'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

The same stupid assertion over and over again! People change and parties change, there was a point when the Democrats (Southern especially) were the conservatives and the Republicans (Northern and some southern) were the Liberals and "radicals". As has been repeated over and over again is that the vote for the Civil Rights Act was pretty regional. The white Democratic Southerners voted against that Act.
Do the Republicans of today have more Black Congressmen and women than the Democrats? What about the Republicans vs the Democrats after Reconstruction, did they or didn't they have more Black Congressmen and women than the Democrats? In short; it's pretty ignorant and or dishonest when people try to use that half assed assertion or point that you are using. It's apples and oranges. What party today has the most representation from most of the minority groups in this country Republicans or Democrats? What party today has the most representation (percentage wise) from White males, Republican or Democrat?
lol, how could it be the same bill? The 1957 bill passed. Jeezus I'm surrounded by mentalists.

How can it be because it is the same bill you f****** moron and it was a bill paid for by Republicans oh by the way using a wiki as proof about Kennedy is asinine Kennedy was a racist criminal rapist

tapatalk post

Calm down.

The 1957 bill became law. They did not pass it again in 1964. 1964 was a different bill.

No it didn't it was changed by democrats to make it different thus why republicans pushed twice more

tapatalk post
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, no there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.

Firstly, your opinion and blanket generalization is wrong, there are plenty of people from those groups you mentioned who are NOT "victims of the Democrats". Secondly, not everyone or the majority of people are calling them uncle toms, anti-immigrant, etc.
Secondly, you complained about no "freedom of opinion anymore", but you seem to be complaining about some people's of rubio, et al.
It's kind of funny that you mentioned "black men, black women, white women and Hispanics" but left out White men, do you not think that they are victims of political parties as well? Do you not think that some white male republicans (and other republicans of course) have their own little "purity tests" going on, and have their own way of calling people that "get off of the reservation", uncle toms? See what's happening with Boehner, I heard some republicans calling him a RINO, etc.

That's because boner is a rino. He isn't even following the party platform

tapatalk post
Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

The empirical evidence suggests people who routinely vote Democrat feel like they need to be protected. It's kind of the wimpy guy syndrome. That's why cops, military guys, and gun owners tend to vote Republican.

The core Democrat voting blocs are all groups that tend to feel the Government needs to protect them. Blacks, gays, and single women. The Democrat Party skillfully plays to their fears.

The Republican Party plays to the fears of the tough self-sufficient men and women who feel threatened by Government overreach and a dissolution of the values that made this Country great. Those mean Democrats will take away your guns and your God. You will be overrun by a greedy, lazy, minority horde.

Both parties play to fear. Personally, I generally don't like the Democrat philosophy...not because I dislike minorities, but because I do not want the Government all up in my junk. I can take care of myself just fine, thank you. :)

So therefore you vote for the party that enacted the PA, etc.? :lol:
Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

Kosh, you are speaking hardline reactionary opinions that are not justified by the facts.

For instance, Civil Rights voting in Congress divided along geographical lines, North and West Pubs and Dems voting overwhelming for civil rights against Southern Pubs and Dems voting overwhelmingly against civil rights. Those are the facts.

Wrong again, but the far left has to make excuses because they know they were the party against the civil rights. Like it or not that is the truth and the facts. It took the Republicans bargaining to make it happen. If the far left wants to believe an alternate history that is fine, but please don't pass it off as a "fact".

Just goes to show that the far left Obama drones will say or do anything to protect their far left religion.

You are a far right reactionary TeaP writing an alternate history. Reputable colleges don't teach your nonsense.
Kosh, you are speaking hardline reactionary opinions that are not justified by the facts.

For instance, Civil Rights voting in Congress divided along geographical lines, North and West Pubs and Dems voting overwhelming for civil rights against Southern Pubs and Dems voting overwhelmingly against civil rights. Those are the facts.

Wrong again, but the far left has to make excuses because they know they were the party against the civil rights. Like it or not that is the truth and the facts. It took the Republicans bargaining to make it happen. If the far left wants to believe an alternate history that is fine, but please don't pass it off as a "fact".

Just goes to show that the far left Obama drones will say or do anything to protect their far left religion.

You are a far right reactionary TeaP writing an alternate history. Reputable colleges don't teach your nonsense.

You are a dishonest hack

tapatalk post
I think some of you are missing the point of my message, while some of you are absolutely on point. The fact there are those of you that you see each other as an enemy or ally, friend or foe, is proof positive that freedom of opinion no longer exists.

But isn't that their own opinion that they are freely expressing?
They were conservatives. Period. Where did you ever get the foolish notion that a Democrat couldn't be a conservative?

TheNutToast is exactly the kind of lying asshole that personifies the worst of what the OP was talking about.

We could demolish the flaming idiocy of the CRA and KKK fabrications individually but it's been done elsewhere and would be off topic. So as was said about the exact same poster in a different thread: "don't feed the troll". As can be seen just above...

By the way to those of you who think I am being a dick I am NOT the one who started insulting thread I'm also not the one looks down upon people because they vote a certain way nor am I one who say I'm something I'm not just so I can vote in the primaries dishonest f****** hacks

--- he's in self-meltdown mode already. Let him flame himself out.

Listen you dishonest f*** the KKK was invention of the Democrats . They are the ones that institutionalized racism

tapatalk post

You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.

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So. From one sentence that is from an intro paragraph. you try to explain your myopic feeble attempt at writing a serious epitaph of your one horse town mind espousing your epiphany?

Why waste digital space and just re post or bump one of your other tired threads that you attempt to cement your id and ego upon us? You must have a bounty of free time in your attempts to post your tired redundant reiteration rhetoric you so bore us with.

Me thinks your time may be better spent.

I don't have time for your trash. Negged.

Ty for negging me for my opinion, those things you say do not exist.

LOL, the guy complains that people can't have an opinion anymore, then he negs you for yours! That's pretty fucking LAME!!!!! :lol:
Wrong again, but the far left has to make excuses because they know they were the party against the civil rights. Like it or not that is the truth and the facts. It took the Republicans bargaining to make it happen. If the far left wants to believe an alternate history that is fine, but please don't pass it off as a "fact".

Just goes to show that the far left Obama drones will say or do anything to protect their far left religion.

You are a far right reactionary TeaP writing an alternate history. Reputable colleges don't teach your nonsense.

You are a dishonest hack

tapatalk post

You are :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shifty: :eusa_angel:
TheNutToast is exactly the kind of lying asshole that personifies the worst of what the OP was talking about.

We could demolish the flaming idiocy of the CRA and KKK fabrications individually but it's been done elsewhere and would be off topic. So as was said about the exact same poster in a different thread: "don't feed the troll". As can be seen just above...

--- he's in self-meltdown mode already. Let him flame himself out.

Listen you dishonest f*** the KKK was invention of the Democrats . They are the ones that institutionalized racism

tapatalk post

You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.


Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post
Really? Then register as a libertarian . Otherwise you are nothing more then a fence sitter trying to act better then everyone yet refusing to actually make a choice. Like being married and sleeping around.

I will not have my choices dictated to me, thanatos. If I registered as a Libertarian in Georgia, I would deny myself the ability to vote in either Republican or Democratic primaries. Why do you continue to insist that I 'act better than everyone else'? Mister, I live poverty, I have an elderly grandmother that requires almost constant attention, I've gone through a lot in my own life that taught me that such things as egotism and arrogance ill serves me in the grand scheme of things.

You think you can sit there on your perch and prejudge me? How dare you?
Since you are not a republican or democrat why do you think you have the right to vote in their primaries?

Is it limpbaugh's "Operation Chaos"?
Listen you dishonest f*** the KKK was invention of the Democrats . They are the ones that institutionalized racism

tapatalk post

You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.


Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post

Confederates were first and foremost conservative reactionaries, just like the Southern GOP and Dems who voted against Civil Rights a 104 years later.
True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.

As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

The problem is even moderately libs have been programmed to believe ANY right wing speech is extremist.
In fact with the help of the main stream media, liberals have been able to create a narrative on this. That is anything relating to the GOP or conservatism is viewed as "far right wing"...

That's not accurate, I know plenty of Liberals who believe in freedom of speech:

I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, no there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.

Firstly, your opinion and blanket generalization is wrong, there are plenty of people from those groups you mentioned who are NOT "victims of the Democrats". Secondly, not everyone or the majority of people are calling them uncle toms, anti-immigrant, etc.
Secondly, you complained about no "freedom of opinion anymore", but you seem to be complaining about some people's of rubio, et al.
It's kind of funny that you mentioned "black men, black women, white women and Hispanics" but left out White men, do you not think that they are victims of political parties as well? Do you not think that some white male republicans (and other republicans of course) have their own little "purity tests" going on, and have their own way of calling people that "get off of the reservation", uncle toms? See what's happening with Boehner, I heard some republicans calling him a RINO, etc.

That's because boner is a rino. He isn't even following the party platform

tapatalk post

I don't know what he is, I do think that he has a hard job as Speaker because he has a few powerful factions and constituents that he has to make happy. hannity outright insulted Boehner today, I forget what it was as we were driving, but I remember telling my wife that Boehner could put an ass whuppin' on hannity. :)
You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.


Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post

Confederates were first and foremost conservative reactionaries, just like the Southern GOP and Dems who voted against Civil Rights a 104 years later.

Do they teach you this bullshit in school now?

tapatalk post
I think some of you are missing the point of my message, while some of you are absolutely on point. The fact there are those of you that you see each other as an enemy or ally, friend or foe, is proof positive that freedom of opinion no longer exists.

But isn't that their own opinion that they are freely expressing?

Am I stopping them from expressing it?

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