'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

When gays were being killed, brow beaten, ostracized from society 007 felt good about himself.

Iran does that yet O makes deals with them. How do you reconcile that?
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off their fans and boycotted the band...Not some television station they worked on..big difference

it's always an excuse with you liberals..

Except radio stations refused to play their music for awhile....it wasn't just fans.
They ticked off thier fan base, not the chattering classes. and they didnt get insta-punted like Phil did.

It is the same fucking situation. You think Limbaugh was a Dixie Chicks fan? He spearheaded the boycott of them.

And what happened to them?

Yes, they lost sales, yes there was a kinda sorta boycott. What did not happen was the instant dropping of them by thier label the second the controversial issues came to light. It took time for people to show thier displeasure, and it was mostly via the fans themselves.

GLAAD released an "i'm pissed off" statement, and BOOM, phil was thrown under the bus. There hasnt even been enough TIME to see if the fans of the show run away, he's been punted simply due to a pressure groups spouting off.

Note GWB's response, to a direct comment, as opposed to GLAADs, which was a general comment:

President Bush responded to the controversy in an interview with Tom Brokaw on April 24:

The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind. They can say what they want to say ... they shouldn't have their feelings hurt just because some people don't want to buy their records when they speak out ... Freedom is a two-way street ... I don't really care what the Dixie Chicks said. I want to do what I think is right for the American people, and if some singers or Hollywood stars feel like speaking out, that's fine. That's the great thing about America. It stands in stark contrast to Iraq ...

'Duck Dynasty' Dad Suspended Following Anti-Gay Remarks

'Duck Dynasty' Dad Suspended Following Anti-Gay Remarks | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV
Wal Mart home office has many homosexual employees. You will see Wal Mart dropping Duck hunters products.

A Christian organization has boycotted Duck Dynasty over their wine labeled after their show.
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off thier fan base, not the chattering classes. and they didnt get insta-punted like Phil did.

It is the same fucking situation. You think Limbaugh was a Dixie Chicks fan? He spearheaded the boycott of them.

Apples and oranges moron!

The fans boycotted the Dixie Chicks that led to their demise. They weren't fired or put on hiatus by anyone for their opinion.

If DD fans don't like the opinion of Phil they can boycott the show.

In other words, let the fans decide what offends them and not let the producers or the networks make that decision for them.
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

Why do you always feel the need to inform us that you're gay? We all already know this you don't have to keep telling us.

tapatalk post

no kidding...we all need to start our post, hi, I'm straight, I'm black, I'm rich, I'm poor..
Gay Amercians...holy smokes...I'm short, so I guess that makes me a, short Amercian...good frikken grief
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Another one


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Send A Fax/Contact A&E Networks For Slamming Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson

The oddest thing is that A&E Networks has been constantly censoring the Ducks for mentioning Christ or God in many of the shows. Yet, cursing and other profanities are not bleeped out to my knowledge on A&E's other shows.

Send a message to Mel Berning - President of Sales at A&E by faxing him at


There are free fax services on the net such as GotFreeFax.Com and they will let you send a hard copy letter directly to A&E offices.

Twitter A&E at @AETV Facebook A&E at https://www.facebook.com/AETV

ALL of it here

And another thing, there was nothing INCENDIARY about P.R.'s comments. They were simple quotes straight out of the BIBLE. So if you think his comments WERE incendiary, then you have a BIGGER problem than P.R.

It's time to SHUT DOWN this OUT OF CONTROL game the HOMOS have been playing, to BADGER, BULLY, BROW BEAT, SHOUT DOWN and SILENCE anyone who DARES utter ONE WORD against their precious little SEXUAL PERVERSION. TIMES UP! GAMES OVER! It's time for THEM to SHUT THE FUCK UP, and normal people ONCE AGAIN to SPEAK THEIR MIND about how they feel about this disgusting sexual perversion called HOMOSEXUALITY.

Gay... pfft... there is NOTHING *GAY* about being a QUEER. It's a horrible, destructive, twisted, morally corrupt, disgustingly sick sexual perversion that is 100% a MENTAL ILLNESS.
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If you want to let A&E know how you feel you can do it here.

A&E contact info

Ms. Abbe Raven, CEO A&E Television Networks 235 East 45th St. New York, NY 10017 ABBE RAVEN (CEO) [email protected] (212) 210-9007

WHITNEY GOIT (SR. EVP) [email protected] ROBERT DEBITETTO (EVP) [email protected]

COLLEEN CONWAY (Director of Non-Fiction Programming) [email protected] GENERAL EMAIL: [email protected]

GENERAL TELEPHONE: (212) 210-1400

Thanks for the links. My husband wants me to suggest to A&E to develop a new show called Powder Puff Dynasty. Let's see what the ratings will be.

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You know it's interesting, the Pope holds the same views on Homosexuality as Phil does. And he is being applauded by the left as the person of the year and Phil is being castigated.

It's just amusing to see what some find offensive.
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off thier fan base, not the chattering classes. and they didnt get insta-punted like Phil did.

It is the same fucking situation. You think Limbaugh was a Dixie Chicks fan? He spearheaded the boycott of them.

You can still go see them in concert or BUY their frikken records for crying out loud

how about living in the here and now
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Duck Dynasty. LOL. Not my type of show.

My wife thought so at first too. but as we watched a few episodes, we all came to love it.

First episode i saw Jace wanted his own office and Willie wouldn't give him one. So some of the guys were just like "Well, why don't we just build one then." So they built him one that day while Willie was away.

I was just like. Now this is what America should be. If we want something, we do something about it instead of waiting for others to give us what we want.

I liked the bee episode. They wanted the honey but didn't know how to get it. They decided to use the wet vac to vacuum up the bees. Of course, they swarmed and Uncle Si drove away leaving Willie and crying "Every man to himself!" I laughed so hard.

And you'll remember were the brother's office ended up being at the end of that episode? Yeah, a goat shed. Doing it yourself, doesn't always work, does it?

no it doesn't. I just like that attitude.
Wal Mart home office has many homosexual employees. You will see Wal Mart dropping Duck hunters products.

A Christian organization has boycotted Duck Dynasty over their wine labeled after their show.

I love love this hate on you and others have for Duck Dynasty now. Shows your true colors. You can't tolerate their Christian beliefs.

Now go on out and start attacking Islam will you? And attack all Imams and Muslims.

They don't approve of fudge packers either.

Wal Mart home office has many homosexual employees. You will see Wal Mart dropping Duck hunters products.

A Christian organization has boycotted Duck Dynasty over their wine labeled after their show.

I love love this hate on you and others have for Duck Dynasty now. Shows your true colors. You can't tolerate their Christian beliefs.

Now go on out and start attacking Islam will you? And attack all Imams and Muslims.

They don't approve of fudge packers either.


they are just showing how tolerant they are
remember they are the people of the "big tent"

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