Duckworth fires back at Trump: I swore an oath to the Constitution, not 'Cadet Bone Spurs'

She's a silly little woman. Apparently military service did not grant her wisdom.

As to deferments, was she as harsh on Bill's deferments? I'd wager not.
"she's a silly little woman"....sums up the RW trumpanzees right there.

Triggering you people is an easy game.
The President of the U.S. shouldn't be "triggering" half the nation, Billy. Not intentionally, anyway.

What is he doing to "trigger" half the nation?
Democrats are so consumed with hatred and anger that they don't understand that the President was talking about the "state of the Union", not himself. The closed minded oafs wouldn't even cheer the fact that minority employment is at a 20 year high so it seams that hatred trumps (pardon the word) the left's alleged concern for minorities.
And you aren't consumed with hatred and anger?

Duckworth fires back at Trump: I swore an oath to the Constitution, not 'Cadet Bone Spurs'

Yet another 'unintended consequence"of the tax cut [scam]

College students blast “Trump quotes” read to them from SOTU,shocked when told they are Obama quotes

BLM “issues” warning


Walmart Proves that the Trump Tax Cuts are Bogus

Real Americans are done importing foreigners...and the GOP knows it.

Who sounds angry?
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As an Independent, I'm feeling pretty disgusted and let down by the Democrats these days. The shutdown, their seeming unwillingness to deal over the DACA issue, their over the top behavior at the SOTU, hysterics like Pelosi who keeps predicting death and doom, needing five responses to the SOTU -- can you people PLEASE get your act together?

I'd like a viable choice in the next election. I sure as hell am not going to vote for Trump or anyone who kisses his ass. Is this going to be another loser election?
The Dems need to quit this politicking nonsense and get to work.
Anyone who gets triggered probably needs to just go check in at the local mental hygiene facility.
2 years.....................forced in...............
Your condescending bitch attitude towards other veterans fits you well. ... :thup:

I've personally never meet another conscript that was happy about being drafted for Vietnam. Especially my high school friend who was drafted the same day as me, and has his name engraved on the "Wall".

But we went in and did our duty. .... :salute:

And now I can get 10% off when I shop at Home Depot, and a free meal at Denny's on Veterans Day. ... :cool:
Interesting.....all I write is "2 years.......forced in......" and you get all butt-hurt. Why is that?
Democrats are so consumed with hatred and anger that they don't understand that the President was talking about the "state of the Union", not himself. The closed minded oafs wouldn't even cheer the fact that minority employment is at a 20 year high so it seams that hatred trumps (pardon the word) the left's alleged concern for minorities.

From what I heard....he seemed to be talking about himself
As an Independent, I'm feeling pretty disgusted and let down by the Democrats these days. The shutdown, their seeming unwillingness to deal over the DACA issue, their over the top behavior at the SOTU, hysterics like Pelosi who keeps predicting death and doom, needing five responses to the SOTU -- can you people PLEASE get your act together?

I'd like a viable choice in the next election. I sure as hell am not going to vote for Trump or anyone who kisses his ass. Is this going to be another loser election?
The Dems need to quit this politicking nonsense and get to work.

Tammy Duckworth 2020
As an Independent, I'm feeling pretty disgusted and let down by the Democrats these days. The shutdown, their seeming unwillingness to deal over the DACA issue, their over the top behavior at the SOTU, hysterics like Pelosi who keeps predicting death and doom, needing five responses to the SOTU -- can you people PLEASE get your act together?

I'd like a viable choice in the next election. I sure as hell am not going to vote for Trump or anyone who kisses his ass. Is this going to be another loser election?
The Dems need to quit this politicking nonsense and get to work.

Agreed. Democrats need to clean house. The party is filled with too many old school centrist fools. Pelosi and Schumer have become an embarassment. They need to go and be replaced with fresh faced progressives.
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So going by your line of reasoning, Joe Wilson who shouted "You lied" to Obama commited treason ? What Joe did was 10 times worse than not clapping.
Joe Wilson verbally pointed out a fact in public.

Only an Obamabot would call that treason. .... :cool:
She's a silly little woman. Apparently military service did not grant her wisdom.

As to deferments, was she as harsh on Bill's deferments? I'd wager not.
"she's a silly little woman"....sums up the RW trumpanzees right there.

Triggering you people is an easy game.
The President of the U.S. shouldn't be "triggering" half the nation, Billy. Not intentionally, anyway.

In normal times, I would agree. However, these are interesting times.
As an Independent, I'm feeling pretty disgusted and let down by the Democrats these days. The shutdown, their seeming unwillingness to deal over the DACA issue, their over the top behavior at the SOTU, hysterics like Pelosi who keeps predicting death and doom, needing five responses to the SOTU -- can you people PLEASE get your act together?

I'd like a viable choice in the next election. I sure as hell am not going to vote for Trump or anyone who kisses his ass. Is this going to be another loser election?
The Dems need to quit this politicking nonsense and get to work.

Agreed. Democrats need to clean house. The party is filled with too many old school centrist fools. Pelosi and Schumer have become an embarassment. They need to go and be replaced with fresh faced progressives.
I really liked Joe Kennedy's response to the SOTU--it was easy to listen to, a bit inspiring and reassuring, but the message was too progressive for me. I guess I like middle of the road. To me, Pelosi and Schumer are hurting the brand by spouting out exaggerated partisan responses to everything instead of speaking sensibly to the issue at hand. That's the hell of being an Independent--I don't fit into anyone's premanufactured hole, I guess.

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