"Dude, It Was Like Two Years Ago!!" Tom Veiter Dodges The Question

You are the THICK Dense one....There was a live feed....
You don't have a clue what you are talking about!!!
There was NO live feed. That was a lie made up by Forbes Mag and thoroughly debunked ages ago. Except once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie they never let go.

Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.
Ex-WH Aide Can?t Say Obama in Situation Room Night of Benghazi | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
You are an absolute idiot without facts, links or sources ~ Epic Failure to prove any point except you are clearly misinformed. Give it rest around here and do more research. I have proved you wrong numerous times with links and sources without a single fact from you ~ Get lost you fool ~~~~
There was NO live feed. Stop lying. Oh, that's Right, you can't. :eusa_liar:
Video of the assault was recovered 20 days later from the more than 10 security cameras at the compound. The Right-wing liars at Forbes turned that video into the "live feed" and assholes like you swallowed their bullshit whole.
There was NO live feed. That was a lie made up by Forbes Mag and thoroughly debunked ages ago. Except once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie they never let go.

Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.
Ex-WH Aide Can?t Say Obama in Situation Room Night of Benghazi | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
You are an absolute idiot without facts, links or sources ~ Epic Failure to prove any point except you are clearly misinformed. Give it rest around here and do more research. I have proved you wrong numerous times with links and sources without a single fact from you ~ Get lost you fool ~~~~
There was NO live feed. Stop lying. Oh, that's Right, you can't. :eusa_liar:
Video of the assault was recovered 20 days later from the more than 10 security cameras at the compound. The Right-wing liars at Forbes turned that video into the "live feed" and assholes like you swallowed their bullshit whole.
You'd think with all the hearings, reports, and documents that have been produced by now, the cocksure connies would know that by now.

Just proves they're not paying attention and prefer the safety of the Fox bubble.
There was NO live feed. That was a lie made up by Forbes Mag and thoroughly debunked ages ago. Except once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie they never let go.

Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.
Ex-WH Aide Can?t Say Obama in Situation Room Night of Benghazi | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
You are an absolute idiot without facts, links or sources ~ Epic Failure to prove any point except you are clearly misinformed. Give it rest around here and do more research. I have proved you wrong numerous times with links and sources without a single fact from you ~ Get lost you fool ~~~~
There was NO live feed. Stop lying. Oh, that's Right, you can't. :eusa_liar:
Video of the assault was recovered 20 days later from the more than 10 security cameras at the compound. The Right-wing liars at Forbes turned that video into the "live feed" and assholes like you swallowed their bullshit whole.

You have called me a liar several time now without a shred of evidence, a link, a source. NOTHING saying where the president was and you say there was not live link to the Situation Room where of All the Places in the world there most certainly was a live link and could see in real time what exactly was happening. There was a live Drone sending information directly to the Situation room. That part of the Scandal that people watched live and Did NOTHING.
1. Testimony by Charlene Lamb who was the one who began the live link ~
Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack.

2. Further, Vietor at one point suggests Obama was in the White House residence – not even in the Oval Office – for at least part of the time during the attacks after being briefed in the Oval Office late in the afternoon.
That Vietor was in the Situation Room indicates the White House was taking the matter seriously. What the White House has failed to specifically demonstrate is that the president was taking it seriously.
Ex-WH Aide Can?t Say Obama in Situation Room Night of Benghazi | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

3. In a contentious interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, former NSA spokesperson Tommy Vietor admitted that Barack Obama never even entered the situation room even as the attack continued at the Benghazi consulate.
Ironically, he was trying to defend the president when he made this comments, by criticizing Fox News for airing reports that Obama watched the attack unfold from the Situation Room. Is it any better that he never bothered to check in and see what was going on?
Bombshell: NSA Spokesman Says Obama Never Entered The Situation Room During Benghazi Attack

4. Fox News has learned that there were two military surveillance drones redirected to Benghazi shortly after the attack on the consulate began. They were already in the vicinity. The second surveillance craft was sent to relieve the first drone, perhaps due to fuel issues. Both were capable of sending real time visuals back to U.S. officials in Washington, D.C. Any U.S. official or agency with the proper clearance, including the White House Situation Room, State Department, CIA, Pentagon and others, could call up that video in real time on their computers.
Fox News and Benghazi video: For real? - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

5. Two unarmed U.S. drones were dispatched to the consulate and recorded the final hours of the attack, which killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
Retired Lt. Col.: My Sources Say Obama Was in the Room Watching Benghazi Attack Happen | Video | TheBlaze.com

Now You come up with a least 1 link with a source that say there was no live link in the Situation Room.
You Dope....Every single link I have provided says this attack was being watched Live. HINT ~ Any footage would go directly into the situation Room as this was Considered a SITUATION.

You are what's known as a useful idiot that spreads lies and untruths. You watch with your thumb up your ass while this goes to an independent counsel.

“In light of these new developments, the House will vote to establish a new select committee to investigate the attack, provide the necessary accountability, and ensure justice is finally served,” Boehner said.
The Speaker called the White House's withholding of emails “misleading” to the public and a “flagrant violation of trust [that] undermines the basic principles of oversight upon which our system of government is built.”
Boehner to appoint panel on Benghazi | TheHill

Now you get to work to Prove me Wrong without your snide remarks and name calling.

Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.
Ex-WH Aide Can?t Say Obama in Situation Room Night of Benghazi | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
You are an absolute idiot without facts, links or sources ~ Epic Failure to prove any point except you are clearly misinformed. Give it rest around here and do more research. I have proved you wrong numerous times with links and sources without a single fact from you ~ Get lost you fool ~~~~
There was NO live feed. Stop lying. Oh, that's Right, you can't. :eusa_liar:
Video of the assault was recovered 20 days later from the more than 10 security cameras at the compound. The Right-wing liars at Forbes turned that video into the "live feed" and assholes like you swallowed their bullshit whole.

You have called me a liar several time now without a shred of evidence, a link, a source. NOTHING saying where the president was and you say there was not live link to the Situation Room where of All the Places in the world there most certainly was a live link and could see in real time what exactly was happening. There was a live Drone sending information directly to the Situation room. That part of the Scandal that people watched live and Did NOTHING.
1. Testimony by Charlene Lamb who was the one who began the live link ~
Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack.

Now you get to work to Prove me Wrong without your snide remarks and name calling.

This good enough for you?

snopes.com: Attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi

Origins: The claim that top Obama administration officials were gathered in the Oval Office watching a real-time video feed of the September 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, but did nothing to intervene appears to have originated with a 24 October 2012 Forbes op-ed piece ("White House Watched Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond"), the opening paragraph of which is quoted in the example block above.

However, that description is a rather distorted version of what the news sources it references (CBS News and ABC News) actually reported. A CBS News story from that same day ("U.S. military poised for rescue in Benghazi") stated the following: Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.

The audio feed of the attack was being monitored in real time in Washington by diplomatic security official Charlene Lamb. CBS News has learned that video of the assault was recovered 20 days later from the more than 10 security cameras at the compound.

The government security camera footage of the attack was in the possession of local Libyans until the week of Oct. 1. The video will be among the evidence that the State Department's review board will analyze to determine who carried out the assault.

According to that report, it was not the case that President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of Defense Panetta, and a national security team were "watching real-time video of developments from a drone circling over the site";

rather, a single diplomatic security official was listening to an audio feed of events in Benghazi. Security cameras in the U.S. consulate compound did record video of the events as they unfolded, and a U.S. surveillance drone camera did capture the last hour of the attack, but neither of those sources was watched real-time by officials in Washington, as the consulate video recordings were not recovered until weeks after the attack:
Video footage from the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, taken the night of the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks, shows an organized group of armed men attacking the compound, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who have seen the footage and are involved in the ongoing investigation.

The footage, which was recovered from the site [during the first week of October] by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, offers some of the most tangible evidence yet that a military-style assault took place, according to these officials.

The Obama administration has been studying the videos, taken from closed-circuit cameras throughout the Benghazi consulate’s four-building compound, for clues about who was responsible for the attack and how it played out. The two officials [said] that analysts are hoping to decipher the faces of the attackers and match them up with known jihadists.

In addition to the footage from the consulate cameras, the U.S. government is also poring over video taken from an overhead U.S. surveillance drone that arrived for the final hour of the night battle at the consulate compound and nearby annex.

Read more at snopes.com: Attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi
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OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do??? From 2012 Hahahhahahhaaa ~
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
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OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do???
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:
OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do???
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

OK so there was a live feed. You've been proven wrong.
The only question is, Why are you still here?
Dude (slavery /Watergate/2nd Iraq War/9-11-01/etc) was like more than 2 years ago...
OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do???
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

OK so there was a live feed. You've been proven wrong.
The only question is, Why are you still here?
Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.

How does one WATCH audio, fucknut?
OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do???
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnKPt0Bg_IY]Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube[/ame]
Here is a live video during the attack.

Does it look like a demonstration?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDNjxRHOquA]Breaking: Benghazi Attack Video: NO DEMONSTRATIONS, NO GUARDS, JUST ATTACK SQUAD - YouTube[/ame]

This is the kind of thing you see on Muslim streets when you're an American in hiding and on your own......
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g8K9MyunGQ]Michael Savage: Ambassador Stevens Raped and Sodomized Before Murder. - YouTube[/ame]
The White House had a live video feed of the Benghazi attacks as they occurred.

David Dewhurst on Monday, October 14th, 2013 in an interview with the Texas Observer
Dewhurst, suggesting Obama's impeachment, airs ridiculous claim about White House fielding live video of Benghazi attacks as they occurred


Dewhurst, suggesting Obama's impeachment, airs ridiculous claim about White House fielding live video of Benghazi attacks as they occurred | PolitiFact Texas
The White House had a live video feed of the Benghazi attacks as they occurred.

David Dewhurst on Monday, October 14th, 2013 in an interview with the Texas Observer
Dewhurst, suggesting Obama's impeachment, airs ridiculous claim about White House fielding live video of Benghazi attacks as they occurred


Dewhurst, suggesting Obama's impeachment, airs ridiculous claim about White House fielding live video of Benghazi attacks as they occurred | PolitiFact Texas

Who the fuck is David Dewhurst???
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

OK so there was a live feed. You've been proven wrong.
The only question is, Why are you still here?
Unfortunately the Dude was in the situation room watching the live feed says the POTUS was not there.

How does one WATCH audio, fucknut?

So there was a live feed. Please tell us there was no live feed.
OMG ~ SNOPES.com is the best you can do???
Please note that my #1 link was from State.gov from testimony from a congressional hearing by Charlene Lamb who was the person that turned on the system that send the live links to the Situation Room

I'm arguing with 2 complete Idiots ~~~

Paperview you can neg rep me all day long it still doesn't prove your point and you still Fail.....SNOPES.com hahahahahahahaaaa
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnKPt0Bg_IY"]Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube[/ame]
You did NOT see video from a drone :asshole:
You saw video from the cameras at the compound found 20 days AFTER the attack which the lying scum at the FOX Gossip Channel passed off to dumb assholes like you as live video from a drone and you were stupid enough to swallow it. You, and everyone else on the Right, are actually stupid enough to think a drone can shoot video from ground level!!!!! :asshole:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the lying scum at FOX!!!!!


Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.
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Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnKPt0Bg_IY"]Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube[/ame]
You did NOT see video from a drone :asshole:
You saw video from the cameras at the compound found 20 days AFTER the attack which the lying scum at the FOX Gossip Channel passed off to dumb assholes like you as live video from a drone and you were stupid enough to swallow it. You, and everyone else on the Right, are actually stupid ewnough to think a drone can shoot video from ground level!!!!! :ashole:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the lying scum at FOX!!!!!

U.S. military poised for rescue in Benghazi - CBS News

Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.

Nothing was "found 20 days later". Yes, the news outlets were given the feed 17 days later but the security cameras are all digital (and have been for years). Additionally, they were broadcast to a low-earth orbit secure spy satellites where they were relayed DIRECTLY to the White House the night of the attack.

Every embassy, every consulate around the world has the same capabilities and has had for years now. As soon as an attack were known (within 5-10 minutes), the OpSec room in the basement of the White House was watching it real-time. So was the President. I PROMISE you that. 20 years of serving in embassies around the world affords me that knowledge. Believe it or don't. That's on you.

I realize that you are trying to pick up this turd by the clean end - and it's no big deal. You feel the need to defend this administration; I get it. But keep this in the back of your mind and look at it objectively:

Richard Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace because he had knowledge of a cheap break in at the Watergate. No one was killed - no one was hurt. He lied - and as a result, he goes down in history as a crook (and deservedly so)

Your boy lied about the events surrounding the death of four americans in order to secure his re-election bid. He is a thug and he should be held responsible.
Audio, birdbrain -- audio.

This isn't in dispute. It was debunked long ago. Even most of the bubble dwellers have accepted it as fact -- there was no realtime video that night...

but if you're that sunk-deep in the bubble you won't accept it, then feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

In fact, be my guest. :lol:

What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnKPt0Bg_IY"]Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube[/ame]
You did NOT see video from a drone :asshole:
You saw video from the cameras at the compound found 20 days AFTER the attack which the lying scum at the FOX Gossip Channel passed off to dumb assholes like you as live video from a drone and you were stupid enough to swallow it. You, and everyone else on the Right, are actually stupid enough to think a drone can shoot video from ground level!!!!! :asshole:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the lying scum at FOX!!!!!

U.S. military poised for rescue in Benghazi - CBS News

Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.

Dude, the drone footage is classified.

This footage was released by the terrorists so they could brag about what they did.
What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube
You did NOT see video from a drone :asshole:
You saw video from the cameras at the compound found 20 days AFTER the attack which the lying scum at the FOX Gossip Channel passed off to dumb assholes like you as live video from a drone and you were stupid enough to swallow it. You, and everyone else on the Right, are actually stupid ewnough to think a drone can shoot video from ground level!!!!! :ashole:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the lying scum at FOX!!!!!

U.S. military poised for rescue in Benghazi - CBS News

Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.

Nothing was "found 20 days later". Yes, the news outlets were given the feed 17 days later but the security cameras are all digital (and have been for years). Additionally, they were broadcast to a low-earth orbit secure spy satellites where they were relayed DIRECTLY to the White House the night of the attack.

Every embassy, every consulate around the world has the same capabilities and has had for years now. As soon as an attack were known (within 5-10 minutes), the OpSec room in the basement of the White House was watching it real-time. So was the President. I PROMISE you that. 20 years of serving in embassies around the world affords me that knowledge. Believe it or don't. That's on you.

I realize that you are trying to pick up this turd by the clean end - and it's no big deal. You feel the need to defend this administration; I get it. But keep this in the back of your mind and look at it objectively:

Richard Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace because he had knowledge of a cheap break in at the Watergate. No one was killed - no one was hurt. He lied - and as a result, he goes down in history as a crook (and deservedly so)

Your boy lied about the events surrounding the death of four americans in order to secure his re-election bid. He is a thug and he should be held responsible.
So now the lie changes from watching a live drone video, since clearly the video the lying scum at FOX tried to pass off as drone video was shot at ground level, to watching live security camera video from the compound's many security cameras. The Right just can't admit FOX lied to them so they make up lies to defend FOX's lies.:eusa_liar:
What do you call real time?

I saw the video before and during the attack. It showed a bunch of angry assholes walking around with RPGs looking for the ambassador. What you saw was the aftermath videos.

The White House had a drone feed they were watching in real time. Are you saying they destroyed this?

Obama Was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi Attack! - YouTube
You did NOT see video from a drone :asshole:
You saw video from the cameras at the compound found 20 days AFTER the attack which the lying scum at the FOX Gossip Channel passed off to dumb assholes like you as live video from a drone and you were stupid enough to swallow it. You, and everyone else on the Right, are actually stupid enough to think a drone can shoot video from ground level!!!!! :asshole:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe the lying scum at FOX!!!!!

U.S. military poised for rescue in Benghazi - CBS News

Meanwhile, CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan reports that the FBI and State Department have reviewed video from security cameras that captured the attack on the consulate.

Dude, the drone footage is classified.

This footage was released by the terrorists so they could brag about what they did.
:asshole: There is NO drone footage to classify. Drone video was a lie started by Forbes and spread by the lying scum at FOX and swallowed whole by assholes like you.

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