DUers Claim Steven Crowder Caused Michigan Union Violence

Yep, a witness said Steven Crowder was the instigator.

Witness: Fox Contributor Goaded Protesters Before Being Punched

Hell, what normal person wouldn't want to punch a Fox News thug?

I don't know. A law abiding citizen.

The difference is wishing to and acting on that impulse.

I don't know how many times I've wanted to reach into the radio and throttle Chris Matthews for the vicious things he says.

But that's on the inside. :eusa_angel:

We're supposed to be civilized and law abiding. Well in a perfect world. Not what we are witnessing in this current climate of division brought on by liberals.

On the other hand, I do pray for a little smiting of certain individuals.

Has anyone else noticed that no liberal has yet to comment on the Union S>O>B's who trashed out that poor man's hot dog cart just because he was selling hot dogs to conservatives?

Calling him an Uncle Tom just for trying to make a living?
Just minding his own business and the evil commie union thug came along and thumped his innocent little nose.

But assault in America is OK when it is a Union thug doing the assaulting... Or so it would seem to Liberals.

Punching an obnoxious punk that gets in your face like a fool is as American as apple pie. You remember when the opportunistic shit of a reporter gets punched by the nice lady in "Die Hard"? It's like that.
Just minding his own business and the evil commie union thug came along and thumped his innocent little nose.

But assault in America is OK when it is a Union thug doing the assaulting... Or so it would seem to Liberals.

Punching an obnoxious punk that gets in your face like a fool is as American as apple pie. You remember when the opportunistic shit of a reporter gets punched by the nice lady in "Die Hard"? It's like that.

It's a criminal act. Plain and simple. And it's beyond disgusting how liberals are rejoicing in this act.
The worst of this is that the koch's have working class people pitted against each other, fighting each other instead of their mutual enemy - the kochs.

They won't know what hit them when they suddenly get a cut in wages or when their kid's first job pays $2.50 hour.

Oh, here we go again, the old scare tactic fantasy spin once again. The facts speak volumes, right to work states employee income rises 12%, union controlled states income increased 3.1%. Job growth right to work states increase 2.4%, in union controlled states decreased 3.4%. So please educate us some more.
But assault in America is OK when it is a Union thug doing the assaulting... Or so it would seem to Liberals.

Punching an obnoxious punk that gets in your face like a fool is as American as apple pie. You remember when the opportunistic shit of a reporter gets punched by the nice lady in "Die Hard"? It's like that.

It's a criminal act. Plain and simple. And it's beyond disgusting how liberals are rejoicing in this act.

We both know if the roles were reversed you would feel the same. If, for a hypothetical example, Olberman had shown up at some tea party rally and really got in everyone's face outside the Tides Foundation tent that was inexplicably there for some reason and got punched you would cum buckets. Quit with the act, your republican party mouthpiece wanted to get punched and he got punched, that's fine, he got the piece of propaganda he wanted and you get to hate working Americans that much more but I'll be damned if I think the prick deserves an apology or has the right to act surprised because everyone at Fox news has deserved a punch in their lying fucking face at one time or another for shit like this and I am amazed it took so long to happen.
You know the rightwing propaganda machine is going to lie about incidents like these.

Of course it was Crowder's fault.
Remember in 2009 when the SEIU guys got accused of beating up that guy selling flags, and all the rightwing loons went nuts over that in exactly the same way they're going nuts now?

Remember how it eventually came out?

NOT GUILTY. It was all rightwing propaganda, aka LIES.
During Tuesday's mass demonstrations that attracted an estimated 10,000 to the Capitol lawn, protesters of the right-to-work law the Legislature was passing and voting on tore down a tent rented by the Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity. Witnesses and Internet videos show protesters, some wearing union clothes, using knives or box cutters to cut the tent's ropes.
Clint Tarver, owner of Clint's Hot Dog Cart, said he was trapped inside as the tent came down and damaged about $400 in catering equipment. Tarver's hot dog cart, which is usually parked outside Lansing City Hall along Capitol Avenue, was not on the Capitol grounds during the incident.

(Detroit News) After 5 google pages of Pub BS websites...
The Koch punks asked for it, insisted on it, got it, and filmed it, for dupes only. To distract from from the disgraceful legislative hypocrisy...

Punching someone is harassment, pussies. lol
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Expressing a different opinion is not cause for assault and I don't care what your political viewpoint is. When you have a "mob" you get mob mentality...including assaulting someone you don't agree with. Quite frankly I find someone acting that way with the power of a mob behind them to be rather cowardly.

I'm amused by the contention by several progressives here that the union members were simply doing the same thing that the Tea Party did. Did I somehow "miss" all those out of control Tea Party folks punching out liberals? The riot police having to take to the streets to keep unruly conservatives from breaking windows and blocking traffic? I'm sorry but I must have blinked and missed when that all took place.
Expressing a different opinion is not cause for assault and I don't care what your political viewpoint is. When you have a "mob" you get mob mentality...including assaulting someone you don't agree with. Quite frankly I find someone acting that way with the power of a mob behind them to be rather cowardly.

I'm amused by the contention by several progressives here that the union members were simply doing the same thing that the Tea Party did. Did I somehow "miss" all those out of control Tea Party folks punching out liberals? The riot police having to take to the streets to keep unruly conservatives from breaking windows and blocking traffic? I'm sorry but I must have blinked and missed when that all took place.

Like I said earlier, I wonder what would have been the effect of some high visibility liberal organization like the ACLU setting up right in the middle of a tea party rally with a loudmouthed jackass like Kieth Olberman getting in people's faces all over the place? Do you still not understand what an incredibly provocative and potentially dangerous stunt this was? Besides, tea party rallies differed from this protest on one important point, the tea party had dozens, if not hundreds of gripes and were organized months in advance and were more a political rally. The MI protests just happened in response to another stupid stunt by the MI state government and was a more natural and potentially dangerous reaction protest where emotions were pretty raw, you just do not taunt a crowd like that. It is a testament to their restraint that one of the biggest organizational foes of labor unions only suffered a downed tent and a tap on the face.
Fox News thrives on inciting violent reactions. It's what they do...
Expressing a different opinion is not cause for assault and I don't care what your political viewpoint is. When you have a "mob" you get mob mentality...including assaulting someone you don't agree with. Quite frankly I find someone acting that way with the power of a mob behind them to be rather cowardly.

I'm amused by the contention by several progressives here that the union members were simply doing the same thing that the Tea Party did. Did I somehow "miss" all those out of control Tea Party folks punching out liberals? The riot police having to take to the streets to keep unruly conservatives from breaking windows and blocking traffic? I'm sorry but I must have blinked and missed when that all took place.

Like I said earlier, I wonder what would have been the effect of some high visibility liberal organization like the ACLU setting up right in the middle of a tea party rally with a loudmouthed jackass like Kieth Olberman getting in people's faces all over the place? Do you still not understand what an incredibly provocative and potentially dangerous stunt this was? Besides, tea party rallies differed from this protest on one important point, the tea party had dozens, if not hundreds of gripes and were organized months in advance and were more a political rally. The MI protests just happened in response to another stupid stunt by the MI state government and was a more natural and potentially dangerous reaction protest where emotions were pretty raw, you just do not taunt a crowd like that. It is a testament to their restraint that one of the biggest organizational foes of labor unions only suffered a downed tent and a tap on the face.

So it's the suffering of a painful defeat that excuses the unruly behavior of the union crowd? Is that your excuse for them attacking those with a differing viewpoint?

I'm curious, Occupied...when the Tea Party didn't get their way with national elections or local elections did they react with violence towards the winners? Did they block the streets with protests? Did they attempt to shut down duly elected legislatures from passing laws by blocking access to buildings?

Do you think that THEY weren't taunted by liberals following painful political defeats? So why is it that it seems to be acceptable behavior for unions and Occupy Wall Street to take to the streets and commit unlawful behavior? You credit the union folks with "restraint" because they didn't further injure someone or run those folks in that town out of town on a rail? The truth is...they don't have the RIGHT to deny someone else a public display of their political views. We don't operate that way in America a message that hasn't gotten through to the leaders of unions in Michigan. They threaten blood in the streets because the voters didn't agree with them. That isn't showing "restraint"...that's showing contempt for the rule of law and the Democratic process.
DUers Claim Steven Crowder Caused Michigan Union Violence

He's definitely got....

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During Tuesday's mass demonstrations that attracted an estimated 10,000 to the Capitol lawn, protesters of the right-to-work law the Legislature was passing and voting on tore down a tent rented by the Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity. Witnesses and Internet videos show protesters, some wearing union clothes, using knives or box cutters to cut the tent's ropes.
Clint Tarver, owner of Clint's Hot Dog Cart, said he was trapped inside as the tent came down and damaged about $400 in catering equipment. Tarver's hot dog cart, which is usually parked outside Lansing City Hall along Capitol Avenue, was not on the Capitol grounds during the incident.

(Detroit News) After 5 google pages of Pub BS websites...

Are you nuts?

Your own post says that the protestors tore down the tent. Using box cutters and knives.

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