Drug realted crimes and deaths.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Drug related crimes and deaths are just one more reason to close our borders by any means necessary ( fences, mines, military and like Obama said, alligators) and stop the flow of drugs. What is more important than saving Americans lives or not offending Mexico?
Drugs entering this country is the cause of many American deaths. Either overdose or crimes. And not to mentions lives destroyed. These are the things Obama & Company never talk about. They want us to believe deaths are only occurring on the border in Mexico.
Some of the most dangerous gangs, MS13, main purpose is dealing in drugs and they should be rounded up and deported no matter the cost.
If the flow of drugs were stopped at the border, Americans would not be able to get them and use them and gangs would not be able to deal them. Closing our borders will put gangs and drug cartels out of business in this country and they will move away from the border and take their business elsewhere and cut the crime and deaths of Americans due to drugs. Mexico wins and we wins. I read somewhere that we are losing the war against drugs. Poppy fields in Afghanistan is financing Al Qaeda and the Taliban because we are afraid of offending the growers.
“We cannot see the forest for the trees and cut off our nose to spite our face.”
If Obama does nothing in the next few years, he need to close the border (not add more lanes at ports of entry the make it faster to enter) and bring our troops home. Most of the drugs are coming through ports of entry in trucks and not on the backs of illegal aliens.
I agree. Obama is a threat to America. But he is just one of many who came before him who have ignored the problem of illegal drugs and illegal immigration.
Mexico is not our neighbor and it’s time we recognize that.

Illegal immigrants sentenced to life in prison for selling heroin to Reno High students Jun. 7, 2011
Illegal immigrants sentenced to life in prison for selling heroin to Reno High students | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

Now the taxpayers will have to take care of them while in prison instead of deporting the and closing the border which our leaders oppose because it might offend Mexico. Annually cost of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens is $1.5 billion.

Drug related crimes and deaths are just one more reason to close our borders by any means necessary ( fences, mines, military and like Obama said, alligators) and stop the flow of drugs. What is more important than saving Americans lives or not offending Mexico?

What you are recommending is to make an already bad situation even worse. You are taking a position which is precisely analogous to that of the alcohol prohibitionists whose ill-conceived efforts gave rise to criminal syndicates and created a social blight that took decades to recede.

The government has already spent enough money on the counterproductive "war on drugs" to solve some of our most serious social and economic problems and the simple fact of the matter is recreational drugs are more available today than ever before and the rate of drug abuse hasn't been reduced but has in fact increased. The only effect this utterly failed policy has had is to bring this Nation to the doorstep of a police state and to waste an enormous amount of valuable resources.

What should be obvious to you is that nothing short of totalitarian rule on the order of that in North Korea could effectively reduce the demand for and use of recreational drugs in America. Is that the price you're willing to pay?
feb 2011

a 15 year old girl was raped and mudrered in buffalo n.y. by an illegal - because of bush/mc cain and the communist demokrat party - all 48 states are border states with mexico
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs.

There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

Drug related crimes and deaths are just one more reason to close our borders by any means necessary ( fences, mines, military and like Obama said, alligators) and stop the flow of drugs. What is more important than saving Americans lives or not offending Mexico?

What you are recommending is to make an already bad situation even worse. You are taking a position which is precisely analogous to that of the alcohol prohibitionists whose ill-conceived efforts gave rise to criminal syndicates and created a social blight that took decades to recede.

The government has already spent enough money on the counterproductive "war on drugs" to solve some of our most serious social and economic problems and the simple fact of the matter is recreational drugs are more available today than ever before and the rate of drug abuse hasn't been reduced but has in fact increased. The only effect this utterly failed policy has had is to bring this Nation to the doorstep of a police state and to waste an enormous amount of valuable resources.

What should be obvious to you is that nothing short of totalitarian rule on the order of that in North Korea could effectively reduce the demand for and use of recreational drugs in America. Is that the price you're willing to pay?

So your solutions is to give up an let drug flow freely? illegal drugs are destorying a society and crime is raging. Making illegal drugs legal would be make a problem astronomical and would be our demise. Making drugs legal would do nothing for those addicted to drugs. But if the cannot get them, they would become clean and become a asset to society instead of a liability. We are giving disablity checks to thousands of people.

We are still feeling the effect of legalizing alcohol. Now we have drugs dealer, drugs cartels and drug addicts. Cut off the drugs and cut the crime. We may not be able to stop the use of drugs completely but we can make a dent that would save lives. It is easier to get hard drugs as it is for a child to get bubble gum. We cannot continue to have drug so freely.
The reason drug abuse has increased it because drugs are so easily attained. If there were fewer drugs there would be fewer abuse.
In countries where food is scarce you have less fat people with few heart attacks and other disease and than here were food is so free got. Americans are eating themselves to death and burning their brains from drugs that are freely got.
So your solutions is to give up an let drug flow freely?
While I do advocate eventual full legalization of some presently illegal recreational drugs I do not believe such overtly harmful and dangerous substances as amphetamines and freebase cocaine ("crack") should be included. Also, I don't think it would be a good idea to implement legalization in one sweeping gesture but rather to proceed incrementally while studying the effects of each progressive stage.

For example, we already know that claims about marijuana's harmful aspects are almost totally false or grossly exaggerated. We know that for the vast majority of users marijuana is not addictive nor is it harmful (presuming access to uncontaminated leaf and bud material). It has been decriminalized in The Netherlands since 1976 and, with the exception of "drug tourism" and outbound smuggling, the effect has been 100% positive.

Marijuana was decriminalized in New York City throughout the 1960s and 70s and the overall effect was entirely positive in every way. Were it not for Reagan's utterly counterproductive drug war escalation it would still be decriminalized there -- and probably elsewhere. So I believe the first step toward constructive legalization of recreational substances should be to decriminalize marijuana nationwide and monitor the overall effect for a year. If the effect is positive, which I'm sure it will be, then legalize it and go on to the next step, which would be powder cocaine, then heroin.

And before you succumb to an imagined doomsday scenario let me ask, if heroin were made legal tomorrow would you run right out and buy some? Or would everyone else do that?
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs. There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

I disagree whole-heartedly. A few weeks of video on the nightly news of dealers, users, trafficers, etc... being dragged out of their homes, cars, offices, etc... and summarily executed on the street by Police would definitely put a significant crimp in the flow of drugs.

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

That too.
illegal drugs are destorying a society and crime is raging.
"Crime" is raging if you consider any and every drug offense from possession of an ounce of marijuana to sale of a kilo of heroin to be a "crime" (as the laws in most places do). The fact is we have the highest national prison census in the world -- higher per capita than Russia, China or North Korea. There are more than two million Americans confined to prisons (at an average annual cost of $45k a head). More than half are drug "offenders." An increasing number of these inmates are housed in privatized prisons which are a rapidly growing component of the emerging Law-Enforcement Industrial Complex. In other words a lot of people are making a lot of money from the war on drugs. And every bit of the scary anti-drug rhetoric you read, hear and see on television is pure propaganda, much of which is paid for by the Partnership For A Drug-Free America, which is supported mainly by the liquor and pharmaceutical industries, both of which stand to lose big if marijuana is legalized.

You should count your local junkies before succumbing to anti-drug rhetoric. Yes, the U.S. has a problem with drugs but the drug war is the main cause of it. The problem of drug abuse could be much more effectively addressed if drugs were legally available so junkies wouldn't have to steal and access to counseling and treatment were readily available to them -- and the criminal syndicates were eliminated as were the alcohol bootleggers.

Bottom line, unless you live in an impoverished, welfare-class ghetto you probably don't come across a single drug addict in your daily coming and going.
Making illegal drugs legal would be make a problem astronomical and would be our demise.
The same thing was said about alcohol by the Prohibitionists. Repealing Prohibition significantly reduced crime and eliminated several major social problems, such as ready access to booze by minors and availability of harmful homemade booze ("bathtub gin") some of which was made with anti-freeze and was poisonous.

Making drugs legal would do nothing for those addicted to drugs.
On the contrary, legally available drugs would make effective treatment programs, all of which require gradual withdrawal but are not available because of rigid prohibition, available to addicts who didn't need to fear the police and "cold turkey" withdrawal. In simple terms, drug addiction must be treated like the medical problem it is, rather than a law-enforcement problem -- which we know very well is hopeless.

But if the cannot get them, they would become clean and become a asset to society instead of a liability.
As long as there is profit in illegal drugs they will be available to addicts -- who will steal to get money for a $20 illegal heroin fix when the same effect, only cleaner and more pure, could be legally available for $1, or for free within a treatment program.

We are still feeling the effect of legalizing alcohol.
While there certainly are problems with alcohol the problems aren't nearly as bad as what we had during Prohibition.

What we learned from Prohibition is as long as someone wants something bad enough to pay for it, someone else will supply it. And the only way to eliminate that is by brutal imposition of totalitarian rule. I don't know about you but I prefer living in a free society along with the junkies and the drunks.

Now we have drugs dealer, drugs cartels and drug addicts. Cut off the drugs and cut the crime.

We may not be able to stop the use of drugs completely but we can make a dent that would save lives.

It is easier to get hard drugs as it is for a child to get bubble gum. We cannot continue to have drug so freely.
Do you know it is easier for a minor to get marijuana, cocaine or heroin than it is to get booze? The reason is we don't have dealers selling booze on street corners or in schoolyards.

The reason drug abuse has increased it because drugs are so easily attained. If there were fewer drugs there would be fewer abuse.
The reason drug abuse has increased is because illegal drugs are readily available to anyone who has the money to pay for them and there are no controls addressing the purity and dosage levels, thus addiction is more difficult to avoid through careful consumption.

The Netherlands decriminalized marijuana in 1976. Since that time usage by minors has decreased, not increased. Crime has decreased significantly and there have been no negative effects associated with the ready availability to adults.

What does that tell you?

Drug related crimes and deaths are just one more reason to close our borders by any means necessary ( fences, mines, military and like Obama said, alligators) and stop the flow of drugs. What is more important than saving Americans lives or not offending Mexico?
Drugs entering this country is the cause of many American deaths. Either overdose or crimes. And not to mentions lives destroyed. These are the things Obama & Company never talk about. They want us to believe deaths are only occurring on the border in Mexico.
Some of the most dangerous gangs, MS13, main purpose is dealing in drugs and they should be rounded up and deported no matter the cost.
If the flow of drugs were stopped at the border, Americans would not be able to get them and use them and gangs would not be able to deal them. Closing our borders will put gangs and drug cartels out of business in this country and they will move away from the border and take their business elsewhere and cut the crime and deaths of Americans due to drugs. Mexico wins and we wins. I read somewhere that we are losing the war against drugs. Poppy fields in Afghanistan is financing Al Qaeda and the Taliban because we are afraid of offending the growers.
“We cannot see the forest for the trees and cut off our nose to spite our face.”
If Obama does nothing in the next few years, he need to close the border (not add more lanes at ports of entry the make it faster to enter) and bring our troops home. Most of the drugs are coming through ports of entry in trucks and not on the backs of illegal aliens.
I agree. Obama is a threat to America. But he is just one of many who came before him who have ignored the problem of illegal drugs and illegal immigration.
Mexico is not our neighbor and it’s time we recognize that.

Illegal immigrants sentenced to life in prison for selling heroin to Reno High students Jun. 7, 2011
Illegal immigrants sentenced to life in prison for selling heroin to Reno High students | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

Now the taxpayers will have to take care of them while in prison instead of deporting the and closing the border which our leaders oppose because it might offend Mexico. Annually cost of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens is $1.5 billion.

bush was no help either ! it is important to keep rinos out of that oval office - the voters get confused when they see political leaders who want stupid things like open borders & raising taxes and refusing to drill for oil and talking this green crap and they have an (R) after their name=== but i must warn you - i think it is too late - we are going to crash as a nation and this is no accident !
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs. There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

I disagree whole-heartedly. A few weeks of video on the nightly news of dealers, users, trafficers, etc... being dragged out of their homes, cars, offices, etc... and summarily executed on the street by Police would definitely put a significant crimp in the flow of drugs.

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

That too.

i like how the ATF gave machine guns to drug gangs in mexico to keep track of where the guns went - one of them killed a border agent - :cuckoo: leave it up to demokrats - it reminds me of mc govern after we lost viet-nam = he said that demokrats gave money to anti- war groups so they would be b able to keep an eye on the groups ! only a demokrat can make sense of giving money to bad people to destroy them ???
Opium production levels stay the same overall...
Opium output falls in Afghanistan, but rises in Myanmar
Sat, Jun 25, 2011 - Global production of opium fell 38 percent last year as plant disease hit crops in top producer Afghanistan, but output in No. 2 producer Myanmar rose sharply, the UN said on Thursday.
In its annual World Drug Report, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said heroin consumption has stabilized in Europe, while cocaine consumption has declined in North America, which it described as “the most lucrative markets” for those drugs. However, there were worrying trends: a big increase in cocaine use in Europe and South America over the past decade, the recent expansion of heroin use in Africa and the increased abuse of synthetic “designer drugs” and prescription drugs in places.

Yury Fedotov, UNODC’s executive director, said in the report there had been some progress in preventing drug use and said more should be done to promote “healthy and fulfilling alternatives” so that drug use was not accepted as a way of life. “On the demand side, there is growing recognition that we must draw a line between criminals [drug traffickers] and their victims [drug users], and that treatment for drug use offers a far more effective cure than punishment,” he added.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a speech at the report’s launch in New York that drug addicts should not face discrimination, but should receive medical aid and counseling. “Drug addiction is a disease, not a crime,” he said. Various plant diseases combined to cut Afghanistan’s opium production in half last year and UNODC said production could fall a little further this year. The country accounted for 74 percent of global opium production last year, down from 88 percent in 2009.

Meanwhile, Myanmar’s share of global output hit 12 percent, up from 5 percent in 2007. The area under cultivation there fell by 21 percent to 185,900 hectares between 2007 and 2009, but it rose to 195,700 hectares last year, UNODC said. The military rulers of the country formerly called Burma said in March that nearly one-sixth of the country’s illicit opium crop had been destroyed.

A nominally civilian government has taken over since, but the army still pulls the strings behind the scenes. Analysts say several top generals enjoy close ties with Burmese businesspeople linked to the opium trade. The global area under coca cultivation shrank last year, declining 6 percent to 149,100 hectares. UNODC said cocaine production had fallen sharply in Colombia since 2007, which offset increases in Peru and Bolivia.

NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs.

There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

'Reap what you sow, America???' How about if those countries STOP producing such large quantities of drugs???? Maybe then the USA would not 'consume' so many. But of course since we are the whipping dog of the whole world, the USA is to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with it! Which came first - the drugs or the drug consumers????? Which countries produce most of the drugs that the USA supposedly consumes???? And are we not the nation that allows more people in from ALL over the world?? Legally AND illegally? Maybe just maybe, those people also contribute to the consumption of drugs. WE are suppose to keep the drugs from entering the USA from Mexico AND ALSO WE must keep the weapons from entering MEXICO from the USA!!!! Now can somebody please tell me when does Mexico take responsiblibly for ANYTHING other than whining, crying, complaining AND passing the buck to the USA for what is THEIR failures???? Geez, what a concept.

Drug related crimes and deaths are just one more reason to close our borders by any means necessary ( fences, mines, military and like Obama said, alligators) and stop the flow of drugs. What is more important than saving Americans lives or not offending Mexico?

What you are recommending is to make an already bad situation even worse. You are taking a position which is precisely analogous to that of the alcohol prohibitionists whose ill-conceived efforts gave rise to criminal syndicates and created a social blight that took decades to recede.

The government has already spent enough money on the counterproductive "war on drugs" to solve some of our most serious social and economic problems and the simple fact of the matter is recreational drugs are more available today than ever before and the rate of drug abuse hasn't been reduced but has in fact increased. The only effect this utterly failed policy has had is to bring this Nation to the doorstep of a police state and to waste an enormous amount of valuable resources.

What should be obvious to you is that nothing short of totalitarian rule on the order of that in North Korea could effectively reduce the demand for and use of recreational drugs in America. Is that the price you're willing to pay?

How is closing the border to illegals like a police state ? We can keep there drugs out and use our own, already most of the weed smoked in this country is grown in this country. And if you slow the weed coming from Mexico you hurt the cartels deeply as pot is there bread and butter. They would save money closing up the border and let Calderon deal with Mexico. And totalitarian rule does NOT prevent use among the ruled. Iran has one hell of a heroin problem. If drugs are wanted they will be had.
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs.

There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

'Reap what you sow, America???' How about if those countries STOP producing such large quantities of drugs???? Maybe then the USA would not 'consume' so many. But of course since we are the whipping dog of the whole world, the USA is to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with it! Which came first - the drugs or the drug consumers????? Which countries produce most of the drugs that the USA supposedly consumes???? And are we not the nation that allows more people in from ALL over the world?? Legally AND illegally? Maybe just maybe, those people also contribute to the consumption of drugs. WE are suppose to keep the drugs from entering the USA from Mexico AND ALSO WE must keep the weapons from entering MEXICO from the USA!!!! Now can somebody please tell me when does Mexico take responsiblibly for ANYTHING other than whining, crying, complaining AND passing the buck to the USA for what is THEIR failures???? Geez, what a concept.

More guns hit Mexico from Cuba and the Caribbean, not the USA. Also, are you not the one who criticized me about spelling you and Jose ? What the hell is this ? "responsiblibly" looks like your blond is showing there.
Drug dealers and known gang members should be shot on sight. Illegal aliens should be shot on sight too.
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs.

There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

'Reap what you sow, America???' How about if those countries STOP producing such large quantities of drugs???? Maybe then the USA would not 'consume' so many. But of course since we are the whipping dog of the whole world, the USA is to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with it! Which came first - the drugs or the drug consumers????? Which countries produce most of the drugs that the USA supposedly consumes???? And are we not the nation that allows more people in from ALL over the world?? Legally AND illegally? Maybe just maybe, those people also contribute to the consumption of drugs. WE are suppose to keep the drugs from entering the USA from Mexico AND ALSO WE must keep the weapons from entering MEXICO from the USA!!!! Now can somebody please tell me when does Mexico take responsiblibly for ANYTHING other than whining, crying, complaining AND passing the buck to the USA for what is THEIR failures???? Geez, what a concept.

More guns hit Mexico from Cuba and the Caribbean, not the USA. Also, are you not the one who criticized me about spelling you and Jose ? What the hell is this ? "responsiblibly" looks like your blond is showing there.

Angel hair did not bug me about my spellin. Sorry angel hair, I repped you if it even matters.

Black Dowg, At this point, a grey hound back to the border would be fine with me.
NOTHING will stop the flow of drugs.

There's too much money in it. (Reap what you sow, America)

But they probably could stop (or at least severely limit) the flow of illegals.

'Reap what you sow, America???' How about if those countries STOP producing such large quantities of drugs???? Maybe then the USA would not 'consume' so many. But of course since we are the whipping dog of the whole world, the USA is to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with it! Which came first - the drugs or the drug consumers????? Which countries produce most of the drugs that the USA supposedly consumes???? And are we not the nation that allows more people in from ALL over the world?? Legally AND illegally? Maybe just maybe, those people also contribute to the consumption of drugs. WE are suppose to keep the drugs from entering the USA from Mexico AND ALSO WE must keep the weapons from entering MEXICO from the USA!!!! Now can somebody please tell me when does Mexico take responsiblibly for ANYTHING other than whining, crying, complaining AND passing the buck to the USA for what is THEIR failures???? Geez, what a concept.

More guns hit Mexico from Cuba and the Caribbean, not the USA. Also, are you not the one who criticized me about spelling you and Jose ? What the hell is this ? "responsiblibly" looks like your blond is showing there.

'Reap what you sow, America???' How about if those countries STOP producing such large quantities of drugs???? Maybe then the USA would not 'consume' so many. But of course since we are the whipping dog of the whole world, the USA is to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong with it! Which came first - the drugs or the drug consumers????? Which countries produce most of the drugs that the USA supposedly consumes???? And are we not the nation that allows more people in from ALL over the world?? Legally AND illegally? Maybe just maybe, those people also contribute to the consumption of drugs. WE are suppose to keep the drugs from entering the USA from Mexico AND ALSO WE must keep the weapons from entering MEXICO from the USA!!!! Now can somebody please tell me when does Mexico take responsiblibly for ANYTHING other than whining, crying, complaining AND passing the buck to the USA for what is THEIR failures???? Geez, what a concept.

More guns hit Mexico from Cuba and the Caribbean, not the USA. Also, are you not the one who criticized me about spelling you and Jose ? What the hell is this ? "responsiblibly" looks like your blond is showing there.


I got you mixed up with Jose's girl friend candyslice. Thats why the public apology and rep. And Mexico gets better guns from south of there border.

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