a horrible price for the parent's bad choices.

Oh, any further talk about lack of due process, etc., merely witnesses that the person talking such has not a clue how the law works or how military operations work.

Obama called US Veterans "right-wing extremists" and has the IRS turned loose on the Tea Party, Jake. Is being an American right winger a "bad choice" too Jake?

No, he did not, Frank, flat out lie, and you know it. He did not turn the IRS loose on the TPM, Frank, flat out lie, and you know it.

Right of Center to Left of Center is a good choice, Frank, but a reactionary or a libertarian is an AINO (American In Name Only).

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