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Dru Sjodin case update...

Nicely unbiased web site from which to start. Anyway, I'll ask you the same question. What should we do about it?
Originally posted by msk
Wow and Yuck!

Okay. How do you propose that we separate the races?

It's not the separation that takes force. It's the integration. It takes court declarations and guns drawn by the national guard. Racial separation happens on its own. Races separate naturally. Look at "white flight." Give it time. Like oil and water, they go their separate ways.

Obviously, there would be difficulties in some situations, but they pale in comparison to what we have now. But we have to do something. I think it can be worked out, if done gradually and peacefully. We simply cannot go on like this! It's insanity!

I completely disagree with your idea. We should get tough on crime. "Lock 'em up and throw away the key" regardless of whether the criminal is Black or White.

Well, you're a libertarian. You oppose government forcing you to pay for things you don't want, right? Do you know how much our criminal justice system costs? Billions. And that's overwhelmingly to house and feed black and Hispanic criminals.

I don't want to pay for that. And the blacks don't want to be there. So they should be free to roam their own place. And we should be free to be SAFE from their attacks in OUR OWN PLACE.
Natural separation?!? Do you remember the "sit-downs" in "white" cafes? Do you remember the little black girl that required an armed escort to allow her into a "white" tax-supported school in Arkansas. Was Rosa parks forced to sit where she wasn't supposed to sit? No. It was an individual choice. Perhaps there is "white flight" by racists who don't want to associate with Blacks. Yet, I don't see a "Black flight". No, I believe that for the most part, there would be a natural tendency for individuals to gather together if racial laws were removed. Remember that we had to invent the "separate-but-equal" claim in order to keep Blacks and Whites apart.

Whites are in jail too. Yes. I'm a moderate libertarian and I think that many government rules and laws should be removed. I am particularly opposed to crimes against prostitution, porn, gamboling and drugs. By removing such laws and liberating just inmates arrested for breaking such laws, we shouldn't have to spend so much on law enforcement, jails, and the like. By having real criminals pay for their crime via labor, the tax payer can save money too.
Originally posted by mattskramer
What should we do about it?
Make it so that a newspaper or TV and radio station don't have to worry about being sued just for warning people about the facts of black and hispanic crime.

It would be nice to see white folks act the same way blacks act when interacial crimes happen.

You know like when the black guy got on the subway and killed all those white people because they were white. It would have been nice to see a march or a rally against "hate" then.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Oh, or how about a white history month on HBO, ever think of that one?
NA, it would take more then a month for white history,

I was thinking like, the time that a black man screamed that he hated white people just before he slash the neck and killed a eight year old white kid in front of the kids house and parents.

Maybe then some kind of march against hate?
Originally posted by mattskramer
Nicely unbiased web site from which to start.

Well then here Matt, let a black man tell you:

In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
True Big D, I see what you are saying! But truthfully as your last line states, there should be a march against hate period!

Hey do you think O.J was innocent?
Sadly though the guy who killed the kid for just being white was not even charged with a hate crime.

OJ is guilty.

Hey Mark Ferman lives just down the road from me.
He got off because the majority of the jury was black and LA was afraid of another riot. Alot of the jurors said they were afraid to return to there neigborhoods if they had found OJ guilty.
Originally posted by Big D
Sadly though the guy who killed the kid for just being white was not even charged with a hate crime.

OJ is guilty.

Hey Mark Ferman lives just down the road from me.

Mark Ferman is a fucking scumbag.

Hey OJ did it we all know that, but Ferman is the sole reason he's walking the streets today. The shit about racist juries is bullshit. Ferman fucked the prosecution.
Originally posted by Big D
NA, it would take more then a month for white history,

I was thinking like, the time that a black man screamed that he hated white people just before he slash the neck and killed a eight year old white kid in front of the kids house and parents.

Maybe then some kind of march against hate?

So this well take care of the race problem, a march? Come on D, be honest for once, you would like to see all minorities deported or dead. How about the Jewish thing too. Your neighbors don't know you are a jew, be honest.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
But what do you think about the chase?
Just another black guy running from the cops, it happens ALL the time.

They could have had a video of OJ commiting the murder, and that black jury would have still let him go.

Did you not see how ALL the blacks in the country cheered about the verdict?
Originally posted by OCA
So this well take care of the race problem, a march? Come on D, be honest for once, you would like to see all minorities deported or dead. How about the Jewish thing too. Your neighbors don't know you are a jew, be honest.
The only race problem is blacks attacking whites.
Originally posted by Big D
The only race problem is blacks attacking whites.

Well thats a simpleton's way of putting it. I thoroughly believe that you do not nor have ever possesed the ability to delve past skin color. Sad, very sad.

You my friend are a major reason for race problems. I think most will agree with me.
Originally posted by msk
Do you remember the little black girl that required an armed escort to allow her into a "white" tax-supported school in Arkansas.

Uh, yeah, that's my point. You need GUNS to integrate the races. The reason you don't see "black flight" is because black benefit from whites smarts and industry --- they get nicer facilities, welfare checks, and bling bling. They don't make bling bling in Africa. But, as you should recognize, that's all blacks making material demands on whites. Whites naturally resist.

The truth is that blacks aren't interested in "integration." They don't even like whites. In fact, they HATE them. What they want is the stuff. And the only way to get the stuff is to move into their schools and neighborhoods.

Let me put it this way. Do you believe in freedom of association?

Or this. If I want the money in your wallet, am I entitled to it?
Willie i'm going to ask some poignant questions today, out of common respect please answer them.

What do you think about D being a Jew?

If D is a Jew and this racial seperation took place, seeing as how D is a Jew and considered a mudperson by white supremists, would he be booted to live with the minorities or would he get a special dispensation for being a vocal supporter of the white cause.

If he was allowed to stay would his children be allowed to breed with whites?
I do oppose the heavy Jewish influence over the society in which I live. From the times of the Greeks until about the 20th Century, white gentiles pretty much ran their own show. Since that time, Jewish intellectual and political movements have supplanted white self-determination. That has manifested itself in such things as open immigration, unwanted racial integration (the NAACP attorneys behind Brown v. Board were heavily Jewish) and now, the current war on Iraq.

I'm not, however, going to run around with head calipers to figure out who's Jewish and who's not. A lot of the time I can't even tell. I bash Israel all the time, but I don't begrudge its existence --- just my tax support of it. Jews have been around for three thousand years, and they'll probably be around a long time after that. What I'm asking is that white gentiles run their own show again.

Mostly, it's up to white gentiles to get their act together on this. We can't just complain about Jews and then continue drinking beer (OK, well, this is fun sometimes!) We have to work on getting racially conscious men and women into positions of power. The great fear of Jews is that this will result in another persecution, a la the Nazis. I kinda doubt that would happen. You know what my awful, sick, twisted Nazi dream is? Here it is: Paul Wolfowitz applies to the Defense Department. He gets rejected. The President of the United States says, "Paul, you're a Jew, and you only want the job so you can steer the U.S. to war against Israel's enemies. Sorry, I'm not going to hire you."

That's it. Pretty horrific, huh?
I think a guy like you needs to take a trip to South Central at night and find out what the "brothers" are planing.

I bet if you tell them your Sir Evil, that will scare them.
Originally posted by William Joyce
I do oppose the heavy Jewish influence over the society in which I live. From the times of the Greeks until about the 20th Century, white gentiles pretty much ran their own show. Since that time, Jewish intellectual and political movements have supplanted white self-determination. That has manifested itself in such things as open immigration, unwanted racial integration (the NAACP attorneys behind Brown v. Board were heavily Jewish) and now, the current war on Iraq.

I'm not, however, going to run around with head calipers to figure out who's Jewish and who's not. A lot of the time I can't even tell. I bash Israel all the time, but I don't begrudge its existence --- just my tax support of it. Jews have been around for three thousand years, and they'll probably be around a long time after that. What I'm asking is that white gentiles run their own show again.

Mostly, it's up to white gentiles to get their act together on this. We can't just complain about Jews and then continue drinking beer (OK, well, this is fun sometimes!) We have to work on getting racially conscious men and women into positions of power. The great fear of Jews is that this will result in another persecution, a la the Nazis. I kinda doubt that would happen. You know what my awful, sick, twisted Nazi dream is? Here it is: Paul Wolfowitz applies to the Defense Department. He gets rejected. The President of the United States says, "Paul, you're a Jew, and you only want the job so you can steer the U.S. to war against Israel's enemies. Sorry, I'm not going to hire you."

That's it. Pretty horrific, huh?

First off thanks for replying although you didn't answer my question. If white supremists are so opposed to mixing with Jewish blood would they not oppose D living amongst them? If they didn't know that D was a Jew would it not be dangerous for him if found out?
Originally posted by mattskramer
Nicely unbiased web site from which to start. Anyway, I'll ask you the same question. What should we do about it?

No more "biased" than the NAA*C*P website. That NAAWP website was the ONLY place I knew to get these stats. We all know the liberal media damn sure doesn't make this known. Why? I'd sure like to know myself. Who the hell do they think they're protecting? Oh wait.... I might have an idea..... "they might be protecting their *BLACK VOTE*.

What would I do about all the black on white crime? I don't know. I only know what I do. I have a nine and a forty five LOADED with hollow points in the house, and one of them always travels with me if I'm ever traveling any distance. Fuck with me and I'll part your hair. That's what "I" do about it.

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