D'Souza: African Americans Are Better Off Thanks To Slavery

Yeah those stupid *******. Thank God we brought them here, in chains. They should thank us or at least fuck our women? Oh wait, they do! Now who's stupid Whitey...

The fact that they were brought to America has been an advantage to their great-grandchildren. Think of all those Blacks still suffering in African Third World. No reparations and no bitching. You live in freedom because your ancestors came in chains. Seems like a good trade.

My family owned those stupid ******* Whitey I wonder why their descendants haven't sent me flowers yet? What a great thing we did for them, by bringing them here in chains and treating them like animals. And hey, they were 3/5ths people right? Damn, we are like the best people ever eh???

Misrepresenting what is being said is trolling buckwheat. You're lousy at it.:lol:
Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?
Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?
Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.

But it was done. Deal with it. And American blacks have been better off than western Africans.

But keep wailing and flailing; it fits you.
Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?

Not one of those responses stated that. I will give you ten minutes to rephrase what you said.
Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.
When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...
Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?

Not one of those responses stated that. I will give you ten minutes to rephrase what you said.
You could give me ten years, and I wouldn't change a word. It's what you said whether you know it or not...
Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.
When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...
Maybe I should rephrase. Nobody said it was good for the blacks who were bought and sold. Obviously, it wasn't.

But do you think that American blacks in recent history have suffered more than western Africans have?
Yeah those stupid *******. Thank God we brought them here, in chains. They should thank us or at least fuck our women? Oh wait, they do! Now who's stupid Whitey...

You can send them back to Africa where there is STILL SLAVERY asshat! If you want to see a black man in chains these days the ONLY PLACE you can see that is Africa.

Care to make a further ass out of yourself you ignorant twat.

Lots of black men in chains for minor drug offenses. With more and more private for profit prisons with "clients" guaranteed them by the state, the situation will only get worse for the blacks, and better for prison corporation's profits.
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Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.
When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...

Absolute bullshit and you very well know it. We stated that Black Americans have a higher standard of living here in the USA then over 90% of the blacks living in Africa. Further, they don't need to worry about genocides such as occur on the continent with some frequency. They need not worry about being enslaved NOW, they need not worry about a whole host of diseases either.

Not once did we state that the black slave experience was good. You are flat out lying, so once again. You get 5 minutes to retract your bullshit assertion.
D'Souza is a very talented filmmaker. I recommend people check his films out. He's not the usual lame liberal Hollywood Stooge though. Just a head's-up.
Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.
When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...
Maybe I should rephrase. Nobody said it was good for the blacks who were bought and sold. Obviously, it wasn't.

But do you think that American blacks in recent history have suffered more than western Africans have?
I think the truth, that you don't get to say, well it wasn't so bad, look at how well off their kids are now? American slavery was evil, period. That's it, that's all you can say. Anything beyond that is you trying to make yourself feel better about your country doing what no moral country would.

You said....

"Kind of like when bush said the world and iraq was better off without sadaam. For this to be true, he would have had to gotten the dead iraqis he murdered to agree that they were better of without sadaam even though they ended up dead. You can't talk to wingnuts that depend on fox news for their worldview."

I don't know. Can you ask the 35,000 he was murdering every year how they feel? I would think that the 35,000 that weren't killed this year, and the year before that and well how long has he been dead and out of power now? Multiplied by 35,000 equals well over 350,000 who are alive now...because he's gone.

You tell your BS tale to THEM.
From his book:

Does America owe blacks now living reparations on account of slavery? No more than it owes reparations to the descendants of whites who died in the Civil War. I don't mean this in the callous way of suggesting that what's done is done. Rather, I mean that there is an enormous debt owed to the Northern men who died in the Civil War. But those heroes are dead, and their descendants are scattered. What is owed is more than money can pay; we discharge our debt by honoring and remembering. Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them. That debt too is best discharged through memory, because the slaves are dead and their descendants - this will be a hard pill for progressives to swallow -- are better off as a consequence of their ancestors being hauled from Africa to America.

The man has Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth.

It's no different than saying you are better off thanks to 9/11.
Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?
Nobody said that. No one said that our engaging in the slave trade was good for blacks.

But it was done. Deal with it. And American blacks have been better off than western Africans.

But keep wailing and flailing; it fits you.
Let me get this straight, the Right claims that the 90+% of blacks who vote for the Democratic Party are slaves on the "Democrat Plantation" are better off as Democratic slaves than as free Africans. :cuckoo:


The Democrat Plantation | Human Events
Human Events
Sep 13, 2010 - Blacks' loyalty to a Democratic Party whose history is a tattered tale of segregation and racism is mind-boggling.
Obama embraces keeping Blacks stuck on the Democrat ...
Sep 22, 2012 - Emotional sing song rhyming rhetoric is the bait democrat plantation leaders ply to submerge common sense or biblical principles and values ...
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The Huffington Post
Oct 11, 2011 - "As far as Harry Belafonte's comment, look, I left the Democrat plantation a long time ago. And all that they try to do when someone like me ...
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Rush Limbaugh
Oct 3, 2012 - Help Button · Tweet · Home > Archives (Oct 3, 2012) > Bishop E.W. Jackson's Message to Black Christians: Leave the Democrat Plantation ...
Blacks, Conservatives and Plantations - NYTimes.com
The New York Times
by Charles Blow - May 22, 2013 - The Democrat Plantation theology goes something like this: ... That last bit hints at the other part of Democrat Plantation theology: that black ...
Herman Cain says he left 'Democrat plantation' - Alexander ...
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by Alexander Burns - Oct 11, 2011 - Herman Cain says he's coming under attack from liberal blacks because "left the Democrat plantation."
Herman Cain 'won't stay on the Democrat plantation' - Politico
www.politico.com › 2012 LIVE
Mar 26, 2011 - Herman Cain lit up a crowd of Iowa conservatives Saturday, as the lone black GOP presidential hopeful blasted President Barack Obama for a ...
African Americans and the Democrat Plantation - Page 3
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Apr 27, 2014 - 15 posts - *9 authors
Quote: Originally Posted by StriperTC It was , still is apparently, a Macho thing to indiscriminately father children with different girls/ women.
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Oct 27, 2013 - the liberals will have to cheat more and more to win. Oh, that's right. That is why the slimy fuckstick Democrud Congcritter Luis Gutierrez from, ...
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Sep 20, 2012 - Barack Hussein Obama's Leftmedia sycophants declared the Romney-Ryan presidential ticket DOA this week. The talkingheads have ...
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When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...
Maybe I should rephrase. Nobody said it was good for the blacks who were bought and sold. Obviously, it wasn't.

But do you think that American blacks in recent history have suffered more than western Africans have?
I think the truth, that you don't get to say, well it wasn't so bad, look at how well off their kids are now? American slavery was evil, period. That's it, that's all you can say. Anything beyond that is you trying to make yourself feel better about your country doing what no moral country would.
There were more white slaves brought to America than black ones. And Americans were not the ones who brought slaves to this Continent, Dutch and English did in collaboration with African chieftains desiring to rid themselves of those they preferred selling than eliminating with spearheads, not to mention their political competitors. Slave owners tolerated no lip from their charges, so they eliminated the competitive slaves through resale and kept slaves who amused or pleased their owners.
The fact that a few thousand were "lynched" had more to do with extreme criminal acts than random decision to kill black slaves for nothing. So all the hocus-pocus over lynchings is just that. The British courts of the colonies refused to hear slave grievances and relied on owners to carry out justice without bothering them with slave crimes.

I'm tired of hearing Americans being blamed for everything foisted upon them by Courts of a King who believed the Colonists had no rights to think or act for themselves and thus refused them a seat in the Redcoat realm's House of Commons. Big mistake in Benjamin Franklin's America.
Yeah those stupid *******. Thank God we brought them here, in chains. They should thank us or at least fuck our women? Oh wait, they do! Now who's stupid Whitey...

Speak for yourself, I didn't bring any here in chains, and I don't know anyone who did. Nor, do I own any women for them to fuck. My women come in all sizes, shapes and colors, but then I am not a racist, who thinks that Blacks fucking Whites is somehow a punishment to White men. I think you loons live in some fantasy world where history is now, and the future is yesterday.
From his book:

Does America owe blacks now living reparations on account of slavery? No more than it owes reparations to the descendants of whites who died in the Civil War. I don't mean this in the callous way of suggesting that what's done is done. Rather, I mean that there is an enormous debt owed to the Northern men who died in the Civil War. But those heroes are dead, and their descendants are scattered. What is owed is more than money can pay; we discharge our debt by honoring and remembering. Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them. That debt too is best discharged through memory, because the slaves are dead and their descendants - this will be a hard pill for progressives to swallow -- are better off as a consequence of their ancestors being hauled from Africa to America.

The man has Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth.
to argue that he is wrong clearly shows that you lack the very basics of world history or knowledge.

google how many black africans die each year of just malaria, then come back and say your sorry and admit that you are wrong.

If you're man enough to do so
Yeah those stupid *******. Thank God we brought them here, in chains. They should thank us or at least fuck our women? Oh wait, they do! Now who's stupid Whitey...

The fact that they were brought to America has been an advantage to their great-grandchildren. Think of all those Blacks still suffering in African Third World. No reparations and no bitching. You live in freedom because your ancestors came in chains. Seems like a good trade.

My family owned those stupid ******* Whitey I wonder why their descendants haven't sent me flowers yet? What a great thing we did for them, by bringing them here in chains and treating them like animals. And hey, they were 3/5ths people right? Damn, we are like the best people ever eh???

Like most loons, you don't have any idea what that 3/5ths was all about. Those evil Southern slave owners wanted slaves counted the same as free men, and the Northern good guys didn't want them counted at all. The 3/5ths was a compromise that had absolutely no meaning to those in slavery. The 3/5ths only applied to the number of representatives each state was entitled to. Native Americans didn't even get the 3/5ths that slaves got.

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