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Dru Sjodin case update...

Originally posted by Sir Evil
Super - you be our first celeb on board! too cool!

Go ahead, make my day punk!:laugh:

I meant you liked the "part your hair" part.

No I'm not really Clint. Although I do think Clint's the man.

"Now you gotta ask yourself, did I fire five shots, or did I fire six". "You feel lucky punk"?


(I'll be the boards "Clint" though... my pleasure.)
The only racial knowlege I have comes from experience.

First: To the guy who thought blacks were lazy. Hmmmm, I worked with many during my time in the service. Amazingly they were just as lazy as the good ol boys. Some were productive, some weren't.

Second: Never did hear about the verdict on D and being jewish. Oh BTW please explain how being jewish is any different than greek orthordox or catholic or my personal favorite Druid Heathan Mormonism. Jewish is a religion and a lifestyle, not a race. Sammy Davis Jr was jewish.

Third: Guess the most racist state in the union? Hawaii. The local boys hate all haoles (non-islanders). They use the word haole on tv. Use Nword or sp on TV and see how fast something happens. Good part about Hawaii is that white boys learn what it's like to get officially discriminated against based on skin. Blacks get sooooooo sick of hearing about how the locals were exploited and how they are oppressed.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Pegwinn - you just broke one of the board rules! NO racial names of any variety are to be spelled out in print! Seeing as you are new you are forgiven, and will not have to see my evilness in action!:D

My humble apologies. I thought that the use of the racial slurs as attacks were what the rules addressed.

Its nice to know that Shit, Piss, MotherFucker, Fuck, etc are ok.
I won't even begin to point to the obvious flames which use curse words.
Yeah Evil dammit! Haole ain't that bad, especially on Maui when you are in Lahaina and they are saying "hey haole, hey bra you want some smoke joe? Nice Maui wowie for you haole". I never take offense at that and do what I can to prop the local economy:D
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Now you see this is starting to get a little out of hand now! I got you two mother fuckers trying to tell me how to do my fucking job, and make me feel as though I have no rule except to flame some assholes on this board like I have all the fucking free time in the world! Sumbitches are going to pick on my little bit of slang and then make it look like I need to check my fuckin own language before I fuckin go correcting others! I'll tell ya, you try and do the fuckin right thing and for what!:D

Yep - that is what I am saying! absolutely no use of the N word for any reason, flaming or not!

Thank You - The ever so curtious Administration!

ROTFLMFAO! That was fucking great! My son said fuck for the first time a couple weeks back, my wife shit, I ran and hid:D
Originally posted by Big D
Well then here Matt, let a black man tell you:

In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?

Yep. More statistics...so? What do you propose? Let the people know about it - I have no objection.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
No more "biased" than the NAA*C*P website. That NAAWP website was the ONLY place I knew to get these stats. We all know the liberal media damn sure doesn't make this known. Why? I'd sure like to know myself. Who the hell do they think they're protecting? Oh wait.... I might have an idea..... "they might be protecting their *BLACK VOTE*.

What would I do about all the black on white crime? I don't know. I only know what I do. I have a nine and a forty five LOADED with hollow points in the house, and one of them always travels with me if I'm ever traveling any distance. Fuck with me and I'll part your hair. That's what "I" do about it.

There are other sites where you can find pro-White and anti Black statistics, information, and propaganda. Check out http://www.stormfront.org/ http://www.duke.org/ http://www.aryan-nations.org and http://www.kkk.com/
Originally posted by William Joyce
Uh, yeah, that's my point. You need GUNS to integrate the races. The reason you don't see "black flight" is because black benefit from whites smarts and industry --- they get nicer facilities, welfare checks, and bling bling. They don't make bling bling in Africa. But, as you should recognize, that's all blacks making material demands on whites. Whites naturally resist.

The truth is that blacks aren't interested in "integration." They don't even like whites. In fact, they HATE them. What they want is the stuff. And the only way to get the stuff is to move into their schools and neighborhoods.

Let me put it this way. Do you believe in freedom of association?

Or this. If I want the money in your wallet, am I entitled to it?

White trash does the same thing. It tries to move into wealthier places and latch onto wealthier people just to get money. So? I believe in freedom of association. No. if you want the money in my wallet you are not automatically entitled to it, whatever your race. I also believe that individuals have a right to say "I'm not interested in giving to you or in associating with you.

I think that we should drastically reduce welfare across the board irrespective of race. I believe in the privatization of schools. Thereby, if you want to take your child to an integrated school, it is your choice. If you want your child secluded in a "whites-only" school, you would be free to do that.

Considering what our forefathers made them do for us, it is no wonder that the Blacks have better opportunity in the USA than they do in Africa. They put them to mandatory hard labor for life and compensated them with little more than a room and some food.
Sir Evil asks about this:

"hey how about that friggin pick they all carry round in there back pocket, you know that one with the black fist on it? and how they all speak to each other with things like "word up"! you go say word up to a black man, and he looks at you like you got two head! I am telling you, this is code! they are planning a take over! whatcha think bout that one?"

I doubt blacks could take over politically. They do not have the organizational skills.
Originally posted by msk
White trash does the same thing. It tries to move into wealthier places and latch onto wealthier people just to get money. So? I believe in freedom of association.

Wait. Setting the anti-white slur aside for a minute, what are the bounds of your "freedom of association"? A bank robber, I suppose, wants to "associate" with the teller. How about me, walking into your house? Am I just exercising my "right of association" or do you have the right to tell me to get my behind out?
Originally posted by mattskramer
There are other sites where you can find pro-White and anti Black statistics, information, and propaganda. Check out http://www.stormfront.org/ http://www.duke.org/ http://www.aryan-nations.org and http://www.kkk.com/

I was apprehensive about going to the NAAWP website. Holy cow, the ones you have here are BLATANTLY "supremicists"! Gangs!

I wouldn't want to be associated with any of them and what they stand for. White people are NOT "supreme" over other races, and I don't agree with whites that think that way.
Originally posted by OCA
Pale, Willie and Big D use Stormfront quite often. See what i'm saying about those two?

I'll tell ya OCA, those web sites are wacked out. But what if they're right and we're wrong? What if someday the white people of America are trampled and sent to the rear simply because WE now are the minority? (Like california is already 49% white, and 51% other). What happens when white people loose it's majority vote, and non-whites dominate our government? I'll tell ya what, this place won't be America anymore. Not as WE know it. And if you don't think that by the time that happens there won't have been some people here in America that were willing to fight to keep America the way it was, then I'm afraid you're wrong. THAT will be the Civil War I speak of.
Well I say what is meant to be will be. Was this continent originally inhabited by whites? Where in the constitution does it say that our government or our populace needs to remain at least 51% white? Originally California was all Spanish and Indians and we snatched it from them so maybe its a cyclical thing there and in the Southwest.

Hey if people have problems with multiethnic societies then America is obviously not the place for them. Me I can go to Greece if I was inclined to believe what you guys say, for you guys I heard that Iceland is nice. But if we get to the point that Whites are less than half the population what makes you think you could win the war? According to you guys minorities are already more proficient at warfare like tactics and firearms.
I'd have to agree that the make up of this continent appears to be cyclical. I don't think there's a damn thing we can do about it. Not now.

The problem with the people that will fight, is that they will be few and far between, not orginized, and poorly funded. Their efforts no doubt will fail. But that doesn't take away from the fact that there will be those that fight. In any case, it may prove to be disruptive enough to the country as a whole that it makes it easy picken' for another country to come in and "take US over". Mexico perhaps, since they will have the strongest foothold of any here.
Originally posted by OCA
Pale, Willie and Big D use Stormfront quite often. See what i'm saying about those two?
I have never even heard of Stomfront.

But this OCA, is a guy who laughs, cheered and made fun of the fact that a girl that posts on here was raped when she was 12 years old.
I can just imagine what this OCA's wife must be like, probably a real winner.
Originally posted by Big D
I have never even heard of Stomfront.

But this OCA, is a guy who laughs, cheered and made fun of the fact that a girl that posts on here was raped when she was 12 years old.
I can just imagine what this OCA's wife must be like, probably a real winner.

Looks like its mission accomplished :D
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Big's - first off you are so far of base with this bullshit that it's not even funny! While his statement was way out of line it was simply said to tick you off as you do a good job of that around here with your constant racist posts! Whatever! the two of you need to settle this crap! And do you really think you are any better to talk about his wife????

He never did respond to this:

Originally posted by Big D
This is a amazing subject to start a thread.

Originally posted by Sir Evil
And your point is???


Why do you believe he will respond now?

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