'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

The gay and lesbian rights group GLAAD was quick to criticize Robertson for his comments and called on A&E to take action.

Well alrighty then! I think I will start a petition with LOGO for airing RuPaul's Drag Race (even though I watch it from time to time) and say it is offensive and crude that men dress as women and call each other ladies and bitches.

Anyone wanna join in?
Another network will jump at the chance to get DD.

lol. Fuck you, A&E, and the horse you rode in on.
Listen you dishonest f*** the KKK was invention of the Democrats . They are the ones that institutionalized racism

tapatalk post

You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.


Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post

You pathetic idiot.

EVERYBODY was a Democrat in the South; the Republican Party had been established only seven years before the Civil War erupted, and did so with Abolition as a central plank. What did you think Southerners were going to do -- go join the party of the Union Prez that had just vanquished them? Fuck no. As far as the South was concerned only one party even existed, regardless what anyone's personal ideology was. That's why it was effectively a one-party state until the CRA of 1964.


That said, the KKK, once again, was never a political organization; it called itself a social organization. To the extent its members ever dabbled in politics at all, which was a small handful, they were Democrats in the South and Republicans in the North -- whatever worked.

Go get a freaking education ya flaming dumb shit asswiper.
To me, if homosexual people want to be respected, getting other people's rights taken away is not going to make that happen. If anything, it will only make the homosexual people even more resented.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


So...you will be putting blame of this on me? and others like me? Had nothing to do with this, you know.
The gay and lesbian rights group GLAAD was quick to criticize Robertson for his comments and called on A&E to take action.

Well alrighty then! I think I will start a petition with LOGO for airing RuPaul's Drag Race (even though I watch it from time to time) and say it is offensive and crude that men dress as women and call each other ladies and bitches.

Anyone wanna join in?

Go for it.
GLAAD wants the bible to be rewritten such that homosexuality is no longer a sin!
Here is what I find interesting people are always saying we need to have a honest conversation about pick the controversial topic race, abortion, in this case homosexuality yet when someone expresses a honest opinion about it that a special interest group does not like what happens the person gets attacked vilified and pressured to shut up. How do you have a honest conversation about anything when you always try and silence those you don't agree with?
Amen to all of this. If some people can't deal with those who are different, then those who can't deal with it are the ones who should leave because they are the ones with the problem.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Here is what I find interesting people are always saying we need to have a honest conversation about pick the controversial topic race, abortion, in this case homosexuality yet when someone expresses a honest opinion about it that a special interest group does not like what happens the person gets attacked vilified and pressured to shut up. How do you have a honest conversation about anything when you always try and silence those you don't agree with?

To me, if homosexual people want to be respected, getting other people's rights taken away is not going to make that happen. If anything, it will only make the homosexual people even more resented.
So...you will be putting blame of this on me? and others like me? Had nothing to do with this, you know.
If you are going to side with those who took his rights away, then you may as well get adjusted to carrying your share of the blame then. Would you like it if it was your freedom of speech that was taken away instead of that man's freedom of speech?

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)

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If they fuck with Phil, then I will no longer watch A&E. Fact.

"Duck Dynasty" dad Phil Robertson has been placed on indefinite suspension by the A&E Network following his recent comments on homosexuality, the network announced Wednesday night.

"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," the network said in a statement.

"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

much more:

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E | Fox News

What. The Hell.

So what?! All they have to do is put the standard disclaimer about "not reflecting A&E's beliefs" on at the beginning and end, and they'd be good to go.

That doesn't even make any sense, putting him on hiatus. He didn't say it on air.

I think A&E just shot themselves in the foot.

The very definition of conservatism is "lack of change". They are so terrified of the world, they work desperately to keep things the same.

Other people change their views over time. Not Republicans. They think learning is for snobs and flexibility is a "fault".
I watched it once.

They took a dead duck into a class room full of kids and gutted it.

Lovely guys.
Maybe schools should show kids what goes on at a chicken rendering plant...then pass out Chic-Fil-A sandwiches.

So, in a short period of time, they've....(aggravated I guess) Barbara Walters, Drew Magary, and Elizabeth Durand Streisand.

As ineffective as it most certainly will be, let the smear campaign begin. This isn't news; and this little stunt will probably and hopefully increase the number of viewers. I'm not anti-gay, and I love the Robertsons.

They ARE funny. I wonder if they are really like that or it's a put-on for the camera.
I'm betting they're funnier off camera...tone it down for the FCC. The scenarios are staged, but the action is unscripted.

Oh? I don't think morality should be legislated at all....unless it is something that hurts others.....if it does, it's criminal behavior. Like the saying, "I have a right to swing my arm. But that right to swing my arm stops at your nose."

You can be Charged for swinging at someone and not hitting them, Dipshit. :thup:

Intimidation is not Legal.



not where I live.
...in the ozone?

I LOVE duck dynasty. They crack me up. And so what about what he said? It's his opinion and he is entitled to it. Plus, they could care less what anyone thinks of them. A&E needs THEM, THEY don't need A&E.

That is why they are on A&E and do not have their own cable channel.
A&E came to them...not vice versa.

They better not take DD off the air over this bullshit. I will be totally pissed.
DD does not need A&E. It's the other way around.

Duck Dynasty. LOL. Not my type of show.
That's why we have chocolate and vanilla.

Katz look above they did.

It's another lib lie. All A&E could do is decide not to air the show. They cannot suspend anyone from the show. They don't own the show. DD owns the show. They pay A&E for airtime.

The whole thing is ridiculous. When A&E got complaints over the guns and prayers, the Robertsons told the network to stick it. The show would be over.

All a network can do is decide not to allow airtime. On any show no matter what network it is.
A&E pays DD...big bucks...that they do not actually need. Duck Commander was quite successful before A&E courted them.

A&E already asked the Robertsons not to pray because some found it offensive.
They asked Phil not to use "Jesus" in the prayers. They relented.

Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.

I know, it's a real shocker. An Evangelical self-described redneck from Louisiana doesn't like gays. Stop the fucking presses.

Who cares? I'll still watch the show.

Same here...Uncle Si cracks me up.

Another network will jump at the chance to get DD.

lol. Fuck you, A&E, and the horse you rode in on.
I'm betting the other networks are praying that DD will tell A&E to take a hike!
Duck Dynasty is A&E's biggest franchise, by far.

It's the most popular "nonfiction" cable show in history, and has had at times the highest ratings of anything ever broadcast on the channel A&E.

I don't expect the "suspension" to last for more than a few weeks. They'll work out a deal with some sort of minor apology or something like that, and it'll blow over like everything else like this - unless the Robertsons quit the show, which isn't out of the realm of possibility.

The very definition of conservatism is "lack of change". They are so terrified of the world, they work desperately to keep things the same.

Other people change their views over time. Not Republicans. They think learning is for snobs and flexibility is a "fault".
Stop desperately trying to change the subject.

You condemned Prejean for her views on gay marriage. You gave Obama, who held the exact same views, a free pass.

If it weren't for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.
Here is what I find interesting people are always saying we need to have a honest conversation about pick the controversial topic race, abortion, in this case homosexuality yet when someone expresses a honest opinion about it that a special interest group does not like what happens the person gets attacked vilified and pressured to shut up. How do you have a honest conversation about anything when you always try and silence those you don't agree with?


Very good point.

Us white boys (the ones who are not pinheads) have understood for years that a "Conversation about race" would be entirely a listening process lest the race card be played forthwith.
Duck Dynasty is A&E's biggest franchise, by far.

It's the most popular "nonfiction" cable show in history, and has had at times the highest ratings of anything ever broadcast on the channel A&E.

I don't expect the "suspension" to last for more than a few weeks. They'll work out a deal with some sort of minor apology or something like that, and it'll blow over like everything else like this - unless the Robertsons quit the show, which isn't out of the realm of possibility.

If there is an apology, it better be A&E apologizing to the Robertsons.

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