'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

The stars of "Duck Dynasty" might be America's most popular TV family, but that could change very soon — because Phil Robertson has made some seriously divisive anti-gay remarks that have sparked instant backlash.

Speaking with GQ, Robertson lamented that when "everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong ... sin becomes fine." So just what qualifies as sinful in his book?

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there — bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," he declared.

Phil probably should have cut himself off at this point (considering he's a national TV star), but instead he paraphrased Corinthians. "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God," he warned. "Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

What's more, according to him, it's basically incomprehensible. "It seems to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man's anus," he explained. "That's just me. I'm just thinking, 'There's more there! She's got more to offer.' I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

Reading this, I feel this the same kind of drama that some liberal media is known for. Wasn't there outcry from some liberals when Miss California was also asked her honest opinion? In my opinion, GLAAD is becoming the obnoxious drama queen that everyone wants to ignore, and it is hurting the image of homosexuals as a group.

The Duck Dynasty Men before their beards:


Phil: ( high-school and college football player and almost went pro: )


Brothers in high-school:

Brothers, small: aww

All growed up....:lol:

The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.
Notice how a plethora of liberals and conservatives alike have nothing substantive to say in response to my thread. All the meanwhile proving each and every point.

The only thing you're noticing if you ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong time and time again. Your little narcissistic rant has been shown for nothing what you need to be scene it somehow more special than the rest of America

Danth's Law is narcissism in a single line, Gummo. Look in the mirror. Brace yourself first.

I strongly recommend we all put this fuckhead on ignore. He's obviously got zilch to contribute here and his only purpose is to generate acrimony. It's probably because of his pathetically powerless personal life but that's not our problem. Fuck him. Ignore the troll and let's get back to what could still be a worthy topic.


The only troll here is you. He made in OP in which he said that if you have a publican or Democrat you have no freedom of opinion you give it up like mindless robot and then he taunted how great he was because he was a libertarian arrogant and narcissistic attitude and what did I do shine a light on what b******* it actually was.

tapatalk post
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off thier fan base, not the chattering classes. and they didnt get insta-punted like Phil did.
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

Your point is invalid because of people don't stop watching duck dynasty because of what Phil said that's fine but firing him for expressing his beliefs that's pretty fascist but you don't see that since you are a fascist

tapatalk post
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The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

I remember. I dont remember calling for the Dixie Chicks to be fired. I just thought that if people wanted to no longer go to their concerts and buy their music because of what they said, they should be free to.

And if people choose to not watch DD or buy their products because of what Phil said, nothing is stopping them. That doesn't change the fact that A&E is stupid to try to kick Phil off the show that is their golden goose. Especially when all they had to do is say, his personal views don't reflect those of our station and leave it at that.

Quite frankly, I didn't care about the Dixie Chicks then and I don't now. I do care about DD because it's freaking hilarious and I enjoy the family time watching these good men go through life. And I sure as heck don't think people should be in essence fired for quoting the Bible.
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

Why do you always feel the need to inform us that you're gay? We all already know this you don't have to keep telling us.

tapatalk post
The only thing you're noticing if you ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong time and time again. Your little narcissistic rant has been shown for nothing what you need to be scene it somehow more special than the rest of America

Danth's Law is narcissism in a single line, Gummo. Look in the mirror. Brace yourself first.

I strongly recommend we all put this fuckhead on ignore. He's obviously got zilch to contribute here and his only purpose is to generate acrimony. It's probably because of his pathetically powerless personal life but that's not our problem. Fuck him. Ignore the troll and let's get back to what could still be a worthy topic.


The only troll here is you. He made in OP in which he said that if you have a publican or Democrat you have no freedom of opinion you give it up like mindless robot and then he taunted how great he was because he was a libertarian arrogant and narcissistic attitude and what did I do shine a light on what b******* it actually was.

tapatalk post


You don't know who's the real troll here do you? Anyhow, I'll heed [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] 's advice and put you on my ignore list. Good riddance.
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The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off thier fan base, not the chattering classes. and they didnt get insta-punted like Phil did.

It is the same fucking situation. You think Limbaugh was a Dixie Chicks fan? He spearheaded the boycott of them.

And what happened to them?

Yes, they lost sales, yes there was a kinda sorta boycott. What did not happen was the instant dropping of them by thier label the second the controversial issues came to light. It took time for people to show thier displeasure, and it was mostly via the fans themselves.

GLAAD released an "i'm pissed off" statement, and BOOM, phil was thrown under the bus. There hasnt even been enough TIME to see if the fans of the show run away, he's been punted simply due to a pressure groups spouting off.

Note GWB's response, to a direct comment, as opposed to GLAADs, which was a general comment:

President Bush responded to the controversy in an interview with Tom Brokaw on April 24:

The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind. They can say what they want to say ... they shouldn't have their feelings hurt just because some people don't want to buy their records when they speak out ... Freedom is a two-way street ... I don't really care what the Dixie Chicks said. I want to do what I think is right for the American people, and if some singers or Hollywood stars feel like speaking out, that's fine. That's the great thing about America. It stands in stark contrast to Iraq ...
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

They ticked off their fans and boycotted the band...Not some television station they worked on..big difference

it's always an excuse with you liberals..
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

Why do you always feel the need to inform us that you're gay? We all already know this you don't have to keep telling us.

tapatalk post
Kindly look at the post I was replying to. What group was Pole Rider bashing?
Danth's Law is narcissism in a single line, Gummo. Look in the mirror. Brace yourself first.

I strongly recommend we all put this fuckhead on ignore. He's obviously got zilch to contribute here and his only purpose is to generate acrimony. It's probably because of his pathetically powerless personal life but that's not our problem. Fuck him. Ignore the troll and let's get back to what could still be a worthy topic.


The only troll here is you. He made in OP in which he said that if you have a publican or Democrat you have no freedom of opinion you give it up like mindless robot and then he taunted how great he was because he was a libertarian arrogant and narcissistic attitude and what did I do shine a light on what b******* it actually was.

tapatalk post


You don't know who's the real troll here do you? Anyhow, I'll heed [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] 's advice and put you on my ignore list. Good riddance.

That's the way to do it like any good progressive ignore those who speak the truth about you tell me how that works out for you lost all respect for you in this thread you become nothing more than a pathetic narcissist

tapatalk post
Duck Dynasty. LOL. Not my type of show.

My wife thought so at first too. but as we watched a few episodes, we all came to love it.

First episode i saw Jace wanted his own office and Willie wouldn't give him one. So some of the guys were just like "Well, why don't we just build one then." So they built him one that day while Willie was away.

I was just like. Now this is what America should be. If we want something, we do something about it instead of waiting for others to give us what we want.

I liked the bee episode. They wanted the honey but didn't know how to get it. They decided to use the wet vac to vacuum up the bees. Of course, they swarmed and Uncle Si drove away leaving Willie and crying "Every man to himself!" I laughed so hard.

And you'll remember were the brother's office ended up being at the end of that episode? Yeah, a goat shed. Doing it yourself, doesn't always work, does it?
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!

I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

When gays were being killed, brow beaten, ostracized from society 007 felt good about himself.

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