Drunk driver kills jewish couple, flees scene, baby delivered

Tragic story, but the OP is a twisted wreck in itself.

1 there's no reason for "Jewish" in the title; they were not hit because they were Jewish.
2 there's no reason for "drunk" in the title and OP; there's no such evidence, neither the word "drunk" nor "alcohol" appear anywhere in the story-- and if the driver fled the scene there's no way to determine that;
3 there's no reason to imply that drivers of BMWs are drunks as the OP says.

If you were a reporter filing this as a story you'd be fired on the spot.

I think the OP is Jewish. Maybe he wants add a twist. Whatever it is, it seems Noomi upset him and he is digging at Muslims now.

If the OP is trying to make something of their being Jewish, that is not something to be respected. This has nothing to do with religion. What Noomi said was dispicable, however. Possibly the OP was trying to get a rise out of anti-semites by saying in the thread title the couple was Jewish. Well, she bit, didn't she?

Not sure what he meant but I didn't agree with Noomi's statement but I think she also jumped the gun with the statement and probably regrets it.
I think the OP is Jewish. Maybe he wants add a twist. Whatever it is, it seems Noomi upset him and he is digging at Muslims now.

If the OP is trying to make something of their being Jewish, that is not something to be respected. This has nothing to do with religion. What Noomi said was dispicable, however. Possibly the OP was trying to get a rise out of anti-semites by saying in the thread title the couple was Jewish. Well, she bit, didn't she?

Not sure what he meant but I didn't agree with Noomi's statement but I think she also jumped the gun with the statement and probably regrets it.

I think you're exactly right. That didn't sound like Noomi at all.
The couple who were killed were a bunch of weirdo freaks who belonged on Little House On The Prairie. No one dresses like they are stuck in the 19th century, at least not normal people.

At least the kid will have a normal life - hopefully.

And there is no evidence as yet that the driver was drunk, it could have been someone speeding.

Who are you to judge?
That's sad but why does it matter that they are Jewish...and how do you know that?

The article says so. They were Orthadox Jews and lived in some kind of weird shit way when you can't communicate with the outside world, and you have to dress like you are stuck in the dark ages.
Kinda like Amish folk.

You, and people like you, are perfect examples why people like these have no desire to communicate with the "outside" world. How do you dress? Probably like some kind of street walker?
The couple who were killed were a bunch of weirdo freaks who belonged on Little House On The Prairie. No one dresses like they are stuck in the 19th century, at least not normal people.

At least the kid will have a normal life - hopefully.

And there is no evidence as yet that the driver was drunk, it could have been someone speeding.

So they don't deserve a happy life raising their child?


The kid deserves a happy life - what kind of life can a child have when his religion forbids him from having contact with the outside world?

Who the FUCK are you to judge?
Tragic story, but the OP is a twisted wreck in itself.

1 there's no reason for "Jewish" in the title; they were not hit because they were Jewish.
2 there's no reason for "drunk" in the title and OP; there's no such evidence, neither the word "drunk" nor "alcohol" appear anywhere in the story-- and if the driver fled the scene there's no way to determine that;
3 there's no reason to imply that drivers of BMWs are drunks as the OP says.

If you were a reporter filing this as a story you'd be fired on the spot.

Not necessarily, given today's so-called journalistic standards.
Expectant parents die in tragic hit-and-run Brooklyn crash as baby delivered at scene and survives | Mail Online

I'll take liberties to presume that early on a sunday morning if a BMW hits you and flees the scene, the person is a drunk driver. Now a child who is struggling to survive will be an orphan.

this is both sad and an outrage.
but it is beautiful to see the community come together so quickly

if anyone else out there has suffered a tragedy or injustice
like this that is clearly not deserved, I pray for your peace and
strength to heal and not let such devastation continue to burden you either

the problems of people, such as addiction to alcohol and careless driving
become the problems of others if we as a society fail to do more to prevent this

so it is not your burden to carry but all of society
my sympathies and prayers go toward all those who
have suffered from something like this in your life
bless you and may you receive divine graces and gift
of forgiveness of these wrongs so they may be corrected and prevented int he future

my prayers to all thank you
If the OP is trying to make something of their being Jewish, that is not something to be respected. This has nothing to do with religion. What Noomi said was dispicable, however. Possibly the OP was trying to get a rise out of anti-semites by saying in the thread title the couple was Jewish. Well, she bit, didn't she?

Not sure what he meant but I didn't agree with Noomi's statement but I think she also jumped the gun with the statement and probably regrets it.

I think you're exactly right. That didn't sound like Noomi at all.

My first reaction upon seeing this couple was that they looked like they were stuck in the 1850's. They don't live like its 2013, they live like its 1910. They look like its 1910.

My posts were simply based upon my first reaction at seeing their photo, and obviously I have insulted a few people, but I just posted the first thing that came into my head.

And for the record, I am not an anti Semite. Never have been, because I detest people like that.
Noomi, I have to call you out on this one.

Hassidics don't shut themselves away from the rest of society. That would be impossible in New York. They are very orthodox and strictly follow the rules of holy days, that is, on certain days they will go in their homes before sunset and stay indoors until after sunrise. If someone dies, the must be buried before the next sunset (often coroners will hold off on pronouncing late afternoon deaths until after sunset to give families a bit more time to make arrangements.) The only no-contact rule that I know of is that the only person that can touch a Hassidic rabbi is his wife.
Not sure what he meant but I didn't agree with Noomi's statement but I think she also jumped the gun with the statement and probably regrets it.

I think you're exactly right. That didn't sound like Noomi at all.

My first reaction upon seeing this couple was that they looked like they were stuck in the 1850's. They don't live like its 2013, they live like its 1910. They look like its 1910.

My posts were simply based upon my first reaction at seeing their photo, and obviously I have insulted a few people, but I just posted the first thing that came into my head.

And for the record, I am not an anti Semite. Never have been, because I detest people like that.
So do you jump to such quick judgments for muslim women who wear clothes that have been around since the middle ages, or hindu women, or men for that matter? I see people from pakistan who wear traditional garb on a daily basis that their ancestors wore hundreds of years ago. Would you say something so nasty about them as well? Or just reserved for jews?

Also, that was a WEDDING picture. Do you think she wears a wedding dress every day?
The child has died.

The BMW had TOW passengers, a man and a woman, and BOTH fled.
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The couple who were killed were a bunch of weirdo freaks who belonged on Little House On The Prairie. No one dresses like they are stuck in the 19th century, at least not normal people.

At least the kid will have a normal life - hopefully.

And there is no evidence as yet that the driver was drunk, it could have been someone speeding.

You really are a worthless ****! I bet you don't say that about the nutbar Muslims in burgas.

Worthless for pointing out that the parents were fucking weird as?

Their religion had nothing to do with the story or the tragedy! You just point it out because you're a antisemite bitch. Now I understand most of your posts on the subject. Your one of those coward lefties that will take on Jews because they're small in number, but protect the Muslims because you fear their wrath! Word to stupid. If the Muslims ever took over, liberals would be the first to go!
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The couple who were killed were a bunch of weirdo freaks who belonged on Little House On The Prairie. No one dresses like they are stuck in the 19th century, at least not normal people.

At least the kid will have a normal life - hopefully.

And there is no evidence as yet that the driver was drunk, it could have been someone speeding.

So they don't deserve a happy life raising their child?


The kid deserves a happy life - what kind of life can a child have when his religion forbids him from having contact with the outside world?

Your so ignorant it's amazing! The religion does say that and many Orthodox children live wonderful lives. Sabath is the day of rest, where Orthodox Jews don't drive or use any electronics, including phones. I don't get it and wouldn't preach practing it, but I would gloat the death of two parents by a drunk drive as a bad thing.

These parents at least had morals, you simply lack, that makes them better than you!
If Noomi is opposed to raising children so that they don't have contact with the outside world, then she should oppose public schools and universities which are run by liberals and enforce a strict leftwing dogma upon poor innocent babes.
from the op link
During the accident Raizy Glauber was thrown from the car and her body landed under a parked tractor-trailer, said witnesses who came to the scene after the crash.
I wonder if she was not wearing a seat-belt?

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