Drug Cartel assassin kills entire an entire Texas family before he's killed.

Yes, reflexing into a fear of furriners would be appropriate for you. Actually, I'm third-generation Arizona native. That said, it is my experience that most foreigners know more about America than your average Deplorable does. Being poorly educated is fundamental to your faith-based belief system, even as it leads to your emotional incontinence. You live in a state of hysteria.
Oh, I gave you substance, and then I pointed out that you have done nothing since but hiss and spit, interrupting your witless insults only to do hypocritical sniveling about insults. Okay, that's not fair. You also wrapped yourself in the deceased family, sucking vicarious victimhood from the corpses you tried to use as a shield. You have done nothing to counter my original assertion that your cult is dedicated incessant crybabying and victim-wannabe. Instead, you have dumbassedly provided more proof of what I said.
You can continue with your lame personal attacks if you want. Another approach might be engaging me in an actual rational discussion like I have with other Liberals on this board. If you get your jollies with these attacks, that's fine with me. Have a nice day "Wobbly".
Is it ok for our white murderers to illegally immigrate to some other country? abuse their system and send money back to the U.S western union? You think they could find a sanctuary city in Guatemala and Judge who would refuse
to report them to immigration?
Exactly HOW many people does your example represent? 1? 20? 200?

Vs. 350M?
You can continue with your lame personal attacks if you want. Another approach might be engaging me in an actual rational discussion like I have with other Liberals on this board. If you get your jollies with these attacks, that's fine with me. Have a nice day "Wobbly".
Damn, you're a crybaby. I posted an observation that most of the thread titles here are about Deplorable victimhood. Rather than try to dispute that in any way, you have sucked vicarious victimhood, used a dead family as shields for your impotence, and flailed witless insults while sniveling about insults. Your latest whine here is just a pathetic cover for your inability to dispute my point that the right as been taken over by caterwauling victim-wannabes.
Your an idiot. There is no cult of cry babies, either you have an immigration system or you dont. Is it pure fantasy that a million illegal aliens have come here to the U.S. in the last year? Just because YOU personally are ok with illegal immigration does not make it ok. And because there are idiots like yourself it gives cause to point out the reasons why. First off it IS not fair to immigrants who take the time and money to come here legally ..(unless you are truly a refugee).. and if your ok with that then fuck off. People can come here on work visas if they need work.
Another drama queen. How about you show that illegal immigration at current levels is even a net negative for us, rather than something to keep you trembling and obedient and a scapegoat you use to excuse being a loser. Right now, for example, illegal aliens are contributing $7 Billion/yr to Social Security to help support American citizens. And, as mentioned, they commit fewer crimes than citizens do. They pay taxes for government services they are less likely to use because of a fear of Deportation. In short I'd gladly exchange someone who overcame many dangers and obstacles to find work and opportunity for a dozen Deplorable fascist-wannabes who do nothing but bitch about how everybody is out to get them and how everybody else gets all the breaks.
I see plenty of "I'm the victim."

Not for long. The time is fast approaching where we too are going to ignore the law and deal with these vermin.

You assholes never will.
Line them up as they cross the border and use a machine gun. Drop grenades from a helicopter on the caravans. Open the border to hunting.
You wet the bed, set fires, and get a kick out of torturing animals, doncha Twitch?

I'm sure Mexicans everywhere tremble at the coming wrath of a balding, beer-bellied geezer and keyboard badass. Just wait until you get out of your recliner, eh?
Is it okay if I tremble in fear later, cyber-toughguy? I'm kinda busy right now.

I don't care what you do. Eventually you will be trying to breathe, but unable to.

Remember what a poor excuse for a human you are when that day comes.
Exactly HOW many people does your example represent? 1? 20? 200?

Vs. 350M?

probably a couple. i was just having some fun, is that a crime? The number does not make a wrong into a right or vise versa... the point remains the same. You don't have the right to move to some other country without going through their immigration system, so why is it ok for someone else? just because you subjectively determine x group deserves it more than group y ? doesnt work
Every Deplorable is a drama queen. What part of illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than citizens do is confusing your tiny mind?

hmmm then by your ILL'logic we should just open the border completely isnt that right? why not? if 1 million a year illegal aliens is so good , lets bring in ten million a year. We would have SUCH a more peaceful place to live then wouldnt we?
Can you please explain why ten million illegal aliens a year would be much more beneficial than relying on native born Americans?
Tell me again how it's no problem to have a wide open border. This animal was in prison for killing a man with a pick ax on orders from his cartel leaders. He escaped and managed to kill a family of 5 before he met his maker. This makes me sick to my stomach.

Imagine more guns solving this problem.

What is needed is better politics.
Another drama queen. How about you show that illegal immigration at current levels is even a net negative for us, rather than something to keep you trembling and obedient and a scapegoat you use to excuse being a loser. Right now, for example, illegal aliens are contributing $7 Billion/yr to Social Security to help support American citizens. And, as mentioned, they commit fewer crimes than citizens do. They pay taxes for government services they are less likely to use because of a fear of Deportation. In short I'd gladly exchange someone who overcame many dangers and obstacles to find work and opportunity for a dozen Deplorable fascist-wannabes who do nothing but bitch about how everybody is out to get them and how everybody else gets all the breaks.

You dont have a fucking clue do you? Lets take a look at just one month of february.

Three Billion in one month sent out of the U.S. we are supporting Latin America.. and that doesnt include relief from the U.S. government.

Its not all about the crime in the U.S... there are many other factors to consider. And then consider this dummy, I'm not against legal immigration, but illegal immigration is unfair to everyone. many people trying to make their way North are also preyed upon in many was and many die... and many are separated from their families forever.
Let them come here legal, its the governments fucking job and they sit back PRETENDING they cant do anything about it.
You wet the bed, set fires, and get a kick out of torturing animals, doncha Twitch?

I'm sure Mexicans everywhere tremble at the coming wrath of a balding, beer-bellied geezer and keyboard badass. Just wait until you get out of your recliner, eh?
I would never hurt an animal. You think I'm a man don't you? You must be a gay man who fantasize about burly, beer swelling men that smell. The man thing.
You dont have a fucking clue do you? Lets take a look at just one month of february.

Three Billion in one month sent out of the U.S. we are supporting Latin America.. and that doesnt include relief from the U.S. government.

Its not all about the crime in the U.S... there are many other factors to consider. And then consider this dummy, I'm not against legal immigration, but illegal immigration is unfair to everyone. many people trying to make their way North are also preyed upon in many was and many die... and many are separated from their families forever.
Let them come here legal, its the governments fucking job and they sit back PRETENDING they cant do anything about it.
Tax remittances. Put a 20% tax on money sent out of the country.
Tax remittances. Put a 20% tax on money sent out of the country.

Its more expensive to send money WU inside the U.S. then it is to send it abroad, very strange. I wonder how many of
those stimulus checks, designed to stimulate the U.S. economy went to stimulate someone elses.
Its more expensive to send money WU inside the U.S. then it is to send it abroad, very strange. I wonder how many of
those stimulus checks, designed to stimulate the U.S. economy went to stimulate someone elses.
Many of the wire transfers are from people working under the table so tax was never paid. Some is from money earned through unlawful means. Tax it.
Tell me again how it's no problem to have a wide open border. This animal was in prison for killing a man with a pick ax on orders from his cartel leaders. He escaped and managed to kill a family of 5 before he met his maker. This makes me sick to my stomach.

This happens because the West is too soft, it's called Human Rights. That's why the scum are not executed, and they go on to kill more.

Only Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has got it right, he doesn't bother with Human Rights, he wants Human Lives. Anyone pushing or using drugs are executed, because drugs go on to ruin innocent lives. He wants to protect Human Lives and if you give up your Human Right to live in a society in a civilised way by drugs, then, Bang.

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