'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

Actually, thanatos, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] has you outclassed in the history department. He and I have had debates on histrionics that would exceed your ability to comprehend. One of my favorite debate partners to tell you the truth. To say you heed history and are informed of current events is a misnomer.


History I mean, damn that spell check.

So my trusty iPad should also type history - nope. No suggestions.

The very definition of conservatism is "lack of change". They are so terrified of the world, they work desperately to keep things the same.

Other people change their views over time. Not Republicans. They think learning is for snobs and flexibility is a "fault".
Stop desperately trying to change the subject.

You condemned Prejean for her views on gay marriage. You gave Obama, who held the exact same views, a free pass.

If it weren't for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

But he doesn't hold those views anymore. That's the point pinhead.

Did that have to be explained? Remember, Reagan thought Social Security was beginning of the end of this country. Yet he ended up supporting it.
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it

they want people to stay out of their bedrooms, but they can get into your, Freedom of speech

this doesn't help them with acceptance whatsoever..and they only have themselves to blame
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Was A&E wrong to put Phil Robertson on hiatus (Duck Dynasty)

This isn’t a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ issue.

And yet again: as a private entity A&E is at liberty to do as it sees fit to protect its interests, placing a cast member on hiatus ‘violates’ no free speech; and the private citizen viewers are at liberty to stop watching A&E if they disagree with the network’s decision.

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement, that in no way threatens anyone, does not call for harm to be done to anyone, and at the end of the day does no real harm to anyone.

We have come to a point where one side of the political debate is given all sorts of leeway, and when they cross the line it takes a massive outswelling of outrage to even get them a slap on the wrist. On the other hand, someone on the "wrong" side of the debate is an instant target for the "butthurt group of the week's" media campaign to silence them via economic assault.

We have come to the point where if you offend the wrong 1% of the population you are ostracised without due process, and usually without being able to defend yourself.

Considering something "offensive" when it really only offends a small vocal minority may not be censorship, but it sure as hell isnt justice.

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement,

they worried that they might be destroyed like chic-fil-a was

after making similar personal comments
But he doesn't hold those views anymore. That's the point pinhead.

Did that have to be explained? Remember, Reagan thought Social Security was beginning of the end of this country. Yet he ended up supporting it.

Well, PINHEAD, this thread isn't about REAGAN or SOCIAL SECURITY, so STOP DERAILING ya pathetic little SCAB!

There will come another day in America when the majority of people have had ENOUGH of this MORONIC POLITICAL CORRECTNESS invented by the LEFTARDS, and it will be UNCOOL to talk their WATERED DOWN, LILLY LIVERED, PUSSIFICATION, DOG CRAP of LABELING everything that is SICK, PERVERTED, DISGUSTING AND ILLEGAL as being some CUTSIE, TOOTSIE thing so you'll THINK it's OK!

Son of a bitch I hate liberals, and all their HORSE SHIT. These people are DISGUSTING examples of human beings.
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A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it

they want people to stay out of their bedrooms, but they can get into your, Freedom of speech

this doesn't help them with acceptance whatsoever

That's right... however it does EXPOSE them as the MILITANT, TWO FACED, HYPOCRITICAL BIGOTS they are.

Sad thing about it is, EVERYONE has KNOWN this for DECADES now. They just don't want to ADMIT it. Well when it SLAPS YOU IN THE FACE LIKE THIS, it gets pretty hard to DENY.
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This isn’t a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ issue.

And yet again: as a private entity A&E is at liberty to do as it sees fit to protect its interests, placing a cast member on hiatus ‘violates’ no free speech; and the private citizen viewers are at liberty to stop watching A&E if they disagree with the network’s decision.

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement, that in no way threatens anyone, does not call for harm to be done to anyone, and at the end of the day does no real harm to anyone.

We have come to a point where one side of the political debate is given all sorts of leeway, and when they cross the line it takes a massive outswelling of outrage to even get them a slap on the wrist. On the other hand, someone on the "wrong" side of the debate is an instant target for the "butthurt group of the week's" media campaign to silence them via economic assault.

We have come to the point where if you offend the wrong 1% of the population you are ostracised without due process, and usually without being able to defend yourself.

Considering something "offensive" when it really only offends a small vocal minority may not be censorship, but it sure as hell isnt justice.

Well then, lets shift the debate over to why a broadcast company feels the need to drop someone in a heartbeat due to a personal statement,

they worried that they might be destroyed like chic-fil-a was

after making similar personal comments

Chic-fil-A was destroyed?
The very definition of conservatism is "lack of change". They are so terrified of the world, they work desperately to keep things the same.

Other people change their views over time. Not Republicans. They think learning is for snobs and flexibility is a "fault".
Stop desperately trying to change the subject.

You condemned Prejean for her views on gay marriage. You gave Obama, who held the exact same views, a free pass.

If it weren't for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

But he doesn't hold those views anymore. That's the point pinhead.

Did that have to be explained? Remember, Reagan thought Social Security was beginning of the end of this country. Yet he ended up supporting it.

The difference is we all knew Obama was lying (again) when he said at the time he thought marriag, e was between a man and a woman. He always supported gay marriage, he just couldnt say it at the time because he didnt want to piss off his other base, religious blacks. They wouldn't have voted for someone else, but they may have stayed home, and that would have been a problem.
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it

they want people to stay out of their bedrooms, but they can get into your, Freedom of speech

this doesn't help them with acceptance whatsoever..and they only have themselves to blame

AandE is usually a part of a broader cable network

the action would be to contact the cable network

and the folks who advertise on the channel or the channels

AandE are partnered with

but the best to action would be to support duck commander

by purchasing their products

it is always better to go positive then negative
People want to send the HOMOS a message that their sick of being BADGERED, BROW BEAT, SHOUTED DOWN, DEMONIZED and SILENCED by the LEFTARDS and HOMOS for exercising their FREEDOM to have THEIR OWN OPINION?

Then stop PLAYING THEIR GAME and START calling HOMOS what they are... HOMOS! They're not GAY. Gay means a person is HAPPY, not HOMO!

Hence forth, HOMOS are to be called what they ARE... HOMO!
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it
I disagree with boycotting A&E

In fact, more people should make an effort to watch DD.

This will cause the program to sky rocket in the ratings and the share holders will demand DD be left alone because the money is just too good. ... :cool:
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it

they want people to stay out of their bedrooms, but they can get into your, Freedom of speech

this doesn't help them with acceptance whatsoever..and they only have themselves to blame

AandE is usually a part of a broader cable network

the action would be to contact the cable network

and the folks who advertise on the channel or the channels

AandE are partnered with

but the best to action would be to support duck commander

by purchasing their products

it is always better to go positive then negative

all good ideas..I like a lot of the programs on A&E but this is disgusting all over someone's PERSONAL views and opinions on homosexuality..
people are tired of having them shoved in their face
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it

they want people to stay out of their bedrooms, but they can get into your, Freedom of speech

this doesn't help them with acceptance whatsoever..and they only have themselves to blame

AandE is usually a part of a broader cable network

the action would be to contact the cable network

and the folks who advertise on the channel or the channels

AandE are partnered with

but the best to action would be to support duck commander

by purchasing their products

it is always better to go positive then negative

all good ideas..I like a lot of the programs on A&E but this is disgusting all over someone's PERSONAL views and opinions on homosexuality..
people are tired of having them shoved in their face

another example of tolerance from the tolerant left
A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it
I disagree with boycotting A&E

In fact, more people should make an effort to watch DD.

This will cause the program to sky rocket in the ratings and the share holders will demand DD be left alone because the money is just too good. ... :cool:

No, bad idea... if you're going to use money to influence someone/a business, the only way they care is if they LOSE money, not GAIN.
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AandE is usually a part of a broader cable network

the action would be to contact the cable network

and the folks who advertise on the channel or the channels

AandE are partnered with

but the best to action would be to support duck commander

by purchasing their products

it is always better to go positive then negative

all good ideas..I like a lot of the programs on A&E but this is disgusting all over someone's PERSONAL views and opinions on homosexuality..
people are tired of having them shoved in their face

another example of tolerance from the tolerant left

of course...that's that big tent they crow they are
most intolerant people I have ever seen
all good ideas..I like a lot of the programs on A&E but this is disgusting all over someone's PERSONAL views and opinions on homosexuality..
people are tired of having them shoved in their face

another example of tolerance from the tolerant left

of course...that's that big tent they crow they are
most intolerant people I have ever seen

lockstep leftist crowd speak

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsT1n2m0004]A Speaker at Zuccotti Park - YouTube[/ame]

The very definition of conservatism is "lack of change". They are so terrified of the world, they work desperately to keep things the same.

Other people change their views over time. Not Republicans. They think learning is for snobs and flexibility is a "fault".
In other wrords...
You know you have no way to defend the hypocrisy illustrated by that post and so want to change the subject.
Apparently there is no more free speach anymore. I mean really, all this phoney outrage because someone has their own personal feelings and beliefs about homosexuality that isn't in line with queer-enablers?

What's the plan, get everyone fired because they don't believe fags are "A-OK"?

Why not?

Michael Richards made racist comments. He hasn't worked since.

Mel Gibson made anti-Semetic Comments. He hasn't worked since.

There are lines you don't cross.

Both of those people are still working. In fact, Richards just started a new comedy in the past few months.

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