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Dubbyuh and Gawwud

Bullypulpit said:
Y'all are really pretty sad. Unable to provide a rational and reasoned response to the issues presented, you resort to childish insults.

Just so you know Bully. I can read the posts you deleted. The only one being childish today has been you. Please grow up and take the hate blinders off.
Bullypulpit said:
Y'all are really pretty sad. Unable to provide a rational and reasoned response to the issues presented, you resort to childish insults.

Bully.....I have become convinced that bush and his buddies are using religion and the religious right to obscure their real cause.....greed and power. The religious right by their very nature are followers who do not need a lot of (any)evidence to support theirbeliefs. What better group to select to blindly lead along the path of someones own private agenda. I dont think that bush is clever (or evil) enough to be doing this on his own, but I do believe it of his confidants and advisers. Their beliefs are VERY EXTREME and mostly that is why they stay, forthe most part ,in the quiet background. Bush cannot portray a man of deep religious beliefs because try as he might he doesnt have them. But as a cause to gather up a following that will support him in his other endeavors he could not pick a more willing group to do his bidding.
Face it even most religious zealots, perhaps not including certain jihadists,would back off an agenda of world domination and intolerance . But they will unite over the issues of baby killing, homosexuality, prayer, blind patriotism and the spread of christianity.
sagegirl said:
Bully.....I have become convinced that bush and his buddies are using religion and the religious right to obscure their real cause.....greed and power. The religious right by their very nature are followers who do not need a lot of (any)evidence to support theirbeliefs. What better group to select to blindly lead along the path of someones own private agenda. I dont think that bush is clever (or evil) enough to be doing this on his own, but I do believe it of his confidants and advisers. Their beliefs are VERY EXTREME and mostly that is why they stay, forthe most part ,in the quiet background. Bush cannot portray a man of deep religious beliefs because try as he might he doesnt have them. But as a cause to gather up a following that will support him in his other endeavors he could not pick a more willing group to do his bidding.
Face it even most religious zealots, perhaps not including certain jihadists,would back off an agenda of world domination and intolerance . But they will unite over the issues of baby killing, homosexuality, prayer, blind patriotism and the spread of christianity.

It's an evil conspiracy! :tinfoil:
OCA said:
Bully a logical question: where do you get the idea that you have ever presented a logical argument here on USMB?

You post nothing but extremist left opinion pieces, the leftist equal rants of say an Ann Coulter then you call them fact, most of us call it lunacy.

"rants of say an Ann Coulter"? :wtf:

I hope you don't mean what that appears to mean.
sagegirl said:
Bully.....I have become convinced that bush and his buddies are using religion and the religious right to obscure their real cause.....greed and power....
Ya forgot the oil! Where's all that damn oil we've stolen? Oh, and the art and relics we've stolen, boy that sure has been turning up in the good ole USA hasn't it? Well, none of that panned out for you lefties did it?

So... now the "latest" tactic is, the religious right is behind it all, huh? You people have just run out of ideas haven't cha? Yes you have, they're already being recycled.

Pay attention.MORONS!! Can't pay? Humm...well let me look for some rich guy to pay for you..I mean really, any rich guy must be making tons of $$$ from this Iraq war thing, right? They should give something back, right? I'll let cha know if I find one.

Damn LOOK! I found one..Mike MOORE! Yes, I did ask if he'd pay your way. He laughed and said that, you should go pound sand and make your own damn money..Gee, funny how slim balls shun their roots ain't it? :)
Mr. P said:
Ya forgot the oil! Where's all that damn oil we've stolen? Oh, and the art and relics we've stolen, boy that sure has been turning up in the good ole USA hasn't it? Well, none of that panned out for you lefties did it?

So... now the "latest" tactic is, the religious right is behind it all, huh? You people have just run out of ideas haven't cha? Yes you have, they're already being recycled.

Pay attention.MORONS!! Can't pay? Humm...well let me look for some rich guy to pay for you..I mean really, any rich guy must be making tons of $$$ from this Iraq war thing, right? They should give something back, right? I'll let cha know if I find one.

Damn LOOK! I found one..Mike MOORE! Yes, I did ask if he'd pay your way. He laughed and said that, you should go pound sand and make your own damn money..Gee, funny how slim balls shun their roots ain't it? :)
and George Soros, he has $$$$$.
sagegirl said:
Bully.....I have become convinced that bush and his buddies are using religion and the religious right to obscure their real cause.....greed and power. The religious right by their very nature are followers who do not need a lot of (any)evidence to support theirbeliefs. What better group to select to blindly lead along the path of someones own private agenda. I dont think that bush is clever (or evil) enough to be doing this on his own, but I do believe it of his confidants and advisers. Their beliefs are VERY EXTREME and mostly that is why they stay, forthe most part ,in the quiet background. Bush cannot portray a man of deep religious beliefs because try as he might he doesnt have them. But as a cause to gather up a following that will support him in his other endeavors he could not pick a more willing group to do his bidding.
Face it even most religious zealots, perhaps not including certain jihadists,would back off an agenda of world domination and intolerance . But they will unite over the issues of baby killing, homosexuality, prayer, blind patriotism and the spread of christianity.

which belief of ours is extreme?

Where have we shown any blind patriotism? We are patriotic because we love this country. Because of the wisdom of our forefathers we have a free nation. We want to preserve that free nation and the values represented in freedom. Hence why we are conservatives. to protect our liberty.

On what planet would Jihadists united behind the spread of Christianity?

The only thing you were right about is that we will all united against baby killing and against the breakdown of the family. Thats why we are pro life and pro family.
Avatar4321 said:
which belief of ours is extreme?

Where have we shown any blind patriotism? We are patriotic because we love this country. Because of the wisdom of our forefathers we have a free nation. We want to preserve that free nation and the values represented in freedom. Hence why we are conservatives. to protect our liberty.

On what planet would Jihadists united behind the spread of Christianity?

The only thing you were right about is that we will all united against baby killing and against the breakdown of the family. Thats why we are pro life and pro family.

Well first of all since I do not follow or belong to the religious community and I do not "believe" in the word of god, or allah, or whatever....I find most religious beliefs to be somewhat extreme. For instance the belief in heaven and hell as actual physical places that we go in a form somewhat like our earthly form and will meet up with the people we mingled with here. The belief that a benevelent being created this whole universe and made man in his own image and listens to your prayers regarding blessing a building and the outcomes of football games, pretty extreme to me. Along with this comes the idea that this god is totally demanding of our belief in him and thru all the ills that we endure he is testing that faith. Extreme.

Blind patriotism is when you agree with someone based on just a single issue and dont consider the whole platform, you are "blind" to all issues except for the one of concern to you. Religion, or faith can be used, but also the NRA will ask you support a candidate if they agree with the NRA....the person could be a real rat but it doesnt matter ..he's pro NRA. Special interests.

I spoke of Jihadists as an example of extremists within a religion who do advocate the domination of their religion.
sagegirl said:
Well first of all since I do not follow or belong to the religious community and I do not "believe" in the word of god, or allah, or whatever....I find most religious beliefs to be somewhat extreme. For instance the belief in heaven and hell as actual physical places that we go in a form somewhat like our earthly form and will meet up with the people we mingled with here. The belief that a benevelent being created this whole universe and made man in his own image and listens to your prayers regarding blessing a building and the outcomes of football games, pretty extreme to me. Along with this comes the idea that this god is totally demanding of our belief in him and thru all the ills that we endure he is testing that faith. Extreme.

Blind patriotism is when you agree with someone based on just a single issue and dont consider the whole platform, you are "blind" to all issues except for the one of concern to you. Religion, or faith can be used, but also the NRA will ask you support a candidate if they agree with the NRA....the person could be a real rat but it doesnt matter ..he's pro NRA. Special interests.

I spoke of Jihadists as an example of extremists within a religion who do advocate the domination of their religion.

Did you ever think that maybe you are the extreme one and not the people who believe in a higher power. God does listen to prayers and He does answer them. Its the truth. i guess you could argue that the truth is extreme but i disagree alittle.
Avatar4321 said:
Did you ever think that maybe you are the extreme one and not the people who believe in a higher power. God does listen to prayers and He does answer them. Its the truth. i guess you could argue that the truth is extreme but i disagree alittle.

That hits it!
sagegirl said:
Well first of all since I do not follow or belong to the religious community and I do not "believe" in the word of god, or allah, or whatever....I find most religious beliefs to be somewhat extreme.
So can we agree..you have no faith nor belief?
Mr. P said:
So can we agree..you have no faith nor belief?

Not entirely true. I do not extend my faith and belief beyond myself. I have faith that I will be true to myself....that is that I have chosen a certain set of morals that I must strive to uphold, I can only define these for myself and can only look to myself for my shortcomings and my successes. I trust that what I have chosen to believe will sustain me and I have prepared to deal with any consequences due to my beliefs. for example....
I believe in the "golden rule" do unto others as you would have them do unto you.....I choose not to harm others,( unless they mean me direct harm, I will protect myself.) I choose to regard our enviornment with great respect and strive to be aware of the direct and indirect consequences of my actions. I try to maintain a positive attitude about most people, but know that in reality some people are what I consider "lost souls" . I dont consider it any sort of duty or obligation to try to "save" them, I figure they are sadly unable to think for themselves or have made some poor choices. I do express my opinion because this is the only chance I have to be a part of this time and place and I choose to indulge myself in the moment. Im not priviledged to be different but I consider it an advantage. The fact that I have only a few constraints and obligations allows me the freedom to explore other options and imagine other scenarios. It works for me and I am always trying to make myself better, its a big part of my attitude.
Blame,fear,shame, and missed oppportunities are not part of what I believe in.
I most happily share my life with some other unencumbered friends, we are basically harmless, unless you consider free thinking a threat.
Christ preached love, peace and tolerance. To help those less fortunate then yourself, to give back to your community, etc... If Bush was a good Christian would not follow these teachings? So far he has waged war, supported the rich and ignored the poor. This is a little confusing for me.
MrMarbles said:
Christ preached love, peace and tolerance. To help those less fortunate then yourself, to give back to your community, etc... If Bush was a good Christian would not follow these teachings? So far he has waged war, supported the rich and ignored the poor. This is a little confusing for me.

The bold part is what's confusing. Bush waged war to help poor, downtrodden people. Even Jesus got rowdy when he found merchants taking advantage of temple worshippers. He also did not "support the rich while ignoring the poor." That's a bold-faced lie put out there by the left with false statistics to make you believe that Bush is Satan. If you look at the tax cuts, the lower income households got the greatest percentage decreases and the maximum income for many lower tax brackets was raised, greatly benefiting the poor. The statistic put out there by the left is that the majority of the refunds went to the rich. Well, when you consider that about 60% of the refund money went to the demographic that pays OVER 95% of the taxes, this shows that the poor really did benefit more.

Also, take a look at things like hurricane and tsunami relief. Are you saying Bush ignores those? What about the poor in Iraq and Afghanistan that are voting for the first time in their lives? Did he ignore them, too, as you claim?

The leftists contradict themselves. Bush went into Iraq and Afghanistan to help the poor and downtrodden, but that was going too far. However, they later claim he didn't do enough. Which is it left? Oh, that's right. You wanted us to appease the terrorist regimes and raise taxes on the rich so you could give handouts to the poor people...which will KEEP THEM POOR since they depend on big government for their meal ticket. Well, lemme tell you something. Bush has done PLENTY for the poor and any claiming he didn't do enough need to get off their high horses and do something about it themselves. They criticize him for spending money on his inaugeration while there's charitable causes that could use that money. Well, lemme tell you something. Those Hollywood types that yell this the loudest spend more on their Oscar outfits and parties than anybody could spend on an inaugeration.

Not doing enough for the poor my !@#. Next, you'll tell me the one where his IQ is only 80-something (btw, if you think his IQ really is sub-par, go check snopes.com, where they have proven it false).
Mr. P said:
Ya forgot the oil! Where's all that damn oil we've stolen? Oh, and the art and relics we've stolen, boy that sure has been turning up in the good ole USA hasn't it? Well, none of that panned out for you lefties did it?

So... now the "latest" tactic is, the religious right is behind it all, huh? You people have just run out of ideas haven't cha? Yes you have, they're already being recycled.

Pay attention.MORONS!! Can't pay? Humm...well let me look for some rich guy to pay for you..I mean really, any rich guy must be making tons of $$$ from this Iraq war thing, right? They should give something back, right? I'll let cha know if I find one.

Damn LOOK! I found one..Mike MOORE! Yes, I did ask if he'd pay your way. He laughed and said that, you should go pound sand and make your own damn money..Gee, funny how slim balls shun their roots ain't it? :)

I rest my case.
I'm curious Bully . . . what do you do for a living . How about you Sage Girl or you Mr.Marbles . I am a designer , photographer , fine artist and graphic artist . I imagine I am the type that should be in the column labeled left .After all , an artist . . . he's got to be a liberal . But no I'm not . I feel my intelligence is insulted everytime I hear a liberal try to speak . The self proclaimed progressive are anything but . You categorize people by who they support politically and assume everything about them without meeting them or knowing anything about them . How is that different from judging somebody by the color of their skin? I have been judged by "progressives" because of the state I live in and even by what general section of the country I am from . How is that different from the clowns that reside in the KKK? I haven't stopped trying to be friends with people I know to be the political opposite of me yet they have stopped returning my calls , even one that I have been a friend to for 30 years . The left truely is the side that hates where evryone I know from the so-called right are productive , caring , family oriented people . Why does the left have so much hatred for conservatives , I would love a real thought out explanation . . . I know that may be asking a lot but please , humor me ... any of you .

Oh by the way , as a designer I find it insane to think the incredible amount of diverse life on this planet evolved from fish that walked out of the ocean . Explain how evolution is responcible for a flea or a duck billed platupus or a thinking human that can design crafts that go to and land on Mars , explore and send back photographs for us to look at on our home computers . . . evolution . . .sure. :rolleyes:
  • Thanks
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sitarro said:
Oh by the way , as a designer I find it insane to think the incredible amount of diverse life on this planet evolved from fish that walked out of the ocean . Explain how evolution is responcible for a flea or a duck billed platupus or a thinking human that can design crafts that go to and land on Mars , explore and send back photographs for us to look at on our home computers . . . evolution . . .sure. :rolleyes:

I agree. The duck-billed platypus is compelling evidence that not only does God exist, he has a sense of humor, too.
Bullypulpit said:
Is it interference to remove an obstacle from the path of a blind person?

Which was exactly what I was trying to do.

Remove the blindfold from yourself first, then you will see that you have become your own interference.

You have professed to being Buddhist so I proferred Buddhist doctrine as I have learned and follow. Taking time out to attempt to instruct somebody in your own path as the only one to follow is in direct opposition to what you profess to believe. Since you are a Buddhist, then I presume you have the friend that introduced you to Buddhism to speak with if not seek one out. Follow your path but do not try to push one off of another path.

One of my favorite sayings of the Buddha is:

"Just because somebody is on a different path, doesn't mean that they are lost."

Since you cannot see their map, as you have so eloquently proclaimed on many occasions that you are not Christian, it behooves you to concentrate on your own map and allow them to follow theirs.

On this subject you are not capable of knowledgable discourse and haven't the factual basis with which to deem yourself expert. I would doubt you have the PhD needed to be a Doctorate in the Christian Religion as many of the Pastors that these people rely on for guidance have. (At least the Pastor that my parents forced me to listen to for 18 years did.)

They have people in which to put their trust, you need to talk to those in whom you put your reliance in the knowledge of Buddhist teaching and doctrine, you are far off course.
ScreamingEagle said:
"rants of say an Ann Coulter"? :wtf:

I hope you don't mean what that appears to mean.

Yes I believe that Ann Coulter does us about as much good as say Al Franken. I'm sorry I just don't see where her tangents are productive to the cause, she's a sensationalist trying to sell books. She's spot on in her assessment of libs but marginalizes herself with the sidebars.
no1tovote4 said:
Which was exactly what I was trying to do.

Remove the blindfold from yourself first, then you will see that you have become your own interference.

You have professed to being Buddhist so I proferred Buddhist doctrine as I have learned and follow. Taking time out to attempt to instruct somebody in your own path as the only one to follow is in direct opposition to what you profess to believe. Since you are a Buddhist, then I presume you have the friend that introduced you to Buddhism to speak with if not seek one out. Follow your path but do not try to push one off of another path.

One of my favorite sayings of the Buddha is:

"Just because somebody is on a different path, doesn't mean that they are lost."

Since you cannot see their map, as you have so eloquently proclaimed on many occasions that you are not Christian, it behooves you to concentrate on your own map and allow them to follow theirs.

On this subject you are not capable of knowledgable discourse and haven't the factual basis with which to deem yourself expert. I would doubt you have the PhD needed to be a Doctorate in the Christian Religion as many of the Pastors that these people rely on for guidance have. (At least the Pastor that my parents forced me to listen to for 18 years did.)

They have people in which to put their trust, you need to talk to those in whom you put your reliance in the knowledge of Buddhist teaching and doctrine, you are far off course.

Oops! Bully seems to have been busted!

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