'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Arrogance? Where have I assumed to be such? Stop computing and start reading. Anyone who simply falls in line with their party's ideals is indeed mindless and devoid of free and independent thought. I cannot speak for you or anyone else, all I did was simply leave it up to you to ponder.

I'm utterly confused by what I have seen and read here in this thread today.

You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

You can be a member of whatever party you want, thanatos! All I ask is that you don't let them think for you!

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Have you never read my posts about the poor? Trust me I piss off most republicans and all libertarians. Republicans all do their own thinking. Because we dont think like you doesn't mean we are mindless. We are not progressive democrats. We dont blindly ignore whats in front of us. We are just adult enough to understand we have to work to fix it. We dont leave because it gets hard.
So in other words you dont have the courage of your convictions.....

Actually I do. That is why I disabused myself from two party politics. I don't measure courage or conviction by political ideology. I won't have my courage or convictions tempered by clueless establishmentarians at the head of a party I once supported. Absolutely not.
Really? Then register as a libertarian . Otherwise you are nothing more then a fence sitter trying to act better then everyone yet refusing to actually make a choice. Like being married and sleeping around.

I will not have my choices dictated to me, thanatos. If I registered as a Libertarian in Georgia, I would deny myself the ability to vote in either Republican or Democratic primaries. Why do you continue to insist that I 'act better than everyone else'? Mister, I live poverty, I have an elderly grandmother that requires almost constant attention, I've gone through a lot in my own life that taught me that such things as egotism and arrogance ill serves me in the grand scheme of things.

You think you can sit there on your perch and prejudge me? How dare you?
Actually I do. That is why I disabused myself from two party politics. I don't measure courage or conviction by political ideology. I won't have my courage or convictions tempered by clueless establishmentarians at the head of a party I once supported. Absolutely not.
Really? Then register as a libertarian . Otherwise you are nothing more then a fence sitter trying to act better then everyone yet refusing to actually make a choice. Like being married and sleeping around.

I will not have my choices dictated to me, thanatos. If I registered as a Libertarian in Georgia, I would deny myself the ability to vote in either Republican or Democratic primaries. Why do you continue to insist that I 'act better than everyone else'? Mister, I live poverty, I have an elderly grandmother that requires almost constant attention, I've gone through a lot in my own life that taught me that such things as egotism and arrogance ill serves me in the grand scheme of things.

You think you can sit there on your perch and prejudge me? How dare you?
Since you are not a republican or democrat why do you think you have the right to vote in their primaries?
You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

You can be a member of whatever party you want, thanatos! All I ask is that you don't let them think for you!

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Have you never read my posts about the poor? Trust me I piss off most republicans and all libertarians. Republicans all do their own thinking. Because we dont think like you doesn't mean we are mindless. We are not progressive democrats. We dont blindly ignore whats in front of us. We are just adult enough to understand we have to work to fix it. We dont leave because it gets hard.

I'm talking to you, who else would I be talking to? That's 'who the fuck I'm talking to'.

I read many posts on this board, and I rarely see any of yours to know what you are for and against. How can 'all Republicans think for themselves' when you just lambasted me for being a libertarian? Hmm? Do they teach you to vilify someone who doesn't think like you?

This overt hostility that either party demonstrates towards differentiating opinions is what I was trying to address. I'm not asking anyone to think in any certain way, I ask that they simply think for themselves. Period.

Your responses to me were quod erat demonstrandum (QED), consistently proving my point. If I'm not one of you, or think like you, I am hated and vilified by you. They justify my reasoning of why I separated myself from two party politics. I am not arrogant nor do I run from a challenge. I choose to take on greater challenges that people such as yourself are unwilling to confront, namely the cognitive dissonance presented in America by partisan politics and political parties.

I will not entrap myself in a predetermined set of ideals set forth by my own party. I share Republican ideals, Democratic ideals, and Libertarian ideals. I align myself with conservatism because that is simply how I was raised.
You can be a member of whatever party you want, thanatos! All I ask is that you don't let them think for you!

What part of that is so hard for you to understand?

Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Have you never read my posts about the poor? Trust me I piss off most republicans and all libertarians. Republicans all do their own thinking. Because we dont think like you doesn't mean we are mindless. We are not progressive democrats. We dont blindly ignore whats in front of us. We are just adult enough to understand we have to work to fix it. We dont leave because it gets hard.

I'm talking to you, who else would I be talking to? That's 'who the fuck I'm talking to'.

I read many posts on this board, and I rarely see any of yours to know what you are for and against. How can 'all Republicans think for themselves' when you just lambasted me for being a libertarian? Hmm? Do they teach you to vilify someone who doesn't think like you?

This overt hostility that either party demonstrates towards differentiating opinions is what I was trying to address. I'm not asking anyone to think in any certain way, I ask that they simply think for themselves. Period.

Your responses to me were quod erat demonstrandum (QED), consistently proving my point. If I'm not one of you, or think like you, I am hated and vilified by you. They justify my reasoning of why I separated myself from two party politics. I am not arrogant nor do I run from a challenge. I choose to take on greater challenges that people such as yourself are unwilling to confront, namely the cognitive dissonance presented in America by partisan politics and political parties.

I will not entrap myself in a predetermined set of ideals set forth by my own party. I share Republican ideals, Democratic ideals, and Libertarian ideals. I align myself with conservatism because that is simply how I was raised.
Lambast you for being libertarian? No lambast you for being a arrogant punk who called all republicans mindless sheep? You bet your ass. If you didn't want your idiotic OP debunked then you shouldn't have posted it.
Lets look at this in another way. I vote republican because to vote democrat means to vote against everything I believe in where as the republican platform doesn't. The republican leadership is fucked up. FUBAR is a more apt description. Replacing them with better republicans is what I am striving for. Yet never have I ever said that because I am republican that all must think as I do. Those young who stupidly think they are better then all of us because they dont follow a party piss me off. The arrogance is sickening and truthfully they have no right to be so. They have done NOTHING to warrant the high opinion of themselves.

So you choose to continue this vicious cycle? "Better Republicans"? "Better Democrats"?

I HAVE NO HIGH OPINION OF MYSELF, THANATOS, bottom line. I was raised to be humble, not arrogant or narcissistic. But I do resent other older adults thinking that their experience grants them unrivaled wisdom and knowledge they don't actually possess.

There is no place in my heart for egotism, and that's final, sir. Things have gone on in my life that taught me to get rid of such a mindset.

This entire thread is nothing but your narcissistic need to tell us all you are better then us because you are no longer a republican! Let me clue you in on something. We dont fucking care. We just dont like being insulted by you.

Aren't you being paranoid? How was I 'insulting' you? Hmm? You took immediate offense to my OP without even addressing it. "This is a load of shit" you said. You talk about not running from what gets hard, but apparently it was too hard for you to fashion a respectful response!

I am not better than anyone, never insisted that I am. This is why, right here why I became disenchanted with political parties. People like you presuming to know everything there is to know, dismissing everything else. Such naivete is patently disturbing.

And in the future, should you feel the overwhelming need 'not to care,' please hit the back button on your browser next time. Spare me your warrantless tirades about how I am supposedly narcissistic, arrogant or whatever else I might be. Keep your prejudgements to yourself.

This thread was innocuous to start, but somehow people like you chose to blow it out of context.
Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? Have you never read my posts about the poor? Trust me I piss off most republicans and all libertarians. Republicans all do their own thinking. Because we dont think like you doesn't mean we are mindless. We are not progressive democrats. We dont blindly ignore whats in front of us. We are just adult enough to understand we have to work to fix it. We dont leave because it gets hard.

I'm talking to you, who else would I be talking to? That's 'who the fuck I'm talking to'.

I read many posts on this board, and I rarely see any of yours to know what you are for and against. How can 'all Republicans think for themselves' when you just lambasted me for being a libertarian? Hmm? Do they teach you to vilify someone who doesn't think like you?

This overt hostility that either party demonstrates towards differentiating opinions is what I was trying to address. I'm not asking anyone to think in any certain way, I ask that they simply think for themselves. Period.

Your responses to me were quod erat demonstrandum (QED), consistently proving my point. If I'm not one of you, or think like you, I am hated and vilified by you. They justify my reasoning of why I separated myself from two party politics. I am not arrogant nor do I run from a challenge. I choose to take on greater challenges that people such as yourself are unwilling to confront, namely the cognitive dissonance presented in America by partisan politics and political parties.

I will not entrap myself in a predetermined set of ideals set forth by my own party. I share Republican ideals, Democratic ideals, and Libertarian ideals. I align myself with conservatism because that is simply how I was raised.
Lambast you for being libertarian? No lambast you for being a arrogant punk who called all republicans mindless sheep? You bet your ass. If you didn't want your idiotic OP debunked then you shouldn't have posted it.

I was unaware my OP was debunked...

There you go telling me what to post. Once again QED. Thinking you have a monopoly on opinion.

How immature. And to think there are fully grown adults like you out there who insist on talking down to people and telling people what they should post, what opinions they should posit and what party they should belong to. As for assuming I called Republicans "mindless sheep": it must be from a guilty conscience from which you speak. I never implied that you were anything of the sort. Clearly you read into my thread things that weren't there. It was not my intent to upset anyone or anything, just to provoke GASP, thought.

Remove the tin foil hat for once in your life and actually take the time to read my thread, not simply press the quote button and issue forth a knee jerk response. Don't preach to me, mister.
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So you choose to continue this vicious cycle? "Better Republicans"? "Better Democrats"?

I HAVE NO HIGH OPINION OF MYSELF, THANATOS, bottom line. I was raised to be humble, not arrogant or narcissistic. But I do resent other older adults thinking that their experience grants them unrivaled wisdom and knowledge they don't actually possess.

There is no place in my heart for egotism, and that's final, sir. Things have gone on in my life that taught me to get rid of such a mindset.

This entire thread is nothing but your narcissistic need to tell us all you are better then us because you are no longer a republican! Let me clue you in on something. We dont fucking care. We just dont like being insulted by you.

Aren't you being paranoid? How was I 'insulting' you? Hmm? You took immediate offense to my OP without even addressing it. "This is a load of shit" you said. You talk about not running from what gets hard, but apparently it was too hard for you to fashion a respectful response!

I am not better than anyone, never insisted that I am. This is why, right here why I became disenchanted with political parties. People like you presuming to know everything there is to know, dismissing everything else. Such naivete is patently disturbing.

And in the future, should you feel the overwhelming need 'not to care,' please hit the back button on your browser next time. Spare me your warrantless tirades about how I am supposedly narcissistic, arrogant or whatever else I might be. Keep your prejudgements to yourself.

This thread was innocuous to start, but somehow people like you chose to blow it out of context.

You cant change what already happened. You called all who are republicans or democrats mindless, Sheep, without freedom of opinion. You are so arrogant that you think we are so stupid we dont see what your OP is? No you just got caught being a asshole and are trying to backwalk it. By the way when are you going to answer about what gives you the right to vote in republican primaries if you dont want to be a republican? This has to be one of the most underhanded things I have heard from a libertarian.
It isn't assumption it is a down the line straight computation based on your posts. NO ONE tell you you have to be democrat or republican yet you seem to say that anyone who is is a mindless fool. Your arrogance is astounding.

Arrogance? Where have I assumed to be such? Stop computing and start reading. Anyone who simply falls in line with their party's ideals is indeed mindless and devoid of free and independent thought. I cannot speak for you or anyone else, all I did was simply leave it up to you to ponder.

I'm utterly confused by what I have seen and read here in this thread today.

You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

It comes down to a very liberal concept that has enjoyed some success over the years. It's "agree with me or you don't think for yourself".
I'm talking to you, who else would I be talking to? That's 'who the fuck I'm talking to'.

I read many posts on this board, and I rarely see any of yours to know what you are for and against. How can 'all Republicans think for themselves' when you just lambasted me for being a libertarian? Hmm? Do they teach you to vilify someone who doesn't think like you?

This overt hostility that either party demonstrates towards differentiating opinions is what I was trying to address. I'm not asking anyone to think in any certain way, I ask that they simply think for themselves. Period.

Your responses to me were quod erat demonstrandum (QED), consistently proving my point. If I'm not one of you, or think like you, I am hated and vilified by you. They justify my reasoning of why I separated myself from two party politics. I am not arrogant nor do I run from a challenge. I choose to take on greater challenges that people such as yourself are unwilling to confront, namely the cognitive dissonance presented in America by partisan politics and political parties.

I will not entrap myself in a predetermined set of ideals set forth by my own party. I share Republican ideals, Democratic ideals, and Libertarian ideals. I align myself with conservatism because that is simply how I was raised.
Lambast you for being libertarian? No lambast you for being a arrogant punk who called all republicans mindless sheep? You bet your ass. If you didn't want your idiotic OP debunked then you shouldn't have posted it.

I was unaware my OP was debunked...

There you go telling me what to post. Once again QED. Thinking you have a monopoly on opinion.

How immature. And to think there are fully grown adults like you out there who insist on talking down to people and telling people what they should post. As for assuming I called Republicans "mindless sheep": it must be from a guilty conscience from which you speak. I never implied that you were anything of the sort. Clearly you read into my thread things that weren't there. It was not my intent to upset anyone or anything, just to provoke GASP, thought.

Remove the tin foil hat for once in your life and actually take the time to read my thread, not simply press the quote button and issue forth a knee jerk response to it. Don't preach to me, mister.
who told you what to post? Listen crybaby if you thought people like me would just mindlessly let you insult us as stupid robots then that says more about your intelligence then ours. You posted your OP now you have to deal with the consequences of your arrogant stupidity.
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Arrogance? Where have I assumed to be such? Stop computing and start reading. Anyone who simply falls in line with their party's ideals is indeed mindless and devoid of free and independent thought. I cannot speak for you or anyone else, all I did was simply leave it up to you to ponder.

I'm utterly confused by what I have seen and read here in this thread today.

You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

It comes down to a very liberal concept that has enjoyed some success over the years. It's "agree with me or you don't think for yourself".

Um yeah, like you were doing in the Nelson Mandela threads.
Arrogance? Where have I assumed to be such? Stop computing and start reading. Anyone who simply falls in line with their party's ideals is indeed mindless and devoid of free and independent thought. I cannot speak for you or anyone else, all I did was simply leave it up to you to ponder.

I'm utterly confused by what I have seen and read here in this thread today.

You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

It comes down to a very liberal concept that has enjoyed some success over the years. It's "agree with me or you don't think for yourself".
It is sad.... Is it how they are taught in schools now?
You still trying to back walk your own OP? Your the one who said you cant have freedom of opinion if you are in one of the two parties. That is arrogance.

It comes down to a very liberal concept that has enjoyed some success over the years. It's "agree with me or you don't think for yourself".

Um yeah, like you were doing in the Nelson Mandela threads.

Was he calling Mandela a socialist who hated the USA? Because thats truth. Or was he saying that he was messiah like? Because thats not the truth.
Lambast you for being libertarian? No lambast you for being a arrogant punk who called all republicans mindless sheep? You bet your ass. If you didn't want your idiotic OP debunked then you shouldn't have posted it.

I was unaware my OP was debunked...

There you go telling me what to post. Once again QED. Thinking you have a monopoly on opinion.

How immature. And to think there are fully grown adults like you out there who insist on talking down to people and telling people what they should post. As for assuming I called Republicans "mindless sheep": it must be from a guilty conscience from which you speak. I never implied that you were anything of the sort. Clearly you read into my thread things that weren't there. It was not my intent to upset anyone or anything, just to provoke GASP, thought.

Remove the tin foil hat for once in your life and actually take the time to read my thread, not simply press the quote button and issue forth a knee jerk response to it. Don't preach to me, mister.
who told you what the post? Listen crybaby if you thought people like me would just mindlessly let you insult us as stupid robots then that says more about your intelligence then ours. You posted your OP now you have to deal with the consequences of your arrogant stupidity.

"If you don't want your idiotic OP debunked, don't post it" or something to that extent.

All you are doing is calling me names, not even defending your points of view. You are all the meanwhile proving my point. Your violent reactions to such a harmless thread is proof. You seem to think the only opinion that matters is yours.

Crybaby, arrogant, stupid, idiotic, punk... whetever. Why do you insist on issuing pejoratives every other word to make a point? If you speak with other people on this board, they will disprove your preconceived notions about me quite handily.
It comes down to a very liberal concept that has enjoyed some success over the years. It's "agree with me or you don't think for yourself".

Um yeah, like you were doing in the Nelson Mandela threads.

Was he calling Mandela a socialist who hated the USA? Because thats truth. Or was he saying that he was messiah like? Because thats not the truth.

Exactly. If he believed Mendela anything contrary to your assertion, he is automatically wrong. Really? That statement epitomizes everything I pointed out about political parties.

Now, what did Mandela do that made him a Communist/Socialist? Katz never could answer that question, nor could bigreb or deltex. What about his policies made him anything of the sort? Is he a messiah? No, he is a man. Did he fight for the cause of freedom and equality? Yes he did. Regardless of what you think, he was a liberator, a freedom fighter.
I was unaware my OP was debunked...

There you go telling me what to post. Once again QED. Thinking you have a monopoly on opinion.

How immature. And to think there are fully grown adults like you out there who insist on talking down to people and telling people what they should post. As for assuming I called Republicans "mindless sheep": it must be from a guilty conscience from which you speak. I never implied that you were anything of the sort. Clearly you read into my thread things that weren't there. It was not my intent to upset anyone or anything, just to provoke GASP, thought.

Remove the tin foil hat for once in your life and actually take the time to read my thread, not simply press the quote button and issue forth a knee jerk response to it. Don't preach to me, mister.
who told you what the post? Listen crybaby if you thought people like me would just mindlessly let you insult us as stupid robots then that says more about your intelligence then ours. You posted your OP now you have to deal with the consequences of your arrogant stupidity.

"If you don't want your idiotic OP debunked, don't post it" or something to that extent.

All you are doing is calling me names, not even defending your points of view. You are all the meanwhile proving my point. Your violent reactions to such a harmless thread is proof. You seem to think the only opinion that matters is yours.

Crybaby, arrogant, stupid, idiotic, punk... whetever. Why do you insist on issuing pejoratives every other word to make a point? If you speak with other people on this board, they will disprove your preconceived notions about me quite handily.

awww is my language hurting your feelings? Grow a set nancy. Fact is you insulted all republicans with a stupid arrogant full of shit blanket statement of which I thoroughly debunk by showing you how very fucking much I have my freedom of opinion. You may now thank me for disabusing you of your ignorance.
Um yeah, like you were doing in the Nelson Mandela threads.

Was he calling Mandela a socialist who hated the USA? Because thats truth. Or was he saying that he was messiah like? Because thats not the truth.

Exactly. If he believed Mendela anything contrary to your assertion, he is automatically wrong. Really? That statement epitomizes everything I pointed out about political parties.

Now, what did Mandela do that made him a Communist/Socialist? Katz never could answer that question, nor could bigreb or deltex. What about his policies made him anything of the sort? Is he a messiah? No, he is a man. Did he fight for the cause of freedom and equality? Yes he did. Regardless of what you think, he was a liberator, a freedom fighter.
I said truth not opinion. Mandela was a socialist. He didn't hide the fact. He also hated the USA for its capitalist system he though as unfair to the little people. Also fact that he didn't hide. Did you think think liberals salivated over him because he was a black man imprisoned for his political views on Apartheid? We are talking about Democrats here man. They created nationalized racism.
Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

I've never heard a single Democrat deny that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Can you name whoever you're talking about?

And the far left propaganda continues.

You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
I've never heard a single Democrat deny that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Can you name whoever you're talking about?

And the far left propaganda continues.

You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.
who told you what the post? Listen crybaby if you thought people like me would just mindlessly let you insult us as stupid robots then that says more about your intelligence then ours. You posted your OP now you have to deal with the consequences of your arrogant stupidity.

"If you don't want your idiotic OP debunked, don't post it" or something to that extent.

All you are doing is calling me names, not even defending your points of view. You are all the meanwhile proving my point. Your violent reactions to such a harmless thread is proof. You seem to think the only opinion that matters is yours.

Crybaby, arrogant, stupid, idiotic, punk... whetever. Why do you insist on issuing pejoratives every other word to make a point? If you speak with other people on this board, they will disprove your preconceived notions about me quite handily.

awww is my language hurting your feelings? Grow a set nancy. Fact is you insulted all republicans with a stupid arrogant full of shit blanket statement of which I thoroughly debunk by showing you how very fucking much I have my freedom of opinion. You may now thank me for disabusing you of your ignorance.

You're the one who needs to 'grow a pair' thanatos. Without even making one point in regards to my thread, you took immediate offense to it. You flew off the handle, didn't show me one iota of respect or consideration to the points I was making. And I'm the one who needs to grow a pair? You didn't "thoroughly debunk" anything, except the fact that partisan political ideology is incompatible with free thinking. You clearly demonstrated that by assuming to speak for every Republican in existence. Thank you, sincerely.

You were slapped with a clean dose of reality. I can't help it if it gave you a case of verbal diarrhea. I suggest you deal with it. John Boehner may wish to know that you assumed the role of speaking for the entire party, since you now seem to think you know what's good for all of Republicanism/Conservatism.

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