'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

A&E is getting hammered over this decision, as they should

boycott this station people...this militant homosexual lobby is out of control...When people can't even speak their views on it
I disagree with boycotting A&E

In fact, more people should make an effort to watch DD.

This will cause the program to sky rocket in the ratings and the share holders will demand DD be left alone because the money is just too good. ... :cool:

I would say that we should watch DD and only DD on A&E.
Actually, thanatos, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] has you outclassed in the history department. He and I have had debates on histrionics that would exceed your ability to comprehend. One of my favorite debate partners to tell you the truth. To say you heed history and are informed of current events is a misnomer.



I'm wondering if that's not why I had an hysteria-ectomy.

Damn! You coulda had hertrionics. :eusa_doh:

History I mean, damn that spell check.

So my trusty iPad should also type history - nope. No suggestions.

Funny, I'm not typing on an iPad. I'm using Firefox on a Desktop PC, it has a built in spellchecker. If I make a typo, it underlines words in a red wavy line. Sometimes I right click the word and click on the correct spelling, this time I clicked on the wrong suggestion. Instead of histrionics, its historicity. Now, please, stop engaging me in frivolous debates.
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Spell Check is cheating. :) I refuse to use em. If I make a typo, I make a typo. I'm not perfect nor interested in trying to appear as such. And often the last thing I want is some AI interupting a train of thought with a typo alert.
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, come to think of it, there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.


Notice how a plethora of liberals and conservatives alike have nothing substantive to say in response to my thread. All the meanwhile proving each and every point.
Spell Check is cheating. :) I refuse to use em. If I make a typo, I make a typo. I'm not perfect nor interested in trying to appear as such. And often the last thing I want is some AI interrupting a train of thought with a typo alert.

I am a grammar freak, and as such an active editor. I correct the typos after I put the thought on paper. Am I perfect at it? No. But the less typos I make the clearer my message. It isn't a cheat, it's a tool. :)
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That sir crossed a line. I don't make a habit of sabotaging free thought, as both parties have done. Would I lie about being a libertarian given how poorly they're viewed? Sorry bub, until you get to know me, you aren't allowed to judge me.

You said it yourself you dishonest hack

tapatalk post

Really? Now you put words in my mouth?

Now you lying? You didn't day you stay registered ad s republican so you can vote in their primary? And since you arrogantly tout being a libertarian it means you are a dishonest hack trying to sabotage republicans. Or are you just a coward?

tapatalk post
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, come to think of it, there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.


Notice how a plethora of liberals and conservatives alike have nothing substantive to say in response to my thread. All the meanwhile proving each and every point.

Aye, trying to get actual debate and disscourse is perhaps unrealistic online. If you can't punch people in the face, you're only going to get one-liners most of the time. :)
^^ Yet another demonstration of the idiocy the OP is concerned about.

This one tries to conflate a political party with a personal character trait. What a maroon.

I just heed history and am informed of current events. To bad you believe in fairy tales

tapatalk post

Actually, thanatos, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] has you outclassed in the history department. He and I have had debates on historicity that would exceed your ability to comprehend. One of my favorite debate partners to tell you the truth. To say you heed history and are informed of current events is a misnomer.

Coming from a dishonest act like you that doesn't mean much the fact is if this magical ship happened why is it all the racist from the 60s state Democrats into the f****** died you can find maybe two that became Republicans. You like every other dishonest liberal round believe all the lies told you

tapatalk post
You said it yourself you dishonest hack

tapatalk post

Really? Now you put words in my mouth?

Now you lying? You didn't day you stay registered ad s republican so you can vote in their primary? And since you arrogantly tout being a libertarian it means you are a dishonest hack trying to sabotage republicans. Or are you just a coward?

tapatalk post

I love how you're calling me a coward and accusing me of "sabotaging" republicans. I hate to break it to you, my wayward friend, the Republicans are sabotaging themselves. So are the Democrats.

I'm registered as a Republican because my state is rather intolerant to Liberatrians. I will not be denied the right to vote in my own state merely for the sake of my state's intolerance.

Seriously, knock it off. You've made it clear you've been in a bad mood, stop taking it out on me. Please?

Stop being an arrogant lying prick

tapatalk post

Geez, stop talking. :eusa_pray:

Get off the iPhone/iPad and go live your life. You're a full grown adult human being. Must be sad that all you have to do is provoke people and call them names, on a mobile device.
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, come to think of it, there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.

Wow. Complete sentences, astute observations, valid points. Very refreshing from the usual "Nuh uh!" replies or "You're a libtard" type posts.

Grew sick of the constant 'monkies throwing feces' nature of American politics myself. So much so I gave up on participating altogether. While I identify as a liberal with some conservative positions (death penalty, abortion, etc.) I refuse to vote or get involed beyond discussing it online and watching the news. If we start electing people not beholden to special interests, taking what amounts to bribes and only ever saying what's been scored and tested and written by professional speech writers, then I'll get involved real quick. But thus far, every politician of every stripe is a complete puppet of whoever got them elected. Empty shirts all of them.

Politicians of today bear no resemblance to the ones who got this country up and running. And while the Founders were far from perfect, they're a lot better than the mouthpieces we have now. No one today would dare stand up and say what they really think, and those that do always 'walk back their comments' the very next day if they even wait that long. If no one's gonna stand up for what they believe, why should we believe in them?

"Politicians make bad politicians." Me.

We need to stop electing professional liars and start getting leaders who're actually willing to lead. Not follow. If not willing to stand up for what you believe in risking your political office, sit the hell down and shut that silly little hole below you nose. We've had enough from your ilk. Why we continue to settle for 3rd and 4th rate candidates then act all surprised when they do poorly and drive this country closer and closer to the cliff is mind-boggling.

"There's no IQ requirement to run for Congress." (paraphrased remark from "Religulous")

Time to get leaders with IQs above 80. Ones who can do more than read prepared statements and look pretty on tv. Politicians who get into office intending to stay there until they die doing only whatever their donors want, and saying only what makes them popular is driving this country off a cliff. In a time when other countries are seeing mass protests and uprisings, how much longer til we get that here?

Over a decade of war loosing to a 19th century society, national debt so massive it can never be paid off, wasteful spending everywhere, unfair taxes, and leaders feathering their own nests instead of representing their constiuents as they swore oaths to do? What's it take before the people say enough. Time for drastic change.

...Wow, they're right, ya do get more conservative in your 40s. :)


So when are you going to file to run for office?

What's that you say? You're not going to do it? You're too busy...can't be bothered...have other obligations?

Did Washington have anything going on? Did Andrew Jackson? Did Teddy Roosevelt? Did San Ervin? Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, decided to leave that to become the VP and take what was probably a 8-10 MILLION DOLLAR pay cut. At that time, he had 3 heart attacks in the bank already. You think he could have just sat there in Dallas and coutned his millions? Yes...he could have but, like him or loathe him, he chose to serve.

Why aren't you?

This is the problem with American politics...too few are willing to serve. I don't think politics is that important myself in the grander scheme of life. When you have a strong Constitution, the actors on the stage reading the lines means much. What's the old saying; the government was built by giants to be run by pygmies? We have a great many pygmies in all levels of government.

Templar's revelation is as hilarious as it is hollow. Partisans on message boards are partisan because of one or two reasons; they actually believe their BS or they take joy in slinging insults. Both Parties are responsible for the state of affairs. Both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. Both parties have failed in their ever-repeated urge to change. So I'm a values voters. Currently, the Dems are closer to my values than the GOP. Frankly, I think you have to be soft between the ears to share the same values as the GOP but that's a topic for another thread.

Meanwhile, we get the government we deserve. If the American people are apathetic (and they are), the government is apathetic. Case in point, we're $17T in debt and there is zero outrage in the street.

I must not have read that post correctly. I am sure that Templar sad that you cannot have your own opinion if your democrat or republican we are all mindless ignorant robots according to him

tapatalk post
I hear it quite often in this day and age, "freedom of opinion." It is a staple of American freedom. But I've been thinking about that this morning, and well, come to think of it, there is no freedom of opinion anymore. It's impossible for one to have a personal opinion these days. If a person happens to belong to any political party, in reality they have ceded the essences of their opinions to the ideals and directions of the party they belong to. I know, I was a brash young Republican not long ago, my opinions and responses hinged on every ideal the party represented.

But then I had an epiphany: are my opinions really my own? Am I really thinking for myself? The answer to those questions were clearly obvious. Not at all. The disingenuous political stances my 'party' stood for had been dictating my opinions. I was no longer thinking for myself. I had turned into a parrot; a mouthpiece, repeating anything and everything my party was telling me to. Enough was enough. This is what facilitated my transformation into a libertarian. The pattern isn't hard to recognize, really. Politics has a bad way of robbing a person the ability to think for himself. The freedom to have an opinion suddenly hinges on whether someone agrees with them or not. They feel compelled to change the opinions of others and react hostilely to anyone who refuses. Examples of this exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom. Examples include Herman Cain, Mia Love, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio. On the Republican side it is equally as unnerving. Just a few hours ago, I was reading a thread where conservatives were being urged to 'let the gay shit go.' The author dubbed anyone who didn't see eye to eye as a 'hater.' In some ways this could be worse than what Democrats are doing; asking a person to simply sacrifice his or her own ideals and opinions for a little capitulation to the mainstream way of thought. Our Founding Fathers strove for the freedom of thought, not to ascribe to the 'joiners vs. thinkers' mentality. Its as if either party believes they have a monopoly on free thought. Oh, how wrong they are.

The monotony of the two party system is this: Opinion is fact, fact is opinion. One or the other can be summarily dismissed if it doesn't conform to the established way of thinking and doing things. Many intelligent people are victimized by this mentality, and as a result are using such a gift for deleterious means. There is no freedom of opinion in Politics anymore. People are eager to trumpet the causes of their own side; all the meanwhile completely unaware they are being used as tools, and not for the causes of the nation as a whole. The most prominent people in history chose to think for themselves, to not be dictated to by a fixed set of ideals. Politics has a way of stealing away the most precious gem in dwelling in each of us. Our souls.


Notice how a plethora of liberals and conservatives alike have nothing substantive to say in response to my thread. All the meanwhile proving each and every point.

The only thing you're noticing if you ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong time and time again. Your little narcissistic rant has been shown for nothing what you need to be scene it somehow more special than the rest of America

tapatalk post
Really? Now you put words in my mouth?

Now you lying? You didn't day you stay registered ad s republican so you can vote in their primary? And since you arrogantly tout being a libertarian it means you are a dishonest hack trying to sabotage republicans. Or are you just a coward?

tapatalk post

I love how you're calling me a coward and accusing me of "sabotaging" republicans. I hate to break it to you, my wayward friend, the Republicans are sabotaging themselves. So are the Democrats.

I'm registered as a Republican because my state is rather intolerant to Liberatrians. I will not be denied the right to vote in my own state merely for the sake of my state's intolerance.

Now it's in tolerance that you've dishonestly vote in Republican primaries? I do believe you're a coward. You don't have the balls to just be a libertarian no instead you registered Republican so you can decide to keep voting in the Republican primary hoping you can destroy the party from the inside but you're right you're too much of a small fry to mean anything

tapatalk post

Notice how a plethora of liberals and conservatives alike have nothing substantive to say in response to my thread. All the meanwhile proving each and every point.

The only thing you're noticing if you ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong time and time again. Your little narcissistic rant has been shown for nothing what you need to be scene it somehow more special than the rest of America

Danth's Law is narcissism in a single line, Gummo. Look in the mirror. Brace yourself first.

I strongly recommend we all put this fuckhead on ignore. He's obviously got zilch to contribute here and his only purpose is to generate acrimony. It's probably because of his pathetically powerless personal life but that's not our problem. Fuck him. Ignore the troll and let's get back to what could still be a worthy topic.

This is a funny thread. President Obama is barely center left. The ACA is basically the health care plan of Romney and the Heritage Foundation. Yet now they label it Communistic. That is how far to the right that the GOP has moved. The GOP lost the minorities because they adapted a 21st Century version of the southern strategy. The racist and often putrid referances to the Hispanic community of the type we have seen on this board and even repeated by some in the official GOP have turned off a community that is normally fairly conservative.

Ignoring the demograpics of the US Citizens is a sure fire way to end up short at the ballot box.

Obama center left you say. I say barely. Usually he's center but strays into right field a little too much. You're the only one that posted where Obama care was hatched. In a right wing funded think tank. A link I found that's useful below.

The Economic Populist | Speak Your Mind 2 Cents at a Time
Apparently there is no more free speach anymore. I mean really, all this phoney outrage because someone has their own personal feelings and beliefs about homosexuality that isn't in line with queer-enablers?

What's the plan, get everyone fired because they don't believe fags are "A-OK"?

Why not?

Michael Richards made racist comments. He hasn't worked since.

Mel Gibson made anti-Semetic Comments. He hasn't worked since.

There are lines you don't cross.

Mel Gibson's made 4 or 5 movies since he made those marks

tapatalk post

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