DRUDGE dropping Oct Surprise bomb on Obama right now!!!

VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Caller

You can see the entire speech here. It's so good. The man is something else.

Some of the highlights:

This administration was colorblind in it’s incompetence. (Talking about how Bush ignored those in New Orleans. And clearly, he was right.)

Iraq cost 275 million a day that could have been invested in communities. (duh)

Jobs lost.

You don’t have health care, you don’t have a job. Tough luck. You are own your own.
Stop engaging in class warfare. (Republicans saying that same exact thing today. They haven't changed a bit.)

Talks a lot about God. And helping the elderly, children and the sick. (Republicans say, "Let them die".)

We need to invest in transportation to help the poor get to work.

Affordable health care.

Brave young service men and women mired in a civil war. (Tens of thousands dead and maimed. Trillions lost. And all to create an enemy that wants us dead. What a debacle.)

If we unite in the name of God, we can finish his work on earth.

We can come together as one people and God will transform this nation. (Doesn't sound like a Muslim.)


See what I'm saying about Republicans completely missing the boat? They think "Americans working together" is "socialism".

Rick Santorum says the Republican Party doesn't have "smart people". Clearly, those pointing to this video and insisting it's "evil" are stupid. They better hope people don't actually watch it. Cuz it would make them look, not only "stupid", but "desperate".

I'm trying to figure out what accent? Sounds like regular Obama to me. Just a little younger.

So when did Republicans decide that anything that helps other Americans is "socialism"?

No no, you oversimplified it. It helps BLACK America (most of the 47%). White America has to pay for it. Ergo, socialism.

Your bigotry is only exceeded by your lack of math skills.
Isn't it amazing how the media will blow a story out of proportion if it is against Romney and schrug off any story if it is against Obama?

The Wright story was on top of the news for a month in 2008.

This is 2012 in case you haven't noticed.

I doubt the 2008 World Series will be a big story this October either. Probably media bias.

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