D'Souza: African Americans Are Better Off Thanks To Slavery

The idiot's comments assume that the black experience in America has been one that has turned out to be more positive than the black experience in Sub Saharan Africa because of the influence of white men. This gives idiot nutters the ego massage they need. And it is a huge pile of shit.

Fact is....Black Americans overcame slavery and oppression here. They did so IN SPITE OF WHITE MEN. There experience isn't better because of slavery. It is better because of their own great desire to be free and their unwillingness to fail.

No one mentioned the white men aside from you, you dumb asshole.

The point is blacks wouldn't be here if it wasn't for slavery. They would still be back in Sub Saharan Africa where they would be wollowing in poverty, malaria and HIV.
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You misunderstood her question. Why do you think the standard if living isn't very high in Sub Saharan Africa?
Because it is no secret?

Introduction: The Global Poverty Agenda and the Africa
Despite significant progress made in reducing poverty since 2000, there is general consensus that
poverty remains a major policy challenge especially in sub-Saharan Africa. On current evidence
the global target for MDG1 (halving poverty by 2015) is likely to be achieved thanks mostly to
rapid gains in China and India. It should however be remembered that there will still be another
half of the ‘original 1990 benchmark poor’ living in poverty. Recent revisions suggest that the
figure may be as many as 1.4 billion people, many of who will be Africans2
. Probably a third of
the people who will remain in poverty will have lived in poverty for most if not all their lives.
These are often called the chronically poor. Estimates suggest that between 30 and 40 per cent of
up to 443 million people living in chronic poverty are in sub-Saharan Africa

http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/social/meetings/egm10/documents/Chimhowu Paper.pdf

Ignorance is neither an argument nor an excuse.

You are both idiots or intentionally avoiding the question. What is the cause of the situation? Nobody is arguing that sub Saharan Africa has a poor standard of living..asshole. We want to know what your education tells you is the reason for the poor standard of living.

Contrary to your imbecile beliefs, the white man is not responsible for poverty in Africa.
Thank the fucking jews for bringing us those sub-humans on their slave ships:
Four Sisters
Anne & Eliza
Prudent Betty
White Horse
Source: Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Volumes, 'Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America' Washington, D.C. 1930, 1935 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Ahhhh, the liberal antisemite rears his ugly head. It was only a matter of time.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

I knew it was only a matter of time until some liberal idiot blamed the white man for all the problems of Africa. The problem with Africa is that their cultures weren't destroyed by the white man. They still practice their stoneage cultures, and they get stoneage results.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

I knew it was only a matter of time until some liberal idiot blamed the white man for all the problems of Africa. The problem with Africa is that their cultures weren't destroyed by the white man. They still practice their stoneage cultures, and they get stoneage results.

Of course. All of those war lords committing mass murder. They are all doing it cause of white men.

It is really hopeless debating such shit.
From his book:

Does America owe blacks now living reparations on account of slavery? No more than it owes reparations to the descendants of whites who died in the Civil War. I don't mean this in the callous way of suggesting that what's done is done. Rather, I mean that there is an enormous debt owed to the Northern men who died in the Civil War. But those heroes are dead, and their descendants are scattered. What is owed is more than money can pay; we discharge our debt by honoring and remembering. Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them. That debt too is best discharged through memory, because the slaves are dead and their descendants - this will be a hard pill for progressives to swallow -- are better off as a consequence of their ancestors being hauled from Africa to America.

The man has Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth.

At the height of his remarkable boxing career, Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay), once declared “I’m glad my great-grandpa got on that boat.”
What about the black slave owners?
Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

I knew it was only a matter of time until some liberal idiot blamed the white man for all the problems of Africa. The problem with Africa is that their cultures weren't destroyed by the white man. They still practice their stoneage cultures, and they get stoneage results.

Of course. All of those war lords committing mass murder. They are all doing it cause of white men.

It is really hopeless debating such shit.

One thing a liberal can never admit is that European culture is superior to other cultures. Europeans are wealthy for a reason. They have ideas and habits that lead towards wealth, whereas Africans have cultures and attitudes that lead towards poverty. Respect for the institutions of private property and the rule of law are two things that make our culture superior. Of course, those are the very things liberal imbeciles have been tearing down for the last century.
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Four responses all adding up to we should absolutely go get all those *******, put them in chains, bring them here, make them work for us for nothing, and in the future their great-great-grandchildren will thank us for it. Rock on kids, launch those slave ships because we must be doing God's work just like in the past. Those stupid ******* just don't know what's good for them, but we do, right?

Somehow, for the Left, every day is Ground Hog's Day.
Nothing changes.

Oh what a horrible nation this is....

Of interest is the numbers of Africans who have immigrated voluntarily.

“The influx of African immigrants to the United States in the last two decades has been phenomenal. According to figures from the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS), the number of African immigrants to the United States more than quadrupled in the last two decades; from 109,733 between 1961 and 1980 to 531,832 between 1981 and 2000…. many of the immigrants in the last two decades are more interested in settling in United States and building a comfortable life for themselves and their families.”
Contemporary African Immigrants to The United States
I knew it was only a matter of time until some liberal idiot blamed the white man for all the problems of Africa. The problem with Africa is that their cultures weren't destroyed by the white man. They still practice their stoneage cultures, and they get stoneage results.

Of course. All of those war lords committing mass murder. They are all doing it cause of white men.

It is really hopeless debating such shit.

One thing a liberal can never admit is that European culture is superior to other cultures. Europeans are wealthy for a reason. They have ideas and habits that lead towards wealth, whereas Africans have cultures and attitudes that lead towards poverty. Respect for the institutions of private property and the rule of law are two things that make our culture superior. Of course, those are the very things liberal imbeciles have been tearing down for the last century.

"Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes."[1] but did not actually coin the term "cultural relativism."

“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell
Funny how you failed to highlight this;

"Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them."

I personally don't think anyone is better off because of slavery.

I think D'souza is trying to say America is better than Africa just like America is better than India.

He should have stayed off the subject. It's obviously too sensitive to discuss.

From his book:

Does America owe blacks now living reparations on account of slavery? No more than it owes reparations to the descendants of whites who died in the Civil War. I don't mean this in the callous way of suggesting that what's done is done. Rather, I mean that there is an enormous debt owed to the Northern men who died in the Civil War. But those heroes are dead, and their descendants are scattered. What is owed is more than money can pay; we discharge our debt by honoring and remembering. Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them. That debt too is best discharged through memory, because the slaves are dead and their descendants - this will be a hard pill for progressives to swallow -- are better off as a consequence of their ancestors being hauled from Africa to America.

The man has Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth.
Oh now this...this is original. Never heard this idea before. Thats why his book is doing well because its full of new original ideas /sarcasm
Yeah those stupid *******. Thank God we brought them here, in chains. They should thank us or at least fuck our women? Oh wait, they do! Now who's stupid Whitey...

The fact that they were brought to America has been an advantage to their great-grandchildren. Think of all those Blacks still suffering in African Third World. No reparations and no bitching. You live in freedom because your ancestors came in chains. Seems like a good trade.

My family owned those stupid ******* Whitey I wonder why their descendants haven't sent me flowers yet? What a great thing we did for them, by bringing them here in chains and treating them like animals. And hey, they were 3/5ths people right? Damn, we are like the best people ever eh???

who is this "we" you are referring to?
How many here have really watched this film? I seriously doubt the Race-Baiting OP has. D'Souza's very talented. He's not your usual Communist/Progressive Hollywood-type though. He comes at things from a different angle. But so what? Hollywood needs to stop whining and become more open & inclusive. It doesn't always have to be the usual stale Communist/Progressive propaganda. There's room for other ideas. I recommend checking his films out. They're very interesting.
The idiot's comments assume that the black experience in America has been one that has turned out to be more positive than the black experience in Sub Saharan Africa because of the influence of white men. This gives idiot nutters the ego massage they need. And it is a huge pile of shit.

Fact is....Black Americans overcame slavery and oppression here. They did so IN SPITE OF WHITE MEN. There experience isn't better because of slavery. It is better because of their own great desire to be free and their unwillingness to fail.

if they are truly oppressed how could any possibly be successful?

you speak with forked tongue
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

It's the half a brain part that's throwing them. They aren't actually reading these books and making their own decisions about the content, you know?
When you say bringing slaves here wasn't so bad because their descendants are better off here now, that's exactly what you said.

If I say that bitch I killed was a slut and a terrible mother so her kid was better off with foster-parents anyway, what I just said was an immoral rationalization. The moral statement is, "American slavery was evil", period. There is nothing that follows, if you're moral that is. Everything that follows is total bullshit, like DD's book of excuses for American immorality...
Maybe I should rephrase. Nobody said it was good for the blacks who were bought and sold. Obviously, it wasn't.

But do you think that American blacks in recent history have suffered more than western Africans have?
I think the truth, that you don't get to say, well it wasn't so bad, look at how well off their kids are now? American slavery was evil, period. That's it, that's all you can say. Anything beyond that is you trying to make yourself feel better about your country doing what no moral country would.

in spite of your rewriting of history the truth is that slavery was an accepted practice world-wide in the 19th century

here is another fact.It was the US , France and Britain that attempted to stamp out the slave trade much to the astonishment of the Africans whose economy depended on slavery. The Africans sold their own for centuries to anyone who would buy them. Can't blame whitey for that.
Communists/Progressives are so predictably lame. Someone makes a film that doesn't spew the usual tired Communist/Progressive propaganda, and they freak out. Hollywood needs an overhaul. It doesn't only have to be Communist/Progressive propaganda. Other ideas and beliefs should be allowed to be expressed.

Hollywood is anything but open & inclusive at this point. If you don't toe the Party-Line, they screech insults and then blackball you. Most on this thread haven't even seen this latest D'Souza film. The OP is likely a liar. I seriously doubt he or she actually saw the film. I would advise checking his films out. The man really is talented. His films are interesting.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

you don't suppose that the slave trade may have played a part in the present state of those areas, do you?
Maybe I should rephrase. Nobody said it was good for the blacks who were bought and sold. Obviously, it wasn't.

But do you think that American blacks in recent history have suffered more than western Africans have?
I think the truth, that you don't get to say, well it wasn't so bad, look at how well off their kids are now? American slavery was evil, period. That's it, that's all you can say. Anything beyond that is you trying to make yourself feel better about your country doing what no moral country would.
There were more white slaves brought to America than black ones. And Americans were not the ones who brought slaves to this Continent, Dutch and English did in collaboration with African chieftains desiring to rid themselves of those they preferred selling than eliminating with spearheads, not to mention their political competitors. Slave owners tolerated no lip from their charges, so they eliminated the competitive slaves through resale and kept slaves who amused or pleased their owners.
The fact that a few thousand were "lynched" had more to do with extreme criminal acts than random decision to kill black slaves for nothing. So all the hocus-pocus over lynchings is just that. The British courts of the colonies refused to hear slave grievances and relied on owners to carry out justice without bothering them with slave crimes.

I'm tired of hearing Americans being blamed for everything foisted upon them by Courts of a King who believed the Colonists had no rights to think or act for themselves and thus refused them a seat in the Redcoat realm's House of Commons. Big mistake in Benjamin Franklin's America.

The US Slave Trade remained open per the Constitution until 1806 I think.
From his book:

Does America owe blacks now living reparations on account of slavery? No more than it owes reparations to the descendants of whites who died in the Civil War. I don't mean this in the callous way of suggesting that what's done is done. Rather, I mean that there is an enormous debt owed to the Northern men who died in the Civil War. But those heroes are dead, and their descendants are scattered. What is owed is more than money can pay; we discharge our debt by honoring and remembering. Similarly there is a debt owed to slaves whose labor was wrongly taken from them. That debt too is best discharged through memory, because the slaves are dead and their descendants - this will be a hard pill for progressives to swallow -- are better off as a consequence of their ancestors being hauled from Africa to America.

The man has Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth.

Think aBout it hazel...would you as an overweight black woman prefer to live here or in Zimbabwe ?

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