'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

"If you don't want your idiotic OP debunked, don't post it" or something to that extent.

All you are doing is calling me names, not even defending your points of view. You are all the meanwhile proving my point. Your violent reactions to such a harmless thread is proof. You seem to think the only opinion that matters is yours.

Crybaby, arrogant, stupid, idiotic, punk... whetever. Why do you insist on issuing pejoratives every other word to make a point? If you speak with other people on this board, they will disprove your preconceived notions about me quite handily.

awww is my language hurting your feelings? Grow a set nancy. Fact is you insulted all republicans with a stupid arrogant full of shit blanket statement of which I thoroughly debunk by showing you how very fucking much I have my freedom of opinion. You may now thank me for disabusing you of your ignorance.

You're the one who needs to 'grow a pair' thanatos. Without even making one point in regards to my thread, you took immediate offense to it. You flew off the handle, didn't show me one iota of respect or consideration to the points I was making. And I'm the one who needs to grow a pair? You didn't "thoroughly debunk" anything, except the fact that partisan political ideology is incompatible with free thinking. You clearly demonstrated that by assuming to speak for every Republican in existence. Thank you, sincerely.

You were slapped with a clean dose of reality. I can't help it if it gave you a case of verbal diarrhea. I suggest you deal with it. John Boehner may wish to know that you assumed the role of speaking for the entire party, since you now seem to think you know what's good for all of Republicanism/Conservatism.
Perhaps you just to young to know you get respect when you earn it. You dont earn it by insulting people with a arrogant ignorant statement that a group of people are mindless because they are republicans. No what you get is your ass handed to you for your arrogant ignorant statement. By the way stupid Boener doesn't speak for republicans I leave that up to the individual. You know the people you pretend to be so your can dishonestly vote in their primaries.
Was he calling Mandela a socialist who hated the USA? Because thats truth. Or was he saying that he was messiah like? Because thats not the truth.

Exactly. If he believed Mendela anything contrary to your assertion, he is automatically wrong. Really? That statement epitomizes everything I pointed out about political parties.

Now, what did Mandela do that made him a Communist/Socialist? Katz never could answer that question, nor could bigreb or deltex. What about his policies made him anything of the sort? Is he a messiah? No, he is a man. Did he fight for the cause of freedom and equality? Yes he did. Regardless of what you think, he was a liberator, a freedom fighter.
I said truth not opinion. Mandela was a socialist. He didn't hide the fact. He also hated the USA for its capitalist system he though as unfair to the little people. Also fact that he didn't hide. Did you think think liberals salivated over him because he was a black man imprisoned for his political views on Apartheid? We are talking about Democrats here man. They created nationalized racism.

Racism has existed way before the Democrats or even America existed. To imply that Democrats or anyone else 'created nationalized racism' is wrong. However, the Democrats did give birth to the KKK in the mid 1860's. They didn't invent racism, they did more to further it for the next hundred years.

As for Mandela, he was a boon for the South African economy. He did nothing to it that resembled socialism/communism. For all of four years, there was nothing but prosperity. He had a sense of loyalty that was to a fault at times. Does that take away from what he did? Well according to some it does.
Exactly. If he believed Mendela anything contrary to your assertion, he is automatically wrong. Really? That statement epitomizes everything I pointed out about political parties.

Now, what did Mandela do that made him a Communist/Socialist? Katz never could answer that question, nor could bigreb or deltex. What about his policies made him anything of the sort? Is he a messiah? No, he is a man. Did he fight for the cause of freedom and equality? Yes he did. Regardless of what you think, he was a liberator, a freedom fighter.
I said truth not opinion. Mandela was a socialist. He didn't hide the fact. He also hated the USA for its capitalist system he though as unfair to the little people. Also fact that he didn't hide. Did you think think liberals salivated over him because he was a black man imprisoned for his political views on Apartheid? We are talking about Democrats here man. They created nationalized racism.

Racism has existed way before the Democrats or even America existed. To imply that Democrats or anyone else 'created nationalized racism' is wrong. However, the Democrats did give birth to the KKK in the mid 1860's. They didn't invent racism, they did more to further it for the next hundred years.

As for Mandela, he was a boon for the South African economy. He did nothing to it that resembled socialism/communism. For all of four years, there was nothing but prosperity. He had a sense of loyalty that was to a fault at times. Does that take away from what he did? Well according to some it does.

He didnt have the power to change the economy of south Africa. I liken him to being like Obama but without a democrat ran congress.
awww is my language hurting your feelings? Grow a set nancy. Fact is you insulted all republicans with a stupid arrogant full of shit blanket statement of which I thoroughly debunk by showing you how very fucking much I have my freedom of opinion. You may now thank me for disabusing you of your ignorance.

You're the one who needs to 'grow a pair' thanatos. Without even making one point in regards to my thread, you took immediate offense to it. You flew off the handle, didn't show me one iota of respect or consideration to the points I was making. And I'm the one who needs to grow a pair? You didn't "thoroughly debunk" anything, except the fact that partisan political ideology is incompatible with free thinking. You clearly demonstrated that by assuming to speak for every Republican in existence. Thank you, sincerely.

You were slapped with a clean dose of reality. I can't help it if it gave you a case of verbal diarrhea. I suggest you deal with it. John Boehner may wish to know that you assumed the role of speaking for the entire party, since you now seem to think you know what's good for all of Republicanism/Conservatism.
Perhaps you just to young to know you get respect when you earn it. You dont earn it by insulting people with a arrogant ignorant statement that a group of people are mindless because they are republicans. No what you get is your ass handed to you for your arrogant ignorant statement. By the way stupid Boener doesn't speak for republicans I leave that up to the individual. You know the people you pretend to be so your can dishonestly vote in their primaries.

For the sixth time, thanatos. Where did I insult you? How did I insult you? When did I insult you? Can you please quote me? Oh and I do know all about respect. It's as simple as this: when you give it, I'll return it. It's that simple. One other thing. Why should I render myself useless in the Democratic process, simply because people like you hate libertarians? I can vote for whomever I wish, without the likes of you accusing me of being "dishonest." How uncouth of you.

Surely if you let the individual think for themselves, you wouldn't be accusing me of being dishonest, arrogant, narcissistic and etc. If you truly cared about the intellectual freedom of an individual, why would you contend that I "insulted ALL Republicans"? Seriously, let them determine if I insulted them or not. Simple enough, right?
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This is a funny thread. President Obama is barely center left. The ACA is basically the health care plan of Romney and the Heritage Foundation. Yet now they label it Communistic. That is how far to the right that the GOP has moved. The GOP lost the minorities because they adapted a 21st Century version of the southern strategy. The racist and often putrid referances to the Hispanic community of the type we have seen on this board and even repeated by some in the official GOP have turned off a community that is normally fairly conservative.

Ignoring the demograpics of the US Citizens is a sure fire way to end up short at the ballot box.

It's funny that you consider obama center left. Anyone who makes that claim would be better suited to life in Cuba.
ACA was an alternative to a single payer plan in all forms, be it Massachusetts, the Heritage Plan or obamacare.
If you actually think the GOP supported it, tell me who proposed it during the Bush admin.
You're the one who needs to 'grow a pair' thanatos. Without even making one point in regards to my thread, you took immediate offense to it. You flew off the handle, didn't show me one iota of respect or consideration to the points I was making. And I'm the one who needs to grow a pair? You didn't "thoroughly debunk" anything, except the fact that partisan political ideology is incompatible with free thinking. You clearly demonstrated that by assuming to speak for every Republican in existence. Thank you, sincerely.

You were slapped with a clean dose of reality. I can't help it if it gave you a case of verbal diarrhea. I suggest you deal with it. John Boehner may wish to know that you assumed the role of speaking for the entire party, since you now seem to think you know what's good for all of Republicanism/Conservatism.
Perhaps you just to young to know you get respect when you earn it. You dont earn it by insulting people with a arrogant ignorant statement that a group of people are mindless because they are republicans. No what you get is your ass handed to you for your arrogant ignorant statement. By the way stupid Boener doesn't speak for republicans I leave that up to the individual. You know the people you pretend to be so your can dishonestly vote in their primaries.

For the sixth time, thanatos. Where did I insult you? How did I insult you? When did I insult you? Can you please quote me? Oh and I do know all about respect. It's as simple as this: when you give it, I'll return it. It's that simple. One other thing. Why should I render myself useless in the Democratic process, simply because people like you hate libertarians? I can vote for whomever I wish, without the likes of you accusing me of being "dishonest." How uncouth of you.

Surely if you let the individual think for themselves, you would be accusing me of being dishonest, arrogant, narcissistic and etc. If you truly cared about the intellectual freedom of an individual, why would you contend that I "insulted ALL Republicans"? Seriously, let them determine if I insulted them or not. Simple enough, right?
In your arrogance you dont see telling people they give up their opinion when they become a republican as a insult? I cant help you if your so ignorant. Now excuse me I have to get ready for work .
Perhaps you just to young to know you get respect when you earn it. You dont earn it by insulting people with a arrogant ignorant statement that a group of people are mindless because they are republicans. No what you get is your ass handed to you for your arrogant ignorant statement. By the way stupid Boener doesn't speak for republicans I leave that up to the individual. You know the people you pretend to be so your can dishonestly vote in their primaries.

For the sixth time, thanatos. Where did I insult you? How did I insult you? When did I insult you? Can you please quote me? Oh and I do know all about respect. It's as simple as this: when you give it, I'll return it. It's that simple. One other thing. Why should I render myself useless in the Democratic process, simply because people like you hate libertarians? I can vote for whomever I wish, without the likes of you accusing me of being "dishonest." How uncouth of you.

Surely if you let the individual think for themselves, you would be accusing me of being dishonest, arrogant, narcissistic and etc. If you truly cared about the intellectual freedom of an individual, why would you contend that I "insulted ALL Republicans"? Seriously, let them determine if I insulted them or not. Simple enough, right?
In your arrogance you dont see telling people they give up their opinion when they become a republican as a insult? I cant help you if your so ignorant. Now excuse me I have to get ready for work .

You aren't answering my question, thanatos. Why are you running away? Perhaps what you need to do is help yourself, not me. When you follow your own party so blindly that their propaganda becomes your opinion, then yes, I can see why you would think that would be an insult. I'm simply urging you to resist the temptation to let your party think for you, while sharing in a common ideal/goal.

I cannot help your lack of understanding on this subject. Perhaps you should address your own ignorance before lecturing me on mine.
For the sixth time, thanatos. Where did I insult you? How did I insult you? When did I insult you? Can you please quote me? Oh and I do know all about respect. It's as simple as this: when you give it, I'll return it. It's that simple. One other thing. Why should I render myself useless in the Democratic process, simply because people like you hate libertarians? I can vote for whomever I wish, without the likes of you accusing me of being "dishonest." How uncouth of you.

Surely if you let the individual think for themselves, you would be accusing me of being dishonest, arrogant, narcissistic and etc. If you truly cared about the intellectual freedom of an individual, why would you contend that I "insulted ALL Republicans"? Seriously, let them determine if I insulted them or not. Simple enough, right?
In your arrogance you dont see telling people they give up their opinion when they become a republican as a insult? I cant help you if your so ignorant. Now excuse me I have to get ready for work .

You aren't answering my question, thanatos. Why are you running away? Perhaps what you need to do is help yourself, not me. When you follow your own party so blindly that their propaganda becomes your opinion, then yes, I can see why you would think that would be an insult. I'm simply urging you to resist the temptation to let your party think for you, while sharing in a common ideal/goal.

I cannot help your lack of understanding on this subject. Perhaps you should address your own ignorance before lecturing me on mine.

I am NOT running away I am getting ready to go to my work it's called having a job. The insult was you saying we were all mindless idiots with no opinion because we were Republicans that is a fact you cannot hide from

tapatalk post
And the far left propaganda continues.

You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.

Unbelievably, I am forced to inform you that JFK was dead in 1964.
In your arrogance you dont see telling people they give up their opinion when they become a republican as a insult? I cant help you if your so ignorant. Now excuse me I have to get ready for work .

You aren't answering my question, thanatos. Why are you running away? Perhaps what you need to do is help yourself, not me. When you follow your own party so blindly that their propaganda becomes your opinion, then yes, I can see why you would think that would be an insult. I'm simply urging you to resist the temptation to let your party think for you, while sharing in a common ideal/goal.

I cannot help your lack of understanding on this subject. Perhaps you should address your own ignorance before lecturing me on mine.

I am NOT running away I am getting ready to go to my work it's called having a job. The insult was you saying we were all mindless idiots with no opinion because we were Republicans that is a fact you cannot hide from

tapatalk post

Well don't let the fact that you were wrong hinder you from doing your job effectively. I still fail to see where I called you a "mindless idiot." Did you perchance read my OP, or did you speedread through it? You insist upon something I never once did.

Stop making shit up, thanatos. Perhaps when you get back home from work you will be in a more objective frame of mind.
You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.

Unbelievably, I am forced to inform you that JFK was dead in 1964.

Perhaps both of you are unaware of his vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957? He voted against it.

"Kennedy put political realism before any form of beliefs when he voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. "

John Kennedy and Civil Rights
And the far left propaganda continues.

You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.

If it was a Democrat thing to vote against it how come 2/3rds of Democrats voted for it?

Explain that, genius.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.

Unbelievably, I am forced to inform you that JFK was dead in 1964.

Perhaps both of you are unaware of his vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957? He voted against it.

"Kennedy put political realism before any form of beliefs when he voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. "

John Kennedy and Civil Rights

So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?
Unbelievably, I am forced to inform you that JFK was dead in 1964.

Perhaps both of you are unaware of his vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957? He voted against it.

"Kennedy put political realism before any form of beliefs when he voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. "

John Kennedy and Civil Rights

So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?


It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?
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Perhaps both of you are unaware of his vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957? He voted against it.

"Kennedy put political realism before any form of beliefs when he voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. "

John Kennedy and Civil Rights

So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?


It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

lol, I think it's pretty funny that you start a thread complaining about party-line hackery, and a few hours later you're engaging in it with as much zeal as ever.

The Southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1964 was the CONSERVATIVE wing. They voted against the civil rights act of 1964 because they were CONSERVATIVES. That's all there is to it.
Perhaps both of you are unaware of his vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957? He voted against it.

"Kennedy put political realism before any form of beliefs when he voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. "

John Kennedy and Civil Rights

So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?


It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

No I didn't because the bill was the same bill just a different year.

tapatalk post
So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?


It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

lol, I think it's pretty funny that you start a thread complaining about party-line hackery, and a few hours later you're engaging in it with as much zeal as ever.

The Southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1964 was the CONSERVATIVE wing. They voted against the civil rights act of 1964 because they were CONSERVATIVES. That's all there is to it.

You keep saying conservative it wasn't conservative it was a Democrat get used to it is Democrat the hell slaves first Democrat sec rated the KKK is Democrats that voted against civil rights until a pass in spite of them

tapatalk post
The fact that so many of you are crying that you don't have it, means you have it.

Now what you have to learn is (1) no one cares what you think a lot of the time and (2) just because you opine does not mean you are immune to counter opinion.
You aren't answering my question, thanatos. Why are you running away? Perhaps what you need to do is help yourself, not me. When you follow your own party so blindly that their propaganda becomes your opinion, then yes, I can see why you would think that would be an insult. I'm simply urging you to resist the temptation to let your party think for you, while sharing in a common ideal/goal.

I cannot help your lack of understanding on this subject. Perhaps you should address your own ignorance before lecturing me on mine.

I am NOT running away I am getting ready to go to my work it's called having a job. The insult was you saying we were all mindless idiots with no opinion because we were Republicans that is a fact you cannot hide from

tapatalk post

Well don't let the fact that you were wrong hinder you from doing your job effectively. I still fail to see where I called you a "mindless idiot." Did you perchance read my OP, or did you speedread through it? You insist upon something I never once did.

Stop making shit up, thanatos. Perhaps when you get back home from work you will be in a more objective frame of mind.

Mindless idiot is not what you said that's what it means to give away your personal opinion

tapatalk post
Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

Clearly you are part and parcel of exactly the problem the OP calls out. Your vision is one-way. You have no mirror and apparently what you want is a one-party state.

To hell with that.

Religion also brainwashes people, you can't deny that fact, yet you are religious.

Just like how the far left posters blaze into a thread and spout far left religious propaganda about anything that they perceive to be to the right of them.

The record shows that you (YOU) were the first to blaze in and immediately tilt the thread to one side. Repeatedly.
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