'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Oh whatever. Did anyone really think they felt otherwise? The show's still plenty entertaining.

The show is pretty good.

It's just so stupid how some of these people ask a man what he believes (when they know darn well what he believes) and then when he gives his honest answer they then fly upon him in a wicked rage and try to destroy his livelihood. I don't read the Bible much, but my memory tells me there was a word for people like that in it.

Mr. Robertson has an opinion, and Americans should be allowed to have one without the threat of their livelihoods being ravaged. All for giving an honest opinion when asked.

And how exactly will you ‘disallow’ the threat of someone’s livelihood being ravaged when he says something offensive?

Private citizens are at liberty to voice their opposition to statements they find offensive. Private sector entities are at liberty to terminate their relationship with someone who is perceived to be detrimental to the interests of that private entity.

Individuals are solely responsible for the things they say or do, and they must be prepared to suffer the consequences of their actions.
If they fuck with Phil, then I will no longer watch A&E. Fact.

"Duck Dynasty" dad Phil Robertson has been placed on indefinite suspension by the A&E Network following his recent comments on homosexuality, the network announced Wednesday night.

"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," the network said in a statement.

"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

much more:

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E | Fox News

What. The Hell.

So what?! All they have to do is put the standard disclaimer about "not reflecting A&E's beliefs" on at the beginning and end, and they'd be good to go.

That doesn't even make any sense, putting him on hiatus. He didn't say it on air.

I think A&E just shot themselves in the foot.
Look at Alec Baldwin same thing makes his alleged slur while yelling at a reporter not something he said and the air yet got fired from MSNBC I believe responsibility comes with free speech and I believe in having standards but these type of knee jerk reactions are getting out of hand.
You want to revise history --- with that brain? Not happening, Sparky.

FWIW the KKK was founded by half a dozen Confederate soldier vets around a campfire in Pulaski, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. It has never been a political organization or connected with any party. You and the revisionists you rode in on just make yourselves look ridiculous. The OP's point about slavishly following political parties around like sheep is bad enough; here you're making stuff up out of whole cloth to dig even deeper.

One more reason you're a pathetic uninformed wanker.


Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post

You pathetic idiot.

EVERYBODY was a Democrat in the South; the Republican Party had been established only seven years before the Civil War erupted, and did so with Abolition as a central plank. What did you think Southerners were going to do -- go join the party of the Union Prez that had just vanquished them? Fuck no. As far as the South was concerned only one party even existed, regardless what anyone's personal ideology was. That's why it was effectively a one-party state until the CRA of 1964.


That said, the KKK, once again, was never a political organization; it called itself a social organization. To the extent its members ever dabbled in politics at all, which was a small handful, they were Democrats in the South and Republicans in the North -- whatever worked.

Go get a freaking education ya flaming dumb shit asswiper.

Democrats are racists and they still are.

tapatalk post
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America?

Yes, it’s not hard to remember at all – people today are entitled to their own opinions in America, nothing has changed in that regard.

also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

‘What’s up with that’ is you’re exhibiting your ignorance, and confusing two completely different issues.

Private citizens are at liberty to boycott private entities they perceive to be hostile to their interests, boycotts and the like in no way constitute ‘discrimination.’

Public accommodations laws, however, do address acts of discrimination, when private businesses refuse to serve patrons solely as a consequence of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Lol confederates were democrats

tapatalk post

You pathetic idiot.

EVERYBODY was a Democrat in the South; the Republican Party had been established only seven years before the Civil War erupted, and did so with Abolition as a central plank. What did you think Southerners were going to do -- go join the party of the Union Prez that had just vanquished them? Fuck no. As far as the South was concerned only one party even existed, regardless what anyone's personal ideology was. That's why it was effectively a one-party state until the CRA of 1964.


That said, the KKK, once again, was never a political organization; it called itself a social organization. To the extent its members ever dabbled in politics at all, which was a small handful, they were Democrats in the South and Republicans in the North -- whatever worked.

Go get a freaking education ya flaming dumb shit asswiper.

Democrats are racists and they still are.
^^ Yet another demonstration of the idiocy the OP is concerned about.

This one tries to conflate a political party with a personal character trait. What a maroon.
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The stars of "Duck Dynasty" might be America's most popular TV family, but that could change very soon — because Phil Robertson has made some seriously divisive anti-gay remarks that have sparked instant backlash.

Speaking with GQ, Robertson lamented that when "everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong ... sin becomes fine." So just what qualifies as sinful in his book?

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," he declared.

Phil probably should have cut himself off at this point (considering he's a national TV star), but instead he paraphrased Corinthians. "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God," he warned. "Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

What's more, according to him, it's basically incomprehensible. "It seems to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man's anus," he explained. "That's just me. I'm just thinking, 'There's more there! She's got more to offer.' I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

Reading this, I feel this the same kind of drama that some liberal media is known for. Wasn't there outcry from some liberals when Miss California was also asked her honest opinion? In my opinion, GLAAD is becoming the obnoxious drama queen that everyone wants to ignore, and it is hurting the image of homosexuals as a group.

The Duck Dynasty Men before their beards:


Phil: ( high-school and college football player and almost went pro: )


Brothers in high-school:

Brothers, small: aww

As a bisexual I agree our inclination to being overly politically correct has gotten out of hand. Anyone who raises an eyebrow for this sort of thing needs to spend 5 minutes reading around on this website to develop a much-needed thicker skin. :)

If we're going to have a 1st Amendment, some of us need to learn how to say "So what?"

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

Unfortunately you’re also exhibiting your ignorance, as this is not a ‘free speech’ issue. The First Amendment applies only to government entities authorized to make law or public policy, not the private sector such as the producers of the program, the network that broadcasts it, or the private citizens who express their disapproval.

Private society is not subject to First Amendment restrictions, and for good reason – as ideally private society alone should determine what is or is not appropriate speech, not the government or the courts.
In response;

UPDATE 10:45 a.m.: Robertson has issued a statement in response:

"I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

"However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."

'Duck Dynasty' star on hiatus for anti-gay comments
"How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?"

I always thought that was said to be ironic since that same document mentions slaves as only being 3/5ths a free person. I think they meant "All affluent white men." Notice women at that time couldn't vote or do much of anything else in addition to acknowledging slaves.

For some reason several radical republican women want to go make the USA like it was before women's suffrage.

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

tapatalk post
As long as many of you continue with the left and right-wing bullshit, things like this are going to continue to happen. It's a political strategy. READ ABOUT IT!

1. First someone tried to convince us that MUSLIMS would be offended by Phil praying in Jesus' name. Which was TOTALLY blown out of proportion. Why wouldn't we believe it, since DD seems to have such a large Muslim audience. And even if Muslims watched the show, the disagreements would primarily be-dietary, and male/female customs, I suspect.

2. Now we're being led to believe that people are SHOCKED at Phil's personal beliefs on gays; as if an alternate response was expected.

3. Now within 2 months...I will wager....he will be labeled "anti-*******."---because he "snubbed Barbara Walters. Put it together, for God's sake! Or, like-minded hoaxers (lying by omission) will attempt to drag up his (Phil's) entire past, and expose it.

It's not "liberals" my friends. This is someone who sees this wonderful family as a threat to his throne---and fear lingers, that we Christians might remember what we actually stand for, and what is important to us.

Lol! Someone "suspended" Phil Robertson. That's like "suspending" Donald Trump. He may not have the same net worth; but I'm sure that he couldn't care less.
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To me, if homosexual people want to be respected, getting other people's rights taken away is not going to make that happen. If anything, it will only make the homosexual people even more resented.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


So...you will be putting blame of this on me? and others like me? Had nothing to do with this, you know.

How big is your ego?

tapatalk post
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You pathetic idiot.

EVERYBODY was a Democrat in the South; the Republican Party had been established only seven years before the Civil War erupted, and did so with Abolition as a central plank. What did you think Southerners were going to do -- go join the party of the Union Prez that had just vanquished them? Fuck no. As far as the South was concerned only one party even existed, regardless what anyone's personal ideology was. That's why it was effectively a one-party state until the CRA of 1964.


That said, the KKK, once again, was never a political organization; it called itself a social organization. To the extent its members ever dabbled in politics at all, which was a small handful, they were Democrats in the South and Republicans in the North -- whatever worked.

Go get a freaking education ya flaming dumb shit asswiper.

Democrats are racists and they still are.
^^ Yet another demonstration of the idiocy the OP is concerned about.

This one tries to conflate a political party with a personal character trait. What a maroon.

I just heed history and am informed of current events. To bad you believe in fairy tales

tapatalk post
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quoting scripture is incendiary?

Well get used to it. Good people will be quoting it more.
How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?

How does Phil telling the truth restrict the rights of anyone? If anyone's rights are being restricted, it's Phils. He gave an honest answer and is being villified for it.

If any restricts sinners, it's themselves. because sin restricts people. The only way to liberate oneself from sin is to come to Christ and let the truth free you.
The question now is what will the Robertson family do to A&E?

It is highly unlikely they will take Dad being treated so badly.
"How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?"

I always thought that was said to be ironic since that same document mentions slaves as only being 3/5ths a free person. I think they meant "All affluent white men." Notice women at that time couldn't vote or do much of anything else in addition to acknowledging slaves.

Wow... not sure where to begin.

1) The Declaration of Independence doesn't say that slaves are 3/5 of a free person.
2) The Constitution punished states that allowed slavery by not allowing them to count their slaves as full people and obtain more representation in the Federal government. You think that's a bad thing?
3) Women had the vote at the time of the Founding. it was taken away from them when the parties start developing and the one in power realized women were voting for the wrong party.

How do people not know this simple history?
Yet the libtards believe that morality should be legislated all the time. They just want it to be their morality. Some behavior is immoral. Some behavior is a crime. We criminalize behavior on a daily, hourly by the minute basis. The morality of homosexuality is to be unquestioned but it is immoral to refuse to participate in a homosexual relationship.

If you really didn't want morality to be legislated, you would uphold the rights of gays to maintain their relationship and uphold the right of someone to speak out against it, refuse to bake a cake for their wedding and refuse to take their pictures. That's not legislating morality.

Oh? I don't think morality should be legislated at all....unless it is something that hurts others.....if it does, it's criminal behavior. Like the saying, "I have a right to swing my arm. But that right to swing my arm stops at your nose."

If morality wasnt legislated, we would have no criminal code.
Duck Dynasty. LOL. Not my type of show.

My wife thought so at first too. but as we watched a few episodes, we all came to love it.

First episode i saw Jace wanted his own office and Willie wouldn't give him one. So some of the guys were just like "Well, why don't we just build one then." So they built him one that day while Willie was away.

I was just like. Now this is what America should be. If we want something, we do something about it instead of waiting for others to give us what we want.

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