DRUG Test Positive In Pelosi DUI; 'Not Guilty' Plea

Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.
In California it's been .08 for decades AND they waited over TWO HOURS to test him. He was probably greater than .10 at the time of the accident. Alcohol metabolizes at a rate of .015 per hour. So based on that Pelosi would have tested about.,12 at the time of the collision. I won't say accident because colliding with another car while drunk is never an accident.
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Yes. And he was not on drugs. The OP is horseshit.

All caught up now?
Well your beef then is with the mods who will certainly remove that fake thread title upon you reporting it.
A Drug Test shows Paul Pelosi was under the influence of more than just alcohol when he ran His Porche into a jeep, injuring the driver, during a recent DUI.


The guy is drunk, he runs into a car, hurts the other driver, pops positive for alcohol and drugs, is arrested, IDed, booked, and then pleads 'NOT GUILTY'.

THAT would PISS ME OFF as a judge!

'WTF do you mean 'NOT GUILTY? All the f*ing evidence in the world proves it was you, you did it, and you're guilty!'
Most people plead guilty in their first court appearance for a DUI or anything else, fool.
Most people plead guilty in their first court appearance for a DUI or anything else, fool.
Link or lie, snowflake.

You popped up like a pissed off prairie dog who was sharing drugs and riding shotgun with Paul Pelosi during the accident, so wh don't you back up the opinionated tantrum with something more than your fiesty comment.

As your snowflake Boi was saying, tik tok

:p lol
per Newsweek...

A two-charge criminal complaint filed in California's Superior Court in Napa County alleges that Pelosi injured John Doe "while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug and under their combined influence."
Hey no shit, Einstein. We already knew he got arrested for that.

Not ONE Liberal news station talked about this but if it were President Trump's wife who did this, you would hear non stop 24 hour news coverage from the fake rat news.

I don't need to post a link to show your stupidity. Or do I?
Link or lie, snowflake.

You popped up like a pissed off prairie dog who was sharing drugs and riding shotgun with Paul Pelosi during the accident, so wh don't you back up the opinionated tantrum with something more than your fiesty comment.

As your snowflake Boi was saying, tik tok

:p lol
You want me to post a link to prove your stupidity, genius?

He pleaded not guilty on the advice of his lawyer, asswipe.
Nope. The partisan hackery is all the dipshits trying to say he was under the influence of drugs. The partisan hackery is Fox News manufacturing bullshit.

The partisan hackery is the dipshits calling for him to be sent to prison for a misdemeanor just because of his last name.

The partisan hackery is all the dipshits claming he will be "protected" and not punished for his misdemeanor.

You fuckwits had to take a legitimate story and turn it into one giant mountain of bullshit.
What I find very interesting is that in an accident resulting from drunken driving WITH INJURIES Pelosi was only charged with a misdemeanor.
Felony DUI

Felony DUI is one of the most serious crimes in California. An often-repeated DUI is considered as a felony. Specifically, DUI is charged as a felony if an individual already has three prior misdemeanor convictions within a ten-year period. Besides that, killing or injuring someone while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is also charged as a felony. Convictions under this crime could be life-altering, to say the least. Just like the previous DUI crime, convicted persons under felony lose their professional licenses and some rights. It is also not possible to adopt a child or access public housing, if convicted."
What drug? It’s weird that they didn’t say which drug. Seems like poor journalism! Oh right, it’s a FOX story.

Please, dragging out any information is painful. No one else would get this, even Tiger didn't. All his information came out pretty quickly.

This isn't even the biggest thing. The Pelosi's did insider trading right in front of our face and stole millions
I don't need to post a link to show your stupidity. Or do I?

You want me to post a link to prove your stupidity, genius?
No, to prove YOUR claim:

'Most people plead guilty in their first court appearance for a DUI or anything else, fool.'

Gettyup, bitch....
Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.

And you know because CNN told you, they never lie! LMAO
A Drug Test shows Paul Pelosi was under the influence of more than just alcohol when he ran His Porche into a jeep, injuring the driver, during a recent DUI.


The guy is drunk, he runs into a car, hurts the other driver, pops positive for alcohol and drugs, is arrested, IDed, booked, and then pleads 'NOT GUILTY'.

THAT would PISS ME OFF as a judge!

'WTF do you mean 'NOT GUILTY? All the f*ing evidence in the world proves it was you, you did it, and you're guilty!'
Wish I was the driver that he hit. I'd love nothing more than to suck a few MILLION out of Nasty Nancy.

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