'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

oh I don't thing the TPM is the fringe of the gop. I think elements like Freedom works has used them to primary out, and intimidate other, gop pols who want to broaden the party's scope from simply being about protecting the 1%'s econ interests to the detriment of the rest. And THAT is a losing strategy ultimately, and probably how we ended up with a black man named Barak Obama.

The TPM is just a reaction to the BushII policiies and the gop's willingness to abandon basic gop principles of limited govt ... and lip service to less deficits ... though reality requires me to notice the deficits tend to be smaller pre reagan, and with Sllick. And amazingly they are looking at getting smaller again.

Sure there are extremes at either end of both parties. But you have to be blind to not notice the dem left wing has been remarkably consistent compared to the party that wants to invade Iran to usher in the Rapture and simultaneously grasp limited govt.

except it is ALWAYS the dimocrap party which protects the 1% the most and takes care of the 1% FIRST and FOREMOST - on the expense of the middle class. their last most preposterous achievement in the direction is obamacare crap.
what they lie to the dumbos like yourself meanwhile - does not matter.
you will eat up ANY leftard propaganda lie withought thinking.

-- and you're another one.

You two just don't get it. Let's use an illustration that I know you've seen before:

yammer yammer yammeryammer dimocraps yammer yammer leftards yammeryammeryammer liburruls yammer yammer yammer..

Enough already.
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I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Yes they have, otherwise they would tell the truth on them being the party of NO in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

When is the DNC and their programmed minions going to own up to it?

The DNC media combined with the far left take over of the public school system is not helping matters.

Clearly you are part and parcel of exactly the problem the OP calls out. Your vision is one-way. You have no mirror and apparently what you want is a one-party state.

To hell with that.

Where do you get that? Just because he is correct does not mean he wants one party rule.

tapatalk post
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Hey now, both sides are guilty of this. People on both sides are being programmed by their parties to think one way or another.

True, but the far left seems to be the worst of the lot and far more dangerous and damaging.

As is the case with the far right, too. To say that one side is worse than the other is just the party talking. That's exactly why I wrote this OP. Political party influence has taken away the freedom to think, to choose, and to express without reprisal.

The problem is even moderately libs have been programmed to believe ANY right wing speech is extremist.
In fact with the help of the main stream media, liberals have been able to create a narrative on this. That is anything relating to the GOP or conservatism is viewed as "far right wing"...

It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

lol, I think it's pretty funny that you start a thread complaining about party-line hackery, and a few hours later you're engaging in it with as much zeal as ever.

The Southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1964 was the CONSERVATIVE wing. They voted against the civil rights act of 1964 because they were CONSERVATIVES. That's all there is to it.

You keep saying conservative it wasn't conservative it was a Democrat get used to it is Democrat the hell slaves first Democrat sec rated the KKK is Democrats that voted against civil rights until a pass in spite of them

tapatalk post

They were conservatives. Period. Where did you ever get the foolish notion that a Democrat couldn't be a conservative?
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, no there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.

Not buying it. If we had a republican president right now you would be all for rubber stamping his every decree, you know it.
So? That wasn't the topic.

2/3rds of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Do you want to dispute that?


It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

No I didn't because the bill was the same bill just a different year.

tapatalk post

lol, how could it be the same bill? The 1957 bill passed. Jeezus I'm surrounded by mentalists.
And you all want to know why I left the Republican Party? ^^^ ;)
You left because they didn't vote how you wanted and like a bitch you went home and cried that they just were not being nice to you! What is it with you people today? How fucking stupid are you to think if you vote for a democrat or republican you gave up your personal opinion? Guess what in the adult world you dont always get what you want. I sure as hell didnt want the weak will pussies in the republican leadership we have now. But I sure as fuck didnt take my ball home and cry because I seem to have lost that battle. No instead like adult I rolled with the punches and fought back like I am. Nothing is given to you. You also dont make changes at national level you do that at local. We are the united STATES of America meaning we are a collection of many governments not just one monolithic monster.

people are also being brainwashed in that direction - to make sure conservatives do not vote, as neither party suits them.
It is a subtle propaganda deceit and it is aimed at people who would otherwise vote republican as to assure that the leftard scum is voted off.

there are going to be puppet candidates from the fake libertarians or "real" conservatives or any other manufactured "right" paid by the extreme left - exactly like it happened in Virginia.
The stupid republican establishment also plays to the leftards agenda - by desire of "punishing" the ones inside the party who do not want to agree with the establishment ( as they withdrew ALL COSTS form Virginia races).

There is a proverb in my native language - if Good Lord wants to punish someone - he takes away their thinking abilities.
That is what is going on both with republican party establishment and the conservative electorate - they are punishing each other - ones by keeping tight their money, others - by sitting out the elections.
In the result the dimocrap scum is winning and both the RINO establishment and the conservative electorate have to abide by the extreme leftard policies which they basically are helping to install by their own stupidity.

Here's a clue to the kind of problem the OP is trying to point out...

"RINO" (or DINO) means a politician who dares to hold a position at variance with what the user of the acronym believes must be the lockstep position of their party. That is, one who dares to think for him/herself. Oh the horror.

What it conveniently forgets is that that Senator, Congresscritter, Governor or city councilman isn't elected to serve a party, but to serve his/her constituents. When we start elevating party over our own community, we've descended down a deep hole of slavish robotic thinking. And that never ends well.
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It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

lol, I think it's pretty funny that you start a thread complaining about party-line hackery, and a few hours later you're engaging in it with as much zeal as ever.

The Southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1964 was the CONSERVATIVE wing. They voted against the civil rights act of 1964 because they were CONSERVATIVES. That's all there is to it.

You keep saying conservative it wasn't conservative it was a Democrat get used to it is Democrat the hell slaves first Democrat sec rated the KKK is Democrats that voted against civil rights until a pass in spite of them

tapatalk post

Strom Thurmond set a record filibustering the 1957 bill. Later he became a Republican. Was he a liberal Republican?
And the far left propaganda continues.

You're accusing the DNC of denying that southern conservative Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who are you referring to? Or are you the one whose lying?

Name ONE Democrat who ever publicly denied that conservative southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act.

One. And link to them saying so.
Dummy you do know that one of your heroes JFK voted against it right? As well as Johnson before he was president....And Gore Senior and Rockefeller and most of the democrats of that time....It wasn't a conservative thing it was a democrat thing.

President Kennedy proposed the Civil Rights Act in 1963.

Civil Rights Address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it.

It is the topic. Although he did not vote for the 1964 version due to his being six feet under, he voted against a similar bill in 1957, which means while thanatos got the year wrong, Kennedy did vote against Civil Rights legislation.

In fact you would be correct in saying that they approved by 2/3rds majority. But then again, you have to wonder why a Democrat plus the Southern Bloc tried to filibuster it/vote against it. Actually, Republicans approved of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by greater margins than the Democrats. Would you care to dispute that?

No I didn't because the bill was the same bill just a different year.

tapatalk post

lol, how could it be the same bill? The 1957 bill passed. Jeezus I'm surrounded by mentalists.

How can it be because it is the same bill you f****** moron and it was a bill paid for by Republicans oh by the way using a wiki as proof about Kennedy is asinine Kennedy was a racist criminal rapist

tapatalk post
You have the freedom to state your opinion as long as it is the same as mine.

'Nuff said.
By the way to those of you who think I am being a dick I am NOT the one who started insulting thread I'm also not the one looks down upon people because they vote a certain way nor am I one who say I'm something I'm not just so I can vote in the primaries dishonest f****** hacks

tapatalk post
lol, I think it's pretty funny that you start a thread complaining about party-line hackery, and a few hours later you're engaging in it with as much zeal as ever.

The Southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1964 was the CONSERVATIVE wing. They voted against the civil rights act of 1964 because they were CONSERVATIVES. That's all there is to it.

You keep saying conservative it wasn't conservative it was a Democrat get used to it is Democrat the hell slaves first Democrat sec rated the KKK is Democrats that voted against civil rights until a pass in spite of them

tapatalk post

They were conservatives. Period. Where did you ever get the foolish notion that a Democrat couldn't be a conservative?

TheNutToast is exactly the kind of lying asshole that personifies the worst of what the OP was talking about.

We could demolish the flaming idiocy of the CRA and KKK fabrications individually but it's been done elsewhere and would be off topic. So as was said about the exact same poster in a different thread: "don't feed the troll". As can be seen just above...

By the way to those of you who think I am being a dick I am NOT the one who started insulting thread I'm also not the one looks down upon people because they vote a certain way nor am I one who say I'm something I'm not just so I can vote in the primaries dishonest f****** hacks

--- he's in self-meltdown mode already. Let him flame himself out.
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No I didn't because the bill was the same bill just a different year.

tapatalk post

lol, how could it be the same bill? The 1957 bill passed. Jeezus I'm surrounded by mentalists.

How can it be because it is the same bill you f****** moron and it was a bill paid for by Republicans oh by the way using a wiki as proof about Kennedy is asinine Kennedy was a racist criminal rapist

tapatalk post

Calm down.

The 1957 bill became law. They did not pass it again in 1964. 1964 was a different bill.
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, no there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.

Firstly, your opinion and blanket generalization is wrong, there are plenty of people from those groups you mentioned who are NOT "victims of the Democrats". Secondly, not everyone or the majority of people are calling them uncle toms, anti-immigrant, etc.
Secondly, you complained about no "freedom of opinion anymore", but you seem to be complaining about some people's of rubio, et al.
It's kind of funny that you mentioned "black men, black women, white women and Hispanics" but left out White men, do you not think that they are victims of political parties as well? Do you not think that some white male republicans (and other republicans of course) have their own little "purity tests" going on, and have their own way of calling people that "get off of the reservation", uncle toms? See what's happening with Boehner, I heard some republicans calling him a RINO, etc.
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You keep saying conservative it wasn't conservative it was a Democrat get used to it is Democrat the hell slaves first Democrat sec rated the KKK is Democrats that voted against civil rights until a pass in spite of them

tapatalk post

They were conservatives. Period. Where did you ever get the foolish notion that a Democrat couldn't be a conservative?

TheNutToast is exactly the kind of lying asshole that personifies the worst of what the OP was talking about.

We could demolish the flaming idiocy of the CRA and KKK fabrications individually but it's been done elsewhere and would be off topic. So as was said about the exact same poster in a different thread: "don't feed the troll". As can be seen just above...

By the way to those of you who think I am being a dick I am NOT the one who started insulting thread I'm also not the one looks down upon people because they vote a certain way nor am I one who say I'm something I'm not just so I can vote in the primaries dishonest f****** hacks

--- he's in self-meltdown mode already. Let him flame himself out.

Listen you dishonest f*** the KKK was invention of the Democrats . They are the ones that institutionalized racism

tapatalk post

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