DRUG Test Positive In Pelosi DUI; 'Not Guilty' Plea

A Drug Test shows Paul Pelosi was under the influence of more than just alcohol when he ran His Porche into a jeep, injuring the driver, during a recent DUI.


The guy is drunk, he runs into a car, hurts the other driver, pops positive for alcohol and drugs, is arrested, IDed, booked, and then pleads 'NOT GUILTY'.

THAT would PISS ME OFF as a judge!

'WTF do you mean 'NOT GUILTY? All the f*ing evidence in the world proves it was you, you did it, and you're guilty!'

This is why you aren't an attorney.

Every good attorney will have their client plea not guilty to the charges at the arraignment. That buys the defense time to gather evidence known as "discovery". If the client pleas guilty they waive any rights later on. Discovery might show that the prosecutors case is in fact weak, or even VERY weak, and thus the defense team can possibly cop a plea down to a lesser charge or even threaten to go to trial and get their client off scott free.

Also, with a plea of not guilty, they can always appeal the conviction later. With a plea of guilty you can't do that.
No you weren't, liar. You were taking a cheap partisan shot at Fox News, falsely insinuating they are lying.

You are so transparent and a horrible liar.
Lying is what Fox News does.
Mr. Pelosi should also be charged with Perjury.

He's obviously guilty, for him to stand in court and say he's innocent is an affront to justice.
Unfortunately, like they did with Hillary, they could just say he was too stupid to know he was breaking the law...
They also waited 2.5 hours after they got to the station to do a BAC, so he was much more intoxicated than that will show.
.Also, the judge handling this resigned yesterday and they now have a Dimtard hack judge.
This is why you aren't an attorney.

Every good attorney will have their client plea not guilty to the charges at the arraignment. That buys the defense time to gather evidence known as "discovery". If the client pleas guilty they waive any rights later on. Discovery might show that the prosecutors case is in fact weak, or even VERY weak, and thus the defense team can possibly cop a plea down to a lesser charge or even threaten to go to trial and get their client off scott free.

Also, with a plea of not guilty, they can always appeal the conviction later. With a plea of guilty you can't do that.
I understand all that legal gamesmanship, but common sense-wise it's stupid / frustrating because he's obviously, undoubtedly guilty.
What drug was it? Tick, tock.
You already said they did not report it, dickhead. Why don't you call Fox or the sheriff's office and demand to know.

Too bad it wasn't Fentynal ... and he wasn't sharing with his wife.

  • Thanks
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Lying is what Fox News does.
per Newsweek...

A two-charge criminal complaint filed in California's Superior Court in Napa County alleges that Pelosi injured John Doe "while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug and under their combined influence."
Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.
You already said they did not report it, dickhead. Why don't you call Fox or the sheriff's office and demand to know.

Too bad it wasn't Fentynal ... and he wasn't sharing with his wife.
Bottom line, you really don’t know anything!
So, it could have been aspirin, thank you.
The sheriff's office and media don't say someone failed a drug test and / or had drugs in their system other than alcohol if it's an aspirin.

You are going above and beyond - even for you - making yourself look like a real ignorant, immature asshole on this one. You miss some meds?
Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.
Like Russian Collusion, Right?
Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.

You're seriously trying to defend a drunk driver?
Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.
2.5 hours after getting to the police station.

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