Drug Cartel assassin kills entire an entire Texas family before he's killed.

I was looking at the threads in this area, and I was struck by all the glaring proof that the right has been taken over by caterwauling. victim-wannabes. Almost every thread is about how the dominant race, religion, and gender is being bullied by somebody. This one? It is common knowledge that immigrants, legal and otherwise, commit fewer crimes per capita than do "real 'mericans." Despite this, feed the crybaby snowflakes enough anecdotes, and they are easily convinced of their right to snivel. It also appears this thread might follow a common pattern with the cult that at least half of what they regurgitate is bullshit, anyway.
These are fascist-wannabes so desperate for a daddy figure to protect them from all their boogey men that they even saw manly man in flabby old pampered brat like Generalissimo McBonespurs, aka il Douche.
Fuck you disgusting commie pos.
Really. Abbot's second line of inspection turned up fuck all. If the first line was overwhelmed as was asserted one would expect missed contraband to be discovered.

Your talking about the inspections of commercial trucks coming through a border crossing after they had already been inspected once. thats hardly indicative of what U.S. border agents are going through as they try to stop illegal crossings out in the desert all along the border. Two many agents are tied up trying to process all the people they catch and then release. The cartels are using the distraction to slip their smugglers past. Where do you live? under a fucking rock? So if 900 people last year in Colorado alone died from fentanyl poisioning that means nothing to you? You do know that the cartels are mixing fentanyl in the drugs they send North right? You must be another asshole from England.
Your talking about the inspections of commercial trucks coming through a border crossing after they had already been inspected once. thats hardly indicative of what U.S. border agents are going through as they try to stop illegal crossings out in the desert all along the border. Two many agents are tied up trying to process all the people they catch and then release. The cartels are using the distraction to slip their smugglers past. Where do you live? under a fucking rock? So if 900 people last year in Colorado alone died from fentanyl poisioning that means nothing to you? You do know that the cartels are mixing fentanyl in the drugs they send North right? You must be another asshole from England.
Fentanyl is so last year. The Chinese have developed an even more potent drug. It's coming in with the illegals. It's called iso and narcan, naxolene, doesn't touch it.
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Fentanyl is so last year. The Chinese have developed an even more potent drug. It's coming in with the illegals. It's called iso and narrative, naxolene, doesn't touch it.

Right. Bidens friends from China...poisoning Americans to death on purpose. No wonder Democrats freaked out when Trump slapped tariffs on their Chinese business partners.
The Constitution was written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
John Adams
Yep , I get Far Right & Right & Never Trumper /Never GOPer Turd Party Types tellin me all the time that Met Crack Pot Smack Fentanyl ... should all be legalized because "There is nothing in the Constitution about Drugs or Policing Drugs "
Yep , I get Far Right & Right & Never Trumper /Never GOPer Turd Party Types tellin me all the time that Met Crack Pot Smack Fentanyl ... should all be legalized because "There is nothing in the Constitution about Drugs or Policing Drugs "
Those who wrote the Constitution correctly believed that a moral and Christian people would have internal controls and would need only to be lightly guided. The thinking was that success would be to restrain the heavy hand of government and allow the moral and religious people to flourish. That worked for over 200 years.

In his address urging adoption of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin said that the Constitution would not last forever. When the people became corrupt, when the internal controls of morality and religion fail, the people would abandon the Constitution as inadequate for their needs.

We have reached that day.
Where's the white guy in this extensive list from ONE city.
If you think immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans let me disabuse you of that silly notion.
First, there were lots of white guys on your list. Second, you showed that many on the list were black or brown, but you did not show that any of them were immigrants, let alone illegal immigrants. You merely showed how easy it is to frighten and sucker poorly educated Deplorables.

I'll see your scary pictures and raise you some facts from the conservative Cato Institute. There are several other links to several other studies on the matter available to those willing to risk pulling their heads out of the Rightard Media Colon. Careful - initial exposure of your tiny minds to oxygen should be done in a limited way at first.

The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas.

I could also point out that studies cannot prove that illegal immigration even has a net negative effect on the nation. You may squeal about them using government services like police and hospitals, but they also pay taxes for these services. Studies show that a fear of deportation means they also use such services less than citizens do. My favorite point is that undocumented workers pay huge amounts to social security that they will never collect. In other words, sniveling sissy, they are helping to support your useless ass.
If it makes you feel any better, the right has been using furriners as boogey men for a long time. You are the modern day Know Nothings, carrying on a long tradition of losers blaming "them" for your inadequacies that go back to at least the Alien and Sedition acts in America. The right has nothing to sell but fear itself.
First, there were lots of white guys on your list. Second, you showed that many on the list were black or brown, but you did not show that any of them were immigrants, let alone illegal immigrants. You merely showed how easy it is to frighten and sucker poorly educated Deplorables.

I'll see your scary pictures and raise you some facts from the conservative Cato Institute. There are several other links to several other studies on the matter available to those willing to risk pulling their heads out of the Rightard Media Colon. Careful - initial exposure of your tiny minds to oxygen should be done in a limited way at first.

The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas.

I could also point out that studies cannot prove that illegal immigration even has a net negative effect on the nation. You may squeal about them using government services like police and hospitals, but they also pay taxes for these services. Studies show that a fear of deportation means they also use such services less than citizens do. My favorite point is that undocumented workers pay huge amounts to social security that they will never collect. In other words, sniveling sissy, they are helping to support your useless ass.
If it makes you feel any better, the right has been using furriners as boogey men for a long time. You are the modern day Know Nothings, carrying on a long tradition of losers blaming "them" for your inadequacies that go back to at least the Alien and Sedition acts in America. The right has nothing to sell but fear itself.
Line them up as they cross the border and use a machine gun. Drop grenades from a helicopter on the caravans. Open the border to hunting.
Try posting something substantive and not a personal attack. My guess is you are another snooty Brit who thinks he knows more about my country than I do.
Yes, reflexing into a fear of furriners would be appropriate for you. Actually, I'm third-generation Arizona native. That said, it is my experience that most foreigners know more about America than your average Deplorable does. Being poorly educated is fundamental to your faith-based belief system, even as it leads to your emotional incontinence. You live in a state of hysteria.
Oh, I gave you substance, and then I pointed out that you have done nothing since but hiss and spit, interrupting your witless insults only to do hypocritical sniveling about insults. Okay, that's not fair. You also wrapped yourself in the deceased family, sucking vicarious victimhood from the corpses you tried to use as a shield. You have done nothing to counter my original assertion that your cult is dedicated incessant crybabying and victim-wannabe. Instead, you have dumbassedly provided more proof of what I said.
Line them up as they cross the border and use a machine gun. Drop grenades from a helicopter on the caravans. Open the border to hunting.
Because you are too stupid to defend your hysterical, trembling fears? Besides, you seem more like someone who would prefer to masturbate over carnage at a safe distance, MightyMouth.
Yes, reflexing into a fear of furriners would be appropriate for you. Actually, I'm third-generation Arizona native. That said, it is my experience that most foreigners know more about America than your average Deplorable does. Being poorly educated is fundamental to your faith-based belief system, even as it leads to your emotional incontinence. You live in a state of hysteria.
Oh, I gave you substance, and then I pointed out that you have done nothing since but hiss and spit, interrupting your witless insults only to do hypocritical sniveling about insults. Okay, that's not fair. You also wrapped yourself in the deceased family, sucking vicarious victimhood from the corpses you tried to use as a shield. You have done nothing to counter my original assertion that your cult is dedicated incessant crybabying and victim-wannabe. Instead, you have dumbassedly provided more proof of what I said.

Your an idiot. There is no cult of cry babies, either you have an immigration system or you dont. Is it pure fantasy that a million illegal aliens have come here to the U.S. in the last year? Just because YOU personally are ok with illegal immigration does not make it ok. And because there are idiots like yourself it gives cause to point out the reasons why. First off it IS not fair to immigrants who take the time and money to come here legally ..(unless you are truly a refugee).. and if your ok with that then fuck off. People can come here on work visas if they need work.
I was looking at the threads in this area, and I was struck by all the glaring proof that the right has been taken over by caterwauling. victim-wannabes. Almost every thread is about how the dominant race, religion, and gender is being bullied by somebody. This one? It is common knowledge that immigrants, legal and otherwise, commit fewer crimes per capita than do "real 'mericans." Despite this, feed the crybaby snowflakes enough anecdotes, and they are easily convinced of their right to snivel. It also appears this thread might follow a common pattern with the cult that at least half of what they regurgitate is bullshit, anyway.
These are fascist-wannabes so desperate for a daddy figure to protect them from all their boogey men that they even saw manly man in flabby old pampered brat like Generalissimo McBonespurs, aka il Douche.
I predicted one of you Biden voters would make that "point."

Explain to the family's surviving relatives how innocent foreign INVADERS in this country are. You leftists are more worthless than the dog shit on the sole of my shoe.

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