D'Souza: African Americans Are Better Off Thanks To Slavery

So we agree then? African Americans are better off thanks to slavery? Yeah, I think we all agree.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

you don't suppose that the slave trade may have played a part in the present state of those areas, do you?
Undoubtedly. Forced them out of the stone age, didn't it?
D'Souza himself isn't making that argument. He's asking questions. Again, more proof most on this thread haven't actually seen the film. And to be honest, it is a fair & interesting question. Are African Americans better off than Africans? It's something to ponder.
D'Souza himself isn't making that argument. He's asking questions. Again, more proof most on this thread haven't actually seen the film. And to be honest, it is a fair & interesting question. Are African Americans better off than Africans? It's something to ponder.

Well, to me it is rhetorical, cause the answer is obvious. You are right though. It is an interesting question.

However, the left wing victimology propaganda will never answer the question. They obfuscate by telling us about the horrors of slavery.

They can never hint that blacks (African Americans) are no longer victims. For obvious reasons too.
D'Souza himself isn't making that argument. He's asking questions. Again, more proof most on this thread haven't actually seen the film. And to be honest, it is a fair & interesting question. Are African Americans better off than Africans? It's something to ponder.

Well, to me it is rhetorical, cause the answer is obvious. You are right though. It is an interesting question.

However, the left wing victimology propaganda will never answer the question. They obfuscate by telling us about the horrors of slavery.

They can never hint that blacks (African Americans) are no longer victims. For obvious reasons too.

It's 'Divide & Conquer.' The Democratic Party thrives on it. It's what 'Community Organizing' is all about. And that's this current dunce President's only claim to fame. He got paid to stir up resentment & hate.

D'Souza's put together a good film here. But the usual suspect Communists/Progressives in Hollywood want him and it to go away. Hollywood is anything but open & inclusive at this point. If it's not the usual stale Communist/Progressive propaganda, they want no part of it. I think this question is very interesting. Are African Americans better off than Africans? I would have to say yes, in a big way.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

you don't suppose that the slave trade may have played a part in the present state of those areas, do you?
Undoubtedly. Forced them out of the stone age, didn't it?

You've never seen a Pyramid have you?
you don't suppose that the slave trade may have played a part in the present state of those areas, do you?
Undoubtedly. Forced them out of the stone age, didn't it?

You've never seen a Pyramid have you?
Not from where black slaves came from. Never seen much of anything pre-slave trade for that matter.

You're going to take a thousand of miles away where someone figured out if you stack stones you can make walls, right!:lol:
You misunderstood her question. Why do you think the standard if living isn't very high in Sub Saharan Africa?
Because it is no secret?

Introduction: The Global Poverty Agenda and the Africa
Despite significant progress made in reducing poverty since 2000, there is general consensus that
poverty remains a major policy challenge especially in sub-Saharan Africa. On current evidence
the global target for MDG1 (halving poverty by 2015) is likely to be achieved thanks mostly to
rapid gains in China and India. It should however be remembered that there will still be another
half of the ‘original 1990 benchmark poor’ living in poverty. Recent revisions suggest that the
figure may be as many as 1.4 billion people, many of who will be Africans2
. Probably a third of
the people who will remain in poverty will have lived in poverty for most if not all their lives.
These are often called the chronically poor. Estimates suggest that between 30 and 40 per cent of
up to 443 million people living in chronic poverty are in sub-Saharan Africa

http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/social/meetings/egm10/documents/Chimhowu Paper.pdf

Ignorance is neither an argument nor an excuse.

You are both idiots or intentionally avoiding the question. What is the cause of the situation? Nobody is arguing that sub Saharan Africa has a poor standard of living..asshole. We want to know what your education tells you is the reason for the poor standard of living.

The reason for it now is predominantly corrupt politicians running those countries.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

This is why people think liberals are just fucking dumb.

african, before the eu's came, were killing each other with spears, after they left them with the basics of civilization, which they fucked up for various reasons.

africa has been free of eu domination for a long time, and it's still a shithole.

and the hitler comparison.... that's ignorant beyond my vocabulary.
The facts actually support him though. Sad as that is to say. Sub Saharan Africa is a shithole. Blacks here have a standard of living far in excess of the majority in Africa.

That is slowly changing though. Botswana is stable, Kenya is relatively stable. Tanzania etc. They are starting to get a handle on things and good for them for doing so.

Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

This is why people think liberals are just fucking dumb.

african, before the eu's came, were killing each other with spears, after they left them with the basics of civilization, which they fucked up for various reasons.

What you just said was nothing..How do you suppose they lived all that time if they didnt have the basics of civilization? lol.

Instead of typing stuff I dare you to prove how dumb liberals are by finding ANY HISTORY that shows Africa NOT being destroyed by Europeans. Annnnd Go!
Africa is a mess because their cultures were destroyed and decimated by European imperialism. Seriously, how can anyone with half a brain ignore what the Europeans did to Africa. At least they are doing better than the Native American, whose cultures were also destroyed by Europeans. There is hardly anything left of Native Americans. It's as bad as what Hitler did to the Jews in Europe.

Ignoring history much?

This is why people think liberals are just fucking dumb.

african, before the eu's came, were killing each other with spears, after they left them with the basics of civilization, which they fucked up for various reasons.

What you just said was nothing..How do you suppose they lived all that time if they didnt have the basics of civilization? lol.

Instead of typing stuff I dare you to prove how dumb liberals are by finding ANY HISTORY that shows Africa NOT being destroyed by Europeans. Annnnd Go!
Civilization was tenuous at best in sub-Saharan Africa. There is nothing that wasn't surpassed by almost every corner of the world, even those without the benefit of diffusion.

Even many pre-Columbian Indians, without diffusion, reached levels far beyond the stacking of stones in Zimbabwe. The only less-civilized places in the world were remote corners like the Amazon backwaters and Australia.
This is why people think liberals are just fucking dumb.

african, before the eu's came, were killing each other with spears, after they left them with the basics of civilization, which they fucked up for various reasons.

What you just said was nothing..How do you suppose they lived all that time if they didnt have the basics of civilization? lol.

Instead of typing stuff I dare you to prove how dumb liberals are by finding ANY HISTORY that shows Africa NOT being destroyed by Europeans. Annnnd Go!
Civilization was tenuous at best in sub-Saharan Africa. There is nothing that wasn't surpassed by almost every corner of the world, even those without the benefit of diffusion.

According to what? I'm sure this is so common you have a link to prove it. No, you dont because its bullshit :lol:

See because when you say Civilization was tenous at best then I post a pic of this


From around 1400 BC its kind of hard to say that the people who built this were barely surviving.

But I'll wait for your link and when you come back without one, Your concession will be clearly noted
What you just said was nothing..How do you suppose they lived all that time if they didnt have the basics of civilization? lol.

Instead of typing stuff I dare you to prove how dumb liberals are by finding ANY HISTORY that shows Africa NOT being destroyed by Europeans. Annnnd Go!
Civilization was tenuous at best in sub-Saharan Africa. There is nothing that wasn't surpassed by almost every corner of the world, even those without the benefit of diffusion.

According to what? I'm sure this is so common you have a link to prove it. No, you dont because its bullshit :lol:

See because when you say Civilization was tenous at best then I post a pic of this


From around 1400 BC its kind of hard to say that the people who built this were barely surviving.

But I'll wait for your link and when you come back without one, Your concession will be clearly noted
If you can not comprehend the difference between sub-Sahara and the rest of the continent, or the differences between their civilizations, then this is certainly a pointless dialogue.

he Walls of Benin were a combination of ramparts and moats, called Iya in the local language, used as a defense of the historical Benin City, formerly of the now defunct Kingdom of Benin and now the capital of the present-day Edo State of Nigeria. It was considered the largest man-made structure lengthwise and was hailed as the largest earthwork in the world. It is larger than Sungbo's Eredo. It enclosed 6,500 km² of community lands. Its length was over 16,000 km of earth boundaries. It was estimated that earliest construction began in 800 AD and continued into the mid-1400s.

The largest structure on earth but you want to pretend Africans were sitting around in the sun and rain and needed white people to survive?

Again...According to what? KKK history? Stormfront?

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