Drudge Poll last night...WHO Won the Debate.... LOL..Who do you think?

Fox is dead wrong on fact checking Trump, there should not be one God damn illegal jumping our border let alone half a million of them a year. Hey Fox there's over 10 million illegals camped in our country running drugs and doing all manner of crimes does that sound like the fucking border is under control? Pull your head out of your ass Fox.

Has anyone seen FOXs rating since they went full RINO?
Personally I haven't watched since the first debate debacle.

Thanks, but that doesn't seem to make him a flaming liberal on gun control. Modernly, .50 caliber guns are heavy weapons designed for military, not civilian, use. Also, although I oppose bans on so-called "assault" weapons, I am concerned about their potential modification to fully automatic operation. This, in turn, seems somewhat related to the issue of magazine capacity.

Where would you draw the line?

Thanks, but that doesn't seem to make him a flaming liberal on gun control. Modernly, .50 caliber guns are heavy weapons designed for military, not civilian, use. Also, although I oppose bans on so-called "assault" weapons, I am concerned about their potential modification to fully automatic operation. This, in turn, seems somewhat related to the issue of magazine capacity.

Where would you draw the line?

Converting say an AR to a functional full auto is not as easy as some make it out to be.

And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.
If internet polls mean anything....Ron Paul would be a two term President
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...

Our right to keep and bare arms is not granted by the Constitution or bestowed by federal or state governments. Our right to keep and bare arms is an inalienable right. Inalienable rights are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore are universal and inalienable. The 2nd amendment basically puts government on notice, it says hey government assholes you do not have the power to disarm the American people so fuck off.
Hewitt homed in on Trump

and the shark blew up.
And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...

Nope, The RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The government can regulate the entity of the militia, but they can not disarm or infringe upon the possession of arms by the individuals.

So what, exactly, is his position?

NJ has some of the most draconian gun control laws in the country, they go so far as to render firearms useless even when kept in your own home for self defense. The laws are designed to skirt the 2nd amendment, they do not deny you the right to keep and bare arms but they make owning a gun so legally risky and render the gun virtually useless even for home defense. The intent is clear. If you want to own a gun for home defense fine, but it must be kept unloaded, and locked in a safe. The ammo must also be locked in a safe, a separate safe from the gun. So some crazy fuck breaks into your home, do you think he's going to wait until you run around unlocking safes and loading your gun? The gun laws are so convoluted its pretty easy to accidently break one of them just transporting a legally owned gun, law abiding citizens have gone to prison for this. And Christie is on record supporting these gun laws.
And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?

People do have those and more,yet you never hear of them shooting up a mall.
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...

Nope, The RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The government can regulate the entity of the militia, but they can not disarm or infringe upon the possession of arms by the individuals.

So what, exactly, is his position?

"The issue which has energized me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey's ban on assault weapons," Christie said in a statement announcing his campaign, according to a Newark Star-Ledger story from April, 1993. "In today's society, no one needs a semi-automatic assault weapon."

Christie further argued that, "we already have too many firearms in our communities," and vowed to halt the "weakening" of gun regulations.

Chris Christie Launched His First Campaign On Assault Weapons Ban

Christie was pro gun control when running for governor of NJ...now he's pro second amendment.

Just like Romney...signed many gun control bills into law...proposed gun control bills and supported gun control mentality...until it became a political albatross in his quest for the nomination...recently he vetoed a 50 caliber rifle ban that he himself proposed.


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Our right to keep and bare arms is not granted by the Constitution or bestowed by federal or state governments. Our right to keep and bare arms is an inalienable right.

Not quite. We have inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While that includes to right to self defense, it does not include the right to own an Abrams Tank.

P.S. Ranting and raving does not add credibility to one's position.
We will see if Trump can maintain his momentum. Everybody has said he was going to tank but he never does.

If he does tank then it will be between Cruz and Rubio. Bush will never make it.

I don't like Christie because he is too Liberal but that boy presents himself well.
And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?

People do have those and more,yet you never hear of them shooting up a mall.

Entertaining, but this weapon is already illegal without a special permit. Would you like to see it in wider circulation and available to would-be jihadists?
Our right to keep and bare arms is not granted by the Constitution or bestowed by federal or state governments. Our right to keep and bare arms is an inalienable right.

Not quite. We have inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While that includes to right to self defense, it does not include the right to own an Abrams Tank.

P.S. Ranting and raving does not add credibility to one's position.

Hey dummy citizens can and do in fact own tanks, and fully automatic machine guns, and many weapons formally used in war.
And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?

People do have those and more,yet you never hear of them shooting up a mall.

Entertaining, but this weapon is already illegal without a special permit. Would you like to see it in wider circulation and available to would-be jihadists?

Well first of all it's not that difficult to get licensed.
Which of course shows the lack of interest the American public has in owning these weapons.
That and of course they are very expensive to purchase and fire.

I dont believe I ever said these type weapons should be made available to just anyone.
If you can pass the requirements and have the cash knock yourself out.
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And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?

People do have those and more,yet you never hear of them shooting up a mall.

Entertaining, but this weapon is already illegal without a special permit. Would you like to see it in wider circulation and available to would-be jihadists?

Super duper gun control nirvana in France...yet the terrorists somehow had automatic weapons...

You make the classic mistake in believing terrorists obey laws. If they want an automatic weapon...they will get one. Just walk it across the border...or ship it in a shipping container.
And I see no reason to ban the fifty cal.
It's not like anyone is using them to kill people.

LOL, what ARE they used for? Putting bigger holes in paper targets? Their main use is to pierce lightly armored vehicles and as long range sniper weapons. Do you think civilians should have tripod mounted .50 caliber Brownings if they are converted to single shot use?

People do have those and more,yet you never hear of them shooting up a mall.

Entertaining, but this weapon is already illegal without a special permit. Would you like to see it in wider circulation and available to would-be jihadists?

Super duper gun control nirvana in France...yet the terrorists somehow had automatic weapons...

You make the classic mistake in believing terrorists obey laws. If they want an automatic weapon...they will get one. Just walk it across the border...or ship it in a shipping container.

but Missourian, if making certain assault weapons illegal, will limit the production of the guns, giving fewer guns for criminals to smuggle and sell on the black market, making the price of these illegal assault weapons sky rocket, making them less affordable for the criminal, ultimately reducing the assault weapons in the hands of criminals....

At least that is the theory of supply and demand???

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