DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

It doesn’t and I hope that the prosecution challenges this judge’s decision (as they are allowed to do) and the judge is removed from their position for this lunacy. NO ONE should EVER be able to use the excuse that they are too damn rich so their parents didn’t pay attention to them to get out of a crime. .

As i said before, that's just the cover story. The truth is the judge obviously took a bribe and that's why he should be removed.
Perfect example id how you confuse the crap outta me. Your opinions go whacko overboard on irrelevant things and not far enough on something like this.

The board notes you evaded the issue and can only respond by calling people whackos. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you have no idea what you're talking about. On one hand you say that the punishment of one serves as a deterrent for another, and then you say that criminals are going to act according to their own will, regardless of what the government does. That's a direct contradiction.
No, it’s not a contradiction. Read it again.

Criminals are going to do as they please. The rest of us are greatly influenced by law because we recognize both its importance and that we do not want to be in prison.
Not to mention that in other countries, where they actually DO rehabilitate offenders, they have a much lower incarceration rate.
Our incarceration rate has little to do with rehabilitation but rather inane practices like the war on drugs where we jail mountains of people for victimless crimes. There is something to be said about improving the system for those that are caught in it (jail tends to prepare you for repeat offenses) but that has absolutely noting to do with this particular case.

BTW – there ARE rehabilitation programs that this child would be part of in juvenile detention. Those programs already exist and are actually fairly robust in most states. I would have to do more research for his particular state but I have serious doubts that he would not receive the attention that he needs in jail.
I'm aware that prison was never about rehabilitation, and that's the problem. It's about convenience for people like you and it's about making money to the people who own the prisons. However, there are a lot of methods to effectively rehabilitate offenders, both within the prisons and in the communities. America is just a lazy, ass-backwards corrupt fucking empire which will eventually reap what it's been sewing for all these years.
Well, hyperbole much? This entire statement is nothing but an asinine rant and then you accuse me of not knowing what I am talking about?

Take down the mirror and look at this without the hate.

I would like to point out that the supposed ‘condition’ that this child has comes from his parents not disciplining him enough and essentially allowing him to think that there are no consequences for his actions. What would be so damn laughable if it were not so pathetic is that the ‘solution’ for this is the EXACT SAME THING! They are ensuring that there are no consequences for his actions yet again even though he KILLED 4 people. Now tell me, if that was the core problem before how in the hell is this going to address it?

Simple answer – it’s not. And don’t tell me that the ‘program’ that costs half a million dollars over a single year is somehow a ‘consequence.’ We all know that is utter rubbish. A real consequence would be spending time in jail and undergoing some substance abuse therapy.
Man this thread is full of some stupid comments so far. Especially seeing as no one cared about these poor folks until some bobble heads told you to.


I understand your frustration with the situation, but did you ever stop to think that this kid probably has some issues, substance abuse most likely being one of them? It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but people like this need to get help and learn how to monitor their own behavior. They don't need to be thrown into the prison industrial complex where they'll receive little to no rehabilitation, just so you don't have to worry about them or what they may do next. That's exactly the type of lazy ass ignorant mentality that so many people in this country seem to hold. Treat the problem later by locking people up and throwing away the key, instead of attempting to prevent the problem from happening in the first place.

Fork rehab. I want this psycho locked up forever as an example to others. Speeding and drunk driving will never end if people think there is no penalty for it, even when they kills others. think

Perfect example id how you confuse the crap outta me. Your opinions go whacko overboard on irrelevant things and not far enough on something like this.

Not far enough on something like this?

Now color me confused – what is further than being locked up forever?

As a side note: SS is an admitted racist and bigot – what he types here is guaranteed to be confusing at time.
Interesting sidenote. I just noticed CNN has a topic on this and i went to post thinking i'd be first but they already have 11,000 comments!!! Surprised me. Maybe people have more sense than i thought and do care about highway homicide despite all the media propaganda telling them to ignore it.
As a side note: SS is an admitted racist and bigot – what he types here is guaranteed to be confusing at time.

You are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites. I oppose it and thus am anti-racist.
As a side note: SS is an admitted racist and bigot – what he types here is guaranteed to be confusing at time.

You are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites. I oppose it and thus am anti-racist.

Then why do white women take advantage of AA more than anyone else?

I don't know if they do but if so, it's still irrelevant. All AA must stop.
As a side note: SS is an admitted racist and bigot – what he types here is guaranteed to be confusing at time.

You are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites. I oppose it and thus am anti-racist.


How about you find a single post where I support affirmative action. I would like to see that.
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

I understand your frustration with the situation, but did you ever stop to think that this kid probably has some issues, substance abuse most likely being one of them? It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but people like this need to get help and learn how to monitor their own behavior. They don't need to be thrown into the prison industrial complex where they'll receive little to no rehabilitation, just so you don't have to worry about them or what they may do next. That's exactly the type of lazy ass ignorant mentality that so many people in this country seem to hold. Treat the problem later by locking people up and throwing away the key, instead of attempting to prevent the problem from happening in the first place.

To some degree, yes. But part of a sentence is to make sure others don't do this. One casualty, he can get off with probation. Laura Bush had a vehicular homicide in her past. The judge let her go, the right decision in my view. One, or maybe two.. he can get probation . six, caslties (four dead, two in the hospital for life) he needs 20 years behind bars. Especailly with the drugs involved, and the level of alcohol. He isn't recoverable.
Not going to second guess a judge about a case I don't know anything about beyond the headlines for it. But I will say that if this teenager grew up with television, then I'm not sure how anyone could say he didn't understand consequences or right and wrong.
To use the lingo of the Penology Industry, there are two kinds of "deterrence": Specific deterrence and general deterrence. When you lock someone up it deters THEM from committing the crime again while locked up, and the public sentence deters others who might otherwise engage in the same sort of conduct.

As sympathetic (or pathetic) as this kid might be, the fact that he was driving a lethal weapon recklessly and caused these deaths REQUIRES a public punishment that tells the world that his sort of criminal irresponsibility will not go without serious consequences.

It is usually a bad idea to second guess a sentencing judge when you don't know the facts of the case intimately, but in this case I think the public outrage is fully justified. Assuming he had some leeway on the length of the prison sentence, letting this kid off without any time in the slammer is a horrible miscarriage of "justice," no matter how you define it.
Interesting sidenote. I just noticed CNN has a topic on this and i went to post thinking i'd be first but they already have 11,000 comments!!! Surprised me. Maybe people have more sense than i thought and do care about highway homicide despite all the media propaganda telling them to ignore it.

Followup. It's now up to 14,000 just 8 hours later. And everybody wants the teen shot. People are finally getting smart about criminal drivers.
Laura Bush had a vehicular homicide in her past. The judge let her go, the right decision in my view.

Then, you're an idiot. Laura bush ran a stop sign and killed a guy. That's at least vehicular homicide and it may have been murder since the victim was a former boy friend. !!! Nothing was done to her. Was never charged with anything. Her parents were rich too and bought off the DA.
The big reason judges usually give out light sentences for highway homicide is because the auto industry pays them to. The industry wants people to continue to drive crazy and cause crashes. Car crashes mean car sales.

Prove it or shut up.

HAHAHA. Why deny the obvious, you moron? If you want to say the auto industry doesn't buy off judges, then the burden of proof is on YOU. Let's see it, bigtalk.
It is usually a bad idea to second guess a sentencing judge when you don't know the facts of the case intimately, but in this case I think the public outrage is fully justified. .

BS!!!!! Second guessing judges is the duty of every citizen. Every judge is a crook taking bribes.
I understand your frustration with the situation, but did you ever stop to think that this kid probably has some issues, substance abuse most likely being one of them? It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but people like this need to get help and learn how to monitor their own behavior. They don't need to be thrown into the prison industrial complex where they'll receive little to no rehabilitation, just so you don't have to worry about them or what they may do next. That's exactly the type of lazy ass ignorant mentality that so many people in this country seem to hold. Treat the problem later by locking people up and throwing away the key, instead of attempting to prevent the problem from happening in the first place.
Rehabilitation? What about the 4 innocent pedestrians that were killed? Do they get a chance at rehabilitation? What about their family members? What kind of justice did they get?

So now we have a new approach here. Let's just forget about providing justice to the 4 victims and their family members, it is far more important that we concern ourselves with rehabilitating the criminal.

And tell me how imprisoning someone for the rest of their life brings any justice to the victims? Does it bring them back from the dead? I don't think so. So your argument is redundant. I'm not saying he should have walked away scott-free. I'm just saying that examining and treating the underlying factors of atrocities such as this is a lot more efficient as far as prevention goes than just throwing someone in a hole and forgetting about them. Though your argument leads me to believe that you're not at all concerned with preventing these instances, you just want people to suffer if they've caused suffering to someone else. Ever hear the saying an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?

What you are saying is, no killer should get life for killing someone.

This kid is thinking, I actually killed 4 people, so NO MATTER what I do, I will get away with it.

seriously, what could he do worse than kill four innocent people? As he now knows, he can kill and get probation because you know, he is rich and stuff.
This situation flies in the face of any sense of propriety. The following should not have had much weight at all.

"Emotional age of 12

Earlier Tuesday, a psychologist testified that the teen essentially raised himself.

His parents had a volatile and co-dependent relationship, and had a contentious divorce, said Gary Miller, who began evaluating the teen on the day he was released from a hospital after the wreck.

The parents argued often, which the teen witnessed, Miller said.

The teen’s father “does not have relationships, he takes hostages,” Miller said. Miller described the mother as a desperate woman who used her son as a tool to get her husband to act the way she wanted.

The mother gave the teen things, Miller said. “Her mantra was that if it feels good, do it,” Miller said.

The teen’s intellectual age was 18, but his emotional age was 12, Miller told Boyd."

Teen sentenced to 10 years probation, rehab in 4 deaths | Crime and Safety | News from F...

so If you are rich, use this defense.

Fuck that. He cant do jail because he was spoiled is what it comes down to. damn.
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

Ethan Couch crash: Drink driving teen who killed four is spared jail 'because he's rich' | Mail Online

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

Sadly, Texas loves to go lite on drunk drivers.

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