Drug Testing For White House Press Corp

[QUOTE="jillian, post: 16308443, member: 3135]i have a better idea... drug test the president elect. he seems mentally unstable and erratic[/QUOTE]

Do you folks,really want Pence instead? He'd be forced to live up to Trump's Conservstive promises and Pence actually understands the system enough to get stuff done.
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This is dumb and fascist. What can anyone possibly gain from restricting our access to what our leaders are doing in our name.

I've never heard a defense for why less transparency is a good thing.

When you cannot trust ANY part of the media to actually report FACTS without spin or opinion being included, then the news becomes worthless.

Like I said, I haven't heard a defense for less transparency by our govt is a good thing. Maybe you suddenly trust politicians so you don't care. IDK.
Anyone anywhere who pees in a fucking cup for a job is a sellout.
If enough people simply had the friggin' stones to just say no --- it would go away and stay away.

Not "it".


But, shit, you didn't need the job cleaning up the slop int he break room anyway....

No -- "it"

See, the concept of obsequiously bending over for anything Authority commands --- that's a single thing. Thus, singular.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Where does it say no drug screening?
Art about unreasonable searches without warrants.
\Do you ever turn off your prerecorded responses?
The constitution is clear and it never turns off. The government cannot conduct warrantless searches and seizures. Further, journalism is the NLY profession mentioned in the constitution. Restricting free press is unconstitutional.

funny how you asshats don't apply the same logic to guns.........
"A well regulated militia..."

Why is it you asshats" ignore that claus?

Because it has nothing to do with the Right of "The People."
Like I said, I haven't heard a defense for less transparency by our govt is a good thing. Maybe you suddenly trust politicians so you don't care. IDK.

I don't trust anyone.... politician, media, family member, etc....

Your support for less transparency says otherwise. I know, I know...to deflect you'll ask "who says I'm supporting this?" While supporting this.
ONLY their employer can request such as part of their employment contract.

otherwise, it's unconstitutional.

you should KNOW that...

on the other hand, we the people pay and hired the administration...we can request such, from them....if we wanted to....
I dont think that the Secret Service is limited by the Constitution in doing its job to protect the President and his staff by any means they see fit.

I hope Trump does impose a drug screen on these morons.
ONLY their employer can request such as part of their employment contract.

otherwise, it's unconstitutional.

you should KNOW that...

on the other hand, we the people pay and hired the administration...we can request such, from them....if we wanted to....
I dont think that the Secret Service is limited by the Constitution in doing its job to protect the President and his staff by any means they see fit.

I hope Trump does impose a drug screen on these morons.
I hope Trump and his cabinet are drug screen so we can send them to rehab.
The fact that you support restricting the press and your numerous responses show that you care.

I actually support DISBANDING all non-sports oriented press.

I know, but when I ask you how less transparency by our govt is a good thing you don't seem sure. I understand the talking points didn't lead you down the path to think about the results of banning press but I thought I would ask to help you.

But now you're repeating yourself. Boring
ONLY their employer can request such as part of their employment contract.

otherwise, it's unconstitutional.

you should KNOW that...

on the other hand, we the people pay and hired the administration...we can request such, from them....if we wanted to....
I dont think that the Secret Service is limited by the Constitution in doing its job to protect the President and his staff by any means they see fit.

I hope Trump does impose a drug screen on these morons.
The whole proposal is just silly, juvenile, partisan shenanigans...and you know it! ;)

How many of the White house press corp have been drugged out assassins the past 100 years? :D
ONLY their employer can request such as part of their employment contract.

otherwise, it's unconstitutional.

you should KNOW that...

on the other hand, we the people pay and hired the administration...we can request such, from them....if we wanted to....
I dont think that the Secret Service is limited by the Constitution in doing its job to protect the President and his staff by any means they see fit.

I hope Trump does impose a drug screen on these morons.

Sooooooo the Secret Service is in the Constitution, is it? Do tell. :popcorn:

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