DRUG Test Positive In Pelosi DUI; 'Not Guilty' Plea

Pathetic, snowflakes proving they will turn into little immature, 'silly', self-depreciating apology / excuse-making bitches for elitist, drunk, drugged liberal politicians busted undeniably for DU injuring a citizen...

No one gives a shit what the dorug is - what he took / consumed was enough to cause the douche bag to be impaired yet he still endangered lives, committed a DUI, crashed his car into a jeep, and hurt the other driver.

Personally I hope the victim sues the ever-loving shit out of the Pelosis...
Yeah, hearing both sides of an issue, not for you! You worship fake news! They not only tell you what happened, but what you think. Saves time and energy!
Isn't it amazing how easy it is for them to be nothing but TV speakers, usually with the volume turned way up?
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Paul Pelosi registered 0.082 BAC.

Whoop-dee-doo. That's just barely above the legal limit. A few years ago, it would have been under the limit.

He was not tested for drugs. Fox News manufactured bullshit like they always do. Gee, what a surprise.

The crime with which Pelosi is being charged is a misdemeanor, just like anyone else.

So sorry, no prison.

Nothing burger.
.082 is intoxicated and him being a Congressional members spouse should not excuse him for driving under the influence. He got caught this time, how many other times has it happened? He caused an accident, because he is a shitty driver or he was drunk, and either way he could have killed someone. I don't dismiss drunk driving at all. They need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and shown no favoritism. I am that way with all drunks, I have no respect for them. Over 11000 deaths involving drunk drivers in 2020. We need to get serious and stop this stupidity with hard jail time.
A Drug Test shows Paul Pelosi was under the influence of more than just alcohol when he ran His Porche into a jeep, injuring the driver, during a recent DUI.


The guy is drunk, he runs into a car, hurts the other driver, pops positive for alcohol and drugs, is arrested, IDed, booked, and then pleads 'NOT GUILTY'.

THAT would PISS ME OFF as a judge!

'WTF do you mean 'NOT GUILTY? All the f*ing evidence in the world proves it was you, you did it, and you're guilty!'
You don't plead guilty or not guilty when booked it is done at the hearing.
Well your beef then is with the mods who will certainly remove that fake thread title upon you reporting it.

After some digging, I finally found the VC sections Pelosi was charged with. Neither have anything to do with drugs. The DUI drug section is VC23152(c).
Dumbass still jeopardized lives by drinking and driving. Millionaires can't afford cabs / limos?
Oh look! Another newsflash from Mr Late To The Party.

Try to keep up.
WTF are you babbling about Simp? Other Dimtards were whining and crying this was coming from Fox. I posted the same info from Newsweek to shut them up.

Then you chime in with your dumbassery, as usual. :cuckoo:
Wish I was the driver that he hit. I'd love nothing more than to suck a few MILLION out of Nasty Nancy.
I don't take pleasure in inflicting pain on others, no matter how much I disagree with their politics.

Paul Pelosi risked innocent people's lives by being a self-centered asshole and he needs to pay for it with jail time.
WTF are you babbling about Simp? Other Dimtards were whining and crying this was coming from Fox. I posted the same info from Newsweek to shut them up.

Then you chime in with your dumbassery, as usual. :cuckoo:
He was arrested on 5/28, fool. Not exactly breaking news & anyone with any sense knew he would plead not guilty. Which leaves you out to lunch as usual.
No, to prove YOUR claim:

'Most people plead guilty in their first court appearance for a DUI or anything else, fool.'

Gettyup, bitch....
Your stupidity is obvious. You haven't a clue how the criminal justice system works or anything else for that matter.

What did Bannon do in his first court appearance, asswipe? He plead guilty? Or do you need a link for that too?
Your stupidity is obvious. You haven't a clue how the criminal justice system works or anything else for that matter.

What did Bannon do in his first court appearance, asswipe? He plead guilty? Or do you need a link for that too?
Someone is definitely triggered - nice emotional tantrum there, snowflake.

How the fuck do I know what Bannon did in his 1st court appearance? I dont give a crap about or follow Bannon.

....but since you offered, yeah, post a link reminding us all what happened.....

Tik tok...
So, when people purposely set out to kill by getting behind the wheel impaired, it only matters to you if it happened yesterday? Got it.
Did I say that? He pleaded not guilty in his first court appearance just like most defendants do. But to you anal retentive Trump asslickers it's a big deal.

Find something else to piss & moan about.
Someone is definitely triggered - nice emotional tantrum there, snowflake.

How the fuck do I know what Bannon did in his 1st court appearance? I dont give a crap about or follow Bannon.

....but since you offered, yeah, post a link reminding us all what happened.....

Tik tok...
You don't know what Bannon did? BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, so sorry. There's a lot of people with the last name of Bannon.:abgg2q.jpg:
Pathetic, snowflakes proving they will turn into little immature, 'silly', self-depreciating apology / excuse-making bitches for elitist, drunk, drugged liberal politicians busted undeniably for DU injuring a citizen...

No one gives a shit what the dorug is - what he took / consumed was enough to cause the douche bag to be impaired yet he still endangered lives, committed a DUI, crashed his car into a jeep, and hurt the other driver.

Personally I hope the victim sues the ever-loving shit out of the Pelosis...
Nice emotional outburst, snowflake.
I have no idea what he pleaded ... but where's that link you offered, snowflake?

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